I've had some more time to think about this, and with the way things are going, I'm leaning towards this whole fiasco being legit. If it's a work, why would WWE go through the trouble of removing Punk from the Wrestlemania poster?
Also, Vince and WWE are obsessed with using mainstream publicity to help legitimatize WWE as a real force in the entertainment industry. Remember that whole arena scheduling mess with the Denver Nuggets, and that ridiculous Lakers VS Nuggets tag match? Stone Cold addressed the issue on Arsenio's show, Punk's been a hot topic on search engines, and TMZ picked up the story also, so why did WWE ignore the chance to capitalize on Punk's "departure"?
Maybe Punk was tried of being number three at Wrestlemania. I'm not going to include Wrestlemania 23-25 and the MITB matches, because you have to focus on the stretch for Punk's rise to the top of WWE's elite list. At Wrestlemania 27, he took third place to Undertaker VS Triple H and Miz VS Cena (and The Rock). At Wrestlemania 28, he took third place to Cena VS Rock and Triple H VS The Undertaker in HIAC. Last year he took third place behind Rock VS Cena II and Brock Lesnar VS Triple H II.
I guess you could say Punk finally felt this was his year to be the main attraction at Wrestlemania, and he refused to settle for third place again with Triple H, because the WWE WHC will be a bigger deal, and you can't forget Taker's streak match, especially a potential Taker VS Lesnar match.
So IF this is all legit, I can understand why Punk is pissed. He has to take a backseat to Batista. WWE horribly overestimated his appeal as a star, and he got off easy this week in Omaha. The crowds will be more rabid and rowdy on the road to Mania, and if Punk is not around for the March 3rd Raw in Chicago, the fans will tear Batista apart with no mercy.
I understand why Punk is pissed off, but at the same time, you can't expect WWE to bend over backwards and cater to all of his demands every time he's pissed off about something. It's not a realistic way of looking at the situation. Punk spent the tail end of 2011 as WWE Champion, all of 2012 as WWE Champion, he held on to the WWE Championship all the way up to the Rumble in 2013, and his match with Brock Lesnar at Summerslam was dubbed as a co-main event to Bryan vs Cena. So you can't sit there and say WWE completely shoved him into the background so he could fade away into obscurity.
Still, a little bit of doubt creeps into my mind for the legitimacy of this being legit, because I don't get the logic of leaving before your biggest payday of the year. If Punk is so pissed off, wait until after Mania, when you have your big paycheck in the bank, and then go on another hiatus.