Did HBK have the right send-off?


Dark Match Winner
Ok, since this is my 1st official post, I would like to raise a question about HBK's send-off. Now, if this is the wrong post OR it has already been posted, please bare with me as I am NEW.

I have seen WWE give great send-off's to people that have in-turn, basically, side-swipped the WWE. Take Ric Flair, Ric Flair (although one of the greats) and I am not taking anything away from Ric Flair, he get's this ENORMOUS send-off and then goes right to TNA? Jeff Hardy, get's this AMAZING push and then Fire-works, Confetti, etc. and then bam, Jeff goes to TNA? I mean really, the list just goes on.

Now, granted, all those wrestlers are great indeed and have the right to go where they may, but, now take a look at HBK. Here is a guy that Stayed with WWE/WWF his ENTIRE career! I mean, shoot, just look at the accomplishments that God blessed him with and his career. And then, the send-off HBK gets is what, a Mic to (apparently) take as long as he'd like? Ok, cool, but no wrestlers come out, only HHH at the very end and Undertaker at the top of the ramp? I mean, don't get me wrong, it was cool. I guess I was just thinking maybe HBK could have received more? Eh, I could be wrong, just thoughtful thinking.:rolleyes:
Honestly, as humble as HBK had gotten toward the end of his career,he probably asked for it not to be a huge deal. The guy had been taking us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions for the past two decades, so I'm pretty sure he just wanted to bring it to a quiet end. The Undertaker thing was probably planned, Hunter probably went out on his own accord which I loved because I always admired the brotherly bond they had with one another. Had it been left to WWE, they probably would have violated fire codes with all the pyro they'd bring out for Shawn.
I would say his send off was more than proper. Shawn might very well have only requested a small thing, and Triple H coming out in the end. And really it makes for a much better send off than the one Ric Flair got. because let's face it, The majority of Shawn's buddies wouldn't have been able to show up, because they were in TNA. So it wouldn't have been half the send-off compared to Ric Flair, where the majority of his friends and past works with WWE backstage, or is completely retired.

Shawn got the time to talk with the crowd, to let out what he needed to say, and ultimately to say his goodbye's. Besides I would say that the small video packages throughout the evening, the on-screen nod from Undertaker, and the ending with Triple H was far far better than Ric Flair's goodbye which had practically the whole roster filling up the entrance ramp.

Sure the whole roster is a big deal, but I'm sure half of them were just there because it's Ric Flair, these people for Shawn was most likely the two closest friends he had active in the business at that given time within WWE walls. So I'd say it's more than a fine goodbye.
I thought his career ended in a great way, he brought DX back and won the tag titles which was soo cool!

He had a pair of matches with 'Taker at mania which were probably the best matches in WWE history.

And his send off was just right, he poured his heart out, the fans showed their respect, HHH and Undertaker made an appearence showing their respect, I mean what more could you ask for? Shawn has a PERFECT end to his career.
hey this is just the article i was waiting to comment on.yah ur rite,hbk deserves more than just an ordinary send off.ric flair is not a great wrestler,hes not a great performer,hes not great in pulling of top matches.but shawn is all of that.
hey this is just the article i was waiting to comment on.yah ur rite,hbk deserves more than just an ordinary send off.ric flair is not a great wrestler,hes not a great performer,hes not great in pulling of top matches.but shawn is all of that.

Are you FUCKING serious? Have you not seen some of Flair's early work back before he turned 93? Flair is quite possibly one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, and just because you aren't old enough to have seen any of his good work is no excuse. Youtube is there for a reason.

I personally think HBK's send-off was... well, probably the best we could have gotten. No matter how they pulled it off, there would have been complaints from someone, and having him go out over an obsession with ending the Streak showed he still had heart, but maybe his body wasn't able enough to go the distance against the Deadman was enough closure for me.
Ric Flair wanted to wrestle. He never wanted to quit. So he joined up with Hogan. And Hogan owned Flair for 3 years, and so when Hogan went to TNA, Flair didn't have much of a choice. I would have preferred he stay retired, but whatever. Jeff Hardy is just an idiot. If he ever comes back I hope they job him into oblivion for being such a complete moron. Now...on to the point.

From what I remember, HBK wanted a modest send-off. He's pretty high up in the back, so I would guess that whatever he says, goes. He probably got exactly what he wanted. He's not one for all the glamour and adoration as much as he used to be. I don't think he would have been comfortable if all the guys he's ever faced came down to the ring and sent him off... I just don't think that's the way he wanted to go. Now, I would have preferred to see him go the same way Flair did. HBK is, in my opinion, the best there has ever been, and mostly likely will ever be. No offense to Flair, it's just my opinion. I think every wrestler who's ever laced up a pair of boots in the last 15 years should have came down to that ring and paid respect the man who helped put them all on the map and gave them the inspiration to do what they do. HBK is my favorite legend (until Jericho retires), and I think his retirement should have been a much bigger deal. But it's his choice. HBK was always loyal to the WWE, and I'm sure Vince took great notice of that. I would bet that you didn't see the real going away party for him. The whole staff probably partied until dawn... But, I also think HBK should still be wrestling... :) Seriously though, I am glad that he retired while he is still in good shape. But 2008-2009 showed why HBK can still be in the best feuds in history to this day. HBK vs. Jericho and HBK vs. Undertaker I were two fantastic feuds, and took place later in Shawn's career... But I am glad he went out on his terms, in good condition, on the biggest stage of them all.

