Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

I've just been wondering...what do you think the reaction may be like..if it's revealed..that whoever's coming...or NOT Jericho? That maybe...just maybe...WWE have been leaving clues all over pointing to him just to get a spike in ratings...or whoever the real person is some real heel heat((Or if it's another really popular person coming back- a real element of surprise))?

I'm not getting my hopes up..until i seee Jericho on RAW...until then..forget the rumors on the 'net...or an issue of WWE magazine that COULD be a fake...((People can SAY they've received it...that isn't VALID proof))..until i see Jericho on a WWE show on my T.V...i rather set my hopes low and be surprised...than high and be disappointed:)
It's gotta be Jericho, I don't see how someone could fake one of those magazines in such a convincing manner. Also I don't think Vince has the guts to tease us with Jericho and not deliver...especially with the whole situation they're in. They need a draw and they need it quick!
Its without a doubt Jericho if its not then i will eat my hat but thing is i think when he comes the ratings will go through the roof for a while but i think he just get back to wrestling and that be the end of it and WWE will just make him wrestle he wont be the so called "saviour" or WWE hes not big enough.
Getting back to the topic and getting off the save us stuff... I'm really thinking that Y2J will return on Monday. Now the questions are... will he be face or heel? who will he feud with? Will he really be WWE's savior? Let's take a look at some of these questions for a possible answer.
Will he be face or heel? Honestly I think he may wind up being a face, at least for the first few months or so. I can see Y2J coming back and start talking about how he is the savior of WWE and how he's the future and what not. Which leads me to my next question.
Who will he feud with? As he's talking I can see Mr. Kennedy come down to shut him up. That would set up a feud between Y2J and Kennedy... Arguably two of the biggest loudmouths in the WWE. I think that that would be a nice returning feud to kind of reintroduce Y2J into the WWE.
Will he be WWE's savior? I don't think so. Honestly he will help a lot I think, but as far as saving the WWE goes, well it's going to take a lot more then 1 guy returning to actually save the buisness. I can see Y2J being huge on Raw for a while, but then fading back to mid card stance when the likes of Lashley and Cena return...
As he's talking I can see Mr. Kennedy come down to shut him up. That would set up a feud between Y2J and Kennedy... Arguably two of the biggest loudmouths in the WWE. I think that that would be a nice returning feud to kind of reintroduce Y2J into the WWE.
Will he be WWE's savior? I don't think so. Honestly he will help a lot I think, but as far as saving the WWE goes, well it's going to take a lot more then 1 guy returning to actually save the buisness. I can see Y2J being huge on Raw for a while, but then fading back to mid card stance when the likes of Lashley and Cena return...

a kennedy Y2J feud would be very nice. i think that the creative team would actually be able to turn that feud into a classic one. it has all of the makings for one IMO.

as for saving the wwe.....i dont think that any of NBC's hereos would even be able to do that.
Long time reader, first time poster.

What are the chances that the WWE has messed with everyone with the whole 'save us' campaign and that Jericho comes back tonight and then we see Edge make a return tomorrow night? I mean anything can happen I guess in WWE, but that would be the ultimate swerve job if this happened.
I don't mind whether Y2J returns as face or heel, he's more than adequate at both. As for potential feuds, I think he'll be fast tracked right into the WWE title picture against Randy Orton. Kennedy-Hardy feud may go on longer so that could rule Kennedy out, as much as I'd love to see it.
Long time reader, first time poster.

What are the chances that the WWE has messed with everyone with the whole 'save us' campaign and that Jericho comes back tonight and then we see Edge make a return tomorrow night? I mean anything can happen I guess in WWE, but that would be the ultimate swerve job if this happened.

Ok... Edge is obviously returning at Survivor Series... He is basically the only thing the WWE is advertising. They want people to buy Survivor Series to see the return of Edge, and the next day they want people to watch the return of Chris Jericho. They wouldn't have Jericho debut the same night as Edge because Edge is a legitimate and proven star and they wouldn't want an even bigger star (such as Y2J) to take away from his return.

