CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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Mainstream media is picking up on CM Punk walking out on WWE. Will WWE do everything possible to get him back or are they going to pretend this CM Punk news doesn't exist?

I don't think they will pretend he never existed but right now they certainly won't draw any attention to him which is probably at his request.

I don't think WWE should go out of there way to get him back because they need to make a example...This isn't the first time he's threatened to leave if he didn't get his way and they need to make it clear to all these other guys that this is not a way to conduct buisness...If he does return he needs to start at the bottom...He needs to job to orton....He needs to job to cena....He needs to job to Bryan....He needs to job to bray wyatt. ..period....After his jobbing tour is over have him do some mid card feuds with dolph, miz, kofi, even some nxt new comers...then when royal rumble 2015 rolls around maybe just maybe if he's proven himself as a dependable asset to the rroster have him when the rumble and main event wrestlemania...that's a long shot.

I don't think he will be back tho.
I don't understand where people get off saying he has a lot of money? Nobody knows his situation so I don't think it's appropriate to state things like that when you have no basis to it.

As far as we know the guy could have wasted all his money on drugs tattoos and booze and is sitting at home right now high as a kite with needles in his arm...infact I find that more a more logical situation then "meh he has a lot of money he just quit and went home because he can".....

It's been documented that he's worth roughly 7.5 million. I'd say that's enough money to do pretty much what he wants.

And I don't agree with him leaving either. It was a bitch made move. Any wrestling fan who supports him after this debacle is an idiot.
It's been documented that he's worth roughly 7.5 million. I'd say that's enough money to do pretty much what he wants.

And I don't agree with him leaving either. It was a bitch made move. Any wrestling fan who supports him after this debacle is an idiot.

Ok but that's his worth while he's a active member of the wwe roster....his worth goes down substantially when he's not employed just as anyone's would...he's not generating those merch sales sitting at home...the longer he's out the less in demand he becomes.

If he's gone past WrestleMania you can all but forget about it because Danial Bryan will pretty much have the ball CM punk had at that point.
Mainstream media is picking up on CM Punk walking out on WWE. Will WWE do everything possible to get him back or are they going to pretend this CM Punk news doesn't exist?

This isn't new. CM Punk has been one of the top search engine names on both Yahoo and Google for the past week, hitting No. 1 on Yahoo earlier in the week. TMZ and other non-wrestling sites have been reporting about it non stop.

They'll pretend it doesn't exist for now. It's a delicate situation in regards to dealing with him. They don't want to bash him on tv for fear of him digging in his heels even more.
Just being curious:

CM Punk's twitter feed was last active on January 27,2014.

Is that CM Punk's personal twitter account, and if so, isn't it strange that he hasn't tweeted at all since the walkout was made public??

It is stuff like that which makes it seem as though it could still be a work although I am no longer holding my breath to that possibility.
Just being curious:

CM Punk's twitter feed was last active on January 27,2014.

Is that CM Punk's personal twitter account, and if so, isn't it strange that he hasn't tweeted at all since the walkout was made public??

It is stuff like that which makes it seem as though it could still be a work although I am no longer holding my breath to that possibility.

CM Punk being silent on Twitter makes you think it was a work?

So if he went on there and said "Thanks for the support but I've had it and I'm taking time off and I don't know when/if I will return", that would make you think it WASN'T a work? I highly doubt it.

People believe what they want to believe and try to come up with ways to justify those beliefs.
Ok but that's his worth while he's a active member of the wwe roster....his worth goes down substantially when he's not employed just as anyone's would...he's not generating those merch sales sitting at home...the longer he's out the less in demand he becomes.

If he's gone past WrestleMania you can all but forget about it because Danial Bryan will pretty much have the ball CM punk had at that point.

He is obviously going to cut into that net worth and it will make that figure go down pretty substanially, but I'd say the 7.5 million he's sitting on is enough to live pretty damn comfortably for a while.

If/when it runs out, I'm sure he'll be back to wrasslin'. Whether his return is in a WWE ring in front of an adoring fanbse or a skecthy ass ring in a high school gym in front of 50 nostalgic mouthbreathers depends largely on how he plays it from here.
CM Punk being silent on Twitter makes you think it was a work?

So if he went on there and said "Thanks for the support but I've had it and I'm taking time off and I don't know when/if I will return", that would make you think it WASN'T a work? I highly doubt it.

People believe what they want to believe and try to come up with ways to justify those beliefs.

No, Punk being silent enhances the possibility that it could be a work. However I have said I am not holding my breath with regards to that. After all,he seemed to be pretty active in terms of tweets before the incident.

If he returns then great. If not then too bad.
When Punk and WWE make peace Punk should be given a "return teaser package" much like Taker and Jericho in the past. We won't know who it is but it's the return of someone.

When he returns he should be "The Scapegoat".

The arena goes dark and Scapegoat by Sevendust begins playing.

