TNA rips off WWE again

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Kasey said:
TNA is how many years old? WCW (more importantly it's original namesake was how old when they began beating WWE)? TNA is a baby by comparison and has been on Spike for a shade under a year, but they're fans aren't the average clueless mark that probably thinks wrestling isn't actually staged (see your average retarted WWE crowd). TNA acknowledges the existence of their competitor because they don't treat the fans like they have never frequented one of these websites before. They also know there are some people out there who watch wrestling programs for more than the b*******t angles and actually want to watch...dare I say it? Good wrestling...

Lets not start attacking each others fans ok?

In all fairness Kasey I have seen TNA fans go nuts over simple moves, last night they start yelling TNA TNA TNA because Brother Runt did a flying crossbody of the middle of a ladder.....Hardly a reason to go nuts, I saw better spots during the Mysterio/Guerrero match at No Mercy.
Lol thats like taking a Chris Masters(They do not really have bumpers, besides Sabu, but hes fucking Sabu, so leave him be, WWE shouldve never let him talked.) match and comparing it to an Samoa Joe AJ Daniels match. Eddie-Rey is gold. Runt is a guy who is there to bump.
DeathIsARight said:
In all fairness Kasey I have seen TNA fans go nuts over simple moves, last night they start yelling TNA TNA TNA because Brother Runt did a flying crossbody of the middle of a ladder.....Hardly a reason to go nuts, I saw better spots during the Mysterio/Guerrero match at No Mercy.
I'd hope you would see better spots at a PPV. It also means someone on Smackdown is earning their paycheck for once. Especially when Mysterio can work circles around Guererro or Spike. Hey, I'll take an overly passionate audience as opposed to an ignorant one that doesn't even care about actual wrestling, rather the gimmickry and storylines. In my eyes, it's the lesser of two evils. I'll refrain from using direct attacks on the average WWE fan, even if I find them to be lemmings at times. Didn't mean to upset you, man. Just stating my case.
Makaveli18 said:
Lol thats like taking a Chris Masters(They do not really have bumpers, besides Sabu, but hes fucking Sabu, so leave him be, WWE shouldve never let him talked.) match and comparing it to an Samoa Joe AJ Daniels match. Eddie-Rey is gold. Runt is a guy who is there to bump.
Amen. I love Runt, but face it, he's best known for waving at people and getting thrown into the audience by Bubba Ray. I like him a lot and always have, as he takes sick bumps to put a lot of the big guys over, but I do feel comparing those two matches is apples to oranges. People expect less from Runt anyway.
If you look hard enough your never going to find an original gimick people....Just enjoy...but mostly, writers get your crap together i think TNA has been far too jammned. I hated it in WCW where you can't watch a good match cause a commotion at ringside is happening or in the back room
Alex "The Fan" Wipper said:
Steve Austin was a WCW reject.
So using your logic then WWF should have never given him a shot.

Yea...I can see how that makes sense.
No no no young The Fan Wipper. Tna claims to be original but they use regects. That was the point of mentioning it, to show that using rejects makes them not original. WWE never claims to be oringinal.
And since when has TNA "claimed" to be 100% originol. If you're going to say that TNA is full of WWE rejects, which I disagree with because I could never call Christian or Rhyno or even Gail Kim rejects- just misued, than what about all the wrestlers that come over from TNA to WWE? There's many.

Flames Out
Wow did you just open up a whole new dimension or what. The thread is about tna claiming to be original not claiming to be "percent" original. Having rejects takes away from there attempted "image" at being original. That's what there trying to do-is give the "image" that there original. And having regects takes away from that image of originality . Thus contradicting themselves and becoming hypocrites
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