Dagger's Video Game Walkthrough Series

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I had an idea for a series of threads in the video games section. I've had the urge to replay some old classics lately and make walkthrough videos in the process. I will probably post the videos to youtube, but I had a second idea. What if I make a series of walkthrough threads for these games on here? For example, I could post a video that has part of the walkthrough in it (9 minutes or less for each video part) then provide an in-depth post about secrets, stategies, trivia, etc, about the part of the game that the video in that post deals with, until I have gone through that whole game.

I thought that this would be a fun idea. Would it be against the rules for me to do this? It wouldn't be spam since I'd have the in-depth post included under each video part. I will probably do Final Fantasy 4 first, but this will not be limited to just RPG's. I'd also plan to do other stuff like Mario or Zelda.

I might or might not do this, just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in these.... it would give some much needed attention to the video games section.
Well I don't think many of us use walkthroughs. Everyone here that plays games are pretty darn good from my understanding. I'd use them though. I don't know how I would have gotten past Prince of Persia without a Walkthrough.
Well I don't think many of us use walkthroughs. Everyone here that plays games are pretty darn good from my understanding. I'd use them though. I don't know how I would have gotten past Prince of Persia without a Walkthrough.

It could also be fun to watch/read for the nostalgia alone, since I'm planning on doing older games.
I've been too busy to update my series as of late. But I would defiantly approve of your idea. Go for it.
First episode should be ready soon. The video itself is 10 minutes and 50 seconds long, it goes from the intro to right before the first cave, not sure if we have any limits on how long videos we post can be, but I'm going to try to keep all of these under 9 min each if I can. I've posted the video to my youtube and I'm gonna type up the post to go along with it sometime tonight or tomorrow.
Episode 1 of my FF4 walkthrough is up, check it out in the video games section. #2 coming tomorrow, if I have enough time.
I would watch it if:

A) I had interest in Final Fantasy

B) I had fast internet.

There's an actual post too alongside the video, you can look at that if you want.

If I may make a suggestion for after this one, just for fun:

Conker's Bad Fur Day.

I actually haven't played that one. FF4 will take me maybe 2 weeks to get through, then I'll do the next one. Right now I'm thinking it will be Zelda: Link to the Past. I'm open to suggestions for future walkthroughs.
A Link to the Past is the greatest video game of all the times.

I would be interested if you could beat Mario 3 in eleven minutes like this kid...

A Link to the Past is the greatest video game of all the times.

I would be interested if you could beat Mario 3 in eleven minutes like this kid...

Not sure if I can beat Mario 3 as fast as that guy did.... but as far as Link to the Past goes.... my record is 2 hours 45 minutes, I had every item except for some of the heart pieces and didn't die. It usually takes me 3 to 5 hours to play the game in its entirety and get most of the items in the process.
Episode 2 is now up. This one has more action than the previous one did, the first boss fight and a few battles.
Actually FTS it took me a little over 11 minutes, thanks though.

And that one is clearly done with a game genie (he hits something at some point and loses no life thingy)

I can do it in 20 mins.
A couple of days delayed, but episode 3 is now up. This one sees a boss fight and a new character joins. Check it out in the video games section.
OK when we see new post video games sections, Daggers walkthrough series we think oh Daggers posted a new post on his series. You then don't need to tell us in here.
Alright so I just got Edward and I gotta level him up quite a bit before I can put episode 5 together. Cecil and Rydia are way ahead of him, and I like to have a party with no one being too far behind the others when it comes to character levels, for most of the game.

I'll have it done maybe tomorrow or monday, we'll see.

I would like to suggest Banjo Toey from the N64.

Never finished it.... What are some other suggestions you might have?
What consoles you got Dagger? Funnily enough, I did consider going into a Let's Play series and going with Mario (64, Sunshine and Galaxy) in the build to Galaxy 2. But it is time and energy as people have said.

You got the first Banjo Kaazooie? Or Goldeneye (00 Agent Mode)?
What consoles you got Dagger? Funnily enough, I did consider going into a Let's Play series and going with Mario (64, Sunshine and Galaxy) in the build to Galaxy 2. But it is time and energy as people have said.

You got the first Banjo Kaazooie? Or Goldeneye (00 Agent Mode)?

NES, SNES, Gameboy, 64, DS, PS2, and Wii. Also still play my PSX and Gamecube games through backwards compatibility of the PS2 and Wii.

Goldeneye would be tough to do a video walkthrough for, as I really struggled with unlocking 007 mode. I'd be interested in seeing you do Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy. I'm more likely to do SNES or NES games in my series, so if I do a Mario walkthrough it'll probably be Super Mario World or one of the Super Mario Bros games.
Been a while since I bumped this thread.

I thought I would be finished with FF4's walkthrough by now. It's taken me a long time due to having so much on my plate at the moment (Class, involvement with multiple organizations on campus, working on Division Blade, Wrestlezone, and making the walkthrough videos) so if I have to cut something out from that list then it's going to be making videos since that eats up A LOT of my time. First there's playing the game while recording, then editing 10 to 30 minutes of footage down to 9 minutes so youtube will accept it, then another 2 hours to upload it to youtube. I have many other things going on, and the addition of making those walkthrough videos has begun taking its toll.

I am determined to get ALL of FF4's walkthrough into video form at least, no worries there.

A reasonable solution is this.... I'm thinking of doing just text walkthroughs after FF4 and only providing a video for particularly awesome moments of those games. That way there's still some video footage and not nearly as much time will be spent on editing/uploading the videos.

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