Greatest Entrance Ever

Really? We're all going with Taker, Cena or Triple H?

So let's go back in time a bit... for one

Gangrel!!! This is still the coolest intro for a wrestler EVER. The music was among Johnston's best, the concept of rising up through fire and then the goblet of blood that he spat out. Whatever he was like in the ring Gangrel OWNED the crowd and screen during that intro... The only one close recently has been the Wyatt's lantern concept...

Oh You Didn't Know? The Outlaws intro as also perfect for them, taunting those fans who'd jumped on the bandwagon while whipping them into a frenzy. Sure it went a bit stupid when all the DX crap got involved but it often had a bigger pop than "Ohhh What A Rush".

Jericho's original entrances, before they stopped him talking when he feuded with Rock (as he was better) were among the best when he had a customised verbal beat down for every opponent ending with the Never...Ever Again. Sure he didn't "need" it as was proven by his far better recent "flashing lights pose" but go back and watch how he owned the crowd.

Randy Savage/Ric Flair/Hunter/D-Bry - When that intro to "Pomp & Circumstance" hit the crowd would always come unglued. Same for Flair with Also Sprach Zarutha as he would slow walk to the ring with that cocky grin - it screamed gravitas . Hunter's phase with Beethoven's 9th/Ode To Joy was one of my favourites too being a massive Clockwork Orange fan his character was a snobby Alex at that time and D-Bry with Ride of the Valkyries while bouncing like a loon... Basically if you are using classical music for your theme, your intro is inherently must see and better - the music goes over the heads of many but each of those pieces is over a hundred in some cases 200 years old and fit the wrestler who used them like a glove!
Forgot to mention one of my favorites - JBL at WrestleMania 21. That entrance was incredible and could have gone another few minutes in my book. I still think JBL should have retained the title that night and lost it to Cena at SummerSlam instead, like they had originally planned. He was only a few weeks away from becoming the longest-reigning heel WWE Champion of all time, they should have given him that honor. That record still hasn't been broken.
My favorite was Undertaker's at this last WrestleMania. I thought it was pretty cool while he was standing at the top of the ramp you could see the hands raised torwards him.
it simply has to be either hbk or taker. Their is no one who even comes close to either of them. But if i had to choose one it would be shawn michaels at wrestlemania 25. Descending from the heavens, to face the undertaker. Perfect entrance for the story they were telling.
HBK's entrance from Mania 25 is one of my favorites off all time. The promos all lead up to it with Shawn being the light and Taker being the dark. The entrance was perfect. I agree though with the mention of Gangrel. Great song great entrance.
RobTaylor took mind which is the Brood. Great lighting and presentation. That song is my favorite theme music ever. It really is sad that the WWE didn't do more with them.
This is very hard to say because age of the wrestlers make and brake the entrance.
The video of Kurt at WM 22 just made him look like a boss and a hell of a wrestler.
I always marked out for Kane because of the song and how he walked and acted a heel.
Overall I think Kane, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho with long hair never made me want to turn the channel when they make their way to the ring.
For me, there are two definitive answers that come to mind. The first, and for me, the single biggest markout moment ever, was Undertaker's entrance at WM 20. He's been gone a long time after the American Badass gimmick, and I wasn't sure if he was coming back as the American Badass or as the Deadman. My friend and I were huge Taker fans and both thought it was amazing when Paul Bearer came out, then all the Druids lined the ramp with torches. It was an epic return to the original deadman gimmick. Link at the bottom.

The second one for me was when Brock Lesnar returned last year after Wrestlemania. The crowd that night was off the hook.

I think Batista's upcoming return may be just as loud, but he also hasn't been gone as long and doesn't have the crossover, mainstream fan base Lesnar has, so I could be wrong.
I always liked Shawn Michael's entrances. His music was foot-tapping and catchy, they went all out with the lights and fire works, the WM12 entrance was great.
I know he's not very popular on this site, but I loved all of Alberto Del Rio's entrances during his initial heel run. The car thing had been done before, yes. But I always looked forward to seeing what kind of exotic rental he drove into the place.

And Ricardo just took the cake. I love the whole dramatic announcer thing, and I thought Ricardo's gimmick was perfect. For the same reason I just mentioned, I also have to give props to Ken Anderson's run in the WWE when he would come to the ring, as the lights dimmed and he announced himself.

I also would've expected more replies mentioning the Ultimate Warrior. I mean, c'mon. Pretty self-explanatory there. Sprinting to the ring like a madman, shaking the ropes, staring down his opponent. All great stuff.
Gonna derail for a sec but I must say that I am huge into the Real Americans entrance when Zeb doesn't get on the mic and Cesaro gets in his stance and they both run to the ring and throw the flags. Innovative if you ask me. Something you don't see in entrances much anymore.
It's not the greatest ever but I remember Vladamir Kozlov's initial entrance without any music and the lights would go dim focusing on him. I loved it since it fit his character as a no nonsense heel perfectly. I was actually bummed out when he got his entrance music during his 2008 push.

Of course the greatest entrance IMO has got to be Undertaker WM14's entrance. The druids, the music, everything just gave me goosebumps. Even Taker's recent WM entrances can't compare to WM14.

Sting also had a cool entrance during his Crow run. Starcade 1997 was made that much more epic just because how his entrance was done.
To me the best was when Kane returned to Raw in 2000.

It began with Paul Bearer walking out during some ominous music and then Kane comes after after the pyro explodes. It was just a perfectly done return and the entrance made it.

I'd also say offer up the famous nWo entrance in Chicago from 1997 with Dennis Rodman in tow. DDP's entrances through the crowd were also always awesome.
HBK WM 12, Ultimate Warrior's return to save Hogan at WM8, Ultimate Warrior at WM12, Macho Man being carried out by Romans at WM9, and Demolition at WM6 I think are my favorites. I wish they had the Titantron and all the effects of today back in the Golden Era/Hogan Era. I still remember when Warrior won at WM6 and all they had for that were a few fireworks at the very top of the arena, nothing spectacular, which really sucks for such an epic moment.

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