Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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For those not following along on Reddit (and why would you?)


Crocker, did you really say you didn't have an account here, while at the same time posting from an account named Crocker479?

Like, this is just the basics of logic here.

More gold coming, boys.
Dagger Dias please infract sexual objectification panda for advertising Reddit..

And please mind your own business if you claim to hate Reddit so much. The stalking is getting ridiculous
Dagger Dias please infract sexual objectification panda for advertising Reddit..

And please mind your own business if you claim to hate Reddit so much. The stalking is getting ridiculous

Never claimed to hate Reddit.

You do realize I was the one to offer you a chance to show you've reformed, and basically turned it down to continue in petty arguments that mean fuck all, right?

Also, guy who judged David Benoit on his Instagram says I'm stalking. Lulz
Dagger Dias please infract sexual objectification panda for advertising Reddit..

And please mind your own business if you claim to hate Reddit so much. The stalking is getting ridiculous

1. He's not advertising, and even if he was, a first offense unless severe enough usually results in a warning. Not that you'd know the difference anyway.

2. We don't hate Reddit, we just don't care about what happens there. There's a difference. You know, just like how a warning isn't the same thing as an infraction.

3. Haiku already covered how you just became the pot calling the kettle black.

4. Lying on the other forum only makes you out to be ten times more of an idiot than you already were.

5. Playing mod, bant! In all seriousness though.... Don't tell us how to do our jobs when you can't even follow the rules yourself.
Dagger Dias please infract sexual objectification panda for advertising Reddit..

And please mind your own business if you claim to hate Reddit so much. The stalking is getting ridiculous

He didn’t pass a link. It was just a screenshot. Do you know what advertising means,don’t you?

Did he say that he hates Reddit? You got to answer the question first. Don’t you have an account here?
Crocker's Reddit Account said:
OMG Those Wrestlezone guys are so mean. They get mad at me for not liking Cena and their admin is so unfair. Why was CM Punk upset at me when I met him? Generic annoying "I hate Cena rant"!

Some Other Reddit Guy said:
Who cares? Why are you complaining to us about it?

Crocker's Reddit Account said:
Oh I don't have an account there. I'm just trying to get your opinion about what happened there after, um.... this other guy.... posted a link to my other threads here over there and got an infraction for it for "advertising".

Some Other Reddit Guy said:
You're an idiot.

Pretty much sums up what's happening over there. Now Crocker doesn't have to break our advertising rule again by trying to keep us updated.
For those not following along on Reddit (and why would you?)


Crocker, did you really say you didn't have an account here, while at the same time posting from an account named Crocker479?

Like, this is just the basics of logic here.

More gold coming, boys.

If you search Crocker on Wreddit, that isn't his only account on there. There was one more, and considering the NidaleeFTW handle, that makes at least three accounts there.

He's officially the most pathetic poster in the history of the Internet. Fucking ChrisChan is less pathetic.
If you search Crocker on Wreddit, that isn't his only account on there. There was one more, and considering the NidaleeFTW handle, that makes at least three accounts there.

He's officially the most pathetic poster in the history of the Internet. Fucking ChrisChan is less pathetic.

It's not worth the effort. Eventually, he does something that's even easier to spot, and just as absurd
Fuck you. Everything bad that's ever happened in professional wrestling is Cena's fault. I'm still wondering why he was never prosecuted for Owen's death or murdering Chris Benoit and his family.

True, people seem to forget that Cena was the second man on the grassy knoll. Owen never stood a chance that poor Republican, American hero.

As for this OP fella's distaste for Cena, aww, I remember being 17 too and thinking Cena sucked. Then again when I thought that he actually DID kind of suck, but he has improved so much in the last 7 years or so to the point where he's easily the most consistent performer on the roster who you can basically always count on delivering a great match come PPV time. The shit he pulls out now a days should have smarks shitting themselves, fucking springboard stunners and Canadian destroyers and shit. Yeah, the execution isn't always perfect on those crazy moves but he can put together a match better than 99% of dudes in the business today. You literally don't understand what makes wrestling great if you don't get this.
True, people seem to forget that Cena was the second man on the grassy knoll. Owen never stood a chance that poor Republican, American hero.

As for this OP fella's distaste for Cena, aww, I remember being 17 too and thinking Cena sucked. Then again when I thought that he actually DID kind of suck, but he has improved so much in the last 7 years or so to the point where he's easily the most consistent performer on the roster who you can basically always count on delivering a great match come PPV time. The shit he pulls out now a days should have smarks shitting themselves, fucking springboard stunners and Canadian destroyers and shit. Yeah, the execution isn't always perfect on those crazy moves but he can put together a match better than 99% of dudes in the business today. You literally don't understand what makes wrestling great if you don't get this.

Very true. Cena has been my favorite wrestler, even when I was 17 or 16. Some youtube commenters can’t change my liking.
My issue isn't Cena's in ring work. My issue is his stale as fuck character. Why is it that people constantly praise his in ring work then say absolutely nothing about his character
I agree with your sentiment. It's a strike against the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Some will argue that it doesn't matter because the titles are just props now. But we've been talking for ages about how John's made the United States Championship far more credible with his solid workhorse style matches. So why is Seth set up to look shitty? Honestly, I don't know. Seth got one victory over John, and suddenly he's being pounded into the ground. I don't have a problem with Cena beating Rollins clean. He's a heel. He's not suppose to win clean, even if his opponent is technically in the upper midcard. My problem is that Seth hasn't done anything dastardly to get payback, and hasn't had any other cheap victories. If you're going to be the top heel, you have to be able to rob the bank and get away with it every now and then. Cena's made Rollins look like a bitch, instead of a weasel. They need to change that mentality if they want Seth to stick around at the top of the card when he drops the title.
My issue isn't Cena's in ring work. My issue is his stale as fuck character. Why is it that people constantly praise his in ring work then say absolutely nothing about his character

He never gives up and inspires his fans to do the same. Look, it may not appeal to you, but it does to the majority. So stop whining unless you can get Rollins or someone else to consistently out-sell Cena in all merchandise categories.
He never gives up and inspires his fans to do the same. Look, it may not appeal to you, but it does to the majority. So stop whining unless you can get Rollins or someone else to consistently out-sell Cena in all merchandise categories.

It does to the majority? Oh right thats why 50% of the audience boos him right? Punk, Rock, and Orton have all outsold Cena.. its just that Cena has more shirts produced for him because of his backstage politicking.
It does to the majority? Oh right thats why 50% of the audience boos him right? Punk, Rock, and Orton have all outsold Cena.. its just that Cena has more shirts produced for him because of his backstage politicking.

No one could be this stupid if they even tried. You're hopeless.
You guys are really blind to the realities of the business like backstage politicking huh? How naive can you guys be with all of these examples the past years and you keep on denying and defending it? Do you really believe that the WWE is such a holy place that there is absolutely no corruption?
You guys are really blind to the realities of the business like backstage politicking huh? How naive can you guys be with all of these examples the past years and you keep on denying and defending it? Do you really believe that the WWE is such a holy place that there is absolutely no corruption?

Someone apparently never read my posts about Nikki Bella.
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