TNA rips off WWE again

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Dysturbed said:
yes they pride themselves in having some originality. Have they ever promised 100% originality?

I don't remember ever hearing Miss Carter saying anything along the lines of "Tune into TNA for 100 percent originality."

But, then again I guess WWE fans would know better than I.
xwave7000 said:
Never a big fan of Austin.... only reason he got pushed in the first place was cos Triple H pissed off Vince McMahon and his push was held back a year.

So seeing as you agree that Austin was a WCW reject who got pushed by the WWF. You agree that the WWF had done the same thing.

However, what you're saying is that since you aren't a fan of SCSA then it doesn't count?!
^Actually, Bret Hart was one of the prime reasons Austin is where he's at today. Hart liked his working style which is why, out of nowhere, Austin began goading Hart into a match while Hart was taking a summer sabbatical from WWF TV and they first clashed at Survivor Series 1996. Before this, Stone Cold's career in the WWF was Stone Dead. His "Ringmaster" gimmick was the freshest thing this side of Bastian Booger, and even when he changed his name he was still rotting below the midcard fighting in "Carribbean Strap Matches" with the illustrious...Savio Vega.
That's the one thing that pisses me off about TNA... They have so much great talent yet instead of doing their own thing, they always resort to mimicking the WWE's past gimmicks.
well, TNA has ripped WWE alot in the past, Christian Kurt ANgle Rhino yeh they have grabbed wwe stars but i say let em go wwe reigns supreme and is and will always be the supreme brand in sports entertainment.
Half the post in this fucking thread isnt even given much thought and How many hate threads must their be. If you dont like TNa stay out of the TNA Forums!
I don't get if TNA is an alternative to WWE, why do they keep bringing WWE rejects in except for Kurt Angle? For example, Monty Brown was on his way to become TNA Champion until Christian Cage came in and took his spot. Monty Brown was suppose to be TNA's savior but they never gave him that opportunity. Instead they keep looking to Jeff Jarrett to save them. Now look at them. Their ratings has dropped significantly and now instead of making superstars to compete with WWE, the're depending on WWE rejects like Rhino, Christian Cage, BG James, Kip James, Team 3D, and etc.
What I dont understand is why the WWE is getting all this drama about the sterotype gimmick of Cryme Time.. But TNA is getting non for the LAX gimmick.. When they go all out calling white people "gringoes" and using other racial slurrs... Makes no sence that TNA has something worse then the Cryme Time gimmick and it isnt getting any attention..

As for the topic.. Companies copy of one another all the time.. Not really copy to the fullest but use the same basic idea... If a company see's its working for the other.. Why not? They do anything for ratings.
Just using a Samoan in the company is now copying WWE ? are you kidding me ? Snuka or the rock or none of them have anything on Joe. As for this stable its not like its never been thought of Before. TNA is oringinal, not on everything but you cant really say that everything they do has already been done before..
lets see..who are there most known people ...angle, christian, sting and jeff jarrett...werent they in the wwe before? and wwe not innocent in this either. samoa joe=umaga..samoans who are unbeaten..jarrett=bookaaa..heels that overstay their welcome as champs...and besides TNA is tryin so hard they even advertise themselves as better than WWE (before no surrender all i hear is...You are watching TNA the home for real wrestling AND You are watching the new big thing in wrestling...who are they fooling
raymond27913 said:
lets see..who are there most known people ...angle, christian, sting and jeff jarrett...werent they in the wwe before? and wwe not innocent in this either. samoa joe=umaga..samoans who are unbeaten..jarrett=bookaaa..heels that overstay their welcome as champs...and besides TNA is tryin so hard they even advertise themselves as better than WWE (before no surrender all i hear is...You are watching TNA the home for real wrestling AND You are watching the new big thing in wrestling...who are they fooling

Sting was never in the WWE...

How did Booker "overstay" his welcome as champ.. Hes been the champ about 3 months or so? Thats not long at all.. So thats not even a comparisson.. Actually I dont consider TNA nor WWE real wrestling.. Real wrestling is like the stuff in high school and the olympics.. No matter what federation it is.. Its still scripted and entertainment.. But TNA is the new big thing in Wrestling.. Tho it still doesnt touch the WWe.
PauLwaLL50 said:
What I dont understand is why the WWE is getting all this drama about the sterotype gimmick of Cryme Time.. But TNA is getting non for the LAX gimmick.. When they go all out calling white people "gringoes" and using other racial slurrs... Makes no sence that TNA has something worse then the Cryme Time gimmick and it isnt getting any attention..

