Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

He can't be too heavy since he does jump around the ring a bit, but he can't be too light because then it'll be awkward to see him like a toothpick (like MadMetal said). He should weigh roughly 220-240, then be fine. The name of the thread says that the save us promos are not direrected towards him, that's not been proven yet.
for gods sake who give a shit about jerichos return. i cant believe im saying that considering how big a jericholic i am and have been since his wcw days. but honestly ive racked my brain and i cannot think of any storyline where jericho can return and have me interested. he could join dx, actually turn out to be mcmahons real son, maybe go to SD! or ecw....none of it matters because it all sounds corny. i was excited until after cyber sunday when vince decided to just keep milking it. he doesnt realize that alot of people are actually losing interest. i feel jerichos return may spike the raings for a few weeks but as every wwe story it will be screwed up quickly and we will see posts here about what should have been done differently. and when he does show up you STILL wont have a clue why hes here. vince will drag it out for weeks and i wont be watching. after last weeks (oct 30) HORRIBLE RAW (worst ever IMO) i gave up on vince and his merchandising machine disguised as a wrestling show. from now on i just flip back during the commercials of whatever im watching.

so as for jericho, the videos saying he will save us and so on are bullshit, there is NO one storyline that can help the wwe.
I think Jericho won't necessarily need a storyline upon his return. I see him coming in sort of as a shade of gray type character, not necessarily a face, but not necessarily a heel, either. My guess is the night after Survivor Series, Raw will continually be interrupted by the SAVE_US promos until the second hour, when someone comes out to cut a promo, cuing the return of Jericho.

Waiting for him to debut after Survivor Series is honestly a smart move on the WWE's part. They're going to let the current rivalries and stories come to their big conclusion at SS. Typically after a big ppv, the WWE likes to wipe the slate clean and start new angles and stories. Jericho's debut would be the biggest new angle they can have going. Odds are they will find a way to work him back. My money remains on him returning opposing Kennedy. He can win the IC belt the night before, come out on Raw and talk about how he will undoubtedly be the greatest IC champ of all time and how he will bring new life to the WWE. Cue a Save_Us promo on the 'tron, and BAM! Jericho is back. Instant, semi-logical feud, especially considering Jericho is one of the greatest IC champs ever. It would work two-fold, as it would not only re-introduce Jericho, but also help Kennedy become a bigger player in the grand scheme of the WWE.

Another scenario is to have Jericho come out and feud with Umaga, as the HHH/Umaga feud is sort of stale at this point.

I dunno...go jericho, go! go jericho, go!
The only way id be interested in a Jericho return after months of what seems more disappointment i think he should win the Royal Rumble either him or have someone who deserves a chance like Matt Hardy or Helms win the rumble. Id have him become a commentator or a gm just because it sounds better than any of the crap WWE will make him do like job to Cena or job to HHH or just defeat a few jobbers for month a la Snitsky.

I was interested in the promos and i liked how we had to tune in each week to see who it was but after about the 4th week i though its being milked to the extreme and is ruined.

Im starting to give up on wrestling maybe ill watch the NWA show thats coming soon or try ROH again i just kinda stopped watching it because its always repeats on TWC Fight!

I dunno i dont think the promos are Jericho i think there just random shit that Vince thought would be cool.

LOL i would love it to be for the return of the Hurricane for one night only because i hated Hurricane but from time to time like when he tried to chokeslam the Big Show he was funny. Either that or for Helms to come back.
I think the wwe should have him come back and feud with Kennedy if and ONLY if kennedy is not the ic champ. I think if they have jericho come out and feud with a lower tier champ it will lose hype immediately for him. Now if he comes out and feuds with an arrogant titleless kennedy it could be a nice feud that could be looked upon as a main event feud, which could also help push kennedy.
A Jericho and Kennedy feud would probably be the feud of the century in my opinion. There would definately be some MOTYC within that feud, and I know I'd watch Raw a whole lot more than I do now, that's for sure.

