Cool, WWE Rips Off TNA - again.


Pre-Show Stalwart
So first WWE brings in Nash/Booker and squashes the MEM rumored comeback.

Then WWE goes the Jersey Shore route and picks up Snooki for Mania.

Now they completely rip off the Jeff Hardy Cigarette move - which correct me if I'm wrong - got a lot of heat for being classless to get over R-Truth as a heel.

It amazes me for a company that denies it looks at TNA as competition that they so blatantly have used gimmicks used by TNA to get over their stars of build events. It seems to me WWE looks at TNA for cues on how to be creative. Yet everyone bashes Russo/Hogan/Bischoff for lack of creative. :banghead:

Thoughts on the theft that has taken place in the wrestling world?
if wwe looked at tna for creative ideas, that would be a waste of time. wwe already owns the wcw nitros from 97-99, and those seem to be the ideas that tna is doing on their show. tna can have their wrestlers say what they want, but there is a reason why they only work a few days a week and give out free shows. T.N.A did have some great wrestlers who can put on a show, but all that went to hell last jan. and stars like Booker need the big stage, not a stage that couldnt fill up a bingo hall.
My thoughts are you're really short sighted. First off, heels have smoked before. Giant (Big Show) did it in 1998 as part of the NWO. This isn't some great and mighty idea that TNA had. Second, I don't think Booker and Nash were brought in to crush the Mafia. The company always bring in people for the Rumble and has in years when they didn't have competition in wrestling. To suggest that lighting a cigarette is ripping off TNA shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and are likely a die hard TNA fan boy that believes everything they say and what you hear from TNA supporters on the internet who say WWE is dying and TNA will take its place.
So first WWE brings in Nash/Booker and squashes the MEM rumored comeback.

Then WWE goes the Jersey Shore route and picks up Snooki for Mania.

Now they completely rip off the Jeff Hardy Cigarette move - which correct me if I'm wrong - got a lot of heat for being classless to get over R-Truth as a heel.

It amazes me for a company that denies it looks at TNA as competition that they so blatantly have used gimmicks used by TNA to get over their stars of build events. It seems to me WWE looks at TNA for cues on how to be creative. Yet everyone bashes Russo/Hogan/Bischoff for lack of creative. :banghead:

Thoughts on the theft that has taken place in the wrestling world?

No wwe's not ripping off TNA. The bigger issue here is what a bunch of hypocrites the die hard WWE fans are. They ripped the shit out of TNA and Jeff Hardy saying how classless they were for doing something like that, as if it had never happened before, but now that the WWE has done it, it's totally alright and is a awsome way to get R-Truth over as a heel. It just proves that no matter what the WWE does it's cool, but if TNA does it before them it's pure shit.
Wow we are really gonna go here huh??? WWE ripping off TNA?? As the Miz would say REALLY?? REALLY???

The signing of Nash and Booker was great. It showed TNA that maybe you shouldnt run and angle before you have all the key players signed.

WWE as the anonymous GM, now TNA has "the network".

WWE runs 2/21/11 clips, TNA runs 3/3/11 clips in the same exact style.

So before you go on a "WWE ripped off TNA" splougefest, look at RECENT history before you cry.
Thoughts on the theft that has taken place in the wrestling world?

Nash and Booker were in WWF/WCW/WWE Before they were in TNA, I can't believe WWe stealing Diesal from TNA!

Zack Ryder needs to stop ripping off Robbie E. and Snooki needs to stop ripping off cookie. Oh wait.
Heres a video of the bigshow ripping off Jeff Hardy, how classless.

All of the things that WWF Ripped off TNA in the 90's is ridiculous, Vince must of had a time machine back then.
It just proves that no matter what the WWE does it's cool, but if TNA does it before them it's pure shit.

Well yea that's the way it is. The difference is things that WWE do generally make sense. TNA seems like they don't really have anything too planned out, they just go week to week, month to month with their storylines and see where that leads.

