Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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If wrestlers get paid to say what they say in interviews, that means they get paid to praise Cena's in ring work. I'm mentioning this but is anyone going to retort to this? If not it seems like massive double standards. *sigh*
Chris Jericho was the Daniel Bryan character back when I was in the obnoxious little twunt phase, and Triple H was the John Cena.
At least you turned out to be a well rounded and intelligent individual. Others likely wont be so lucky. Natural selection will surely see to that. Tractor accidents, tipped vending machines, fireworks & buckets of bacon wrapped fried chicken covered in cheddar ranch sauce will ensure some of these folks never reproduce.

There are a few people who would like to say hello to you.

Rey Mysterio
Chris Benoit
Eddie Guerrero
Chris Jericho

Hell, I will even throw in Ric Flair and Mick Foley to the list of champions that don't fit the 'conventional' mold you speak of.

Shawn Michaels
That current guy, Seth Rollins whatshisface

But sure, let's still live under the illusion that Vince McMahon, owner of a billion dollar company, is in reality a size queen who's prejudice over people smaller than himself.

Let's still pretend that's a thing.
i still don't get how people like therockiswwf and spidey can be so naive claiming to watch wrestling since the attitude era
How come nobody is mentioning how Cena has TNA swirling the bowl.

Cause he has little to nothing to do with that. TNA's ineptitude needs no help, they've got their self destruction in their own hands, they don't need any help on that one.

It's really sad how Rollins has been booked though. His promos and stuff have been great but he always loses so it's hard to take him seriously. Imagine if Triple H in full heel power mad mode in 2000 lost big match after big match, not sure he'd be thought of the same.
Cause he has little to nothing to do with that. TNA's ineptitude needs no help, they've got their self destruction in their own hands, they don't need any help on that one.

Fuck you. Everything bad that's ever happened in professional wrestling is Cena's fault. I'm still wondering why he was never prosecuted for Owen's death or murdering Chris Benoit and his family.
If wrestlers get paid to say what they say in interviews, that means they get paid to praise Cena's in ring work. I'm mentioning this but is anyone going to retort to this? If not it seems like massive double standards. *sigh*
No, we were just wondering what the fuck you could possibly be talking about, but no one could follow the absolutely obtuse variety of logic you were using. Thank you for clarifying so that someone is capable of responding.

When someone says "wrestlers are paid performers", this does not necessarily imply "wrestlers are paid by the word to say exactly what they say every time in every single interview", which is how you have interpreted it. (Without this interpretation, there cannot be the direct correlation you are claiming.) What it means is that professional wrestlers are paid and receive performance dates and merchandising revenue directly from their skill as an actor. If they tell you something in a "shoot interview", it may be than for no other reason than because they think saying that thing at that time would make them a few extra dollars. You do not have to understand the logic that they would use to reach any particular decision; you do have to understand that these are paid performers, paid based on their performing skill, who have a massive influence to tell you things based on its financial gain rather than some overarching desire to truly be honest with the fans.

And again, since you are about to say "but why would wrestler X do thing Y when I think thing Z", you don't have to understand whatever decision they came to to tell you whatever thing they tell you, and probably don't have one percent of the knowledge that they do. All you do need to understand is that they make their living based on their ability to craft an image for you. Sometimes this may involve telling the truth. Other times it involves lying through their teeth. Other times, it means thinking they're telling the truth, but someone else crafting an image has lied to them. End story, if you believe anything these people say because they said it, they thank you for your money and we all laugh.

So when someone says "wrestlers get paid for what they say", this does not mean "wrestlers get paid to say exactly everything they say exactly every time". That is your idiotic interpretation of what other people are saying since you don't have any reasonable argument against what people are actually saying.
Why would they ever actively try to diminish someone's popularity? That's not something they do.

Is it possible they had Bryan vs Sheamus and Batista vs Orton scheduled at one point? Yes, it's possible. However I think that was gone before the rumble started.

Because he's a smaller wrestler. Why have Batista win the Rumble then?
This is true what you say. Usually I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and taking into consideration the age of both of them as well. My son is 24 and I remember when he was 16, the shit he would come up with and I would just look at my husband with a WTF look on my face.

Both of them have to realize that they are fighting a losing battle here trying to bring others around to their thinking. They have no proof whatsoever. Until the WWE comes out and says definitively one way or the other, there will always be fans on both sides of the fence. You just have to be happy with the side of the fence you picked and let others be.

