Who Has The Coolest Entrance in WWE Today?

I love talking about entrances. Cool entrances is one of the main things that got me interested in WWE in the first place.

With that said one of the first entrances I thought was so cool around when I started watching wrestling was Kane's. The organ music, the pyro, the badazz mask and attire and how he got the pyro to go off again after he rasied and lowered his arms in the ring was very cool. He's back to that type of entrance now and it's great.

Gotta give cred to CM Punk for his entrance taking Cult of Personality from Living Color and getting it to work for him. I love hearing the static then the music hitting. I just wish I liked CM Punk a bit more... :(

Drew McIntrye's entrance is actually one of the best, the tone of the theme and how it is a bit long and drawn out before Drew actually emerges. It was a great entrance for him when he first hit the scene and then became IC Champ but once he starting jobbing it kind of became funny. All that jazz for a big fat loss. :p

And yup, can't disagree... Brodus Clay's entrance is catchy as hell. I do wonder what will happen if they give Brodus a serious feud... like if he gets beat ... is he still gonna come out all happy and dancing or have to tone it down a bit cuz he's mad? :p

And I gotta give final props to Jericho's entrance. Loved it when it had the countdown, love the entrance pose. Current on is great too, lite bright jacket and all!
1. KANE - Easy #1 for me if we exclude the others listed in the OP. It's like being in a classic horror movie and accents his gimmick perfectly.
2. SIN CARA - Pretty sweet acrobatics when he doesn't fuck it up and the mood lighting is cool too.
3. BRODUS CLAY - Not a fan of him at all but there is nothing wrong with his entrance. The Funkadactyls are hot.
4. CMPUNK/DBRYAN - Make the list simply for the awesome songs they use.
CM Punk for me, I love the static and it's unique in that cult of personality is not a song you would thing of as entrance music. Brock Lesner is runner up for me as his music is just badass. His music hits and you get the feel that someone is going to get beat up.
CM Punk's entrance sucks.

The best entrance is of Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton besides HHH who has the best entrance.

WTF is so special about Brodus Clay's entrance ? Don't you guys get bored of hearing the same old Ernest "The Cat" Miller's song and watching him doing the same dance routine for months ?
I like Kofi's entrance. You here a "yup ya know!" "SOS!" then awesome colors for the pyro. also the songs a good up tempo which suits his high fly style and character.

Also RKO's entrance is bad ass too. when you hear the "i hear voices in my head" it just makes you go ooooohhhhhh maaaan. whos he rko next? the slow walk down the ramp helps it too

Now, here's my original post:

Yeah, Brodus Clay's entrance is probably the most produced entrance in the WWE right now. And yeah, people are still going crazy for it. I was at Extreme Rules a few weeks ago, and even though we're known for being a "heel city" and generally poop all over comedy acts, people freaked out over Brodus when his music hit! And I will say, the choreography from his WrestleMania spot with "Momma Clay" was impressive.

Personally, I think Randy Orton's entrance is the current "coolest" entrance in the WWE. Granted, you kinda have to define "cool", but I think it's the most bad-ass, if that helps! "Voices" hits, and it just pierces everyone and instantly wakes you up. It's sudden, and it fits Orton's "Viper" character extraordinary well. It's a great song, plus the way he just walks to the ring, staring down his opponent is pretty intimidating. The classic RKO pose on the turnbuckle just completes it for me, and I don't think I could see this entrance and not get pumped up for a match. Very much like The Rock, Orton's music hits and he marches down to that ring and demands respect, just by simply being there.

Chris Jericho's current entrance is pretty sweet as well. Lights go out, and instead of the old countdown, "break down the walls" just hits instantly and you know who's about to come out. The flashing lights and pyro are also pretty sweet, and Jericho's classic, cocky swagger on the way to ring wraps it all up.
CM Punk's entrance is currently my favorite. Love 'It's Clobberin Time'.

This live WM28 entrance video is dope. When the fireworks kick in with his song it's incredible. Punk's starts around 2:26 but Jericho's is at the start if you want to watch that.

Do yourself a favor and watch it in HD and full screen. Worth it!


