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CM Punk's TNA Run Now Available on TNAOnDemand

To all WWE fanboys, marks, smarks and any and all other generally brainwashed and/or annoying and biased "fans" of professional wrestling:

In light of all this backlash and rage surrounding TNA's choice to showcase footage of CM Punk from when he performed for the company back in 2003/04 I'd just like to say that any of you who are so close-minded to think that TNA is pathetic, stupid or wrong for doing this, you are the ones who are just that, not TNA.

1. On being pathetic:

They are capitalizing on the hottest name in the company, regardless of whether he currently works for them or the competition. You might call that pathetic, but I call it good business. Even if it makes more money for WWE, so long as it makes a dollar for TNA it was the right decision. Last I checked the purpose of a business was to make money (profit), so I fail to see the logic in making money being "pathetic" if by all legal rights you have every right to do what you are doing in the hopes of cashing in. So again, you might call it pathetic, but some might call you the same for seemingly going to any length to chastise a growing company who happens to be competing with your "favorite" product.

2. On being stupid:

As I noted already, this is a business decision, so so long as it makes them a dollar, it cannot be stupid as they are profiting from the decision. Profit rarely equates stupidity.

3. On being wrong:

Seeing as they own the footage and that CM Punk's name is not a trademark or copyright to WWE, they can't be "wrong" in their choice to use his name to drive traffic/sales to TNAOnDemand.​

In addition to this, I've seen a number of you cite that issues like this are the "very thing wrong with TNA" in that they always have and/or continue to push ex-WCW/WWE personnel, almost always before "homegrown" options, as if the term "homegrown" actually has any realistic value…

Homegrown means the performer was essentially "drafted" where they are still performing, which means they never spent time elsewhere in any other major company prior to joining the company in which they are being pushed as a star.

So to the concept of all of this being "what's wrong with TNA", I'm curious… if "homegrown" talent is the only talent a company should push, why exactly are you heralding WWE in the first place, especially over their decision to push CM Punk of all people, when even he is not "homegrown" in any sense of the word?

Quick history lesson for you: CM Punk is a former ROH World Champion and ROH World Tag Team Champion which means he's been a major star elsewhere before joining WWE. That makes him "ex-ROH" talent, which negates the concept for him to be "homegrown", regardless of whether or not he cut his teeth in WWE's minor leagues or their D-rate programing (WWECW). Hell, he even worked in TNA before he joined WWE, so I'm curious… what makes him so different that it's OK to champion WWE for their decision to push a non-homegrown talent but TNA is (always) wrong when they push ex-WWE/WCW talent? This, my friends, is the clear cut definition of hypocrisy.

Worse yet, this doesn't even end (or begin) with CM Punk. Just to list out a few more active cases: R Truth (otherwise known as Ron Killings) is a former NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Champion, so what business does he have at the forefront of WWE? He's not homegrown, after all, and we all know only homegrown talent is what belongs at the forefront of any successful company, right? What business does he have carrying around a championship belt no less?

Still not enough? How about Big Show (ex-WCW), Brian Danielson (ex-ROH), Kharma (ex-TNA) and Rey Mysterio (ex-WCW) among others? None, by your very definition of stars needing to be "homegrown" have any business at the forefront of anything WWE, so if you're going to throw the baby out with the bathwater, I hope you realize you're throwing out a lot more than you may think.

Just a few words of advice: if you're going to continue to call the kettle black in the future, best to do so once you've made sure you're not actually the pot.

Onward and upward, friends. Onward and upward.



Put 'em to sleep! PUT 'EM TO SLEEP! But why do I feel like the next post will be something like this ...

TNA is not competition because Hogan is old and Dixie is a mark ratings are not going up and Bischoff doesn't know what he's doing TNA will die in sixteen days and thirteen hours spotfest spotfest gimmick matches ppv quality on free TV stupid identity gone Samoa Joe buried because dey hate young talent too much TV time old people steal spotlight bury bury young guys we want six sides!!!
Worse yet, this doesn't even end (or begin) with CM Punk. Just to list out a few more active cases: R Truth (otherwise known as Ron Killings) is a former NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Champion, so what business does he have at the forefront of WWE? He's not homegrown, after all, and we all know only homegrown talent is what belongs at the forefront of any successful company, right? What business does he have carrying around a championship belt no less?

Well, actually, R Truth was with WWE("F" at the time) before he signed with TNA. K-Kwik, as I recall. Soooo, an argument could be made that since he started with the WWE he indeed is homegrown, in a sense.

You know whats really annoying though, you always dissecting any time a poster has anything negative to say about your precious TNA into them being some ignorant brainwashed WWE mark. Like seriously, guy, get yourself a new go-to line, because that bird ain't singing anymore.

Hell, I saw you post in another thread that you'd always watch TNA no matter what they did. "Even if they put the title on Sharkboy" as I recall, is what you said. Now, I don't know about you, but that right there looks and sounds like someone blindly, ignorantly, and stubbornly following a program no matter how much they fuck up. Staying loyal is one thing, this though....

