Complain in Here

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This isn't so much of a "complaint" and I don't know if this was already asked which there's 19 pages and how many posts in each page? Too many to go through. But I'm just wondering.... how come the avatars are all from 2002? How come they're not up to date with current images as well as current wrestlers from 2007? It's no big deal but just wondering.....
no they dont you can showcase any of yoru work in the showcase part of the graphics forum
What steps go through the role playing in WZCW? Do all the competitors in a match write the match together, or do they do role play interviews? I'm not sure about the way people decide the winner or any of that. Thanks.
Again this question should be asked in the WZCW forum but i'll answer it and no the the competitors do no not write the match together as the staff will write the match. Basically just liek interviews or just talk about what one will do and the staff votes on the best roleplays and the best ones written that person will win the match.
Sorry about posting in the wrong places, I thought this would be ok since it's for new people. Thanks a million.
Its ok but just look around next time as there are certain places for certain questions just makes things easier
I have another question in an attempt to get off the Avitar topic, How do I change the little message in red next to my avatar? The one that says "Registered User" for some, and has other messages for others? I've looked, and can't find it. Thanks whomever helps me.
I have another question in an attempt to get off the Avitar topic, How do I change the little message in red next to my avatar? The one that says "Registered User" for some, and has other messages for others? I've looked, and can't find it. Thanks whomever helps me.

Click USER CP and the click edit profile, its right at the top.
Ok, if I make a bitch bet for some match at SS (lets say, Cena vs Orton) betting some e-Dollars, can I still bet in the official vBookie?? Obviously, for the same wrestler....
Sure you can AE i mean you double bet i see no harm in it. Rememer no following through the bet means prison time
I guess this isnt so much of a forum complaint as it is a site complaint, why in the news headlines do the same thing keep getting said over and over in different updates? I mean the recent Donald Trump update had been said in prior updates at least 3 times that i can remember, and i could say the same for other articles like the Rene Dupree wrestling in Japan has been on there twice now, Hogan getting robbed is on there twice....i mean don't you people keep track of what is on there already?
I guess this isnt so much of a forum complaint as it is a site complaint, why in the news headlines do the same thing keep getting said over and over in different updates? I mean the recent Donald Trump update had been said in prior updates at least 3 times that i can remember, and i could say the same for other articles like the Rene Dupree wrestling in Japan has been on there twice now, Hogan getting robbed is on there twice....i mean don't you people keep track of what is on there already?

Those are links to the main site which has nothing to do with us, I may be wrong but our admins have no control over what is put up there.
well really it shouldnt be in here in the first place. if we want the news we can go to the news portion of this shouldnt even be in the wzcw area
my comp is screwed up and i tried posting a qoute but it wont let me...

can someone seriously tell me how to do this stuff. im getting tired of having to explain my computers stupidity to people
my comp is screwed up and i tried posting a qoute but it wont let me...

can someone seriously tell me how to do this stuff. im getting tired of having to explain my computers stupidity to people

ok, it's not that difficult, in the bottom right corner of the post you are trying to Quote, their is a button that says "QUOTE", all you have to do is click on that, that is all

all don't think the stupidity lies within you computer, I think it has more to do with the computers operator, after all a computer is only as smart as the person using it
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