No proof except the words of Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and Sheamus.
Shawn Michaels
That current guy, Seth Rollins whatshisface

But sure, let's still live under the illusion that Vince McMahon, owner of a billion dollar company, is in reality a size queen who's prejudice over people smaller than himself.

Let's still pretend that's a thing.

Well Reigns did win RR 2015 instead of Bryan, Ambrose, or Ziggler just because of his size and look, so it's clearly still happening.
Cesaro is one of the best wrestler's, if not the best wrestler on the roster. When people say "He's not good on the mic, so he's going nowhere." it's bugs the hell out of me.

Remember another guy they used to say that about, yea that's right Roman Reigns. He was fucking horrible with the Looney Tunes crap they gave him. But everyone gave him a pass, kept saying he would get better, and he did. Cesaro is much better in the ring than Reigns was and is, and yet what fans gave Reigns the pass on, they are nailing Cesaro to the cross with. It's total bullshit.

I used to say that Reigns and Cesaro were pretty much in the same boat. Both aren't good on the mic. So if they had to push one, why not just push Cesaro since he is way better in the ring? Very easy answer.

Reigns has a great look. He is very jacked and looks like he can pretty much kick everyone's ass. So all you have to do to get someone like Reigns over is to just have him kick everyone's ass. Keep his promos short and to the point. Very easy to get him over.

While Cesaro does not necessarily have a bad look, he doesn't look like a monster. That hurts Cesaro. Also the best wrestler is the one who draws the most money. That would be Cena. But if you are talking about the best in ring performer, that does not matter to casual fans.

It is harder for someone with limited mic skills to get over. They have to have something that makes them standout. Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns are beasts. Jeff Hardy was (well, is) insane.

Cesaro has the swing and is good in the ring. However, the swing is just a spot and he is not the only one who is good in the ring. Cesaro's strength is impressive but not unique. He has limited mic skills and does not have a monster look. Cesaro being in a tag team was the perfect use for him. He could work on his outside the ring presence and not have to be the main focus.
Well Reigns did win RR 2015 instead of Bryan, Ambrose, or Ziggler just because of his size and look, so it's clearly still happening.

Bryan didn't win due to his neck. That one is very obvious. Ziggler is popular but I'm iffy if he is top guy material. Ambrose would have worked.

I'm still not sure whether Reigns was booed due to Bryan or if they actually were booing him (why they even put Bryan in the rumble was mind boggling, just say he is still injured and have him return after the rumble). I remember HHH did a promo centered how badly Reigns is getting booed but when Reigns came out, he got cheered. In fact, I don't really remember Reigns getting booed badly in between the Rumble and Mania (although I could just not remember).

Because he's a smaller wrestler. Why have Batista win the Rumble then?

A better question is why keep Bryan out? There was no reason to not have him in the rumble. Unless they were planning to do a storyline of the authority keeping him down...
I used to say that Reigns and Cesaro were pretty much in the same boat. Both aren't good on the mic. So if they had to push one, why not just push Cesaro since he is way better in the ring? Very easy answer.

Reigns has a great look. He is very jacked and looks like he can pretty much kick everyone's ass. So all you have to do to get someone like Reigns over is to just have him kick everyone's ass. Keep his promos short and to the point. Very easy to get him over.

While Cesaro does not necessarily have a bad look, he doesn't look like a monster. That hurts Cesaro. Also the best wrestler is the one who draws the most money. That would be Cena. But if you are talking about the best in ring performer, that does not matter to casual fans.

It is harder for someone with limited mic skills to get over. They have to have something that makes them standout. Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns are beasts. Jeff Hardy was (well, is) insane.

Cesaro has the swing and is good in the ring. However, the swing is just a spot and he is not the only one who is good in the ring. Cesaro's strength is impressive but not unique. He has limited mic skills and does not have a monster look. Cesaro being in a tag team was the perfect use for him. He could work on his outside the ring presence and not have to be the main focus.

It's interesting you mention Jeff Hardy. His WWE main event run and build was pretty similar to Daniel Bryan's underdog story. He had to go through all the main event heels to finally get his hands on the prize, but was held down and doubted all the way up until he finally got the belt.
It's interesting you mention Jeff Hardy. His WWE main event run and build was pretty similar to Daniel Bryan's underdog story. He had to go through all the main event heels to finally get his hands on the prize, but was held down and doubted all the way up until he finally got the belt.
Whats interesting to me in that first Jeffs Championship run was that he couldnt get over HHH who was face at that time. And then they inserted Edge as third man so he could get over him. There, let me be Rayne from younger days and point out that fact. :icon_mrgreen:
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