I don't think that the WWE should rush Jericho too fast though. He's just coming off of a long time off, and he needs to take things slowly at first. Jericho and Kennedy would be a great start off feud for Jericho when he comes back.
Well basically, at SS, michaels isn't able to use the superkick, basically meaning that the outcome could well be a sharpshooter. If that was the case, I wouldn't be suprised at all to see a jericho appearance.
I'm not even sure if I've pointed this out already or not.. but I no longer WANT Jericho to return. Have you seen the guy's "new look?" When he returns, he's going to look like W.W.E.'s version of Eric Young.

I understand everyone's style changes, & maybe a lot of others will like the spikey haired, short look.. but urgh.. are you kidding me? And I also heard the thing keeping him from debuting again is his weight. Apparently he's around 200 lbs. & they'd like him about 40-50 extra, so he can be leveled into the Heavyweights.

When he returns, I fully see him working the Main Event for a while, if not almost instantly winning the W.W.E Championship.. but appearance is a lot in wrestling, & I don't think his is going to win over much.
I'm kind of happy that they aren't bringing him back yet due to his weight. It would suck if he wasn't big enough and he came back and then got injured again. What a waste of a return that would be.
I'm kind of happy that they aren't bringing him back yet due to his weight. It would suck if he wasn't big enough and he came back and then got injured again. What a waste of a return that would be.

Was the original reason he was "fired" (on-camera) because of an injury? I thought it was because he was tired of wrestling & left. Also, I think it'd suck, but at the same time remind me of the funny return of Kevin Nash & Rikishi.. they returned for like a month, then reinjured themselves.

Nash's return was during the W.W.E. - n.W.o. stint. - he injured his leg during a Tag team match.

Rikishi's was the same night of his return, in a match against Kurt Angle, I believe.

I WANT Jericho to return.. but much like everything (& everyone) else.. I want the "past" version to be what returns, & it'll never be like it was. Here's to hoping, anyways.
Was the original reason he was "fired" (on-camera) because of an injury? I thought it was because he was tired of wrestling & left.

Yeah, he was "fired" because I thought his contract ran up and he was done with the business. I thought, actually, his contract ran up the night before and he still opted to do Raw just to bring his character to a natural conclusion rather than just having him lose a match and vanishing. I could be quite wrong on that, however.
I would like to see Jericho feud with Orton for the WWE title when he comes back because to me he is the only one that can bring a fresh start to RAW by chasing the WWE title, I hope Y2J is used properly and doesn't slowly fold into the mid-card and start chasing the IC title, not I have problem with the mid card or the IC but Jericho is a big enough superstar to chase the WWE, I would like him to carry the belt till Cena returns maybe feud with Cena with Cena becoming a heel, I think Cena as a major heel would boost the ratings, but I think the WWE wont take the risk as Cena is popular amoung fans. Basically the WWE is scared to the risk these days. Any agree?
I would love to see jericho come back into the ring...but i really hope it's not under the y2j gimmick. not only would it be stale, but i really didnt like the gimmick when it started. lionheart definitely wouldnt get over anymore...but i would like to say, i thought it was awesome when he feuded with dean malenko as the man of 1004 holds... Either way, Jericho's mat and high flying abilities will always have him over with the fans, and im sure 95% of fans will love seeing him back regardless of gimmick.
and for Mr. McMe, WWE hasnt done anything really risky since the attitude days.
I am glad Jericho is returning. However, if it is true that he isnt looking like a heavyweight i agree 100% that they should wait as long as it takes.

Personally I didn;t think he was particularly big when he was the undisputed champion years ago so to think he may be smaller & yet still use him as a hevyweight would be ridiculous because they obviously wont bring him back as u.s champion or anything less. Intercontinental Champion would be a good idea after a while but for the short term at least when he comes back i believe he will challenge orton for the title.
Basically the WWE is scared to the risk these days. Any agree?

