CM Punk assaults fan on RAW

Do you want me to put a dollar amount on it?

If I was embarrassed on TV because a wrestler that I paid to see hit me?

Whatever profit they made during that event should go to me.

Or I would propose a new CM Punk T Shirt that has something to do with him punching me and I get the money.

So you're looking to capitalize on a fluke incident and cash in on thousands and thousands of dollars over something pretty minor. Got it. At that point you would actually be pretty happy you got slapped. 95% of the people would probably do the same thing.
everyone has their thoughts on what happended and what the concequences will be for cm punk, so here is mine.
I actually liked it , people fight in the crowds all the time, i wonder if anyone copped a blow to the chin then, although this was unprovoked by the guy that got hit.
Jericho , orton and others have attacked fans, a think punk will get a massive slap on a wrist and a fine from wwe, no suspension and I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt lose the belt either, this could be actually great for his charachter if there was anyone that liked him or had any respect for him I think thats with out a doubt gone out the window, which is exactly what you want as a heel charachter.

I guess we will find out more about the outcome of the situation in the upcoming days and weeks

But if punk goes its going to be a very stale few months in wwe
I am going to blow this post up because it's gonna get overlooked just like mine did.

This has happened in the past on many occasions and look what happened? Look how things turned out. There are just some guys who hate Punk who want to see him suffer the consequences.

Except that girl attacked Jericho. She spat on him, which is considered assault and he only piefaced her. Not to mention, she didn't press any charges. If the guy lets it go, that's one thing, but if Punk actually hurt him unprovoked, that's another issue altogether.
Two sides to every story, reports are now out that David Caruso hit Punk twice in the back of the head causing him to retaliate.

Everyone stop overreacting now thanks.
And I just spoke with someone who's a boxer and he also sided with me on my saying that if you have a background in striking, then it's in your instinct to swing if you're touched on the back. And now with the fact the guy pushed him in the head he's at fault for that happening. If you hit a wrestler your ass deserves to get hit back. Good day sires.
Pushed him in the back of the head twice. Thats what happens when you fuck around :lmao:

sadly, I dont think I see Vince and the brass seeing it that way
I'd be happy as hell if Punk nailed me. hahah That would be something to talk about for years
I don't know what is with you, nor do I care. I am saying if I didn't do anything I would not be bragging about being decked by fake wrestler like it was a badge of honor. If I did, I would expect to laughed off the planet, and rightly so.
And now with the fact the guy pushed him in the head he's at fault for that happening.

What fact? Just cuz some anonymous source on WZ said so?

It depends entirely on what the man decides to do about this. If he's truly the one at fault, he won't do anything about it most likely.
Pushed him in the back of the head twice. Thats what happens when you fuck around :lmao:

sadly, I dont think I see Vince and the brass seeing it that way

I think he'll be alright. Punk makes the company a lot of money (I haven't given the WWE any money since I went to the Rumble last year and I know I'll be buying the Punk DVD tomorrow, perfect timing, btw...) and is highly regarded by HHH, Vince, et al.

He'll at most get a slap on the wrist... I don't think Vince is going to begrudge him for this especially when the dude in back of him put his hands on him twice. Moral of the story: Stop having wrestlers go into the stands. I'm surprised incidents like this have never really happened.
What fact? Just cuz some anonymous source on WZ said so?

It depends entirely on what the man decides to do about this. If he's truly the one at fault, he won't do anything about it most likely.

I would believe the fan that was there before I believe what someone else says. And as we know there's gonna be another video released before the night is over since everyone and their mother pulled out their cellular phone.
If this was baseball rather than a violent sport like WWE would even be having this talk? If Miguel Cabrera did something similar he would be suspended half the season.
I assumed this was just a work but that punch after the first one looked really stiff so I doubt it but I might change my mind after I see how the whole segment played. Not sure why people think you are allowed to beat someone up just because they provoke you, that isn't how it works in the real world. Dude getting his sunglasses knocked was hilarious though.