Contrary to all the TNA fanboys opinion, Vince could care less about TNA. They are not and have never been a threat. Their shows draw a fraction of the attendance, ratings, and money that WWE does. And seeing as they have a totally different product than TNA, stealing ideas from them would make no sense.
Nash has always come back to WWE sooner or later ... it's where his friends are and I'd expect no less for him to end his career. And Booker wasn't doing much in TNA anyway. WWE has been home for him since WCW closed down and they presented a better offer. He gets to be one of the trainers on WWE's new reality show and an announcer; that's a better gig and probably makes him more financially secure that TNA could have.
And here's a surprise, WWE uses celebrities for angles at Wrestlemania. It's not even close to the first time they've done it or even the first time a celeb has been in a match at the event. And the Jersey Shore thing is a ripoff? You realize Zack Ryder has been around for longer than TNA's Jersey character right?
It seems to me WWE looks at TNA for cues on how to be creative.

Yeah, you're right. If I was Vince McMahon, I'd just close down WWE and declare that TNA has driven him out of business. Surrender, VKM!


It would be naive for anyone to suggest that WWE doesn't follow what TNA is doing. Vince McMahon will always be sure to know his enemy.....and TNA is his enemy since all their efforts in 2010 consisted of taking aim at the larger company. They said they were going to take over as the #1 sports entertainment organization, beginning 1/4/10. They failed. Everything they've been doing has been with WWE in mind. Even today, the people on Impact make reference to WWE much too much.

Given that, I don't blame WWE for usurping some of the stuff TNA is doing, if that is indeed what they're doing. It's not as if TNA can claim that WWE has been picking on them without provocation. The Dixie-crats wanted war.....and now they've got it.

Anything goes, including using some of your competitor's ideas, if it appeals them to do so.
my original post wasn't crying about anything - and yes TNA rips off every promotion ever to exist, mostly WCW and recently WWE (with the awful promo for Sting's return). However, TNA gets ripped to shreds for it, and I personally posted how awful it was that they did the Sting Vignette and I had lost all faith in creative. I like TNA and WWE equally. The point is, TNA gets ripped for everything they do and when WWE does something that TNA just recently did, it seems completely stupid (even if TNA stole it from WCW). Yet everyone is quick to award points to WWE, and I just feel that while most of creative in TNA has become a joke (since the botched MEM return), they do some good things that if they had any direction, would be appropriate.

**IMO the turn of R-Truth last night was completely pointless - at least the Hardy Cig incident was building a character that was already over as a heel. Not somebody trying to get the crowd to rap in the beginning of the night and couldn't cut a promo for shit.
My thoughts are you're really short sighted. First off, heels have smoked before. Giant (Big Show) did it in 1998 as part of the NWO. This isn't some great and mighty idea that TNA had. Second, I don't think Booker and Nash were brought in to crush the Mafia. The company always bring in people for the Rumble and has in years when they didn't have competition in wrestling. To suggest that lighting a cigarette is ripping off TNA shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and are likely a die hard TNA fan boy that believes everything they say and what you hear from TNA supporters on the internet who say WWE is dying and TNA will take its place.

are you ****** vince took booker and nash away to fuck up the mem idea

nash even said it himself..
Between Raw, Smackdown, Superstars and PPV's, WWE runs 260 hours of weekly television and 39 hours of PPV time a year. I think at some point they are going to have to rehash something that has been done before, be that something from their history, or Wrestling history in general.

Much like tv shows rehash the boy meets girl, get together, break up, get back together again. Heels will do things that are "naughty" and really there are only a certain amount of things you can do on TV that are acceptable, which means they are even shorter on things they can actually do.

In summary, WWE has been running forever, therefore they HAVE to rehash things, doesnt mean they are watching TNA religiously to steal ideas from the creative team they let go... mean this thread was created mostly because R-Truth lit up a cigarette on Raw last night and the OP is claiming that WWE plagarized the idea from TNA as Jeff Hardy smoked briefly on an episode of iMPACT! 6 months or so ago?:wtf: Wow...this is just...hang on a sec...I mean...this is so sad that I don't even know where to begin.

I wonder if Jeff Hardy is going to be posting his grievances on Twitter like Angle did for Orton "stealing" his move. Hey, maybe we'll find out that Truth used the same brand last night as Hardy did.
are you ****** vince took booker and nash away to fuck up the mem idea

nash even said it himself..

And we all know if the MEM reunited, WWE would then fall!

This "ripping off thing" is getting annoying, unless it is a blatant rip off like the 2/21/11 promo.

