Who Has The Coolest Entrance in WWE Today?

The coolest entrance at the moment is Jericho. He has always had a great entrance theme, and now the entrance as a whole has been updated for his return this year. It still has the awesome music but now also includes the glowing jacket and incoporates red lighting alongside the familiar blue he has been using. Another favorite of mine has always been Triple H. I know the threadstarter asked us to not pick him for some reason, but his is my second favorite after Jericho due to the music and cool lighting effects. Then there's Brodus.... His is a good mix of cool and hilarious. The dancing and song are really funny, then you have some cool looking lighting effects which combine to make my favorite out of the newer guys' entrances.
Right now it's CM Punk for me, but when Orton was a sadistic heel back in 2009, I really loved how he walk slowly to the ring with a cold look on his face.
Love Punks and Jerichos and I think Bryan's works really well with the yes chants (kind of like the you suck chants really adding to Angle's). They all get you pumped up for the match, or maybe that just because I know with these 3 I am going to get a good-great match to watch.

There was a time when I thought Taker's entrance was great but it just takes to long for my liking now and I always find myself wishing it would just speed up.

HHH's one is really memorable great theme song and an entrance that really works well the whole spitting water above him always looks great for some reason.

Brodus Clay I can see what people enjoy it but it's just not Big Kish lol. Also I don't like the way it feels like his pyro is just a little of at the end. When he stomps down the pyro has already hit and it's not like it happens every once in a while it happens every time. He rips off the trousers and throws them down and before he stomps the pyro hits. Either move a second faster or slow the pyro down by a second.

I know this says today but some people have brought up older ones just for honourable mention and I am going to say The New Age Outlaws for that, who didn't love when these guys came out. Even has heels the whole crowd recited Road Dogg's shtick and loved it. Give him and Billy one shot at the tag titles just to hear that all over again :)

Now I think my favourite was Drew McIntyre's not sure if he still has the same one he once did after dropping so low on the card. But when it blended his movie to fade into him actually entering that was absolutely great. Don't remember seeing it before and it just a great way to enter. An image of you walking in that then becomes you actually walking in, in the same gear and in the same fashion. Yeah got to go with Drew's for this one.
I'm a Punk fan and Cult of Personality gets me every time!

For the sake of being unique I want to say Alex Riley. When the opening chords happen and the crowd pops they way they do for him it's pretty awesome. Also his energy coming out is amazing as well.

I also enjoy Kofi Kingston's entrance. The BOOM with the pyro is pretty awesome.
I say the uso's that battle dance is cool as heel plus the holler they make before their music hit is sweet. Its a nice new entrance other than them i will have to go with brodus clay but not for his dance for his sexy dancers
I'd have to go with Kane. Mainly because the Orchestra is back and I love that scream sound he makes before he comes out. I also dig the Horror set up like Jason is back and he's going to kill you. The Pyro is amazing as always and the taking off the Black helmet looking this is cool too. Kane has always had an awesome entrance. Tha's my favorite for now
Right now, tough call. No one really has an entrance that stands out anymore. Tensais used to be pretty good, having Sakamoto come out and assist him through and there was a sense of scale to his entrance (if you didn't know it was A-Train) Tensai felt like a big deal. Kane & Jericho, you can't go wrong with though they really haven't changed much. The Usos with Pyro is pretty badass as well and Brodus Clay, while a bit too flashy for my taste, fits in well.
I kinda like Bryan's entrance because when the first few seconds of that Valkyrie song hit, you don't know if that particular crowd is gonna cheer or boo
I'd have to say Christian. He has a very catchy theme song and when he comes out he looks for all his peeps. Idk why but it's my favorite. In WWE12 I gave myself Christians them song.
Well the likes of Punk and Jericho have been said a dozen times now, so I'll throw a different one out there. I love Henry's entrance, the song he has is perfect especially for the heel run he went on, the way they show him taking the stage, showing the "ALL WILL SUFFER" on the back of his shirt and then strolling to the ring with "somebody gonna get their ass kicked" in the background looking so confident, he looks like a boss when he comes out.
It is a tie between Daniel Bryan's, Jericho's, and...Big Angry Black Man--I mean Mark Henry.

I have a whole intro dedicated to Henry's entrance.

"Oh no. Hall of Pain...ALL WILL SUFFER! BIG ANGRY BLACK MAN! -insert scream here-
Honestly, the whole camera from out of Gorilla Position is extraordinary. It shows his massive physique and it's rather intimidating.
The Usos, Punk, and Jericho all come to mind. I've always hated Del Rio's because it takes too damn long and at this point has gone well beyond being repetitive.
Gold Medal for Best Entrance: Chris Jericho
The lights dropping out, the immensely cool lit-up jackets, the pyro and of course one of the best entrance themes in the history of wrestling. Jericho is a true entertainer and his entrance fits that. I haven't seen him at a live show since returning, but I'd love to see his entrance in person.

Silver Medal Runner-Up: Kane
I love the look of the giant screen covered in huge flames reaching the ceiling. The helmet he wears to the ring is interesting and of course the red lights and pyro seal the deal. I like how supernatural gimmicks can allow the shows to take on a really theatrical style, and Kane is a master of this sort of showmanship.

Bronze Medal: Daniel Bryan
His entrance was all he really got to do at Wrestlemania, and it was epic. The "YES!" signs throughout the crowd made that match an even bigger upset because it really felt like something special was about to happen. I've enjoyed Daniel Bryan's custom ring gear like his jackets or robes that he's worn. He really has a good understanding of what his character is and it's fun to get to know him over time. His theme is really fitting as well as the pointig bit he's been doing ever since he came to WWE. I predict more great entrances from Bryan in the future.
People who keep touting Jericho are pathetic marks...his entrance is tired out, tons of guys have the lights go out before their music starts. And the jacket is corny as hell.
I think Kane is my favourite entrance and for me by far the coolest. It establishes his character and what you need to know about him in a cloud of smoke and a single pair of explosive moments. The new mask is just an added bonus.

Daniel Bryan's entrance is an honourary mention for me because of how well he executes it. Mark Henry's gets a mention just because of the great choreography of it.

I'll also admit that Santino Marella's makes me laugh, but I don't think it exactly qualifies as 'cool'.
My current favourites are CM Punk (IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!), Brodus Clay and Alberto Del Rio. I enjoy seeing what kind of ridiculous car Del Rio is coming to have every night, plus having your own personal ring announcer is awesome. It's hard picking just one as the best, but I think Del Rio's slightly edges out those other two.
The Usos with their tribal dance entrance. Its very entertaining and shows their cultural history and signifigance. It also shows their wrestling heritage and how they are going to step up and destroy the competition. A great entrance for an up and coming tag team.
In my opinion, Kane has the best enterance because it is unique and sets a good vibe for his character. Kane has a slightly longer enterance than a lot of the other performers have and its very impressive that the ENTIRE enterance is entertaining, from the time the lights got out and we see him appear in his black mask, until the time he sets the pyros off in the ring and the lights turn back on and he reveals his red mask. If you had never watched WWE before and saw Kane for the first time, you would get a good idea of what to expect from his character after seeing his enterance.

I love Cena's, it's something new with the way he talks to the camera and what he says, plus his intensity is great, he also adds a bit of humor at times and you can tell he loves what he's doing.
I'm gonna have to go with Ryback on this one!
When I hear that bump, bump, etc, I THINK RYBACK and immediately get extremely pumped! I love the way he bobs his head to the music, things like that add so much to a character! Its the little things..... :drummer:

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