"Look in my eyes" (bang bang bang, huge fireworks) F'n Awesome!
I too think its Brodus Clay. I mean he comes out and stuff, yea not really. It was cool the first 2 times and then wrestle mania, that was way to much.
I have always been a fan of the pyro intros and the ones that just have that just takes a split second you hear it and you start geeking out.
Pyro Classics – Edge, Batista, HBK, Jericho, Rey, Hardy, Kane
Hear and Know; Diesel, Austin, Rock, Hogan, NWO, Sting(original, a man called Sting), DX, HHH, HBK, Bret, Piper, Macho Man, 4 Horsemen, Flair, Warrior, LOD.
I going to say Jericho, he is pretty consistent with having good intros. I didn’t like the lite-Brite jacket at first but now I don’t mind it so much now. He really puts out the heel and cockiness on the way to the ring.
Randy Orton's is good aswell. I like the theme song goes really well with the character.
Kofi's is a little interactive when he would do the Boom x3 and the pyro would go off and to get the fans into it.
Jack Swagger was good when he would drop and the pyro would go off and he start the push-ups. It was different.
Kane's intro is up there I would say with Undertakers I didn’t name his cause it didn’t make sense you can pick Kane's but not Takers. Kane’s has never changed but that one time by mistake when it was green.
Now for CM Punk I liked the original when he came out. I don’t care for it to much now. I really don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t care for the song.
Good thread. I love the production side of professional wrestling, so I could go on and on about this. But, I'll try to keep it rather brief.

In terms of showmanship and production, I'd have to say it's a tie between Brodus Clay and the Usos. That being said, I think they could cut that first part of Clay's intro out and it would still be pretty good. The Uso's ceremonial dance is pretty cool, but not a fan of the music.

In terms of simplicity and "goosebumbps," my vote goes to the following people

C.M. Punk - Some people think his entry sucks, and that's their opinion. Me, I love it. First off, I love the song "Cult of Personality" and the band, Living Colour. So when the static hits and the first guitar riff plays, I'm watching. I liked it when he used Killswitch's song, too. Then, when Punk comes out and takes that knee before yelling "It's clobberin' time!", it just has a cool effect for me. Knowing the reason why he does that makes it even better.

Randy Orton - When you hear "I hear voices in my head...." and the lighting scheme hits, it just gets you up for it. The song perfectly matches Orton's persona - slithery, kinda eerie and dark. His old song, "Burn in the Light," and intro with the pyro shower and pose was pretty cool, too.

Drew McIntyre - At least his original entrance. His song was one of my favorites for a long time. The song fit the character perfectly. You'd see part of the video roll with the slow intro, then he'd walk out as the song really hits, sporting a cocky smirk on his face as he walked to the ring. Simple, but very effective. Too bad he got in the doghouse early and has been underutiilized ever since.

I also like Santino's entrance just because of the comedy behind it. He preps the Cobra, then makes that hilarious power walk down the aisle.
Alberto del Rio: His entrance is one of the best things about him. The fancy new car every week, the amazing pyro falling like a fountain and of course, Ricardo make ADR's entrance the coolest among the current lot.

John Cena: The crowd reaction makes his entrance much better. Whenever Cena's music hits, there is not a single fan that doesn't react. They may cheer or boo him but they react. Also, the fact that he says a few lines to the camera adds to his entrance.
Gotta admit I do love the production side of wrestling as well. That being said,
my favorite entrances, themes, pyro and all are:

Favorite Entrances:
Brodus Clay: When I first saw it, it was instant #facepalm. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever seen. But I watched it again and was instantly hooked. I was also at Extreme Rules a couple weeks ago and I got pumped for it when I walked in the arena and saw the disco ball hanging above the ring. The funkadactyls are fine, and I love the claw thing he does. Its hilarious.

Santino: Can't say enough about this guy. Yes its comedy and not meant at all to intimidate, but for entertainment value, its A+ work. The music to me was just ok, until he started doing the power walk to the ring. After that, the entrance was gold. Can't beat the cobra prep work either.

CM Punk: Though I did like his old music better, the new music better fits whats going on with him. The whole its clobbering time thing is great too.

Edge: Can't believe no one has really talked about this intro. That "you think you know me" and the song and smoke starts...him coming out of the smoke....awesome, then halfway down the ramp the Pyro display...freakin awesome.

Favorite Theme:
Chris Jericho....Break the Walls Down....Being a musician myself, I pay relatively close attention to theme music, and to me, this is one of my all time favorites.

Degeneration X....another hot one for me. Love it.
One I haven't seen mentioned yet is Kharma's. Easily the best diva .

Beyond that, Kane. And only a few months ago, a lot of people was complaining about Daniel's Valkyries remix music. How things can change in this business.
Brodus' entrance is definitely out there, and it gets the crowd paying attention.