Because Jeff coming out smoking was vastly different than R-Truth smoking and how that was built up.
See thats the Thing with TNA Fan boys...They dont give up,and if you talk about tna in a bad way they spam you or delete your post they dont like hearing the R-TRUTH.Wwe does not Give 2 shits about TNA.Do you think vince mcmahon is actually backing himself in a corner going "Oh no they got the hardys,hogan and bischoff,lets rip off there ideas because we cant actually think of nothing" TNA is not anywhere near vinces league. Noooooooooo Get a damn life and stop obsessing with WRESTLING Especially TNA Wrestling.
Yet everyone is quick to award points to WWE, and I just feel that while most of creative in TNA has become a joke (since the botched MEM return), they do some good things that if they had any direction, would be appropriate.

But that's the point, they don't have any direction. They just start something and move into something else without ever resolving the previous angle or tying up loose ends.

**IMO the turn of R-Truth last night was completely pointless - at least the Hardy Cig incident was building a character that was already over as a heel. Not somebody trying to get the crowd to rap in the beginning of the night and couldn't cut a promo for shit.

Have you even been watching? R-Truth has been in dire need of some sort of a change for a long while now. Most of us figured it would be with all that talking he was doing with Cena during the Nexus angle last year. In one night, R-Truth just improved his stock and actually made himself alot more interesting. Heel promos are much easier to cut so maybe he'll be much better at that. Time will tell, but there was certainly a point to it and I think many of us are intrigued to see where he goes from here.
are you ****** vince took booker and nash away to fuck up the mem idea

nash even said it himself..

Yes let's believe what Kevin Nash, a WWE employee, says. He's never lied once in his life. If you believe something a wrestler tells you, you really need to learn a bit about common sense. Sure he took the Mafia from them, because TNA is breathing down the first third of their ratings neck so they need to be worried. Give me a break.
if wwe looked at tna for creative ideas, that would be a waste of time. wwe already owns the wcw nitros from 97-99, and those seem to be the ideas that tna is doing on their show. tna can have their wrestlers say what they want, but there is a reason why they only work a few days a week and give out free shows. T.N.A did have some great wrestlers who can put on a show, but all that went to hell last jan. and stars like Booker need the big stage, not a stage that couldnt fill up a bingo hall.

did you see Lockdown, in Cincinnati? they filled up that arena pretty damn good.

did WWE do something that TNA recently did? yes.
has TNA copied WWE? yes, but so has WWE copied things done from other companies. almost all of what us done in wrestling is being copied. not much is original anymore. even the wrestling moves, most have all been done before. I think it's BULLSHIT how people are always saying TNA copies WWE. WWE is not the only wrestling company to ever be around. there is so much that has been done by other wrestling companies that nobody even remembers. most people just think WWE does everything first because WWE has been around and on TV for so long. even before WCW there was NWA, but I don't think they were on TV. there was also AWA, which I know was on TV and I have seen classic shows since then.
Oh No the TNA Fanboys are pissed R-Truth's smoking actually got him over as Heel and wasn't used as a way to exploit a Drug problem. OMG Vince should close up shop now and go back home to hide under his bed for the rest of his life.
Sounds like WWE is ripping off again. But no one will ever admit it because the companies incapable of doing such things.
I dont think it had anything to do with Truth smoking as a way to be a heel or not. The thing was Morrison ripped on him for taking a water break during the Gauntlet match and then proceeded to rip on him some more about how he smokes and used that as another reason to say how out of shape he was.
Then of course Truth took the water break as a jab back and ended the beat down with a smoke to further say fuck you and flicked it on Morrison to further push it in his face that Truth is going to do what he wants.

I dont really think the WWE writers took into consideration that Jeff Hardy who like two or so months ago when he was on tv did the smoking gimmick to show that he just dont give a shit when they did the Truth heel turn. Like I said I think it was only because Morrison was talking shit about Truth doing it.

Nash never said that Vince brought Booker and Nash back to destroy MEM. Don't put words in his mouth.

He said he already had contract with TNA but saw Scott Steiner fight off the entire Immortal on his own, and thought TNA does not need him. Accepted Vince's offer just a day before Royal Rumble and drove to the place of the event.
When i saw R-Truth smoking it reminded me of The Sandman back in ECW rather than Hardy. I'm glad there wasn't a MEM reunion, Nash belongs in the WWE; i don't care much for Booker, but he's in a good spot.

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