As for the topic.. Companies copy of one another all the time.. Not really copy to the fullest but use the same basic idea... If a company see's its working for the other.. Why not? They do anything for ratings.
LAX is pretty much a political grouping of wrestlers with an actual agenda geared towards rights for minorities through an extremely aggressive approach (putting it mildly). Cryme Time...although funny in the eyes of some, paints a picture of young black men as being delinquents and criminals to others. Most of us who have a sense of humor that doesn't revolve around Don Knotts and Mayberry can see that it's just a joke and obviously it doesn't offend the tag team portraying it, so I say who gives a s***, you know? LAX getting away with calling white people names is accepted because most white people (at least me) don't see the slurs as having the same kind of weight as someone who is a minority who may have been discriminated against and had those types of words directed at them. I'm not black, asian, or hispanic so I have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against in the standard sense. Personally, I think the LAX program is one of the edgiest things that TNA has ever done and you can tell some of those feelings emanating from Konnan just may have a ring of truth for him. I hope this is the direction the company goes in. WWF was going there for a while, but managed to drive it in the ditch. Personally, I'd love to see a serious semi/worked-shoot angle of this type with some real passion, as opposed to Konnan and 3LK disintegrating and having K-Dawg fight Bullet Bob's wrinkled ass. Anyway, I've put too much thought into this. In the's just wrestling.
yes i agree with all of u that tna rips off of the wwe, but wwe does do the same. wwe copied samoa joe with umaga and when estrada gets on the ring apron and breaks the cigar its like james mitchell giving abyss the doomsday signal. also the thing that has made wwe so great is because the dont hire rejects from other companies like tna did, they create new young wrestlers. wcw was the same way, they used ted turners paycheck to buy luger, savage, hogan, and flair who were good but past their prime, and wcw got ran out of business because of no new talent. tna is trying to compete and create competition for wwe, and i like tna, but they cant compete with wwe until they create new talent and dont sign has-beens or never-was because they feel thats the best way for them to put up new wrestlers. come up with your own new wrestlers and maybe they might have a slim shot at competing w/ wwe
cena6967 said:
yes i agree with all of u that tna rips off of the wwe, but wwe does do the same. wwe copied samoa joe with umaga and when estrada gets on the ring apron and breaks the cigar its like james mitchell giving abyss the doomsday signal. also the thing that has made wwe so great is because the dont hire rejects from other companies like tna did, they create new young wrestlers. wcw was the same way, they used ted turners paycheck to buy luger, savage, hogan, and flair who were good but past their prime, and wcw got ran out of business because of no new talent. tna is trying to compete and create competition for wwe, and i like tna, but they cant compete with wwe until they create new talent and dont sign has-beens or never-was because they feel thats the best way for them to put up new wrestlers. come up with your own new wrestlers and maybe they might have a slim shot at competing w/ wwe
I don't know how many newbs I'm going to tell this: WWE didn't create the majority of their stars. They were "never-was" wrestlers as you'd like to call him. Stone Cold, Sid, Vader, Hogan, Flair, Savage, the list goes on...were all created and got their start in a rival promotion. Whether it be the NWA, WCW, or AWA. Actually WCW got ran out of business because of TOO MUCH talent and not enough direction. They had the deepest and most diverse roster in the history of the business circa 1998 (when they began to fall apart). Mismanagement was what killed it, not a lack of new talent. This is the same way of thinking that WWF marks had back when WCW nearly had Vince's company in the gutter. For two years Nitro consistently kicked Raw's ass because they put out better weekly shows and much better, more original PPVs. TNA is still in its infancy and there is a myriad of directions the company can go in, whether it be positive or negative. Any judgments on whether they can compete with WWE are premature at best. If the 1990's proved anything, it's that there is damn sure enough room in America for two successful promotions.
And DX wasn't a rip off of NWO? They were. But they were still good. Things are stolen all the time in wrestling. That doesn't mean that they still can't be good.
iamwrestling said:
And DX wasn't a rip off of NWO? They were. But they were still good. Things are stolen all the time in wrestling. That doesn't mean that they still can't be good.
Definitely. Stone Cold's character was a direct lift of Sandman (even though I felt it was supremely inferior) but nevertheless it worked like a charm.
IMO, it was diffrent for WCW & WWE to rip each other. But TNA? It's in such a low point they still have VERRRRRY long ways to go until they can compete with the WWE. TNA's top carders roster is weak. Kurt Angle can out-draw all 20 of the WWE's top carders? I think not. TNA needs many more names, not just Angle.

