McIntyre- Entrance of a Champion?


Pride of Manchester
As many of you are aware, Drew McIntyre debuted a new theme/entrance last night on Smackdown! For those who haven't seen it, here it is:


What do you think of this new entrance? Do you think it will help push Drew or do you have any strong thoughts against it.

Obviously superstars get new entrances all the time but this is somewhat difference. It appeared like a promo at first, a long introduction (which is rare nowadays, why did they have to get rid of the original Chris Masters entrance?!) before McIntyre came out when the song first kicked in... "Out of time, so say goodbye, what is yours, now is mine".

Now obviously an entrance doesn't make a champion, but I can't help but feel that this theme for whatever reason rings "Champion". His persona is a Scottish badass chosen by Vince to be a World Champion one day. Doesn't this theme tell you this?

This is one of the only themes that has had me on the edge of my seat at the moment and I feel a real sense of atmosphere.

Whatever it is, I really can't help but feel Drew is going to be pushed even further with this and this has to be my favourite theme in WWE at the moment already.

Oh definitely. I didn't see anything in McIntyre before, but this theme can only lead to good things. Good entrances make the wrestler more interesting. Along with that great theme and McIntyre's confident strut, I saw a flash of "it" that I have never seen before.

His old theme was boring and generic. His new theme and creepy/cool entrance is unique and will only help McIntyre out. I like to see unique entrances especially in this day and age where there are few. I know this entrance is nothing compared to an Attitude Era entrance, but it's a start.
Watching it I also thought it was a promo then I saw it was the new theme. I described it to my fiance as "Voices on valium". It starts off slow, gets hard then goes slow again. It's addicted and makes you feel almost uneasy especially watching Drew saunter to the ring with an emotionless face. Almost a mix of Jericho & Randy. I watched his entrance and thought to myself "someone is getting hurt" (sadly it was Drew). I like the theme and I think it will add to his character. I've always seen Drew as a "reverse Festus" in that he comes to the ring slowly and in an almost stalking manner but when he gets in the ring he explodes and is all buisness then leaves the same way he enters.
I can dig it. I hope it doesn't take as long each time, but it's much more memorable than his old one (which I honestly don't remember).

On a side note, the song sounds like a half assed attempt at Bob Seger's "Turn the page" that Metallica covered years back. Eww.
I don't have any strong thoughts against the song, as you put it. In fact, I enjoy it very much. Downstait themes are by far my favorite ones right now, first Miz's I came to play and now this.

At first I was a little surprised at such a slow song for such a loudmouth wrestler.
I was pleasantly surprised though when it became a little faster and louder and when I heard the line 'what is yours, now is mine', it just clicked because that is definitely something that suits Drew McIntyre's character perfectly.

Now obviously an entrance doesn't make a champion, but I can't help but feel that this theme for whatever reason rings "Champion"

I know what you mean. To me, the music sounds as if it could be in a film, either in the scenes of a final battle (slow-mo and all) or after that battle. So overall, the song has that 'monumental' feeling to it and adding in the way McIntyre comes to the ring, the way he carries himself, it definitely has the feel of a champion to it.

Well, I do think the theme at the very least helps him to be more recognized.
His old theme, to be honest .. I mean I remember it but I couldn't hum it if I had to. The new theme I won't forget that easily. It also makes me pay more attention to McIntyre/his entrance because I want to watch it instead of just having it as some background noise while I'm doing something else.
Yeah I saw Drew McIntyre's ring entrance last night on SD! To me it was a little too much!! I remember 7 years ago at No Way Out PPV when The Rock had an entrance like that when he was a heel. But hey it was the Rock of all people! And Drew McIntyre is (and probraly never will be) no Rock, and that's FACT!

Now I know that Vince McMahon, HHH, & HBK are high on McIntyre right...I stand corrected, in love with McIntyre right now for some reason? But come on now. Drew McIntyre has ways & years to go for that kind of entrance & treatment.
That's a solid and cool entrance. Hopefully, the beginning wont be dragged on ALL the time, but it is definitely an improvement. Solid music for his personality and such and the look is unique/different. Solid, overall.

