Come Be Entertained By Crocky's Tall Tales

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Why would they ever actively try to diminish someone's popularity? That's not something they do.

Is it possible they had Bryan vs Sheamus and Batista vs Orton scheduled at one point? Yes, it's possible. However I think that was gone before the rumble started.
Why would they ever actively try to diminish someone's popularity? That's not something they do.

You serious bro? Look what they're doing to Cesaro.

According to The Wrestling Observer, while there were still a few “Cesaro Section” signs in the crowd for Raw in Boston this week, there weren’t many, and the once-hot Cesaro is receiving less of a reaction from the live crowds than he did a month or so ago.

This past month Cesaro has done absolutely nothing but job to Big Show. Now he is receiving less fan support from before.

Is it possible they had Bryan vs Sheamus and Batista vs Orton scheduled at one point? Yes, it's possible. However I think that was gone before the rumble started.
No, it was gone AFTER the rumble ended
They wanted people to forget about him and diminish his popularity.

Now your reaching and that's a stupid statement.

If the Authority tried to diminish anyone's popularity, it's a sure thing that the opposite would happen. Even if people don't like that particular wrestler, they would have gotten behind them just to stick it to Vince and HHH.
I've decided after watching all this, that Crocker and BSE maybe aren't the best debaters on the forum. Kind of had that idea before, but this thread pretty much sealed the deal.
BSE is actually getting better. A month ago he would have been screaming that we were trying to force our opinions on him, and that he doesn't have to listen to what anyone says, because he's a ________, and being a ________ means you never have to think about what you say.

He's still not good, adequate, or even "needs improvement" yet, but recognize the progress he's made.
BSE is actually getting better. A month ago he would have been screaming that we were trying to force our opinions on him, and that he doesn't have to listen to what anyone says, because he's a ________, and being a ________ means you never have to think about what you say.

He's still not good, adequate, or even "needs improvement" yet, but recognize the progress he's made.

This is true what you say. Usually I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and taking into consideration the age of both of them as well. My son is 24 and I remember when he was 16, the shit he would come up with and I would just look at my husband with a WTF look on my face.

Both of them have to realize that they are fighting a losing battle here trying to bring others around to their thinking. They have no proof whatsoever. Until the WWE comes out and says definitively one way or the other, there will always be fans on both sides of the fence. You just have to be happy with the side of the fence you picked and let others be.
Here's how to diminish someone's popularity, don't put them on TV. If WWE truly didn't want Bryan to succeed, he wouldn't be on TV or under contract.

Cesaro's booking sucks but honestly, he isn't good on the mic. He can go in the ring, but unless he gets better on the mic, he isn't going above midcarder.
Cesaro's booking sucks but honestly, he isn't good on the mic. He can go in the ring, but unless he gets better on the mic, he isn't going above midcarder.

Cesaro is one of the best wrestler's, if not the best wrestler on the roster. When people say "He's not good on the mic, so he's going nowhere." it's bugs the hell out of me.

Remember another guy they used to say that about, yea that's right Roman Reigns. He was fucking horrible with the Looney Tunes crap they gave him. But everyone gave him a pass, kept saying he would get better, and he did. Cesaro is much better in the ring than Reigns was and is, and yet what fans gave Reigns the pass on, they are nailing Cesaro to the cross with. It's total bullshit.
You do realize that's what they're doing to Cesaro right? Atm he is barely featured on Rae.. He's only on wwe superstars.

1. He can make up for he lack of mic skills with his superior in ring ability and charisma (look at Bret hart)

2. The point wasn't if he can become a main eventer or not. The point is that he's being held down.. We are not arguing about his potential as a main eventer, we are debating about www holding people back
Coming from a guy that carried conversations with himself on here...I think you're being a hypocrite again.
And just what proof do you have other than a bunch of wrestlers who are being paid to say what they are told too.

Personally I think it's a mixture of both. I think the original plan was to have Orton/Batista when Vince saw how well Guardians of the Galaxy went. He loves having movie stars working for him. But then I do think that the Daniel Bryan plan was always there in the background. You know like a Plan B. The fans didn't react well to Batista and so they went with Plan B. Or something like that.

And I do believe that Cesaro is being held back to an extent. The guy hasn't from what I've seen done anything wrong.

EDIT: But please don't use the mic skills argument when Reigns with his stuttering, forgetting lines was given the main event at Wrestlemania, and Cesaro who has no gimmick to speak of at all is a failure.
Are people mentally ill here?