Random thought... do you ever think about the WWE without the Undertaker? I mean, the guy is THE biggest legend, but you don't often think about it because he's just been around forever. When he retires, the entire wrestling industry should show up...
hey this is just the article i was waiting to comment on.yah ur rite,hbk deserves more than just an ordinary send off.ric flair is not a great wrestler,hes not a great performer,hes not great in pulling of top matches.but shawn is all of that.

WOW REALLY Flair works his butt off wherever he is/was TNA,WWE,WCW. This guy is just as recognizable as Hogan, Cena, and The Rock to non wrestling fans. As for Michaels send off I thought it was short, sweet and straight to the point. HHH coming out afterward was also very chill and not a huge deal.
Shawn got the perfect send off. He came on the show, got the nod of respect from 'Taker, said his final goodbyes and thank-yous to the fans, and left with his best bro Triple H. It was in my opinion a lot classier than Flair's exit from the WWE.
People will complain that Shawn didn't get the Ric Flair style send off but in reality he had the best kind of send off.
Old school wrestlers have a saying it's better to go out on your back, watch Beyond the Mat from 1999, when it comes to retirement go out on a loss is the best way, and Shawn did it perfectly with Undertaker, Main Event of a Wrestlemania in a rematch from the 2009 classic, had a run with HHH with the tag belts, put over the Miz and came to piece with Bret Hart, all in all pretty awesome ending to a career.
It was more than good enough IMO, he might have even asked for a quiet one, he was given the time he needed by WWE to go out and talk, Taker(the one who retired him, comes out, which was quite emotional and respectful), and then he is given his last chance to talk to his fans, the ending was good as well, who else would he want to come out other than his best friend Triple H...It was a great send-off IMO..
I thought it was awesome, it was his idea. He didn't want a big send off. I just hope he doesn't ruin his send off memories, like Flair did by joining that other weak ass company.
I think it was appropriate. I can easy see Shawn requesting something so small himself, and in the end, it had so much impact. I guess some wrestlers just want to leave quietly.

Swinging the topic here, but remember when the Rock left after the Goldberg match? That was about as quiet as it gets, but it was nice, cos he acknowledged the fans, said his catchphrase once more and then said his goodbyes quietly. (I know he made a fair few appearances in 2004, but this was the end of his singles career)
First, I appreciate everyone's comments! :) I definately can see how HBK's send-off was exactly or close to perfection! I just thought that it would have been cool to have a little-bit-more. Don't get me wrong though folks, I am Not complaining about HBK's retirement on RAW scene. And after seeing other reviews, I agree that the HBK retirement segment was a perfect ending.

To the comments about Flair and Jeff - I do not think they are terrible wrestlers, I believe that they were are are great performers and wrestlers.

Now, HBK, please do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT go to TNA or some crazy company like that. If you were to come back, can you please stay with the WWE:rolleyes:. You'd be like the if not one of the FIRST people to have done it! lol - Jesus has blessed you so much, I really do feel that it would be a dis-credit to go with some other company (not that they are bad).

In closing, yes, HBK's send-off was quite well done.:blush:
i agree with most of the other posts on here...it was a very nice send off.... i was glad it all worked out and bret could be there as well....here's hoping that bret inducts shawn in the HOF when the time comes...i think that would be epic!
I think it was fine. Someone said that he already took us on a roller coaster of emotions in the past two decades and I agree. HBK probably just wanted a quiet send off. From being a dick in the 90's (but still my favourite wrestler) to losing his HBK character in the 00's, he's took us along with his magnificent career, and his send off, was perfect.

LOL, that ending was so lame...
I think his send off was completely how Shawn would have wanted it. Since everyone seems to be comparing it to Ric Flair's send off, so will I. I think with Ric's that was a retirement on the WWE's terms, i don't think Ric wanted to retire, but i don't think that WWE had anymore plans for Ric, so they gave him the whole MASSIVE send off. With Shawn on the other hand, that ending was on his terms. I'm sure Vince wouldn't have minded if he stayed around for a few more years, but Shawn probably wanted to retire, so he did it how he wanted to.

