Coolest ring entrance ever

In no particular order
Undertaker-Minstry of Darkness and Biker they were both Great. The Biker got you excited and The minstry of Darkness just scared the living hell out of you.

Eddie Guerrero-I couldnt wait to see what kinda Low-rider he had this week.

John Morrision-The Slow Motion the fireworks it looks real legit.
I'm shocked Chris Masters hasn't got mentioned yet.

The music, the way he sat in that "thinker" pose with the robe covering him, The video showing him in such a light that he almost looked like a real statue - That entrance was incredible.

Best of all time though... It has to be Taker.
IMO the greatest entrance of all time has to be Ric Flair. The music and robes. It was like God was in the building. Everyone knew who was coming.

2: Has to be the horsemen. The music with the horses in the beggining. That was genius. Nobody else could ever pull that off.

3: DX/New age outlaws. These two are equal in my mind because they were a group at the time. Not only the music but the pyros and the way they play to the crowd was amazing.

4: Undertaker. The guy has fire,smoke,druids,lightning strikes. On top of it all the lights go on when he raises his hands.

5: Had to be Shawns wrestlemania entrance with the zipline from the ceiling. Other than Jeff Hardy(even though he never did this) would be crazy enough to try that. Since were on the zipline and reppeling idea lets throw sting in there as well.

As for all you people that said HOGAN!!!! WAKE UP!!!! He had nothin special. He played a song and walked to the ring. The best part of the entrance was him ripping his shirt off. When he won a match it was better. He played to the crowd more after a match then the beggining.
Some of my favorites:

The Freebirds: When "Freebird" or "Bad Strreet U.S.A." would start the fans would boo like crazy even though they did get some cheers.

The Road Warriors: When "Iron Man" would start you couldn't wait to see the Warriors run down to the ring and pound the snot outta their opponents !
1. The Deadman Undertaker: No need to really explain it. It started off awesome, and will end awesome! Best entrance ever!

2. The Ultimate Warrior: The dude would go a hundred miles an hour to the ring and go nuts shaking ropes. A lot of times he would just go right after the opponent or the opponent would go right after him.

3. I can't decide between the 2. So I will make my 3rd choice a tie. I loved The Rock's Heel 2003, Hollywood entrance. Also, Goldberg in WCW. When Doug Dillinger would pound on his door when it was time. You would see the door get nailed from inside, and then Goldberg would basically rip it off the hinges. He would come out with blood on his forehead from the locker headbutts. The long walk, pyro and Goldberg chants was awesome!
John Cena's rapper entrance was amazing just because he had the talent to bring things from culture and tie them in with his storyline. As Eminem was reaching his height, the rapper gimmick and freestyle entrance was so cool and mainstream. Not to mention that Cena can freestyle with the best of them while throwing in insults. Booking Genius and Best entrance ever in my eyes.
1. HBK - im sorry but NO ONE has had more charisma that HBK walking down that aisle, ever.
2. Real American Hogan - the epitome of stardom
3. Undertaker - saw it at WM26 and it blew my mind
4. DX - highlight of monday nights!
5. Four Horsemen - epic to say the least, made you feel like something was happening.
6. Dusty Rhodes - oh man oh man energy and charisma, he was the man.
7. Ric Flair - class and intellect, cocky yet poised, perfection.
8. Mr. Perfect - with coach, the gum, and the towel! truly perfect.
9. The Brood - dark and absolutely flawless for that stable.
10. The Rock - just fucking epic
11. SCSA - simple and to the point
12. Trips - just screams someone is in trouble
13. RVD - the "walk" entrance in ECW, fantastic, cant believe no one has mentioned it.
14. Goldberg - epic, thunderous, perfect entrance with a bland character
15. Y2J/DDP - both of them just had magnanimous energy

hbk takes the cake though, such style, such charisma... the best ever in my opinion!
In no particular order, here are my faves
The Brood-Like others said, it was just freakin' awesome and the music was perfect. I always thought Gangrel would look better and add to the feel of the gimmick if he wasn't always grinning like a loon. More sinister look, and maybe a sneer here or there, but his kool-aid grin took away from the creepy/sinister package. Plus, loved his ddt finisher.

Ultimate Warrior-Come on, this was electric. Back in the day, all a crowd had to hear was the first "thump" w/the music hinting in the background and they knew. And they went ape shit.

The Sandman- the epitome of interactive entrances. This was a guy that would own the entire building for as long as it took to get to the ring. He seemed like he took more punishment in the ring than his entrance and crowd reaction would make you believe, which always puzzled me, but the entrance was awesome and will always be one of the best, IMO.

Bret Hart- Like another poster mentioned, the initial "screech" meant you instantly knew what was coming. The confident, slightly cocky stroll to the ring, the giving away of the glasses, and the simple "come on" motions in the ring were nothing extravagant, but he made them, dare I say, excellent.

The Undertaker- I don't think I need to explain this one. Fit the character perfectly and was a show unto itself.

Chris Jericho- Who couldn't feel the anticipation and the electricity of this entrance? Timing was just perfect too, with the new millennium to tie into his "defection" from WCW. It was Jericho's best move, one of Vince's best decisions, and will always remain in a category of it's own.

