Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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Okay, then what reason did CM Punk have to say that DB's whole push was NOT a work? Why would he put over Daniel Bryan like that, given that he has no reason to lie after he left the company. I believe that Punk was completely honest with this. He stated that he was scripted to go over Triple H ; if he simply wanted to talk shit about WWE and give them a bad name he would've lied and said that HHH was scripted to go over him.

Why would HHH or Vince let Punk in on the plans for DB? I'm not saying DB's match with HHH was the plan all along. I'm just saying he was picked to main event Mania long before the fans "revolted". HHH was added to the story because his opponent took his mysterious ball shaped staff infection and went home.
KB I'm posting that on Reddit. I know that Reddit people are more intelligent than me for discussing wrestling (Im not an egotistical maniac unlike Spidey) so I will see what they think of it.
Why would HHH or Vince let Punk in on the plans for DB? I'm not saying DB's match with HHH was the plan all along. I'm just saying he was picked to main event Mania long before the fans "revolted". HHH was added to the story because his opponent took his mysterious ball shaped staff infection and went home.

Punk was told he would face Triple H. Why would they lie about that to him? You are providing all speculation and no facts
KB I'm posting that on Reddit. I know that Reddit people are more intelligent than me for discussing wrestling (Im not an egotistical maniac unlike Spidey) so I will see what they think of it.

I've been mentioned on Reddit before. They don't seem to think much of me, mainly because I'm a "hater".
Punk was told he would face Triple H. Why would they lie about that to him? You are providing all speculation and no facts

Punk was the original plan for HHH. That fell through when Punk left. HHH needed another high profile match so he inserted himself on the DB train. If you haven't noticed over the past 15 years, it is kind of what HHH does.

Sheamus on the other hand had no business on the Mania card in a one on one match. It just played in to fans prejudices to have it leak that be would face Bryan. They made the same rumor the year before.

And yes, I am speculating. But my speculation makes more sense than your testimonials.
After the Royal Rumble, everything was a work and by Elimination Chamber it was clear that Daniel Bryan was getting the push, but everything before the Rumble was obviously unplanned.
WARNING: None of this has anything to do with the topic of the thread. Once again a Crocker post deteriorates into a completely different subject.

You guys are talking out of pure speculation. Spidey you're the one who is so adamant about getting "facts".

This part is true. The numerous times I've made you look like an idiot are testament to that.

I am providing sources from CM Punk and Daniel Bryan interviews while you are making mere speculations.

Are you talking about what you quoted on Page 12 here? If so, I suggest you reread what they said. They didn't give an exact answer to anything.

There is no evidence that Daniel Bryan's push was planned from the start other than theories and speculation.

Except for Triple H's betrayal, the repetitive insults of "B+ Player", and they brought in heel Batista to feud with heel Orton.

It's a pretty basic story of your average joe sticking it to "the man" after being put down. My evidence stems from the understanding of literary patterns such as The Hero's Journey, The Everyman Character, and Revenge storytelling.

However there IS evidence that it was NOT a work, confirmed by multiple sources (Daniel Bryan interviews, CM Punk, who left the company, and Sheamus).

I wouldn't listen to a whining Punk, but I digress. Of course the same people that make money off of the company aren't going to tell you you were fooled into rooting for the guy that was slated to be in the top position from the start. That's dumb and a good way to lose brownie points with your employer.

But then again if we're talking about your quotes, those comments can be argued both ways. Their practically talking like oracles with no definite answer to anything. We could both use your "evidence" to banter back and forth.

(Im not an egotistical maniac unlike Spidey)

:lmao: Says the guy that argued with me that he knew what a WWE Champion should and shouldn't do in this same thread.

Ah, the obvious last resort when you have nothing of value to say. Name-calling. Sure, I'm an egotistical maniac, but what does that make you, your dozens of alts, and that horrid "PWF Answers Wrestling Questions"? A casual fan?
I've been mentioned on Reddit before. They don't seem to think much of me, mainly because I'm a "hater".

If you don't jerk off repeatedly and enthusiastically to every stereotypical IWC favorite, NJPW or Dave Meltzer over on Wreddit, you're a hater It's basically a neckbeard hivemind. It's pretty easy to see why dipshit here is such a fan of it.
If you don't jerk off repeatedly and enthusiastically to every stereotypical IWC favorite, NJPW or Dave Meltzer over on Wreddit, you're a hater It's basically a neckbeard hivemind. It's pretty easy to see why dipshit here is such a fan of it.