BTW, does anybody know what finishing move Jericho is coming back with? on Wrestlezone they said he was debuting a new finisher along with several others added to his moveset.
Getting back to the topic and getting off the save us stuff... I'm really thinking that Y2J will return on Monday. Now the questions are... will he be face or heel? who will he feud with? Will he really be WWE's savior? Let's take a look at some of these questions for a possible answer.
Will he be face or heel? Honestly I think he may wind up being a face, at least for the first few months or so. I can see Y2J coming back and start talking about how he is the savior of WWE and how he's the future and what not. Which leads me to my next question.
Who will he feud with? As he's talking I can see Mr. Kennedy come down to shut him up. That would set up a feud between Y2J and Kennedy... Arguably two of the biggest loudmouths in the WWE. I think that that would be a nice returning feud to kind of reintroduce Y2J into the WWE.
Will he be WWE's savior? I don't think so. Honestly he will help a lot I think, but as far as saving the WWE goes, well it's going to take a lot more then 1 guy returning to actually save the buisness. I can see Y2J being huge on Raw for a while, but then fading back to mid card stance when the likes of Lashley and Cena return...
What if Kennedy is the winner of the Survivor Series 10 Man Match? Just imagine, Kennedy has the mic on the middle of the ring and suddenly it appears that its not working, they change the mic, he starts to talk and another error (a sound error, like the beggining of Jericho's save_us promos), then, he tries again and boom! the promo airs again, and Kennedy can't believe it, it's Jericho...

They start talking around, bla bla bla, running your mouth and stuff like that, but if they make Kennedy the winner of the Survivor Series Match it would be awesome, they could make him look huge against Jericho and would make the feud even better.
What if Kennedy is the winner of the Survivor Series 10 Man Match? Just imagine, Kennedy has the mic on the middle of the ring and suddenly it appears that its not working, they change the mic, he starts to talk and another error (a sound error, like the beggining of Jericho's save_us promos), then, he tries again and boom! the promo airs again, and Kennedy can't believe it, it's Jericho...

They start talking around, bla bla bla, running your mouth and stuff like that, but if they make Kennedy the winner of the Survivor Series Match it would be awesome, they could make him look huge against Jericho and would make the feud even better.

Actually that sounds really good... But one question I have is if they pull Kennedy away from Hardy where would that leave the IC title?

I think it should go like this. Jericho returns no one in the ring just him, then Santino comes out with Maria, Y2J flirts with Maria and then Santino gets mad leading up to a PPV Y2J FTW and at the same PPV Hardy will lose the IC title to Kennedy...Thats when Kennedy can boast about being the lone suvivor and then winning the title and then having Y2J come out and start a story with him.
Actually that sounds really good... But one question I have is if they pull Kennedy away from Hardy where would that leave the IC title?

I think it should go like this. Jericho returns no one in the ring just him, then Santino comes out with Maria, Y2J flirts with Maria and then Santino gets mad leading up to a PPV Y2J FTW and at the same PPV Hardy will lose the IC title to Kennedy...Thats when Kennedy can boast about being the lone suvivor and then winning the title and then having Y2J come out and start a story with him.

While, for the most part, it sounds like a pretty good idea, the problem that I have with it is putting the IC title on Kennedy when he really doesn't need it; he's basically on the line between being a main eventer and an upper midcard, and an IC Championship run is going to pull him back down into the Upper Midcarder section. In my opinion, the IC title should be used to bring Midcarders up to the Upper Midcard, or to give UMers that aren't really going into the ME anytime soon some progress.

