Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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You know what the abo****e hilarious thing is? The same people who are calling every single interview kayfabe are the same people who use these so called kayfabe interviews as a means of putting Cena over in the ring, stating that legends like Foley and Jericho put Cena over in interviews.. I'm not disagreeing that Cena is great in the ring I'm just pointing out the flaw in your logic guys.
Got any EVIDENCE, any PROOF PROOF, of anyone saying this? Or is this just pure speculation on your part without providing any TRUTHFUL EVIDENCE?
No, Batista vs. Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus was the plan until Batista got rejected at the Royal Rumble. This has been confirmed by Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Sheamus, and multiple sources.

All of whom could either:

A. Have been lied to to keep the story tight and make you believe that.


B. Be lying to you as they say it.
Why would they lie? They said it on THE INTERNET, which we all know is where professional wrestlers go to be truthful.

I know this, because I'm an older fan than I used to be, and I know how all the backstage stuff works now.
Why would they lie? They said it on THE INTERNET, which we all know is where professional wrestlers go to be truthful.

I know this, because I'm an older fan than I used to be, and I know how all the backstage stuff works now.

And you might have even seen it in a shoot, and there's no lying allowed in a shoot. Lying in a shoot is like breaking a pinkie swear. You might get sent to your room for it.
The problem is that this is all speculation. You are presented with facts and you brush them off like they're nothing and speculate. Show me some evidence.

No. I'm presented with statements that people who have a reason to lie or reasons not to be believed. That's speculation. At the end of the day, I can't prove what I'm saying and the best you can do is point to people who make their living lying as your evidence. The difference is I get why that might not hold up.
Because one of the two gets paid millions of dollars per year to lie to you, and one of them doesn't.
No. I'm presented with statements that people who have a reason to lie or reasons not to be believed. That's speculation. At the end of the day, I can't prove what I'm saying and the best you can do is point to people who make their living lying as your evidence. The difference is I get why that might not hold up.

Why would Daniel Bryan lie? You're speculating that he's lying or being lied to.

And Daniel Bryan makes his living by lying... what?

The difference is you think WWE honestly wanted to push someone with the size and look of Daniel Bryan to the main event of WrestleMania.
Why would Daniel Bryan lie? You're speculating that he's lying or being lied to.

And Daniel Bryan makes his living by lying... what?

The difference is you think WWE honestly wanted to push someone with the size and look of Daniel Bryan to the main event of WrestleMania.

Oh I don't know. Maybe something like this.

HHH: "Now, remember to never tell the real version of what happened. These idiot 16 year old kids on the internet will believe everything that you tell them. That makes it SO much easier to work them and make them think they're getting something and then they'll pay to see the match. We win."

Bryan: "Got it."
What would you believe?

The word of Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and Sheamus - 3 highly respected and honest wrestlers


Speculation from a couple of random guys on an pro wrestling forum
Wrestlers don't stay in kayfabe during real life interviews. This isn't the 1980s.

You just answered your own question.

No this isn't the 1980s. "Smart" wrestling fans are trained to believe that anything they see on the internet or in a shoot interview is totally and completely real because they think that's how the rules work.

What better way to work them and give the wrestlers/wrestling company a position of power over them than to change the rules and lie to their faces?
Oh I don't know. Maybe something like this.

HHH: "Now, remember to never tell the real version of what happened. These idiot 16 year old kids on the internet will believe everything that you tell them. That makes it SO much easier to work them and make them think they're getting something and then they'll pay to see the match. We win."

Bryan: "Got it."

What about Royal Rumble 2015, where they didn't let Daniel Bryan win again? It's the EXACT situation, just replace Batista with Reigns and Orton with Lesnar. That time, WWE decided to go ahead and push Batista (Reigns). In the end, Daniel Bryan got pushed aside for someone with the look and size. Was it a work then? Was I supposed to reject Reigns (Batista) and cheer for Daniel Bryan?
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