A solid entrance, as some have said, can do loads in terms of putting someone over. It allows you to recognize the wrestler as a fan, obviously, but it also can get you the pop or the boo's you want before you even do a gesture, move or say a word. It should go a ways to getting that response for him. Solid entrance.
I honestly don't remember his old song, all I remember is that it was generic. I still don't like him or his new theme, but this entrance shows something more in McIntyre, and not just being generic. I like that word. Generic. Ok, back on topic, McIntyre still walks slowly down to the ring, and he has a look on his face. I guess heels are supposed to do that, because half the time Orton looks like he just shit himself. But yes,it is the entrance of a champion. Right now, it's the entrance of an intercontinental champion. if Vince is right, which I hope he's not, McIntyre will be a world champion. But hey, at least they let him talk for a change.
Particularly good wrestler entrances and ones that I like are quite few and far between but I like McIntyre's new entrance theme. It was already said many times but that doesn't make it any less true: his old theme was boring and generic. There was no way I could take McIntyre seriously as a future world champion with an entrance like that. To me, a good entrance theme can make a wrestler and after seeing his new entrance, it made me think that WWE really is serious about pushing McIntyre to the moon for some reason. It was also said earlier but something I'd like to see change with McIntyre's entrance is the beginnning... I'd like to see it cut just a tad bit because I thought it was a promo video (not that there's anything particularly wrong with that but whatever). They did the same with Sheamus's entrance (cutting part of the beginning) in case no one else noticed it already.
So I guess instead of wanting McIntyre to be compared to Sheamus, now they are making him more like Randy Orton with the long entrance. Even the theme sounds more comparable to Orton's in pace. LOL.

They just can't make up their mind with him. This is his third new theme to date.

Yes, though, it is a tremendous improvement and I would definitely say it is much more of a Main Event look to him. Additionally, they turned off the ring lights inside the ring as he made his entrance ... something they really didn't do before. I am glad to see Smackdown doing that more often, as they are also doing with Batista, as well, as it makes for a better entrance with the ring lights off during the entrances.

But the look on his face, the theme he now has, has much more of a Main Event feel then the generic entrance and music he had previously.
I don't know why you people don't like McIntyre, but that's a different conversation. Y'all are right, an entrance does not make a champion, however character does. That's exactly what this entrance does with McIntyre. Now instead of just getting to the ring, he makes an entrance. The character this song portrays is somewhere along the lines of "Fuck you. I'm better then you, and I know that. If you are a champion...not for long, because I am the Chosen One." This entrance changes McIntyre's character now.
I love the new entrance. It suits McIntyre well, and I've always liked him, so this not only just makes me like him even more, but it should get a few more people on board. it just me, or is the WWE trying to play up McIntyre and Sheamus as the new (obviously pure heel) Orton and Cena? McIntyre, as somebody already mentioned, is reminiscent of Orton and Jericho, leaning towards Orton in that when he walks it looks like he's stalking something. And Sheamus is the powerhouse, just like Cena. They need to do one of two things in my opinion...either put them together (Orton/McIntyre and keep Cena/Sheamus together)...or split them up (Orton/Sheamus and Cena/McIntyre).
So I guess instead of wanting McIntyre to be compared to Sheamus, now they are making him more like Randy Orton with the long entrance. Even the theme sounds more comparable to Orton's in pace. LOL.

That's the exact same thing I thought when I watched the video. Apparently Vince is dead set on making Drew the next big deal in the company. McIntyre seems to be getting the Orton treatment, as Orton was pushed to the moon and was all over the place once he joined Evolution. And it's no secret that Orton has always been a favorite of Vince's.

So the truth is this: If you are a pet project of Vince McMahon, you will be given special attention and outstanding treatment. Just ask Orton, John Cena, Sheamus, and now Drew McIntyre.
I'm going to miss his "generic heavy rock" theme, as I actually liked it.... but this new theme is pretty cool too! I remember some people saying things like "He'll never go far with an entrance theme like THAT!" about his old one. Well, perhaps we might see some changed opinions now. He's going to get a big push, and the new song is proof of that. They often give someone a new song before they get moved to the upper portion of the card. McIntyre's new song really impressed me and I hope he keeps it for most of his career because it fits really well with his character.
Y'know what the great thing with that entrance was? It made you sit up and take notice. It was great, I really liked it, with the Randy Orton style strut and walk. I predict great things for Drew.
Holy SHIT that entrance is fuckin amazing. Epic doesn't even begin to describe. In fact, it rocked SO fucking hard, I was disappointed that Mcintyre got to have it. That theme is amazing. A strong ME guy could have it. Shit, Orton could rock the hell out of that.

Mcyntire needs to go get on HGH, like, now. Its time to stop folling around. He is a pretty good worker, especially for a young guy (likewise for mic work) but its very tough to take him seriously with that slight physique. Please. Workout.

