Entrance Theme Songs Bigger Than the Actual Wrestlers Who Used Them


Gone but never forgotten.
I toyed with this topic the other day after browsing through YouTube and coming across some cool entrance theme songs of the past.

Over the years, we've seen the evolution of superstar theme songs. Back in the 80's, the WWE started using mainstream radio songs for only select wrestlers (i.e. Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat.) This quickly escalated and by the late 80's, most of the top wrestlers on the roster had entrance themes.

Today, EVERYONE has a theme song... even GM's and commentators.

There are times when an entrance theme just becomes synonymous with it's superstar. Other times, the theme song completely sucks and is like fitting a circle where a square should be (thank you, Extreme.) But there are rare occasions when an entrance theme elevates its superstar and becomes more epic and more exciting than the superstar its paired with.

Here are a few examples:

Victoria (now Tara in TNA) was definitely elevated by the fact that her theme song was a #1, chart-topping pop song at the time when she was using it. It also seemed to be a perfect fit for her character; a woman completely losing her mind.

This one disappoints me because I honestly think Drew McIntyre is a tremendous talent and arguably the most under-utilized talent on the roster. A few years ago, when he was relevant, this theme song brought the audience to their feet. Not only is the song just plain incredible but the timing of Drew's entrance paired with it is just fantastic. Too bad that these days, Drew would be more popular bagging groceries than wrestling in the ring.

Matt Hardy may have had the most wasted, epic theme song in history. When you heard the booming guitar and the singer shouting "OHHH YEAHHHHHHH!!!!", you couldn't help but jump to your feet and cheer even though the wrestler coming out of the back was complete dogshit. Some themes just have a way of popping the audience, and this was one of them. Like a friend of mine once said, this would have been pretty awesome if it didn't suck.

Can any of you think of any other entrance theme songs that were wasted on it's lackluster wrestlers? And how/why were they a waste on its superstar?
I think most recently is Alex Riley. He's got a pretty badass theme right now, but they've been jobbing him post Miz breakup
Tattoo by Big Mother Thruster.

This song was given to the Tough Enough winner, Maven. He was never actually pushed above midcard status but when you listen to this Epic song, you just can't help but think that what a big waste it was.

I love this song to the limit and it reminds me of someone really special, and it'll be always near the top of the very best songs I've EVER listened to.

Just watch it on youtube and then read the comments....
You'll notice that many people commented about giving Maven a huge push after watching the video!!
A good measure of them is when they get used in other places, Mick Foley's "Wreck" is often used at other sporting events so that is a good place to start.

Gangrel's music was perhaps the best of the Jim Johnston produced themes, it fit the character and entrance and stood out as an impressive piece of music in itself.

The Victoria music was a big shift, when they started using licensed music for a time it seemed most superstars would have better themes. Most recent example of one that was a great idea for a theme, but totally wrong for the guy in question was Cesaro's use of an instruemental of Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis. For a face, who could get the crowd to chant the refrain as he entered it would be perfect and be a big part in getting them over. For an arrogant heel it was totally wrong.

I think the most interesting ones are when you get music that should be memorable in itself but you instantly link it with a wrestler. Ric Flair's 2001 music is a prime example. Technically Pomp & Circumstance (or Land Of Hope & Glory) is England's unofficial national anthem, but to me it's Randy Savage's music. I even remember Beethoven's Ode To Joy for when Hunter Hearst Helmsley used it (and Clockwork Orange)
I think defining Wrestling Themes seem to be on the way out. Seems like in the last couple years they've just been throwing generic "cool" songs on people instead of the old process of Jim Johnston really tailor making an entrance song to fit someones character. There seems to be a HUGE difference between the themes of Cody Rhodes.. Dolph Ziggler..The Miz.. who to me sound all sound like generic rock song that could probably be switched between those 3..
There is just a huge difference from hearing.. Brets opening guitar screech or HBK booming opening drums.. The opening guitar chord of HHH .. or the glass shattering for Austin...Jericho.. Undertaker.. etc etc.. I could be wrong but i feel like they just attach a song to someone now instead of building on for them

As for the question I always thought The Brian Kendricks theme song "Man with a Plan" really could have worked for someone. I just don't think he could really find a way to make that character or that song come to life.
Can any of you think of any other entrance theme songs that were wasted on it's lackluster wrestlers? And how/why were they a waste on its superstar?

I would say Ezekiel Jackson's "Domination" song is really awesome. The lyrics, the music, and the intensity.

I for one think Jackson is pretty cool in ring and on the mic, but nevertheless he has been off camera for awhile and his theme has largely gone unheard.

When watching Jeopardy!, I play his theme on my laptop whenever a contestant wins by a lot of money. If you listen to the lyrics in the chorus, it goes surprisingly well with the game show.

