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CM Punk's TNA Run Now Available on TNAOnDemand

This is why Tna will always be a 3rd rate company.

Are you saying ROH is bigger than TNA? Lol
If I were a Tna wrestler, I would be pissed. Here I'm busting my ass, working road shows, signing autographs, doing publicity and raising awareness for the company. Instead of me being featured and promoted, some dude from another company is being promoted and endorsed. To all the Tna tossers here, you wont see...
Promoted and Endorsed? All it says, It's "RARE footage being added to their website" That's it.

1. Microsoft promoting Mac. Even tho they both share similar softwares.
2. Xbox endorsing Ps3. Even tho some games are multi platform.
3. Burger King recognizing Mcdonald's. Even tho they use the same meat. Etc.
Bullshit is bullshit. TNA used to have CM Punk like WWE used to have Kurt Angle. There has been over 12 DVDs that include Kurt Angle as a WWE superstar since he's joined TNA. Should WWE be recognizing him?

Exclusives are exclusives. Cm Punk is a WWE exclusive. You don't promote the competition. FACT!!!
They aren't promoting John Cena. They are promoting FULL FOOTAGE of someone who used to be in TNA. That's it.

Just like they created a Best of TNA DVD and never got rid of Christian Cage despite him being in ECW at the time.
I wonder how Tna fans can be proud of their company after this. They have practically shat on all their performers.

They shat on their performers by adding a former wrestler to their old archives? :lmao:
Might as well, it could most certainly give them more business for TNAonDemand and there is nothing wrong with that.

Just like WWE can use old footage of Sting (and they have) I see no issues with TNA doing the same thing with probably the hottest wrestler on the planet right now.

Personally I don't think its controversial at all I just think its a smart business decision. I don't say this often but good on you TNA.
How exactly did TNA "fuck up"? Because they couldn't see 5-6 years into the future? If that's the case then WWE fucked up with Mr.Anderson, Bully Ray, The Pope, Matt Morgan, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles (to an extent), Daniels, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries. They didn't become the hottest wrestlers at any point, but they sure as hell proved to be much more talented than the WWE thought.

This is a good move. They'll earn some money from it, what's wrong with that?

Yeah right, because anderson is such an impact player he has to job to eric young hahahahahaah !!!!!! :lmao:
Yeah they are gonna make some money, until the ppl buying realize that punk isnt on TNA, and they go to the WWE to see whats going on, just awesome!.
Mate, WCW is officially owned by WWE. There is no problems promoting your own product . It's not like the money that the WWE will make out of the WCW dvd sales is going to any of the past WCW wrestlers.

You don't want people to remember the competition or their top product.
Mate, WCW is officially owned by WWE. There is no problems promoting your own product . It's not like the money that the WWE will make out of the WCW dvd sales is going to any of the past WCW wrestlers.

You don't want people to remember the competition or their top product.

It's cute, how you dodge the fact STING isn't owned by WWE or WCW.

You...really think RAW and SmackDown are COMPANIES? :lmao:
How exactly did TNA "fuck up"? Because they couldn't see 5-6 years into the future? If that's the case then WWE fucked up with Mr.Anderson, Bully Ray, The Pope, Matt Morgan, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles (to an extent), Daniels, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries. They didn't become the hottest wrestlers at any point, but they sure as hell proved to be much more talented than the WWE thought.

AJ Styles turned down a deal from WWE because his wife was in college and he didnt want to be away from her. Im not sure how WWE f*cked up there. Joe has never been apart of the WWE roster, so Im not sure how WWE messed up there either. To compare any of the rest of them to Punk is quite laughble. TNA had no way of knowing, obviously, but he showed signs in TNA of being a hot commodity, or they wouldnt be capable of broadcasting his "best of" matches from 2003, 8 years ago.

Still, theres nothing wrong with this. Its striking while the iron is hot. Many people who have become enthralled but whats going on with Punk right now will possibly spend the cash to see the videos of him. I don't see the downside to this.
It's cute, how you dodge the fact STING isn't owned by WWE or WCW.