Brainwashed!!! ;)
Stone Cold - Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

Edge - Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

Rey Mysterio -Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

RVD - Former ECW talent. Pushed by WWE.

Triple H - Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

Chris Jericho - Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

Booker T -Former WCW talent. Pushed by WWE.

CM Punk - Former ROH talent. Pushed by WWE.

Alberto Del Rio - Former CMLL talent. Pushed by WWE.

Sin Cara - Former CMLL talent. Pushed by WWE.

TNA does the samething. They get hated.

TNA now pushes homegrown names and signs homegrown names, they are unknowns, not talented and aren't good.

Hypocrisy, pathetic, bush league = WWE marks and IWC.

Well, actually, R Truth was with WWE("F" at the time) before he signed with TNA. K-Kwik, as I recall. Soooo, an argument could be made that since he started with the WWE he indeed is homegrown, in a sense.

You know whats really annoying though, you always dissecting any time a poster has anything negative to say about your precious TNA into them being some ignorant brainwashed WWE mark. Like seriously, guy, get yourself a new go-to line, because that bird ain't singing anymore.

Hell, I saw you post in another thread that you'd always watch TNA no matter what they did. "Even if they put the title on Sharkboy" as I recall, is what you said. Now, I don't know about you, but that right there looks and sounds like someone blindly, ignorantly, and stubbornly following a program no matter how much they fuck up. Staying loyal is one thing, this though....

Brainwashed!!! ;)
Who cares? WWE fans are brainwashed as hell too. Both sides love the fucking company when they fuck up. Shut up and move on. You have ZERO argument here.

You WWE fans defended the shitty ending to last week's show with Cena over coming the odds...Again. Defended the logic of having TWO titles instead of asking Punk to give up the belt for the vacancy. You are in no position to talk about fuck ups and being brainwashed or loyal.

Get outta here with that crap.
Who cares? WWE fans are brainwashed as hell too. Both sides love the fucking company when they fuck up. Shut up and move on. You have ZERO argument here.

You WWE fans defended the shitty ending to last week's show with Cena over coming the odds...Again. Defended the logic of having TWO titles instead of asking Punk to give up the belt for the vacancy. You are in no position to talk about fuck ups and being brainwashed or loyal.

Get outta here with that crap.

Well, why don't you go ahead and show me where I posted such statements. Go ahead... find any such post, and you have a point.

Thing is, there are no such posts. You, being the overly emotional TNA fanatic that you are, just assumed that I must agree with everything WWE does. I'm a WWE mark, we are all robots who just accept everything and question nothing. Because EVERY fan of WWE has to be a hardcore, die-hard, fanatical hypocrite. Right?

Seriously, all of you TNA marks are insane. You all use this SAME argument each and every time something negative is said about TNA. If theres a thread criticizing something TNA did, you betcha IDR and Dizzy will be right there accusing the OP of being a WWE fan boy with no brains and too much time on his hands.

Thats the difference here, bub. I rarely post, I don't go blindly defend a company, as in WWE, just because I watch it and enjoy it. Ya'll need to grow the fuck up, and quick, because it's quite pathetic the way you lump everyone into one single category.
Well, actually, R Truth was with WWE("F" at the time) before he signed with TNA. K-Kwik, as I recall. Soooo, an argument could be made that since he started with the WWE he indeed is homegrown, in a sense.

LOL. Cool, man. Now, how about an answer for Jericho, RVD, Mysterio, Big Show, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, etc?

My point stands, regardless of whether or not you can rebut one example from a slew of them I offered.

Come back when you have something that negates the point, not a single instance as if winning a small skirmish is equal to winning the war.

You know whats really annoying though, you always dissecting any time a poster has anything negative to say about your precious TNA into them being some ignorant brainwashed WWE mark. Like seriously, guy, get yourself a new go-to line, because that bird ain't singing anymore.

No, that bird sings just fine. You just don't like it's song. There's a difference.

And it's not people who criticize TNA I combat, it's ignorant people who go to any length to bash the company simply because they don't like it or because the love WWE and hate anything that isn't' WWE. Again, there's a difference.

You don't like me? Wonderful. I've got a secretary called Helen Waite who handles complaints. So if you've got one, go to Helen Waite.

Hell, I saw you post in another thread that you'd always watch TNA no matter what they did. "Even if they put the title on Sharkboy" as I recall, is what you said. Now, I don't know about you, but that right there looks and sounds like someone blindly, ignorantly, and stubbornly following a program no matter how much they fuck up. Staying loyal is one thing, this though....

Brainwashed!!! ;)

…and I've made myself not entirely transparent about the fact that I'm a TNA mark, when, exactly?

I never said I'd "support" the idea of Shark Boy with the title, I said I'd still watch because TNA is the only wrestling left where I still find entertainment.

But hey, if it helps you sleep better at night, I'd happily admit that I'd stop watching TNA the moment it no longer entertained me.
LOL. Cool, man. Now, how about an answer for Jericho, RVD, Mysterio, Big Show, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, etc?

My point stands, regardless of whether or not you can rebut one example from a slew of them I offered.

Come back when you have something that negates the point, not a single instance as if winning a small skirmish is equal to winning the war.