Danielson got his brother to tweet in so CM Punk doesn't have to go work the indies for a little while.
So you're looking to capitalize on a fluke incident and cash in on thousands and thousands of dollars over something pretty minor. Got it. At that point you would actually be pretty happy you got slapped. 95% of the people would probably do the same thing.
I would sue to. The economy is still pretty bad and money can be hard to come by. If somebody not well off has a chance to make a quick few grand, you think he wouldn't take it? Unless the dude is rich or something...Barring that I would assume he might be seeing dollar signs. I try not to judge, so who am I to look down my nose at him?
so, Punk is in deep with the crowd and probably alot of shoving going on both ways , and he gets pushed in the head and that condones his actions?????


Punk is a hot head in real life, and it bleeds over to his heel personas. Have him drop the title at HITC, you can suspend him for a month, and still have him win back the title for him to defend it against ROck at Royal Rumble as originally planned anyway
My guess, the fan accidentally pushed him when he put on his glasses. Either way, what a professional Punk is. Heel or not, what kind of professional performer hits a fan (BESIDES Ron Artest)
I assumed this was just a work but that punch after the first one looked really stiff so I doubt it but I might change my mind after I see how the whole segment played. Not sure why people think you are allowed to beat someone up just because they provoke you, that isn't how it works in the real world. Dude getting his sunglasses knocked was hilarious though.

Danielson got his brother to tweet in so CM Punk doesn't have to go work the indies for a little while.
We will know if it was work in about a week, the WWE doesn't normally make a storyline out of these things if they are shoots. I think they have before, but not often.
I would sue to. The economy is still pretty bad and money can be hard to come by. If somebody not well off has a chance to make a quick few grand, you think he wouldn't take it? Unless the dude is rich or something...Barring that I would assume he might be seeing dollar signs. I try not to judge, so who am I to look down my nose at him?

I don't blame you. You might be able to get an amount of money that makes a real difference in your life that barely affects WWE at all. Maybe that guy is struggling to make mortgage payments and a lawsuit would save his home. Go for it. Just don't pretend it's about anything other than money.
I would sue to. The economy is still pretty bad and money can be hard to come by. If somebody not well off has a chance to make a quick few grand, you think he wouldn't take it? Unless the dude is rich or something...Barring that I would assume he might be seeing dollar signs. I try not to judge, so who am I to look down my nose at him?

That's what i'm thinking. People sue McDonald's because their coffee is too hot and Walmart because they slipped on a few drops of water on the floor. Why wouldn't this guy sue WWE for whatever he can get out of them because one of their workers assaulted him? (Depending on how this rumor of Punk being provoked turns out)
Vince will look at this from two points:

1) BE A STAR. Can't have your talent attacking fans, provoked or not.

2) LINDA'S CAMPAIGN. This is the single reason I don't think this was a work. Linda's senate opponent would be ALL OVER THIS. Imagine if they found out that the fan was planted and CM Punk was supposed to hit the fan, making everyone think that it was an unprovoked attack. If WWE does nothing about it either way, it'll be bad news for her campaign. I know Vince cares a lot about Linda's political aspirations.
I don't blame you. You might be able to get an amount of money that makes a real difference in your life that barely affects WWE at all. Maybe that guy is struggling to make mortgage payments and a lawsuit would save his home. Go for it. Just don't pretend it's about anything other than money.
It would be about the money, it would only be about something more if he caused some serious damage to me. If he knocked out some teeth, caused a concussion..Then it would be more than money. But if I was perfectly fine afterwards it's all about the green.
That's what i'm thinking. People sue McDonald's because their coffee is too hot and Walmart because they slipped on a few drops of water on the floor. Why wouldn't this guy sue WWE for whatever he can get out of them because one of their workers assaulted him? (Depending on how this rumor of Punk being provoked turns out)

And we all criticize these people over their ridiculous lawsuits. Everyone made fun of that lady who sued McDonald's over the coffee but how many people would have done the same thing if given the opportunity? A lot.
Interesting that even after that , CM Punk went on to have the Dark Main Event match with Sheamus after Raw went off the air

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