Its funny to me how ridiculous this has got. First off, this thread was created exactly to illicit this response, and nothing more. I wouldn't walk up to a Cowboys fan and say "hey Redskins are better" and then say "but we don't have to go there". Therefore I would say "let me say that TNA is posting CM Punks run with them, oh and ALSO DON'T TALK TRASH YOU MORON WWE LOVERS!!!" Just be happy the plan worked.

Now to the quote. The "Best of WCW" dvd. Yes, Sting is TNA. However, this is not a "best of Sting DVD". No one would be mentioning if TNA made a "best of IMPACT!" DVD and had a match or 2 with CM Punk on there. Same goes to the people who mentioned Christian Cage and whoever else you might think.

I don't have a legal problem with them making some money off of playing some old CM Punk matches. Its fine. I also don't REALLY have a moral problem, except that its just SO obvious TNA didn't care about punk 3 months ago that this is just ridiculous. But it makes me laugh. I have a logical problem with this...

Are they hoping to get people to tune into TNA? Or whichever show CM Punk is on? Because whats happening is you're telling me how great he is... go watch him on WWE. If they make 1000 dollars off of this OnDemand, but give WWE 1000 viewers... who wins?
@Dizzy: Umm WWE never really promoted Sting, they actually promoted WCW which Sting was a part of along with Flair and Hogan.

Tna promoted a guy who "WAS" with their company and who "WAS" let go by them because he wasn't good enough. What's the point in promoting him now?

It's like they conceded, hey, alright we fucked up with this guy who was with us, but he is now a bigger better star in a promotion we are trying to compete against and are failing lavishly. But he was working with us and now we are giving you a chance to see what a horrible job we did with him.

To further enhance my point. When Eric Bishoff fired Steve Austin in WCW, they never promoted him when he became a top star. Hey, this guy was working with us but we never really had any faith in him so we fired him. Now he is in working with our competition to put us out of business and is doing a pretty good job at it.
CM Punk's hatred for TNA stems off how badly he was used in TNA. Therefore I don't see how anybody can state that he was not misused by TNA when indeed he was.

While CM Punk was in the finals of a tournament in ROH, only losing out to AJ Styles who was being heavily pushed by ROH at the time - he was in a tag team with Julio Dinero and was a member of The Gathering. TNA couldn't notice what he was doing in Ring of Honor, where he was becoming a top heel while they actually told him that he and Dinero never "got over" in TNA as heels.

So, in Ring of Honor he was booked as a heel and got over, while in TNA he was booked as a heel and didn't get over - anybody see the problem here? Poor booking on the hand of TNA. Therefore, TNA screwed up in-terms of a guy who was even, back during this time, becoming a big name on the independant circuit due to his rivalry with Raven and his straight-edge lifestyle.

CM Punk left TNA due to the dispute over contracted wrestlers competing in Ring of Honor - he picked the place that booked him correctly over the place which didn't.

As for someone bringing up AJ Styles and Samoa Joe - Joe had a couple try-out matches for WWE. They dropped the ball because they gave him a place to showcase what he could do back in, what, 2002? And AJ Styles didn't sign with WWE due to a matter with his girlfriend, LSN goes into detail. AJ has never denied that's why he never signed with them, he just feels like he made the correct decision because the dude was basically one of the best things in wrestling at that point.

And WWE never said it was Sting, the IWC speculated it was Sting. The WWE can't tell the IWC what to speculate and not speculate about. Stop trolling the WWE because you're incorrect.

TNA are doing a smart thing, capitulizing on the CM Punk interest is a smart move, but as a few have stated it will also show how they poorly they used him, because they did, no matter how much of a TNA mark you are, screw up.
@Dizzy: Umm WWE never really promoted Sting, they actually promoted WCW which Sting was a part of along with Flair and Hogan.

Tna promoted a guy who "WAS" with their company and who "WAS" let go by them because he wasn't good enough. What's the point in promoting him now?

