Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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You guys make compelling arguments but I gotta say, I'm not buying the idea that the main event of WM30 was ever supposed to include Daniel Bryan. I honestly believe that Vince McMahon is so out of touch that he thought Batista vs. Randy Orton would be a huge match for a landmark Wrestlemania.

I think HBK said in an interview that they asked him if he'd comeback for one more match at Mania vs. Bryan, but he told them no. So I think that was probably the original plan.
Why would fired wrestlers like Alberto del rio and cm punk lie
Because they are a part of the professional wrestling show, you are not, and they know full well that they could say they saw Vince in a three-way ******** in the locker room with HHH and Steph on the bottom, and people like you would believe it. Because it's a shoot interview, and they're being HONEST with you.

Meanwhile, you've been weaned off of Daniel Bryan and onto Seth Rollins, and you think it's because you're a smart fan who knows that you shouldn't root for John Cena, because he's clearly using his booking influence to win fixed athletic demonstrations. And if something happens to Seth Rollins, the WWE has Dean Ambrose waiting in the wings to take up that underdog spot, much like the WWE weaned you from CM Punk to Daniel Bryan.

But nevermind me, you're providing what professional wrestlers said in REAL, HONEST shoot interviews, and everyone knows that when the curtain comes up, every professional wrestler is totally honest with professional wrestling fans. After all, you're an older fan than you used to be, and you know how all that backstage stuff works now.
We are talking about company who thought Reigns could be thrown in mainevent of Wrestlemania and that it could be good. Was good match, but that decision for him to win Rumble was atrocious from booking perspective. Makes more sense next year if they build him good. So I have no problem to believe that they thought returning Batista vs Orton would be fine for mainevent but they changed it after unfavorable Rumble. Bryan has lost his feud against Wyatt at Rumble. Dont think WWE is that smart to troll us that much. Due believe however that they intended for him to be big based on how the audience responded to him. But dont believe they intentionally builded it the way it was.
Due believe however that they intended for him to be big based on how the audience responded to him. But dont believe they intentionally builded it the way it was.

We can speculate either way on WM30, but I'm pretty sure beating Cena clean and then getting screwed by the Authority in the same night is a good way to get someone over massively.
You know what the abo****e hilarious thing is? The same people who are calling every single interview kayfabe are the same people who use these so called kayfabe interviews as a means of putting Cena over in the ring, stating that legends like Foley and Jericho put Cena over in interviews.. I'm not disagreeing that Cena is great in the ring I'm just pointing out the flaw in your logic guys.
Jeez idk, maybe because they are top stars? And Punk was told he was going to face HHH at WM?

You do realize:

1) being a top star does not mean they know everything going on. They are not bookers, creative or named McMahon.

2). I'm not saying HHH wasn't going to face Punk. I'm saying DB was always scheduled to win the main event.
1. Punk was one of the main matches. Its easy for him to ask what the main event is going to be and they would've told him

2. We're talking about an out of touch Vince McMahon here, who has depushed massively over guys like Cesaro and shoved Ambrose to the side just because he doesn't like their looks or thinks that they don't "connect".
1. Punk was one of the main matches. Its easy for him to ask what the main event is going to be and they would've told him

Now who's speculating? Where does Punk say that WWE brass told him it was always meant to be Batista and Orton one on one?

And what exactly did Del Rio say?

2. We're talking about an out of touch Vince McMahon here, who has depushed massively over guys like Cesaro and shoved Ambrose to the side just because he doesn't like their looks or thinks that they don't "connect".

The irony here is sick.
We can speculate either way on WM30, but I'm pretty sure beating Cena clean and then getting screwed by the Authority in the same night is a good way to get someone over massively.

Yes, I agree on that. You dont get clean win over Cena(eventhough Cena was injured with that elbow thing) if they didnt meant series with you.
If not for us revolting, Austin would have never got revenge on Mr. McMahon.

Why would WWE make a bad guy fight a bad guy at their biggest event of the year?

This is all speculation. It's fun to talk about this sort of thing (especially when tempers flare like our pal Crocker's), but let's not pretend the Royal Rumble is some go-to instant contender at Mania and only that specific contender. There have been several Triple Threats that say otherwise.

Why not feature Daniel Bryan in the Rumble? Because psychology. We wanted it, they didn't give it to us, we wanted to give them all of our money and they made it happen while making us think it's because of our doing. Rinse and repeat.
Batista was originally meant to be a face.. but the fans forced him to turn heel. After the Royal Rumble THAT is when they changed their plans and decided to have DB main event. Before the RR the original plan was always meant to be Batista vs Orton, face vs heel match
This is all speculation on your part while on my part I am providing multile sources of evidence, you dimwits.
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