Here it is:

Winners of this dubious honor are the following:

Wade Barrett:

When Barrett had this theme it was after Nexus and just about when he parted from The Corre. Some may argue he is a fairly important or popular Superstar but I think this theme song is MUCH more intimidating than his actual character. He lyrics "I've had enough!" and style of music is perfect for a heel character of a much bigger status that Barrett was at the time.

Drew McIntyre:
(Already posted above)
Already mentioned but I think it's worth mentioning again. This song is one of the best songs PERIOD I have ever heard. It has great pacing and intensity in the right places. This song was perfect for McIntyre when he was "The Chosen One" and actually an important wrestler but now, it's kind of sad. They play his whole entrance song even over the last few years when he was jobbing on Superstars.

Alex Riley:

I strongly feel that 90% of the pop Alex Riley gets is because of his awesome theme music. It hits strong and it makes me wish for a MUCH cooler and MUCH better wrestler to be emerging from the curtain than Riley. SUCH a waste.
This is my personal favorite theme so I have to bring it up. It's the theme of MNM and later Melina. Paparazzi


It was full of energy and I think it completely elevated MNM. I think the song was not completely wasted, because MNM was a legitimate, title holding team on SmackDown for a while, and the song really helped their gimmick as flashy heels. But everybody was kind of waiting for Nitro to break out as a singles star. And once he did, I feel like the new theme he got (was it called Ain't No Make Believe?) just didn't have the same impact when it hit that Paparazzi did.

It's interesting though that Melina kept the song. Good for her, it was a great song. I feel like it really helped her keep her tough/"bad" image even when she turned face. IMO Melina didn't really NEED the boost because she was 1) talented and 2) charismatic, but keeping it certainly didn't hurt.

So while the song was perfect for Melina, I feel like in the case of MNM, it definitely helped create enough heat for Johnny Nitro to become John Morrison. One it was gone, most of JoMo's heat was too. Unfortunately.
I personally don't think Drew McIntyre is dogshit, but his song is wasted because he's being wasted. Good choices by all, I must admit. I listen to wrestling themes more than I listen to real songs. However, here are my choices:

Alberto Del Rio

What a great song for a charismatic Mexican superstar. Problem is that is NOT Alberto Del Rio! How much more can the WWE shove him down our throats and try to sell us on how talented he is? It's a grandiose, full-sounding and rich combination of classic Mexican rhythm with a little bass to make it recognizable. Sadly, when his song cues up, we hear the honking of the horn of whatever rental car he's driving which drowns out the song, then he proceeds to just walk in without really feeling the timing. Most wrestlers actually enjoy their theme music; I don't think Del Rio even listens to his when he walks in. I'd rather see Eddie Guerrero walk in with this theme if he were an arrogant Latino aristocrat. Del Rio wastes good music and great pushes. You know he does because his ring announcer STILL gets better responses.

David Otunga

Is it just me, or should this have been Ezekial Jackson's theme, or maybe Ryback's? As great a song as this is, I don't think of David Otunga as "All About the Power." He's a freakin' lawyer, and a weasel at that. Maybe if he were GM like Booker T, or maybe if he actually were strong enough to be intimidating? Right now he switches between oily bodybuilder and Carlton Banks at 40, and neither deserve this song.


Anyone else miss Cryme Tyme? Good song, great gimmick, now sadly wasted on another underrated guy toiling in lower-card status.
Thumbs up above for noticing the greatness of Otungas theme. I listen to it on my iPhone all the time - and I guess it is bigger than the wrestler because I don't have images of coffee carrying lawyers whilst I'm doing so.
Responses to things already said:

This one disappoints me because I honestly think Drew McIntyre is a tremendous talent and arguably the most under-utilized talent on the roster. A few years ago, when he was relevant, this theme song brought the audience to their feet. Not only is the song just plain incredible but the timing of Drew's entrance paired with it is just fantastic. Too bad that these days, Drew would be more popular bagging groceries than wrestling in the ring.

This theme is so damn good... And it is a damn shame, because it's about as wasted as the talent who holds it. To be fair, Vince did want to make McIntyre a star. But then again, he wanted to make Elijah Burke a star too. His picks for the "chosen one" rarely pan out on television.

What a great song for a charismatic Mexican superstar. Problem is that is NOT Alberto Del Rio! How much more can the WWE shove him down our throats and try to sell us on how talented he is? It's a grandiose, full-sounding and rich combination of classic Mexican rhythm with a little bass to make it recognizable. Sadly, when his song cues up, we hear the honking of the horn of whatever rental car he's driving which drowns out the song, then he proceeds to just walk in without really feeling the timing. Most wrestlers actually enjoy their theme music; I don't think Del Rio even listens to his when he walks in. I'd rather see Eddie Guerrero walk in with this theme if he were an arrogant Latino aristocrat. Del Rio wastes good music and great pushes. You know he does because his ring announcer STILL gets better responses.