It's like they conceded, hey, alright we fucked up with this guy who was with us, but he is now a bigger better star in a promotion we are trying to compete against and are failing lavishly. But he was working with us and now we are giving you a chance to see what a horrible job we did with him.

To further enhance my point. When Eric Bishoff fired Steve Austin in WCW, they never promoted him when he became a top star. Hey, this guy was working with us but we never really had any faith in him so we fired him. Now he is in working with our competition to put us out of business and is doing a pretty good job at it.
Stop talking out of your ass and do some research. Punk didn't get fired from TNA. Punk quit TNA on his own because they wouldn't contractually allow him to work ROH and TNA so he left.

Like I said, TNA officials can't see into the future. Bischoff didn't see Austin, Jericho, Triple H, Kane and so on, but McMahon didn't see the nWo and an edgy product. He had to emulate it and steal people's ideas as he always does. And there's nothing wrong with that before you start foaming at the mouth.

Punk was nowhere near the performer back then that he is now. Why would TNA use him better than they did? From what I've seen, Punk was a skinny, weird looking kid with decent mic and in-ring skills. No reason to go wild over him. Stop trying to point fingers at TNA and make this out to be a bad thing. "TNA is stupid, they didn't keep Punk and now he's awesome. If they kept him he'd be with them now and rock."

Well, for one, if we're playing fantasy games - Punk wouldn't be as good as he is now if he stayed TNA, let's just get that straight. His career would've been a whole lot different and his talent level as well.

Punk didn't fuck up by choosing ROH over TNA and transitioning to WWE, TNA didn't fuck up by trying to keep their talent from jumping ship to ROH, which at the time (2004) could've been concidered potential competition so they played it safe. TNA is showing his early years. Whose early years were phenomenal? Who was booked in an awesome epic way in his first year with a company? One name comes close to that - AJ, and we know why. He could (and still can) run circles around Punk in the ring, and since TNA was that sort of a product back then, AJ got special treatment. Punk on the other hand didn't stand out much, aside from his look.
I van see why it's smart to "strike the iron while it's hot," but I also see it is a kinda sad on TNA's part. I guess none of their guys are hot enough that they have to run a special on a guy from a rival promotion? How are they going to promote him? They certainly wont say current WWE superstar CM Punk or WWE Champion CM Punk. I guess it'll be former TNA star CM Punk? I know, just seems like a plea for help in my opinion.

I guess next they'll be coming out with a special on Christian since he is the World Champion and such. Or R-Truth since he was getting somewhat of a push against Cena(obviously joking here). So again, I can see why people would consider this a smart move on TNA's part, but to me it's just a plea for help and just makes TNA look that much weaker by promoting a current star from another program, whether he was with them in the past or not.

And i've seen other people say stuff such as, "WWE still promotes past PPV's with Kurt Angle and RVD, etc on it." Well that's different because WWE is not promoting a special just around that SPECIFIC person, it's around the whole PPV. Obviously they're not going to cut out one match/segment because of a person no longer being there. That would just be ridiculous, unless your name is Chris Benoit...
@Zeven_Zion: Your passion for Tna wrestling is quite commendable but do you really have to use derogatory comments against people who come here for a discussion. Every thread I read, I see nothing but filth poring out of your mouth. You really need to loosen your panties, pressure on your sack is indirectly starting to effect your brain.

If Cm punk was with Tna right now he would be exactly like Samoa Joe. Worthless jobber involved in Tna original story lines produced by Vince Russo.
@Zeven_Zion: Your passion for Tna wrestling is quite commendable but do you really have to use derogatory comments against people who come here for a discussion. Every thread I read, I see nothing but filth poring out of your mouth. You really need to loosen your panties, pressure on your sack is indirectly starting to effect your brain.