The lights turn on at the beginning of the first chorus to reveal Punk at the top of the ramp. I'd have his back to us with his Best in the World hoodie up. Arms straight up in the air. You don't want to copy Jericho too much ya know.

If you have the song play it and close your eyes.

Obviously most theme songs are edited and sped up later on which would be the same here. But I leave it with its slow opening for the first few weeks.

A sample of the songs lyrics:

I for one will say I haven't seen if all I know
The second chance for me
Was long ago
So strange and still
I've had to think about
The world I took that brought me here

Who am I supposed to be?
I breath, I bleed, I'm here to show you all
My mistakes
It's right here beside you

Lie next to me and you'll see I'm the scapegoat
I'm here to tell you that this ride's not for free
Look at me I'm a scapegoat
What will you do about it?

Find a memory to look at life and understand that
I can't stop what's supposed to be
But I can show you what it will take
If you would shut the f#*k up and listen
I don't get it. How is he going to portray himself as a "scapegoat"? He wasn't blamed for anything. He wasn't made an example of by being fired. He quit.
CM Punk's new theme song should be "Leaving on a jet plane." The Mama's and The Papa's version. He can come back as a real mellow hippie type who will lay down for anyone and it will be all good.
I've had some more time to think about this, and with the way things are going, I'm leaning towards this whole fiasco being legit. If it's a work, why would WWE go through the trouble of removing Punk from the Wrestlemania poster?

Also, Vince and WWE are obsessed with using mainstream publicity to help legitimatize WWE as a real force in the entertainment industry. Remember that whole arena scheduling mess with the Denver Nuggets, and that ridiculous Lakers VS Nuggets tag match? Stone Cold addressed the issue on Arsenio's show, Punk's been a hot topic on search engines, and TMZ picked up the story also, so why did WWE ignore the chance to capitalize on Punk's "departure"?

Maybe Punk was tried of being number three at Wrestlemania. I'm not going to include Wrestlemania 23-25 and the MITB matches, because you have to focus on the stretch for Punk's rise to the top of WWE's elite list. At Wrestlemania 27, he took third place to Undertaker VS Triple H and Miz VS Cena (and The Rock). At Wrestlemania 28, he took third place to Cena VS Rock and Triple H VS The Undertaker in HIAC. Last year he took third place behind Rock VS Cena II and Brock Lesnar VS Triple H II.

I guess you could say Punk finally felt this was his year to be the main attraction at Wrestlemania, and he refused to settle for third place again with Triple H, because the WWE WHC will be a bigger deal, and you can't forget Taker's streak match, especially a potential Taker VS Lesnar match.

So IF this is all legit, I can understand why Punk is pissed. He has to take a backseat to Batista. WWE horribly overestimated his appeal as a star, and he got off easy this week in Omaha. The crowds will be more rabid and rowdy on the road to Mania, and if Punk is not around for the March 3rd Raw in Chicago, the fans will tear Batista apart with no mercy.

I understand why Punk is pissed off, but at the same time, you can't expect WWE to bend over backwards and cater to all of his demands every time he's pissed off about something. It's not a realistic way of looking at the situation. Punk spent the tail end of 2011 as WWE Champion, all of 2012 as WWE Champion, he held on to the WWE Championship all the way up to the Rumble in 2013, and his match with Brock Lesnar at Summerslam was dubbed as a co-main event to Bryan vs Cena. So you can't sit there and say WWE completely shoved him into the background so he could fade away into obscurity.

Still, a little bit of doubt creeps into my mind for the legitimacy of this being legit, because I don't get the logic of leaving before your biggest payday of the year. If Punk is so pissed off, wait until after Mania, when you have your big paycheck in the bank, and then go on another hiatus.
"I don't get it. How is he going to portray himself as a "scapegoat"? He wasn't blamed for anything. He wasn't made an example of by being fired. He quit."

You are right you don't get it. He didn't quit on tv so if it didn't happen on tv then it didn't happen. So you write him as a scapegoat character when he returns and write the tv story the way you (WWE) want to. It's not difficult to understand.
"I don't get it. How is he going to portray himself as a "scapegoat"? He wasn't blamed for anything. He wasn't made an example of by being fired. He quit."

You are right you don't get it. He didn't quit on tv so if it didn't happen on tv then it didn't happen. So you write him as a scapegoat character when he returns and write the tv story the way you (WWE) want to. It's not difficult to understand.

"It didn't happen on TV so it didn't happen". You're saying this in 2014. :disappointed:

If his quitting "didn't happen", nobody would have been chanting CM Punk at RAW.

Do you think we are some special breed, where we know some inside information that nobody "out there" in the real world doesn't know?

Example. Some kid watches wrestling regularly but doesn't go on wrestling sites other than He hasn't seen anything about CM Punk on WWE's site, so he googles "why isn't CM Punk on RAW". He finds out Punk quit. So drop that whole "it didn't happen on tv" bit. It happened.

