CM Punk calls TNA "The Indies" Kurt Angle responds.

Mr Mikey Mike

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A fan who attended the Wizard World Comic Con event, which featured a Q&A with WWE Champion CM Punk, posted his in depth thoughts on the event at

Punk was asked if he could work with anyone, who would it be and Punk said Samoa Joe. Punk was also asked which wrestler from an independent company he would like to see in the WWE. Punk said Samoa Joe again. The fan said that Samoa Joe works for TNA and Punk said something like, “I know. You said indy didn’t you?”

Punk wants to Say Tna Is An Indy League? I Was On top in Wwe when You Were trying to Get a Job Anywhere. It Was My Choice to go to Tna. ...
If I ever See You Punk, Hide Bitch!

LOL Kurt is funny....
Punk could probably win in a real fight, Angle and his amatuer wrestling techniques win't come all that handy in a fistfight. Punk is a deadly striker.
Punk has been making insulting remarks about TNA for years, ever since the Rob Feinstien controversy. And on the topic, I'd put my money on Angle, he'd do some Chris Benoit-esq shit given the chance.
Was angle ever the top guy in WWE? I don't think so. He always had someone in front of him, much like Punk does now.
Punk could probably win in a real fight, Angle and his amatuer wrestling techniques win't come all that handy in a fistfight. Punk is a deadly striker.

My stepdad might wanna talk to you about that. Ameture wrestling legend here in Jersey. Had to fight people all the time (dunno if the fighting part was exaggeration though).
Why the hell would CM Punk beat Kurt Fucking Angle in a fight? Kurt Fucking Angle won a GOLD MEDAL in the OLYMPICS for WRESTLING. WRESTLING is a COMBAT SPORT. CM Punk ain't done shit in the world of legit fighting/combat sports. Angle would have Punk beat in 7 seconds, 6 of which were spent by Angle taunting.

That being said, Kurt Angle CHOSE to go to an Indy company.
If Kevin Nash made this comment there would be people all over this board that would be absolutely outraged by it.

That being said, Angle needs to calm down a little and CM needs to set his sights a little bit higher than Samoa Joe.
i would not say that tna is a indy promotion. i would say its near what wcw was. and as far as cm punk vs angle. angle would kick his ass.
I remember an incident from a few years ago where I think Dan Marino was responding to a fan saying that Marino was old and broken down. Marino said something to the extent of "compared to modern NFL players you're right, but I could still outrun and overpower almost any average guy."

A broken down Kurt Angle, and by broken down I mean still a high quality athlete who regularly performs and is only in his early 40s, would still be better at amateur style wrestling than almost anyone else on the planet. Punk would be in big trouble.
I'd take Angle in that fight, hands down. He's still got some moves regardless of his age.
Love how Kurt didn't even defend TNA just insulted Punk...go have another :beer: Kurt.

Also in a real fight my money would be on Punk he has good strikes and could probably knock Kurt out with those.
Anyone that thinks Punk has a chance needs to remember what Vince did to HHH when he told him he thought he could take Angle, laugh in his face.

I'd probably have less of a problem with this if it wasn't for the reason DS laid out, the Feinstein controversy. Punk has some weird takes on things and people and his opinions developed coming out of that situation have to be some of the oddest. I can probably deal with it though because this isn't a WWE performer condescending it is a ROH performer being jealous.

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