Dear Martha Hart:

Picture this: Martha Hart is given a choice.

She can have her husband back, and all the luxuries of his pro-wrestling career are taken away. It will be as if he was a veterinarian for his whole life and they live as a family on a meager income, possibly ostracized from the greater Hart family for not following in the pro-wrestling tradition.

Or, she can keep the luxuries of what we fans have given her and remain a grieving widow who was married to a human being of Owen Hart's quality.

Owen Hart had a choice, too.

He could have said "No" to the angle. What would have been the worst that would have happened? He gets fired.

I don't know how educated Owen was, but there are other jobs around. He could have started a wrestling school (similar to the Dungeon), retired (and he had saved a lot of money, so didn't need to work). He could have joined Bret in WCW. Owen had options. He had name-value, especially in Canada. You don't think that someone wouldn't offer him another job?

Owen shouldn't have done it, and should have refused to do it. I heard that Vince secretly respects those who stand up to him.

This way, Martha would be happy, because Owen is out of that "evil" company, and Owen would be alive today.

Also, her brother-in-law Bret Hart is a cautionary tale. Once, his biggest problem in life was being screwed over in Montreal was his biggest problem. But then a dud run in WCW, his career ending in a screwed-up move, two strokes, divorce, a motorcycle accident, and deaths to his brother, Owen, both his parents, and friend Chris Benoit, who he had dinner with him, Nancy and Daniel, gave Bret a massive reality check and taught him, that things could always be worse than the current problem you are dwelling on. Martha should learn that, as bad as Owen's death is, she still has her kids and other good things in her life.
Nobody suggested that at all. I don't know where in the world you got that.

Good, then you can watch Owen's matches there.

Yes, you specifically said in your post it has nothing to do with telling Martha to get over Owen's death. Then you went on to contradict that with the rest of your post. Kind of like saying 'with all due respect' before totally disrespecting somebody.

"With all due respect, Mr. Dennit, I had no idea you'd gotten experimental surgery to have your balls removed."


To get on topic though, it's absolutely asinine to levy any fault at Martha Hart for any reaction she has towards WWE in regards to Owen's unfortunate passing. To be pissed off because you can't get a DVD is beyond selfish, and beyond childish - it's downright disgusting.
She doesnt have that choice... Harsh but true... She WAS married to a wrestler... She chose that...

What I really don't get is the apparent assumption that Martha is ignoring the great things that we fans have afforded her through our adoration of her late husband, the apparent assumption being that she's so focused on never forgiving the WWE that she's neglecting to recognize our generosity.

I don't think it's odd that Martha might not care about what we've afforded her in that she has to live with a level of grief that I can't even imagine. I'm sure that she would easily give up everything to have Owen back.

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