Then you want Punk to come back as a scapegoat. WHY is he a scapegoat? You're the one who brought up this idea, but you have nothing to explain it. You posted lyrics to a song that you like.

A scapegoat is someone who is blamed or punished for something they didn't do, usually to protect someone else. Tell me what happened to CM Punk, that would make him a scapegoat. What is the storyline?
He didn't quit on tv so if it didn't happen on tv then it didn't happen.

Did we stumble back into the early 90s where a ring rope broke and a title change meant nothing because it wasn't on tv?

This "Scapegoat" idea is not a good one, please stop.
We don't even know if we are being worked yet or not so how can you say he actually quit. Even current and ex WWE talent/workers aren't completely sure what's going on. So the crowd chants mean nothing to me.

I wasn't trying to come up with a story for it. I was leaving that to the "creative" department. I'm saying I like the possibilities. The songs lyrics write the story and it's one I could see Punk playing.

Just off thd top of my head he feels like all the negativity has been directed towards him. When he tries over and over again to speak the truth but no one really listens. They hear it but they aren't listening. Nothing changes. But he feels he's portrayed as mr.negative, part of the problem, the scapegoat. Doesn't matter whether it currently makes sense, the writers make it make sense.
You say that backstage he's been being blamed for things. He's the reason for this or for that. Hes had to fight back and show he wasn't to blame. He was going to be blamed for everything so he walked away. Maybe you incorporate this into the Bryan storyline some how. For instance writers on this site have said that Bryan has gotten and will get Punks spot now. So Punk was in the way, "to blame" for Bryan's non push. There are all sorts of ways to go.
You say that backstage he's been being blamed for things. He's the reason for this or for that. Hes had to fight back and show he wasn't to blame. He was going to be blamed for everything so he walked away. Maybe you incorporate this into the Bryan storyline some how. For instance writers on this site have said that Bryan has gotten and will get Punks spot now. So Punk was in the way, "to blame" for Bryan's non push. There are all sorts of ways to go.

Except those "different ways to go" aren't very good and barely, if at all, make sense.

Punk can't be a "scapegoat" for anything, especially anything to do with Bryan being "held back" because it's completely unbelievable. "Bryan was held back because Punk was uh... working with us the entire time... even though we've been uh... screwing Punk over the entire time..." doesn't make sense.
OP- Basically you like a song called "Scapegoat" so you said, "Hey, when Punk comes back, why don't they call HIM The Scapegoat, and use that song as his entrance music. Let Creative figure out the rest." Gotta try harder next time.
Correct it doesn't make sense because what the Authority is saying to make Punk a scapegoat is not true.

Punk would have went the distance or damn close storyline wise in the rumble if not for Kane. Punk complains, whines blames The Authority and Kane for the loss but The Authority blames punk. You should have tried harder you shouldn't have done this or done that. So Batista wins. Now Punk is pissed about that. How do these part timers keep coming back and taking our spots. Once again instead of dealing with the real issue the Authority makes it about punk. He should shut up and deal with it. Hes the cause of the negativity, he's the one who creates the negative stories. We, The Authority aren't the problem it's Punk. The Authorities Scapegoat. Makes sense to me.
"OP- Basically you like a song called "Scapegoat" so you said, "Hey, when Punk comes back, why don't they call HIM The Scapegoat, and use that song as his entrance music. Let Creative figure out the rest." Gotta try harder next time."

No. The lyrics reminded me of the things the character Punk has been through and sounds like him.
He is "The Authorities' Scapegoat". So he's not a scapegoat, hes the opposite of a scapegoat. He is the cause of the problem, and someone else takes the heat for it. Wow.

I give you credit for doubling down on this one but sometimes you have to get up from the table and cut your losses.
Correct it doesn't make sense because what the Authority is saying to make Punk a scapegoat is not true.

Punk would have went the distance or damn close storyline wise in the rumble if not for Kane. Punk complains, whines blames The Authority and Kane for the loss but The Authority blames punk. You should have tried harder you shouldn't have done this or done that. So Batista wins. Now Punk is pissed about that. How do these part timers keep coming back and taking our spots. Once again instead of dealing with the real issue the Authority makes it about punk. He should shut up and deal with it. Hes the cause of the negativity, he's the one who creates the negative stories. We, The Authority aren't the problem it's Punk. The Authorities Scapegoat. Makes sense to me.

How in anyway does that relate to Punk being to blame for Bryan "being held back"?

Seriously, how does Punk getting frustrated (on screen) with Batista returning and winning the Rumble have anything to do with the several months of Bryan being held back?
"How in anyway does that relate to Punk being to blame for Bryan "being held back"?

Seriously, how does Punk getting frustrated (on screen) with Batista returning and winning the Rumble have anything to do with the several months of Bryan being held back?"

It doesn't I wasn't responding to the Bryan part of it. Writers on here have said Bryan is getting Punks spot so it was a possibility storyline wise. I didn't create it.

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