But I highly agree TNA is copying WWE. TNA just randomly came in the scene like who the fuck are you and what do you want little boy?.... like that. But WCW weren't the little kids, they went over the WWE's game. WCW was able to do it. Why? Because they reached that level where they could do whatever they want. TNA reacts too soon. As of now, they have no reasons or business being like WCW.

They should be purchased by the WWE.... Billy Gunn, The Road Dogg, Kurt Angle, Christian, The Dudley Boyz, Spike Dudley, Jeff Jarrett, Rhyno, Raven, Kevin Nash, Shane Douglas.... as the WWE's past.

I mean come on, they can't sell with their TNA initials, so they must use the WWE's name to sell. TNA never specified what their fucken problem is. So far, they're making theirselves sounding like ignorant pricks that cries nonstop.
MadMetal said:
TNA's top carders roster is weak. Kurt Angle can out-draw all 20 of the WWE's top carders? I think not. TNA needs many more names, not just Angle.
As opposed to WWE's golden boys like Batista and Cena? They couldn't work their way out of a wet paper bag if guns were held to each of their heads. Jarrett may be tired as hell in his role in TNA, but at least he has more than about four moves to rely on.
MadMetal said:
But I highly agree TNA is copying WWE. TNA just randomly came in the scene like who the fuck are you and what do you want little boy?.... like that. But WCW weren't the little kids, they went over the WWE's game. WCW was able to do it. Why? Because they reached that level where they could do whatever they want. TNA reacts too soon. As of now, they have no reasons or business being like WCW.
To be more correct, TNA is copying the WWF because that actually had solid wrestling. WCW was a second-rate redneck promotion before they stepped up, grew a set, and went head-to-head on Mondays with RAW. They didn't play nice, either. Roster moves, as well as revealing RAW results on the air weren't exactly methods of an ethical nature. TNA can make those statements because their fans are dedicated and actually give a rat's ass about more than thirty percent of the roster.
MadMetal said:
They should be purchased by the WWE....
Why, so Vince can piss that away like he did the WCW acquisition? Great plan.
MadMetal said:
I mean come on, they can't sell with their TNA initials, so they must use the WWE's name to sell. TNA never specified what their fucken problem is. So far, they're making theirselves sounding like ignorant pricks that cries nonstop.
TNA is how many years old? WCW (more importantly it's original namesake was how old when they began beating WWE)? TNA is a baby by comparison and has been on Spike for a shade under a year, but they're fans aren't the average clueless mark that probably thinks wrestling isn't actually staged (see your average retarted WWE crowd). TNA acknowledges the existence of their competitor because they don't treat the fans like they have never frequented one of these websites before. They also know there are some people out there who watch wrestling programs for more than the b*******t angles and actually want to watch...dare I say it? Good wrestling...
Kasey said:
As opposed to WWE's golden boys like Batista and Cena? They couldn't work their way out of a wet paper bag if guns were held to each of their heads. Jarrett may be tired as hell in his role in TNA, but at least he has more than about four moves to rely on.

To be more correct, TNA is copying the WWF because that actually had solid wrestling. WCW was a second-rate redneck promotion before they stepped up, grew a set, and went head-to-head on Mondays with RAW. They didn't play nice, either. Roster moves, as well as revealing RAW results on the air weren't exactly methods of an ethical nature. TNA can make those statements because their fans are dedicated and actually give a rat's ass about more than thirty percent of the roster.

Why, so Vince can piss that away like he did the WCW acquisition? Great plan.

TNA is how many years old? WCW (more importantly it's original namesake was how old when they began beating WWE)? TNA is a baby by comparison and has been on Spike for a shade under a year, but they're fans aren't the average clueless mark that probably thinks wrestling isn't actually staged (see your average retarted WWE crowd). TNA acknowledges the existence of their competitor because they don't treat the fans like they have never frequented one of these websites before. They also know there are some people out there who watch wrestling programs for more than the b*******t angles and actually want to watch...dare I say it? Good wrestling...

There's no denying anything you said, but there's diffrent sides. Talking down on Batista and Cena was a little harsh. Since when was professional wrestling all about only what happens in the ring? TNA lacks the charecters that sells and brings in ratings. Don't beleive me? You probably didn't like the Attitude era seeing WCW & WWE were sports entertainment, but the ratings, buyrates and merchandising sales proved it and still does in the WWE.