They need to give him that spiffy jacket back for his entrance as well. Lets get into the gym, get the spiffy jacket back, and get a signature pose for the ring. Let's get serious here, now with this. Especially with all the tools he has.
I've been a big supporter of Drew Mc when he got the call up. He has impressed me each week and he definitely has a bright future. The new theme was epic and that can be said for the entrance as a whole. McIntyre is gonna do some damage in the later part of the year. It really wouldn't surprise me to see him win the MITB match or get drafted over to Raw.
I don't get it, what's so special about that entrance? So what if it's got a long intro, it doesn't mean a thing if it's shit. MVP, now that was a great into, until they took it way from him. That's just the intro of a song with a lingering video before McIntyre starts to walk out, I don't see what's so great about it. Maybe the music would be better if the intro started out slow and mellow before launching into something a little harder, but that's middle of the road, shitter than radio rubbish.
I think it is a step up from what he used to have. It is the entrance of a champion, but he is not ready to be one. I missed Smackdown so I wasn't aware of this and I really didn't care much for him but this new entrance got me a little bit interested so I think it will bring him good success.
So I guess instead of wanting McIntyre to be compared to Sheamus, now they are making him more like Randy Orton with the long entrance. Even the theme sounds more comparable to Orton's in pace. LOL.

They just can't make up their mind with him. This is his third new theme to date.

Almost exactly what I was thinking. We will have to wait and see whether or not the entrance is kept that long. It shouldn't be because it went on for far too long and made Orton's entrance look like Ultimate Warrior's. The theme overall is better than his last but still somewhat generic to me. This is a good start to giving him more of a character but it's only the first piece of the puzzle. He's still bland to me needs alot more than just being the promising up and comer.
Not a fan of it. It's too slow, too boring, and it doesn't fit his appearance in my mind.

His older theme, "Seeing Red", is awesome I think. The problem with it, though, is that it's a generic production theme that they don't have complete rights over, so they'd naturally have to change his theme at some point anyway. The same went for Ziggler's old theme "Time to Shout".

But no, I'm not a fan of McIntyre's entrance. And before anyone says it, I'm soooo tired of the argument that "it fits his character to walk so slow and have slow music", because there's nothing in his character that warrants that. McIntyre is not a calm brooding monster that can destroy you with the flick of his wrist. He's not a masochist psycho character. He's simply a heel that thinks he's better than everyone. His entrance doesn't pump me up, doesn't make me "scared", doesn't do anything but put me to sleep. People like to argue that heels are supposed to be anti-cheer in every way, but they don't realize that there's a difference between "booing" and "not cheering". I couldn't even watch that whole video as I legitimately started getting tired. Heels aren't supposed to be cheered, but they aren't supposed to get boos by boring the crowd and making them mad at the entertainment product itself (ala, doing tons of rest holds and purposely making it a boring match is not a heel's job).

But I'm sure the entrance theme is going to be cut up some and not as long, so it'll just be boring for a less amount of time than it is in that debut vid.
I agree with the majority of the responses in this thread where it was said that his new theme is a big improvement. With that being said, I found it a tad laughable. I'm not taking anything away from Drew but when this "epic" and menacing theme song hit and he stepped out through the curtain, the first thing that immediately came to my head was....Oh it's just him...nevermind.

McIntyre hasn't proven very much during his tenure with the WWE and yet they push him to the moon. I remember what seems to be ions ago when a wrestler actually had to earn their spot but those days are long behind us. He has potential but could this be a case of too much, too soon?
I really like this theme, it has a very epic feel to it. However...

Drew McIntyre should not have got this music!

I thought Friday that someone else deserved this cool music. I am a McIntyre fan, but dont think he's earned something cool like this.

Maybe it will grow on me, idk.
Yeah sure it's a good theme, actually an awesome theme, I absolutely HATED his previous theme, thought it was boring as hell.

And the entrance, the slow walk, there's something about it, it kinda shines power and confidence, it makes him seem somewhat important.. actually to be a little bold, the entrance kinda makes me think a little bit of Jericho, the arrogant walk, the look "I'm better than you", it's awesome, and yes I think it in fact does elevate him a little bit just from entrance.

Now all he needs is to kill that accent, all thou I sadly think it's a genuine accent, which will make it kinda hard to kill then...
It is indeed a real accent. Although I don't know why you would want to get rid of it. It sets him apart from everyone else. If nothing else the is the "Scottish guy" insted of the "guy who wears blue and black". I thinkit sets him apart and with the mold of the common WWE wrestler to be "trunks with a logo, boots and kneepads" people need something to stand out. For Punk it's the beard and gimmick. For Ted & Cody it's the 2nd generation thing. For Drew maybe it's as simple as having that accent.

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