For the "goosebump" effect, can't beat Kane, but I assume we're going for "new" entrances. There's really no "holy crap...it's on." entrances; I know...Living Colour and Ride of the Valkyries, yadd yadda... but really, I feel we are kind of going through a dull rebuilding period here as far as building up characters. They tend to build up a guy's entrance over time; remix music, add pyro/smoke/effects..etc. I'm going to put it as TBD.

Ps. we need a "worst entrance" thread.
I had a couple of questions posed to me wondering where Punk got "It's Cloberin' Time!" from, so here's the answer. It's from The Thing, part of Marvel's Fantastic Four. Before he was about to beat up some poor villain, Thing always said "It's Clobberin' Time!" Punk's a comic book nut, so he just incorporated it into his intro.

And now you know... and knowing's half the battle (taken from another of Punk's favorite things, G.I. Joe)
Brock Lesnar. Sure it's not the flashiest entrance, but that music. You hear it and you know shit's going down.

Barring him, CM Punk is next in line. Especially when he first used it (again) last year. It just fits him a lot better than his old entrance/theme.
Firstly I don't know if the Rock can be counted, but i guess he is part of the roster in a:icon_neutral: way... So yes , i think the rock has the best entrance... Firstly the "if ya smellllll" is enough to get any crowd going! And even though there are limited words in his theme song, it does fit well with his character, especially when he raises his arm on the turnbuckle and smells what the rock....is...cookin'

But others that are also rather good are:
Kofi Kingston-pure energy
The Uso's-pure originality
Right now I love Jerichos entrance its unique i love the jacket ...i was at mania and his and punks entrances together was epic and looked awesome
Hmm, well this is my Fave 5. (not in any specific order)

1. Chris Jericho's entrance. The lights go out, the coat shines in his pose, and then boom-boom-boom-boom his pyro goes off. His music is great, and the way he walks to the ring is so cocky, as said before.

2. Kane's entrance. The pyro can make your heart skip a beat, but it is fitting. The lights go out, and smoke rises. Then the eerie organ music plays and you can hear Kane's yells in agony in the background of the music. His walk to the ring is so intimidating.

3. Sin Cara's entrance. First off, let me say that his entrance is cool by a TV standpoint. Even though we know he's using a trampoline to jump in the ring, it's still pretty cool when you're watching it on TV and his pyro's timing is great.

4. Brodus Clay's entrance. I think the beginning is a little corny, but his entrance itself is pretty cool. The music, the dancing, it just gets the crowd going. I think it's great.

5. Mark Henry's entrance. I don't know why, but for some reason I just like it. I like the camera angle from the back, and his walk to the ring is intimidating. His music fits his persona so well, also.
Jericho (who has always had great entrances) and Bryan. Between the light-up jacket, and the YES chants, they're the most fun to watch
With out a doubt my favorite current entrance now and possibly of all time has to be Chris Jericho... Everything about the entrance I love. And adding the Light Up jacket makes it even better. The only thing that would make his entrance better is if they kept the countdown. Lights Go Off= Amazing... Countdown= Amazing (wish they still had it) (When Music hits =amazing- Break The Walls DOWNNNNN) Pyros and Lights= amazing... Light Up Jacket = Amazing... The way he conducts himself when he comes out and down the ramp= Amazing... I honestly get amped every time his entrance comes on.
Mark Henry and Brodus Clay for me due to polar opposite reasons. Mark has a simple beat and simple "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" expression while Brodus is over the top in his dancing and "FUNKY'S GONNA ROLL".
It's got to be kane in my opinion. Ever since he returned with his remixed theme of man on fire and burned i've loved it. I also like the welders mask he wears as it makes him look more intimidating.
My favorite entrance ever was when CM Punk came to the ring dressed as Jeff Hardy. He had all the little moves and mannerisms, and all the little kids believed it was Jeff for a good minute or two and then BAM... no more Santa Claus.
I'd go with D-mac from a year and a half ago with the drawn out entrance and slow walk. As of today I really like Kane's when the lights go out and then his music hits mixed with the smoke really gets you into a horror movie type of feeling.
My favourite of all time would be Edge. The smoke followed by the pyro work is more than enough to thrill you up for the match to come. If Edge doesn't count, then my pick would be CM Punk. First of all, his entrance theme is a fantastic song. Secondly, it blends just soooooo well with his character.. Remember Christian's TNA theme? If an entrance theme (and ring gear) blends very well with the wrestler's persona, it really contributes in getting him over with the crowd.

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