Did HBK have the right send-off?

I think it was the best send-off...short and sweet......his best buddy in WWE coming out and then the Deadman.....that's good enough...
I think the send off for HBK was perfect. There was no way to improve on it. He was known for flashy intros and performances, but this wasnt' a performance. This was something that had been worked on for about the last year. It wasn't supposed to be over the top. That's not who he is. If you did it like 10 years ago, maybe. But the times changed, and his priorities changed, he became a mature, and grown, and thoughtful man with a new outlook. Read his book and you will see how his outlook changed. He knew it wasn't the pyro, or titantrons that made him who he is. It was him and the fans and the moment. That night after WM 26, it was about him, the fans, and the moment. The response he got at WM26 was all he needed, and the next night on RAW the feedback from the crowd was more than enough to let him know, and WWE creative know, that the decision to do it that way was the best way ever. Then you add HHH coming out, which is how it should be, and to add symbolism, the green x in glowsticks, and his final words "Ladies and Gentlemen, HBK has left the building." I think you'd be hard pressed to find a classier and more touching way for one of their key players in WWE history.
I think shawns send off was perfect undertaker cam out and hhh came out at the end visibly cryin. Only person missing imo was the hitman that's woulda been cool seein as how they talked and hugged after michaels match at wm. Sorry but flairs send off was lame it was cool to see his old rivals out there but come on batista and cena comin out just didn't do it for me what the hell did they have to do with his carreer not a thing other than batista bein in evolution big shit who cares lol shawns was perfect imo humble and to the point.

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