Thats not what reddit is like.. im guessing you've never been there before
If not for us revolting, Austin would have never got revenge on Mr. McMahon.

We are gods. Watch how we take to the internet and chant repeatedly to make true talent like Zack Ryder and Matt Hardy multiple-time WWE Champions because WWE listens to us.
Thats not what reddit is like.. im guessing you've never been there before

Why is it that every time you have shared a reddit link to us of you retorting against WZ, the majority ganged up on you, or at least wondered why you were flat out whining about another site?

If this is your idea of a more intelligent social site, then maybe I agree with you after all.
Thank you. Sometimes I feel all alone on my The Main Event of Mania 30 Was All A Work Conspiracy Theory Island.
You're far from alone, but, yeah.

I've linked to this video during this rolling John Cena discussion we've had here so many times that I won't bother linking it again, but in the Originals section of the WWE Network, on their WWE List program, there's an episode called "Biggest Underdogs". In the five minute intro, they do everything but explicitly state "we deliberately create overwhelming favorites so that we can create underdogs to beat them, because we know our fans love that shit".

And they do. They loved it for CM Punk, they loved it for Daniel Bryan, they're loving it now with Seth Rollins- all people whom were involved with major programs with John Cena at the time they were breaking into the main scene. To some people, this is the story of the Evil John Cena keeping the Good Latest Fan Hero from achieving the success they rightfully deserve; to others, its the story of a company which has spent decades and made billions by manipulating fan psychology, manipulating fan psychology.
First I thought you were actually intelligent because you can be objective. Now I know that you're just delusional and making random shit up. Give me a source that says Daniel Bryan's wrestle mania build was planned from day one.. On multiple documentaries, and from Daniel Bryan himself he stated that it was not planned from the start.. Even in non kayfabe interviews you will hear it from him.

How can you say someone isn't intelligent, call them delusional or accuse them of making shit up you dodgey little bastard. You seriously need banning from the internet. Your and ignorant little fucking freak.
How can you say someone isn't intelligent, call them delusional or accuse them of making shit up you dodgey little bastard. You seriously need banning from the internet. Your and ignorant little fucking freak.

No he doesn't. At least not from here. He's hilarious and that's the main reason he hasn't been banned for doing completely bannable things. Look at the post you referenced of mine. He's butthurt from me making fun of him and the like so he tries to say I made an argument I didn't.

Now from a psychological standpoint, he needs to get his ass off the computer for, well, ever. He's obviously obsessed with it.

So you mean that they actually wanted Bryan in the title match at WM? You mean to tell me that a company which has made tons of money over multiple decades knew exactly what they wanted their main event to be? The same company that has created underdog stories in the past, ran another one?

You don't say....

Hey Crocker. Rey Mysterio called & wanted me to tell you that yes, these things happen.
No he doesn't. At least not from here. He's hilarious and that's the main reason he hasn't been banned for doing completely bannable things. Look at the post you referenced of mine. He's butthurt from me making fun of him and the like so he tries to say I made an argument I didn't.

Now from a psychological standpoint, he needs to get his ass off the computer for, well, ever. He's obviously obsessed with it.

I'm trying to stop smoking and him being a hypocrite got to me. He does bring me great amusement but at times it makes my blood boil how he can be such a fucking ******
I'm trying to stop smoking and him being a hypocrite got to me. He does bring me great amusement but at times it makes my blood boil how he can be such a fucking ******
Don't get mad. You're talking to a true believer, who still thinks there's such a thing as a "non-kayfaybe" interview. You might as well get angry at the fan who yells at the referee because he didn't notice Brie switched with Nikki.
Haha you guys are great little theorists huh? Well you keep on speculating this shit and think what you want. At the end it's not my mind that is being filled with absolute ignorance. Why would fired wrestlers like Alberto del rio and cm punk lie when they were honest on every OTHER part of their interviews. Y'all are just speculating shit while I'm providing actual proof. Idiots
You guys make compelling arguments but I gotta say, I'm not buying the idea that the main event of WM30 was ever supposed to include Daniel Bryan. I honestly believe that Vince McMahon is so out of touch that he thought Batista vs. Randy Orton would be a huge match for a landmark Wrestlemania.
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