I don't get it, TNA copying WWF? The World Wildlife Fund?? TNA can antagonize because their fans are dedicated? BS. You think the WCW fans weren't dedicated? The size of a promotion and chants means nothing. It's whether or not you're with them. Despite the fan dedication, which is definately a positive side, does not change facts and reality. They're still very small, indeed and I agree compare to the WWE, TNA is a baby which I understand why fans stays dedicated. I don't beleive it's only what is delivered, which TNA has too little to mess anything up. It's because, despite what TNA shows, TNA fans supports them because some older fans were ins earch of their new WCW or ECW and wanted to stop the search and landed on TNA as the next big thing that's why I feel the fans could easily cheer for any small thing. Once the company expands like WCW, the fan base will be too large. Too many diffrent fan opinions and the people won't be able to think as a whole, unlike the smaller fan base and would get to the point they can't listen to all the diffrent things, so they go their own way until the fans can actually speak and think as a whole.

But no flag was given to TNA yet. They need to focuss more on their own product instead of the WWE. By that is creating charecters for some of their superstars and use their own materials to spice things a little to make things more entertaining that would sell because in reality, many people mostly judges a wrestler on their charecter. Build things, no need to grab apples from the apple tree and to rub it in their faces when the major leagues can offer the biggest contract that's irresistable to any of TNA's wrestlers. WWE is capible of more than we all think. TNA can't speak until they can use action.
MadMetal said:
There's no denying anything you said, but there's diffrent sides. Talking down on Batista and Cena was a little harsh. Since when was professional wrestling all about only what happens in the ring? TNA lacks the charecters that sells and brings in ratings. Don't beleive me? You probably didn't like the Attitude era seeing WCW & WWE were sports entertainment, but the ratings, buyrates and merchandising sales proved it and still does in the WWE.
It's not harsh. Watch their matches in ECW in front of non-marks. They were eaten alive by a crowd that doesn't tune in to see the "same old shit" in regards to a gimmick without the wrestling skill to complement it. I liked a lot about the attitude era. More specifically the workrate. The matches were better in those days and the fans were very passionate. All the way from the USA/Canada angle and on down, there were a truckload of solid matches to speak of. The WWE's ratings are nearly two points down from their prime. You figure that with swallowing their competition they'd be able to corner the wrestling market forever, right? Wrong. The opportunity of a lifetime was in Vince's greasy little hands and he dropped the ball and kicked it down the stormdrain.
MadMetal said:
I don't get it, TNA copying WWF? The World Wildlife Fund?? TNA can antagonize because their fans are dedicated? BS. You think the WCW fans weren't dedicated? The size of a promotion and chants means nothing. It's whether or not you're with them. Despite the fan dedication, which is definately a positive side, does not change facts and reality. They're still very small, indeed and I agree compare to the WWE, TNA is a baby which I understand why fans stays dedicated. I don't beleive it's only what is delivered, which TNA has too little to mess anything up. It's because, despite what TNA shows, TNA fans supports them because some older fans were ins earch of their new WCW or ECW and wanted to stop the search and landed on TNA as the next big thing that's why I feel the fans could easily cheer for any small thing. Once the company expands like WCW, the fan base will be too large. Too many diffrent fan opinions and the people won't be able to think as a whole, unlike the smaller fan base and would get to the point they can't listen to all the diffrent things, so they go their own way until the fans can actually speak and think as a whole.
No, the World Wrestling Federation. The company that had some actual decent wrestling on a consistent basis. Not the crap that's on these days where out of two hours of nightly programming you're lucky if you get twenty decent minutes of in-ring action. The last half of your argument here is full of holes. The fans are passionate because they're entertained by the product TNA give, plain and simple. I don't care that it's the next big anything and have been watching wrestling since I was five. I watched (and still do) because the wrestling on average is better and more entertaining than WWE. I don't just stand around cheering for whatever comes out of the entrance way. I'm not a WWE mark. I'm a WRESTLING fan first and foremost. If a guy can't work, I don't give a rat's ass how cool his gimmick is. The TNA fans praise workrate and are actually educated as to what and when to cheer in relation to a good series of spots. Something a clueless WWE audience has no concept of. The fanbase getting too big to distinguish the concensus on the product is moot. Look at the collective pops Stone Cold, Sting, or the Rock received back in their heyday. The fans looked pretty damn united on those fronts, and those were some pretty big crowds. No confusion at all.
MadMetal said:
But no flag was given to TNA yet. They need to focuss more on their own product instead of the WWE. By that is creating charecters for some of their superstars and use their own materials to spice things a little to make things more entertaining that would sell because in reality, many people mostly judges a wrestler on their charecter. Build things, no need to grab apples from the apple tree and to rub it in their faces when the major leagues can offer the biggest contract that's irresistable to any of TNA's wrestlers. WWE is capible of more than we all think. TNA can't speak until they can use action.
You make it sound as if TNA is doing anti-WWE service announcements or something. They're allowing wrestlers to cut promos where they may want to clear the air in regards to their former employer and let some of the smarks out there know what they may really think now that they're not part of the Titan machine. TNA has developed plenty of their own, non-WWE wrestlers. Styles, Samoa Joe, AMW, Abyss, Daniels, for starters. TNA has more money backing them than YOU think. Panda Energy is loaded and has been a publicly traded company for a tad longer than Titan. WWE is capable of great things, sure. They're also capable of the XFL and WBF, too. TNA's program is based around action. So are their PPVs. That's why they're worth twice what is charged for a WWE PPV on a regular basis.
wwe is boring to me and how you gonna say they rippin them off if it didn't happened...when it happeneds you can talk
giantz4eva said:
Hey bro, we did the Somoan thing first too. The wild Somoans, Superfly, Rikishi to name a few. And Somoa Joe dosen't even look like he's somoan, he looks like a dark italian.
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa is Samoan. I suppose you think the English speak like Regal. :p
Kasey said:
Definitely. Stone Cold's character was a direct lift of Sandman (even though I felt it was supremely inferior) but nevertheless it worked like a charm.