I just find it funny that you wern't aware of K-Kwik, I mean, c'mon.

I'll grant you most of those anyway, you are correct good sir. Though, a few of them, WWE/F made them their own. They cultivated and grew personality's for some of those superstars that you mentioned that got them over. So, while WCW had them on the roster, they did not utilize them to their fullest potential and therefore I would argue that they ARE homegrown as WWE/F made them what they are.

No, that bird sings just fine. You just don't like it's song. There's a difference.

And it's not people who criticize TNA I combat, it's ignorant people who go to any length to bash the company simply because they don't like it or because the love WWE and hate anything that isn't' WWE. Again, there's a difference.

Anyone that would trash a product they know nothing about, is most definitely ignorant and stupid. No argument there, bub. I just wish you would stop lumping all of us with those MORONS. Not all WWE supporters are clueless idiots who hate TNA.

You don't like me? Wonderful. I've got a secretary called Helen Waite who handles complaints. So if you've got one, go to Helen Waite.

Hardy har har, nice joke, though I never said I disliked you. Just that you annoyed me, which are two different things.

…and I've made myself not entirely transparent about the fact that I'm a TNA mark, when, exactly?

I never said I'd "support" the idea of Shark Boy with the title, I said I'd still watch because TNA is the only wrestling left where I still find entertainment.

But don't you see thats exactly why you hate the WWE "marks"? You yell and scream about them supporting a product that sucks, in your opinion, and call them brainwashed for continuing to follow such a company.

I mean, seriously dude, thats the definition of a hypocrite right there.

All in all, I don't dislike you. I'm not trying to disrespect you or TNA. I just don't agree with lumping everyone into a certain category because they enjoy WWE. In my case, I thinks it's entertaining, I like a lot of the superstars on the roster. Do I find it to be moronic sometimes? Hell yeah. But that happens in everything, you can't satisfy everyone.
I just find it funny that you wern't aware of K-Kwik, I mean, c'mon.

I'll grant you most of those anyway, you are correct good sir. Though, a few of them, WWE/F made them their own. They cultivated and grew personality's for some of those superstars that you mentioned that got them over. So, while WCW had them on the roster, they did not utilize them to their fullest potential and therefore I would argue that they ARE homegrown as WWE/F made them what they are.

I barely watched WWE/F, dude. I was a WCW guy growing up. WCW is what I know. WWE/F is what I know an adequate amount of. When "K-Kwik" was in WWE, I was still watching Nitro and Thunder.

Homegrown does not equate reborn or repackaged. Homegrown means the wrestler you are talking about was essentially "drafted" where he's performing. John Cena is home grown. Chris Jericho, reborn/repackaged or not, is not. If you wish to change the definition, I suggest finding a better, more appropriate adjective to describe it, because homegrown is not it.

Anyone that would trash a product they know nothing about, is most definitely ignorant and stupid. No argument there, bub. I just wish you would stop lumping all of us with those MORONS. Not all WWE supporters are clueless idiots who hate TNA.

I don't. I know plenty of intelligent wrestling fans who happen to be WWE fans. I know very few WWE fans who happen to be intelligent, however. Yes, I'm aware that makes little sense, but all you have to do is read through about half a dozen complaints about TNA on this forum and you'd understand my frustration.

When a post, for example, starts off as "I don't watch TNA because it sucks, but..." the credibility and the intentions of the poster are pretty clear. Unknowing (seeing as they don't even watch the fucking show), devious (again, seeing as they don't even watch the show) and to an extent unintelligent (again, seeing as they don't even WATCH the fucking show!).

What you fail to understand is that I'm not lumping all WWE fans into one when I write out posts like the one that irked you so. I am lumping all ignorant WWE fans into one, because it's where they belong. See above for more on that. Had you read it through and through, you might have caught that I never directed it at "WWE fans in general", only the ignorant and annoying ones.

Hardy har har, nice joke, though I never said I disliked you. Just that you annoyed me, which are two different things.

Indeed. Annoyance used to be a specialty of mine. I was beginning to think I'd lost my touch.

But don't you see thats exactly why you hate the WWE "marks"? You yell and scream about them supporting a product that sucks, in your opinion, and call them brainwashed for continuing to follow such a company.

I mean, seriously dude, thats the definition of a hypocrite right there.

Not at all. I hate the "WWE marks" who refuse to see wrong in their company because they're fanboys and not fans of professional wrestling. I also hate those same assclowns who then think it appropriate to riddle my section with complaints about the product I enjoy simply because they don't, ESPECIALLY when they don't even watch it.

Nothing will piss me off faster, as I already touched on, than some 13-year old snot-nosed punk coming in here and prefacing some tired discussion with "I don't watch TNA, but..."

All in all, I don't dislike you. I'm not trying to disrespect you or TNA. I just don't agree with lumping everyone into a certain category because they enjoy WWE. In my case, I thinks it's entertaining, I like a lot of the superstars on the roster. Do I find it to be moronic sometimes? Hell yeah. But that happens in everything, you can't satisfy everyone.

See above.

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