1. You rudely interrupted CM Punk's dinner yet cannot understand what was rude about it.

2. You whine constantly about Cena to an unhealthy extent.

3. You obsess about another forum that no one on here cares about even though based on the threads you advertised from there (which is still against our rules) it seems they think you're an idiot there too.

4. You had conversations with yourself using your alternate account that you swore up and down wasn't an alt until it was prove publicly that it was in fact an alt.

5. You cannot understand the difference between a warning and an infraction.

6. You claimed another poster advertised when he hasn't even posted in 2 months.

7. Last but not least were ecstatic when you saw that Cena may be injured.

You've definitely got problems. The rest of us are fine.
8) You pay actual real world money to get back into professional wrestling message boards you've been banned from, to hang around people who think you suck.
But everyone gave him a pass, kept saying he would get better, and he did. ...and yet what fans gave Reigns the pass on,

Are you kidding me? Are you seriously saying that Reigns was getting a pass? I don't mean by WWE, I mean on here. Are you really, really (I can't insert enough Miz memes here) trying to say that he was given a pass? Ok. That's all I ever need to hear from you.
BSE is actually getting better. A month ago he would have been screaming that we were trying to force our opinions on him, and that he doesn't have to listen to what anyone says, because he's a ________, and being a ________ means you never have to think about what you say.

He's still not good, adequate, or even "needs improvement" yet, but recognize the progress he's made.

Are you kidding me? Are you seriously saying that Reigns was getting a pass? I don't mean by WWE, I mean on here. Are you really, really (I can't insert enough Miz memes here) trying to say that he was given a pass? Ok. That's all I ever need to hear from you.

Yes he was, and I was one of the one's giving it too him as well. Everytime his failure on the mic was brought up, the response was don't worry he'll get better, he has the look, the IT factor, mic skills will come. Was he roasted about it sure he was, but he was also defended. Pretty much the general feeling was Roman Reigns was the next big thing, and the only thing he needed was experience. He has gotten better because he was given a chance, one that Cesaro has not been given.

Look at someone like Big E Langston. He was arguably one of the most boring people on the roster. They gave him Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and look at him now. Did anyone ever think he would be gyrating in the middle of the ring getting the crowd going. I didn't. Same with Curtis Axle, a charisma vacuum if there ever was one. They gave him Axlemania, and he took off.

There is no reason why it can't work with Cesaro as well. He has the wrestling skills now all he needs is time on the mic and a decent gimmick. If he fails then he fails, but the guy should at least be given a chance. Somehow I doubt it will ever happen for him.
The difference is you think WWE honestly wanted to push someone with the size and look of Daniel Bryan to the main event of WrestleMania.

I'll state my case one last time.

-- WWE has a history of not wanting to push wrestler similar to someone with the size of Daniel Bryan. It's no coincidence that the three biggest pro wrestlers of all time are (arguably) Hulk Hogan (6-7, 302), Stone Cold (6-2, 252), and John Cena (6-1, 251). That's an average height of 6-3 and weight of 268 pounds. Therefore Daniel Bryan (5-10, 210) does not have the conventional size that Vince wants out of the face of the company and WM headliner.


There are a few people who would like to say hello to you.

Rey Mysterio
Chris Benoit
Eddie Guerrero
Chris Jericho

Hell, I will even throw in Ric Flair and Mick Foley to the list of champions that don't fit the 'conventional' mold you speak of. Has that stopped Vince & others? Nope. Fatties, old men, tall men, dead men, little guys and everywhere in between can\have\will be put in the WM spotlight or have the main title because that is who the promoters want there due to various reasons you clearly cannot comprehend.

This is all facts.


You're welcome.

That made me so mad that I cheered so much louder for him, watched his Raw segments, and even bought one of his t-shirts to let WWE know that I would not be so manipulated by their prejudices.

Let's not forget how WWE totally hated the mainstream media attention they got when the YES! chant was used everywhere. I'm sure Vince was so angry at that pesky underdog Bryan getting his company all this attention and extra money from merch sales despite all his attempts to erase him from the title picture.
Yes he was, and I was one of the one's giving it too him as well.

I stopped reading here because I was laughing too hard. Early this year your name should've been changed to "I'm a Roman Reigns fan, but" because that is almost verbatim how every one of your posts started.

"I'm a Roman Reigns fan, but [insert laundry list of reasons he's terrible]. The end." You were like an ADR promo. It was the same thing over and over for a few months (though he did it for years).
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