No i don't agree due to the fact the WWE is in a state where they don't have to take a risk. Back when they took risks it was to beat there opponent, WCW. Now, they don't have to take risks since there isn't any competition. It would truly be a bad buisness decision if WWE/Vince went and risked something considering they are the champ in there industry.

Back to the Jericho coming back and feuding with whom talk:
I already stated that i would like to see Kennedy and Y2J go at it, and many of you would like to see that too. Personally deep down i don't care who he feuds with. Having him back will do something the WWE is missing...having that unpredictability. Remember when the WWE was all under one brand and you never knew who was going to come out and start a new feud or something like that, well we don't have that. We have basically a 20 man roster where we know who challenges for what and when it happens. Within 8 months it seems like you have had everyone feud with eachother at there level and it becomes what we have had the last 6 years......boring t.v:zzzz: . So who do i want to have Jericho feud with, I don't really care, i just want new faces like this.
I do agree with what you say Tap-Out that they don't need to take the risks, because of lack competition, but I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I wish WWE would be not be in its comfort zone, and to start to risks regardless.
You can see all of the computer files and codes in the background from the SAVE_US.222 commercials. It sucks that Chris Jericho's return was spoiled while the WWE did everything they could for his return to remain a surprise. But I'm excited to see Jericho back home. It's also cool to see he has a new look and left 1999 in the past and moving on.
Everything is going to be better when Jericho comesback imo. He has tons of charisma and great wrestling ability. The reason there probably giving the date of return is obvisouly people are going to watch it. I am, so it worked.
I always wanted to see a Mr.Kennedy and Y2J fued. With Kennedy's style of wrestling and Y2J's superior wrestling skill along with the mic skills those two would have, that would definately be the fued of year IMO. If he is still undersize when he returns, then I think he should just stick to doing promos untill his weight is up. Looking at the magazine cover he still looks the same size. As for his new look I like it. At least he is trying to repackage his gimmick unlike some people *cough* triple H *Cough*.
Im always gald to see a wrestler come back espically someone like Jericho, but I think he should have went to smackdown. I no the wwe doesnt care about smackdowns ratings but I think he could have made a bigger impact just b/c raw is very crowded. BUt I think Jericho should come back as a tweener since he obviously will get HUGE pops, but it should have the same attitude, & if he is a tweener he can face both heels & faces. I think Jerich first needs to feud with probably Umaga(since he seems to be the wwe's new whipping boy) this feud will establish him again, then have him squash HHH(never gonna happen but would be funny) then have him feud with Orton for the title have him win it then when Cena comes back he can feud and destroy him. All in all Jericho may have a huge impact but i dunno if its going to solve all the wwe problems(edit. it wont) but it still will be cool.
I met Jericho last Sunday at a book signing. (one of the nicest, most fan appreciative people I have ever met, but thats beside the point). I have to say, I dont think his new look fits him. The short spiky hair just isn't Chris Jericho. Having said that, I'm still EXTREMELY glad that he's back. I was a huge Y2J mark back in the day, and the WWE needs his technical skills and his ability to have a good match with anyone. I think he'll probably just do mostly promo's and run in's and such, while wrestling at house shows to get his ring rust off. I would like to see a feud with Kennedy. Both are about the same size, have good mic skills, and have good skill sets. I think the matches and especially the promos would be highly entertaining
anyone have the vid of the promo from raw this week? havent seen it.

jericho coming back to wwe is big and a great move for him and wwe. ill def watch raw a lot more with jericho and i cant wait to see his return next week.
Wrestlezone reported that some people have gotten the issue of Y2J's return and suttf, but does anyone know what it actually says?
charasmatic_enigma said:
On mondya he return Oh I cant wait,what does evryoen think?Do you think Jerihco is gunna work Heel or Face?
He's most definitely going to work as a face, I can almost guarantee it. There would be no reason for him to be a heel, because his return is sparking the most ratings at the moment.

gotta love your great grammar skills

Gotta love your great spamming skills.

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