I think it was done really well. And plus now, if he ever (not saying he will) decides to come back, the WWE wont look too stupid for giving him a massive send off just to return, like they kinda do with Ric Flair.
Everyone seems to have hit the point on how Shawn Michaels wanted a quiet humble send off, so I won't go to much into that. But to say, that the nod from the Undertaker was probably the best thing that could have happened. Those 2 were in the company almost 20 years together. The first hell in a cell match, where Shawn Broke his back, the best finish in Royal Rumble history, and then the 2 matches at Wrestlemania. Had the situation been reversed: I have always said Shawn was the only one worthy enough to retire <end the streak> of the UT. Perfect Send off. Made more perfect with the hug and the kiss from his best friend. I would venture to guess that even though they did not fill the stage like Flairs, the stars were probably all in the back lined up giving him a huge applause when he left the ramp. Probably alot more hugs and kisses as well. Would have meant alot more really, as that would have them giving their applause rather than a planned event.

I will say that my favorite part of the speech Shawn gave was the shot he took at Flair. "I always said that when I retired I wanted to stay retired". Loved it. Whomever said Flair has the right to come and go and wrestle for as long as he pleases...Youre Right. But to put Shawn Over as the guy who retires you. A guy you claimed was your friend, a guy who cried and told you he loved you because he had to do it. Sorry Flair, to do what you did to WWE is one thing. To do it to Shawn, thats another thing. Good for Shawn!!

Flair/Hogan = Bird/Magic, Brett Hart = Jordan.
Shawn was better than them all Combined.
There is a very big hole in the industry now, and I dont know who can fill it. If anyone.
Shawn got the perfect send off for him. It was. Very appropriate to Shawn's specific personality. That same send off would not have fit Flair, and Flair's send off would not have fit HBK. Two different personalities, two very different send offs. Some guys want the huge deal, some guys want the quiet, dignified exit. Shawn got his match, and he got his chance to talk to the fans at a personal level the next night. Which is exactly what he wanted.

Most wrestlers, even the all-time greats, rarely get any kind retirement moment like either Shawn or Flair got. Enjoy them as they happen..and stop wondering if it was the "right" moment.
Best send off ever, HBK signifies what being a wrestler is all about and that is the bond between a wrestler and his fans, and thats exacty what his send off was, him in the middle of the ring addressing everyone watching at home and everyone from the arena. I wouldnt trade his send off for anything
First and foremost HBK over the past 20 years has evolved back during the days of the rockers he was awesome as DX leader he was a dick but still awesome he wanted all the attention and back during those days he would've wanted the send off Flair got. Now fast forward to present day HBK humbled wiser beloved by all his send off was what he wanted it was very heart felt and a personal thank you to all the fans whether we loved him or hated him he still took the time to thank each and every one of us and the taker nod at the beginning of his speech was perfect. HBK's send off was on his terms not the WWE terms it was as he wanted it to be he had his closure and while i still miss not seeing him each and every Monday night I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for him and cannot think of a better way for him to go out then the quite way that he did.
As a few have already said- HBK has become a humble man as of late, and likely asked for the smiggen of a send-off. I think it should have been as big as Ric Flairs, at least it's the kind I would have given him. No one really mentions it, but "Shawn Michaels is the most honored champion in history."- J.R.

He was the original Grand Slam Champion, and the only one for about about 3 years. He was involved in a shit load of the best matches in other guys careers. Shawn Michaels as far as I'm concerned is just as big of a legend as Ric Flair, and I wish he'd had a bigger send off. Well, not so much a bigger send off, but you figure the E would mention him a little more often. You have guys compared frequently with legends on comentary, but no mention of Mr. Wrestlemania? I just find it odd.
Sometimes less is more, and that sums up Shawn's send of perfectly. Shawn hit all the points he needed to and spent the last few moments with the people he wanted to thank the most , the fans. Having the locker room out there would have been a distraction and would have watered down the moment. Shawn had a perfect send off... it was classy, concise and emotional. It was the perfect end to a great career.
First off, what's with all the TNA digs? Anyone know their history? After 'retiring' Flair spent over a year making sporatic appearances for the E and was involved in a non-sanctioned fight with Orton (his actual last appearance in WWe). From here (May '09), he became an onscreen character in RoH and then went on the (flop) Hulkamania tour of Australia. He finally turned up in TNA at the start of this year - almost 2 years after his 'final' match.

Allegedly, Jeff was offered a lighter schedule in line with the Undertakers and more money putting him in the top 5 earners - so I suppose the only conclusion is that he is as stupid as he currently looks.

From the British smart mags, Vince was concerned that a Ric style reappearance might happen and that was why it was a more downplayed affair - given that Kev, Scott and Kid were all in TNA at that time (I believe that he has also formed a friendship with Sting), I could see this having a ring of truth. Another thing is I could see Vince willing to bring Shawn back if the situation was correct. That having been said, I think Shawn would have prefered the send off he had because it was far more personal. Ric's felt like the business saying thanks and goodbye to him, Shawn's was him saying thanks and goodbye to the business.
I thought it was perfect for Shawn. Ever since he came back from his back injury he's been a different person. Much more humble than his pre-injury days. He never wanted the title, he wanted to let other people shine. So what a perfect way for this guy to go out than after one of the best matches of his career. It was a modest send off but I think that's how HBK preferred it.

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