If Cm punk was with Tna right now he would be exactly like Samoa Joe. Worthless jobber involved in Tna original story lines produced by Vince Russo.
Have you noticed that I only use that language when I quote people who show complete and utter idiocy in their posts? A lot of you deserve it, and if you can't deal with harsh language on the Interwebs then don't go out of the house - life's a lot worse than a TNA fanboy on a WWE fanboy forum using the words "fuck" and "ass".

And if you were watching TNA you'd know that the reason why Joe's been losing so much lately is a part of a storyline. Lemons - lemonade.

Personally, if I were in charge Joe would've been out on his fat ass a LONG time ago. Doesn't want to get in "Joe" shape so he'll be quicker like before, less sloppier and wouldn't get gassed down the ramp, completely lazy in his promos, expecting management to grab him by the hand and make him a star when he gives them NO reason to even book him, trying harder only when he's wrestling one of his buddies, refusing to adapt to a situation always talking about starting wars and killing people when he's losing every fucking week, mean faces don't count as charisma. The list goes on with this idiot. Why he still has a job is absolutely mystifying to me - but hey, that's just me. A suicide dive and no-selling an entire match doesn't exactly make you World Championship material.
I've been on this forum for awhile. I know how things like this get. Let me clear this up easily for any WWE marks or trolls:

1. This is perfectly legal.

2. TNA isn't trying to "poke" or "attack" WWE. They are simply doing this out of respect for Punk and Internet fans like yourself.

3. WWE showed the same respect for Foley by promoting his book while he was in TNA. They sold a Hulk Hogan DVD while he was in TNA. This is perfectly normal.

4. Capitalizing on the biggest name in wrestling right now is great marketing. People actually care about him and It's not like TNA is going to lose fans over it.

5. Controversy creates cash.

I'm just gonna look at all 5 of your points.

1. Of course it is.

2. I certainly don't think respect has anything to do with it. He's hot right now and they have some old footage. They aren't doing anything for wrestling fans that they can't do for themselves by just going on YouTube.

3. Couldn't be more wrong. Foley said himself that WWE plugged his book because he stood up for Linda McMahon while she was running for Senate. He went out of his way in an interview to say it was nonsense for people to judge her by what happens on a wrestling show. MCMAHON PLUGGED HIS BOOK AS A FORMER WWE STAR. He didn't even acknowledge he still wrestled. The Hogan DVD was already in production before he ever signed with TNA. They had already marketed it and spent the money to make it. It was also released months before he made his debut on Impact. Also, Hogan hadn't been an active wrestler with the WWE in years when the DVD came out. Sure haven't seen any Kurt Angle or Ken Anderson DVD's released by the WWE lately.

4. There are two problems with this. Firstly, it seems exactly the same as when WCW would break from Nitro with old footage of Austin and Undertaker being beat by Sting when they wrestled for WCW. It just seems cheap. Secondly, there aren't really any great TNA moments with CM Punk. He was a third rate guy that was associated with Raven. Go into any store and you'll find "before they were stars" DVD's of guys like Austin and Mick Foley. Somebody bought a bunch of low quality footage of them in the independents wrestling jobbers and threw it on a DVD. Nothing great about it.

5. Whats the controversy here? They released some old footage. Way to hype the shit out of something. As far as creating cash goes. I'm sure it's gonna equal the MILLIONS of dollars of CM Punk merchandise the WWE stands to make. Way to grasp at crumbs TNA. As other people have pointed out, how shitty does this make the TNA roster feel. They bust their asses and TNA thinks gets excited about releasing footage of the competion's biggest star from 8 years ago. Again, I'm still waiting for WWE to release that DVD of Styles, Joe, and Danials on Velocity from 2002.

P.S. I hadn't planned on being a dick to you in my response. I actually thought you made some pretty good points. However, I get so fucking sick of TNA fans little remarks like "Let me clear this up easily for any WWE marks or trolls". Most TNA fans are the definition of Mark.
I do enjoy how TNA's looking to make a quick fistful of cash off the CM Punk name. I'll even admit that I'm a little intrigued to watch the matches, but for the wrong reasons.