Randy Savage- while not a super flashy entrance with pyros or lights or pounding rock music, or anything like that, he pulled it off and made it memorable by just being the Macho Man. Plus, nothing says "macho" like coming to the ring and looking like a bad ass to some high school/college graduation ceremony music.

The Boogeyman- Can't believe nobody mentioned him yet. For the short time he was in WWE he always delivered with his entrance. Creepy good fun to be had by all!

And, while not all faves of mine, still awesome entrances that rank w/the best and still had my adrenaline pumping when they happened...

Shawn Michaels/DX- I put these two together because, well, just because. Michaels' entrance was indeed a 'showstopper". You couldn't help but feel the energy and the upbeat nature of this entrance. It was like a pop song you said you didn't care for, yet found yourself tapping a foot, bobbing your head, or even dancing to outright simply because you couldn't help it. DX was the same thing, it electrified the place when you heard that simple, first phrase.

Hulk Hogan- While definitely not a Hogan mark, I will say that I remember the definitive years of the WWF while still a lad. And the Hogan entrance back in the day was just amazing. The music was like Michaels', even if you didn't like the guy coming out to it all that well, you still found yourself singing along and/or mimicking the movements to it. That song, plus Hogan coming out like he was standing up for the world and everything right and good and sometimes even standing up for you personally, was just iconic.

LOD- Come on, the spikes, the face paint, the attitude? These guys just screamed bad ass.

Kane- another perfect fit and awesome entrance. The red lighting, the music, the pyro, all made you feel like you were about to be engulfed by flames.

Mr. Anderson/Kennedy- another case of the entrance matching the man. When he first debuted, I was like "ugh". After a while, I caught myself doing it along w/him. Now, he's perfected it in TNA to the point that you can't help but do it. One of the better modern entrances to match a great personality.

Chris Masters and Goldust- For the same reasons. Very flashy, well produced entrances for the characters and helped garner attention for these guys. This also fits Val Venis.

"Leapin'" Lanny Poffo- Ha! Had to put this one in. Pre-Genius Lanny w/the frisbees and the poems. Could have went in other directions based on Lanny's likes and dislikes, but they matched the entrance w/his interests and was very unique. I liked this back in the day, and I'm sorry, but anybody that can pull off this kind of entrance and actually have a fan following deserves mad props!

And I think I'll wind down the list with 2 more. First off, I want to mention
Koko B. Ware- His gimmick could have bombed w/out the entrance that he had. It was kind of like a flashy, feel good "Apollo Creed in Rocky" kind of entrance. It just made you smile because of how good natured and positive Koko was. And yes, you know it and I know it, Frankie was cool.

And lastly, I'm going to include Kamala. This guy had a great entrance. Basic costume based on his gimmick and actually looked the part and was scary early on as a heel. Kind of got less scary when he became a face, similar to George "the Animal" Steele, but when he was heel he did have a frightening feel to him. On a side note, I was almost trampled by him as a young teen. Went to an event, and long story short, after his match (main event vs. Koko, actually) the crowd was dispersing, but they were still finishing a segment where he chased his handler Kim Chee back to the dressing rooms. I was talking to my friends and not paying attention, saw Kim Chee run by and kind of turned my head to see a big, huge, hulking Ugandan Giant barreling straight at me. I had barely gotten out of the way (I was between the bleachers and the rows of chairs on the floor) before he went flying by me as I thanked the good Lord above I wasn't trampled.
I just want to point out something that is relevant in this thread. Hopefully, some of you will agree.

I honestly believe that in the business of pro-wrestling, when done in its entirety, Drew McIntyre has the greatest non-pyro entrance in the business. His entrance theme song alone is totally badass. Couple that with the television magic and spice that the WWE has added to it in the form of playing the beginning of the video and song on our television screen during the quiet intro and fading into his slow, melodic walk to the ring after the song kicks in and you've got an extremely unique and badass entrance.

It just goes to show... you don't need fireworks to excite or rile up a crowd after an entrance.
How about "Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant and his "dance around the ring (especially at the WTBS studios where the fans are up close), then get in and start wailing on the opponent while still in dance mode"? The trouble is, it loses something when they changed the music from Manhattan Transfer's "The Boy from New York City" (especially with the replacement piano music they use on WWE OnDemand) - it's like the Road Warriors without Black Sabbath's "Iron Man".

-- Don
my top three
3-taz that was badass. No reaction to anything, all bussnes to the ring.
2-hogan He was so memorial whenever he came out.
1-tie between undertaker and nWo These two had so many things that give them this. nWo had the black and white, plus they pulled off the heel part so well. Taker has everything. The flames, smoke, flickering lights, these give him his edge.
For me it's easily Stone Cold. When that glass breaks, he just marches out and walks down the ramp with swagger & attitude at the same time then when he gets in the ring, he climbs all 4 turnbuckles raising the finger. It's such a simple entrance without pyro, fireworks etc but it's very effective as you can hear from the massive pop he gets. On special occassions like Summerslam 98 & Wrestlemania 13, I remember there was a glass pane with Austin logo designs that were covering the entrance point and when it was time for Austin to come, the glass pane broke & shattered into pieces followed by Austin walking straight out which made his entrance even more cooler.

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