You think Stone Cold is inferior to The Sandman? I happen to think Stone Cold was better, the old Stone Cold was the greatest entertainer I have ever seen on wrestling. Not the greatest wrestler, but what he did during Austin vs McMahon was gold everytime. Who wasn't laughing when he attacked McMahon in the hospital?
Kasey said:
It's not harsh. Watch their matches in ECW in front of non-marks. They were eaten alive by a crowd that doesn't tune in to see the "same old shit" in regards to a gimmick without the wrestling skill to complement it. I liked a lot about the attitude era. More specifically the workrate. The matches were better in those days and the fans were very passionate. All the way from the USA/Canada angle and on down, there were a truckload of solid matches to speak of. The WWE's ratings are nearly two points down from their prime. You figure that with swallowing their competition they'd be able to corner the wrestling market forever, right? Wrong. The opportunity of a lifetime was in Vince's greasy little hands and he dropped the ball and kicked it down the stormdrain.

No, the World Wrestling Federation. The company that had some actual decent wrestling on a consistent basis. Not the crap that's on these days where out of two hours of nightly programming you're lucky if you get twenty decent minutes of in-ring action. The last half of your argument here is full of holes. The fans are passionate because they're entertained by the product TNA give, plain and simple. I don't care that it's the next big anything and have been watching wrestling since I was five. I watched (and still do) because the wrestling on average is better and more entertaining than WWE. I don't just stand around cheering for whatever comes out of the entrance way. I'm not a WWE mark. I'm a WRESTLING fan first and foremost. If a guy can't work, I don't give a rat's ass how cool his gimmick is. The TNA fans praise workrate and are actually educated as to what and when to cheer in relation to a good series of spots. Something a clueless WWE audience has no concept of. The fanbase getting too big to distinguish the concensus on the product is moot. Look at the collective pops Stone Cold, Sting, or the Rock received back in their heyday. The fans looked pretty damn united on those fronts, and those were some pretty big crowds. No confusion at all.

You make it sound as if TNA is doing anti-WWE service announcements or something. They're allowing wrestlers to cut promos where they may want to clear the air in regards to their former employer and let some of the smarks out there know what they may really think now that they're not part of the Titan machine. TNA has developed plenty of their own, non-WWE wrestlers. Styles, Samoa Joe, AMW, Abyss, Daniels, for starters. TNA has more money backing them than YOU think. Panda Energy is loaded and has been a publicly traded company for a tad longer than Titan. WWE is capable of great things, sure. They're also capable of the XFL and WBF, too. TNA's program is based around action. So are their PPVs. That's why they're worth twice what is charged for a WWE PPV on a regular basis.

Um Kasey, Panda is not publicly traded. Look again.
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