When - and if - I watch the matches, I'm likely just going to be noticing how poorly TNA booked Punk, and how they managed to squander what's now becoming the hottest property in wrestling. Reminds me of that promo Punk cut about how AJ Styles is a disloyal doofus who wouldn't even give his friends a hand up when he was the heavyweight champion in so many words.

The CM Punk of ROH and the CM Punk of TNA are very dissimilar. Punk loved ROH, was treated well in turn, revered by the fans and has an impressive body of work there; as far as independent wrestling goes. Punk hated TNA, was treated badly in turn, was barely recognised by fans and has a much shorter, less impressive body of work there. The ROH story is inspirational and compelling, the TNA story less so. The ROH story is the story of a man who loved his promotion, begrudgingly leaving it for the big leagues after some ingenious stories and matches. The TNA story is the story of talent squandered, as is so often the case.
@Zeven_Zion :

So fat ass joe should've been fired a long time ago huh?, guess Steve austin and jim ross are a couple of morons to endorse Samoa Joe then?

The only person who should be fired is Vince Russo, the guy who produces engrossing programming for tna fanboys like yourself.
@Zeven_Zion :

So fat ass joe should've been fired a long time ago huh?, guess Steve austin and jim ross are a couple of morons to endorse Samoa Joe then?

The only person who should be fired is Vince Russo, the guy who produces engrossing programming for tna fanboys like yourself.
You continue with a typical IWC smark statement time and time again. What's next? TNA is going out of business in a month? They're drawing 2.000 PPV buys? Morale is down?

You do realize that it was Vince Russo who came up with a lot of IWC's favorite ideas (the X-Division in particular) and booked iMPACT! on his own during (again) some of IWC's favorite times, right? But let's ignore that. Russo sucks!!111

And yes, when Stone Cold endorses half-assers such as Samoa Joe and half-as talented twice as ugly nobodies like Husky Harris - he tends to be a moron.
@Zeven_Zion : IWC, which is 10%, consists more of WWE and ROH fans than Tna fans so I don't know who gave you the idea that anybody gives 2 shits about the X-division.

A bunch of spot monkeys performing tricks is the definition of X-division. I guess the Buy-rate of that PPV will show you how much people loved it.

IWC remembrance of Vince Russon. The asshole who killed WCW and the asshole who will kill TNA.
How exactly did TNA "fuck up"? Because they couldn't see 5-6 years into the future? If that's the case then WWE fucked up with Mr.Anderson, Bully Ray, The Pope, Matt Morgan, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles (to an extent), Daniels, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries. They didn't become the hottest wrestlers at any point, but they sure as hell proved to be much more talented than the WWE thought.

This is a good move. They'll earn some money from it, what's wrong with that?

Bully Ray is a tag specialist,
The Pope lol sucks...his gimmick well its like cryme tyme on roids.
MM has no and i mean no mic skills.
Samoa Joe is fat and slow, wwe doesnt need another one of these.
Aries is in WWE's eyes "too short" so really wwe fucked up shelley,styles and aries.
Mr.Anderson doesnt have passion,got hurt a lot, and botched a lot.
so nah WWE didnt fuck up....they all did themselves, also you should be happy WWE rejects go to TNA
@Zeven_Zion : IWC, which is 10%, consists more of WWE and ROH fans than Tna fans so I don't know who gave you the idea that anybody gives 2 shits about the X-division.

A bunch of spot monkeys performing tricks is the definition of X-division. I guess the Buy-rate of that PPV will show you how much people loved it.

IWC remembrance of Vince Russon. The asshole who killed WCW and the asshole who will kill TNA.
Right. The buy rate sucked. That's why TNA is signing more X-Division wrestlers and continues to push the Division after the Pay-Per-View. Because it didn't draw.

And the simple fact that you think Russo killed WCW shows me how much knowledge about WCW's death you lack. Go hide.