I don't think anybody else but del Rio could rock this theme, personally. But I also don't hate him... It reaks of aristocratic machismo and arrogance; he may not be the most fluid mic worker or creative mind in the business, but he's still a damn good wrestler, and the small things about his character are fine-tuned and work well for him.

Is it just me, or should this have been Ezekial Jackson's theme, or maybe Ryback's? As great a song as this is, I don't think of David Otunga as "All About the Power." He's a freakin' lawyer, and a weasel at that. Maybe if he were GM like Booker T, or maybe if he actually were strong enough to be intimidating? Right now he switches between oily bodybuilder and Carlton Banks at 40, and neither deserve this song.

Again, this song only works for me as Otunga's theme. Another guy I've bought into a lot more with the lawyer gimmick; Laurinaitis helped too. The song's not actually that good the more I listen to it, but when I see Otunga coming out to it, it actually seems pretty sweet. I think it fits him.

Real quick, has anybody else noticed that Jack Swagger's theme is actually by "AgeAgainst the Machine", a fake RATM tribute band? WWE probably couldn't justify using an actual Rage song... :lmao:

I might get bitched at for this, but I've always thought this particular Christian theme was way above his pay grade. How badass is this song? I get so excited just to see his entrance, so I can listen to the song. And then I realize...it's Christian, and I barely care. And how in the hell is he out of action again?

See now I fully support that CM Punk is justified whatever theme he damn well pleases. But in 2006 when he debuts, I couldn't believe they slapped him with an actual, established song from a well known band like Killswitch Engaged. Plus...this song is epic. It was a long time before I felt Punk lived up to this theme.

Coolest theme, worst group. I loved it on Wade Barrett, but then he decided to go with the worst theme I've heard in a LONG time and rid himself of this epic, perfect fit of an entrance theme. Even listen to the lyrics; sounds like Barrett to me... But one thing's for sure, the Corre did NOT deserve this.

I should probably explain this one, because I'm a huge Jericho fan. 2002 was the short lived use of this Saliva song, that coincided with his main event push and Undisputed Champion period. But Jericho was on top for far too short, and had done far too little with the WWE up to that point to be given a song by a band like Saliva. Not that I'm a fan or anything, but lot's of people know who they are... WWE must have realized he didn't deserve it too, as it only lasted a few months.

I know...not WWE. But this song is actually fairly decent for what it is, and Dixie Carter is actually fairly...well, terrible. This, and her ability to appear in her mid-20's in photo shoots, is probably her best overall quality. Oh yeah, and her family's money.

Yeaaaahh.... For those that didn't know, Daniel Bryan used "The Final Countdown" off and on in the independent circuit. And I'm sorry...nobody in the history of professional wrestling deserves this song as their entrance theme, let alone an indie guy. I remember seeing him come out to this song at bingo hall show outside of Chicago, and thinking... Who in the hell does this guy think he is?

Apart from a really terrible angle involving his momma', I don't actually remember Shelton doing anything noteworthy on his own. I remember him being a great IC Champion...but I don't know why. :shrug: Great theme though, that probably spoke volumes more for his character than he ever did.

For obvious reasons...

I picked the clip from his full entrance against Scotty 2 Hotty, because you need to get a full effect. This guy, this entrance...was WAY more bad ass than anything WWE ever did with him ended up being.
The full weight of the Gangrel thing has not been nearly discussed enough. Probably the most vivid thing I remember from watching these times when I was a kid.

and the guy accomplished next to nothing, and to be honest, never really had potential to. Little mic skills, was fairly old when he got there, and I mean, fuck, it was a FULL ON vampire gimmick. Not a subtle "I may be into some weird shit" gimmick, but a full on vampire. Puffy shirt and everything. lulz.


(look at 1:09.....by far my favorite, that grin on Edge's face is just so badass)


The two best examples in this day and age are easily Drew Mcyntire and Alex Riley....ESPECIALLY Riley, my goodness. He is actually really over, and 85% of that is attributable to not being able to do anything but go crazy when you hear that theme.

Another great Attitude Era theme song, the other being "Domination" for Big Zeke, that was wasted. I have to ask whose bloody idea it was to put this on Luke Gallows of all people? The guy hasn't an ounce of talent in him and every time he would come out, he'd get no reaction from the crowd at all, the only thing you could hear is this theme. I love this song, it's a remixed version of the theme they used for the St. Valentines Day Massacre & Rebellion pay-per-views and this song would always get me hyped up when they opened up the PPV's with this theme playing in the background, but whenever I heard Gallows coming out to it, it did nothing for me.
Alex Riley-great entrance, too bad we don’t get to see it cause he's never on TV
The Miz- He's not even awesome, and how does he come to play when he barleys wrestle or seen on TV.
Zeck Jackson- It would fit him, but we don’t see him and when he is on TV he doesn’t dominate much in the win columns.

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