Bully Ray is a tag specialist,
The Pope lol sucks...his gimmick well its like cryme tyme on roids.
MM has no and i mean no mic skills.
Samoa Joe is fat and slow, wwe doesnt need another one of these.
Aries is in WWE's eyes "too short" so really wwe fucked up shelley,styles and aries.
Mr.Anderson doesnt have passion,got hurt a lot, and botched a lot.
so nah WWE didnt fuck up....they all did themselves, also you should be happy WWE rejects go to TNA

And some wonder why I curse people out. I'm not even going to dismantle this, it's so embarrassing. A lot of us TNA fans are fanboys but this ... well there's no word for people like you other than ignorant morons.
No harm in TNA making a quick buck capitalizing off of former talent when they can like CM Punk, Randy Savage, or even their ECW EV 2.0 reunion at Hardcore Justice last year. Hardcore Justice was one of their top PPVs so obviously it was a success. Even though it was maybe a few years too late and came off as a poor man's version of One Night Stand or Hardcore Homecoming. Punk really didn't have a legacy in TNA. It's like ECW showing footage of Steve Austin before he went to WWE. Good run with some memorable promos, but nothing really groundbreaking. Austin had some more memorable matches early in his career with WCW against Ricky Steamboat then he did fighting Mikey Whipwreck in ECW.

Will diehard CM Punk fans pay to see his brief run in TNA when they can see his matches on youtube or from WWE or ROH? Who knows.. At least they are striking while the iron is hot instead of waiting though. I just think showcasing your own talent that has been there since the beginning would be better then showcasing the ones that left.
@Zeven_Zion: Don't you get a feeling of Deja vu. Where have I heard this before.

Didn't they do the same thing with the ECW wrestlers. They hired a bunch of them, gave them their own PPV. That PPV was considered a success too by fanboys like yourself but what happened after that. All the EV 2.0 wrestlers that were hired are now released. The same thing's going to happen with the X-division. It didn't work when Tna started, thats why they got rid of it.
@Zeven_Zion: Don't you get a feeling of Deja vu. Where have I heard this before.

Didn't they do the same thing with the ECW wrestlers. They hired a bunch of them, gave them their own PPV. That PPV was considered a success too by fanboys like yourself but what happened after that. All the EV 2.0 wrestlers that were hired are now released. The same thing's going to happen with the X-division. It didn't work when Tna started, thats why they got rid of it.

The X-Division didn't work when TNA started? Why do you keep doing this to yourself? And when did they get rid of it?

We'll all have to wait and see how the Division does, right? Not saying it'll be around for the next 5 years, not saying it'll die tomorrow. I refrain from saying what WILL happen. It's ignorant, stupid and nobody knows. You on the other hand have zero problem making an ass out of yourself with your illustrious selection of smarkisms and it's at least entertaining.
More phallic discussion between TNA and WWe 'marks', huh:shrug:?

Five pages in and not one person has mentioned that this is good for CM Punk's new fans. This is an opportunity for people who don't want to trawl through YouTube for hours on end to see his early work. A similar RoH release would be commendable for the same reason.

TNA messed up on Punk? Interesting that some people saying this also state that TNA wasn't interested in him 3 months ago. No matter what way some of my IWC compatriots like to claim otherwise, WWe has utilised him very poorly right up to about 6 weeks ago when fears of him leaving forced them into the current storyline and the explosion in Punkamania. Now, not to be a doomsayer but given the up / down storylines involving the Nexus, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Miz and even Punk himself; for me the jury is still out on the long term ramifications (however, I hope it really succeeds).

Also, how is this bad for TNA? Unless my memory is way off, most of these matches are unlikely to feature Punk as a dominant force which, by definition, should promote their position as far as roster strength. Unhappy employees? I work, I'm always happy when my company makes money, it reinforces my job security.

This is a win all round proposition; TNA stand to make money (which should make staff happy), a WWe star gets promoted so both of these parties should be happy and (best of all) CM Punk fans get to see some of his early work and can see where his character evolved from... Really, folks - no need for ANY negativity, so everybody smile (there is a hell of a lot worse happening in the World) :)!

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