Just my opinion, but making a Y2J/Kennedy feud for the IC title doesn't sound as appealing, because neither of them should be holding the IC title.
Well it will be jericho on Raw. has an article on saying that the promos will be explained. I believe that a KEnnedy Feud with jericho would be a great feud then they can move jericho into a fued with orton or a heel cana or someone down the road.
I think that a Kennedy -vs- Y2J fued for the IC title could work. Giving Y2J the WWE title on his return would be too TNAish. They give the belt right away to the newcomer/new hire/former WWE guy. I say let him fued with Kennedy for the IC strap and maybe they can make it like Rock -vs- Austin fued for the IC belt in the 90s. Plus remember when being the IC champ meant you earned a title shot?
i cant wait for his return
he and the rock were the best charasmatic guy's in the ww(f)e
and its good to have one of those back cant i also cant wait for HHH screwing HBK and to start another great feud
I don't know how Jericho's gonna be used. Main eventer? He wasn't one in his prime. 2 years off is 2 years off. I doubt we're gonna be seeing too many lionsaults for a while. Idk, if anyone can surprise us, y2j can. And i can't wait.
Yeah. I hope Jericho doesn't immediately come back and start doing crazy stuff,get himself injured. :l Can't wait to see him back though.
Someone earlier said something about what if this all ends up being someone else and then that would get them major heel heat and be a huge shock. Well I dont think it is going to be anybody but jericho but this is how I think it should go. Have the countdown end pyro go crazy everybody get pumped and then out comes Kennedy or Santino (because like others I thnk both would be great in a feud with Jericho) everyone would be so pissed and let down. Then have them talk all this crap about how either they were the ones behind it all or just talk about Jericho in general and then boom real countdown even bigger pyro and out comes Jericho to tear into Kennedy or Santino for trying to steal his comeback, and says they are exactly the reason he came back to save the WWE.
I definatly agree with that idea that would create an absolutly massive pop from the crowd. Personally i really would like it be kennedy he fueds with to begin with because i dont think santino is over well enough with the fans yet. Plus could u imagine the promos cut between jericho and kennedy. Promo GOLD!!!! cant wait till he returns.
Emmm... maybe it's just me being stupid, but could it be possible that Y2J isn't really gonna return tonight? Maybe the "mistake" in the magazine wasn't really a mistake, but just a way to get everyones hopes up, so when he does return, it'll be unexpected because nobody will believe WWE when they do announce his return....
I dunno, that's just my random thoughts,make of it what you will :)
Would they really go to all this trouble, with all these vids, and Jericho in the new WWE mag, just so it ends up being someone else and they get major heat?
I don't think so, but saying that, I'm not certain on anything until I see him on RAW.
Yah...I agree! He will return tonight! It's too much build up for some B.S. to go wrong. I just think Scott Hudson should get fire for saying that Jericho is not the answer. By the was Mr. Hudson....Jericho does have millions of fans not thousands. Your begining to sound like a fustraded guy that guy fired by WWE (Like everyone else that gets fire by WWE)
Thank you for coming back CHRIS!!!! Granted I wish they weren't going to throw him into a program with Orton immeaditly and actually give him a chance to work off the ring rust and give himself in-ring crediblity again. But hearing a Jericho promo again for the first time in over two years made me happy as a pig in shit. I am glad to say I marked out when I saw Jericho, even though we all knew he was the one the Save_Us.222 was all about.

WWE is a sinking ship! by mid 2008. TNA will be the top promotion. and WWE will be #2

Be honest with me when I ask you this. What kind of drugs are you on and where can I obtain some?

TNA at most is a pimple on the ass of Vince McMahon. Now if you had said in five years, that might be somewhat believeable.

Plus TNA has no clue how much heat they are going are bringing upon themselves. They are signing guys that have failed steriod tests like it isn't a big deal. You don't think that Congress is gonna be all over TNA when they aren't able to do anything to Vince and the WWE. Congress is going to have a feild day with them, they will put TNA out of business (granted I don't want that to happen, but it will.)
Great promo by Jericho, his mic skills appear to be as good as ever. But his look was wrong - too clean cut. My children hit the nail on the head, saying that he looked like he was ready to tour with a boy band.
Personally I was banking on him being brought in early last night as the surprise member of HHH's team with hardy's "injury". I'm really shocked they're immediately starting him off with Orton cause I don't see them putting the title on Jericho so he will lose his assumed match with Orton at Armageddon and now his overly hyped return will be down the toilet.
Um yeah... so... Chris Jericho is back... and honestly there is no one left in the WWE with as much charisma as him... so the fact of the matter is even if he isnt the savior... which im not saying he isnt because im a big fan... he could at least start to push the business back in the right direction... sorry, but the main eventers these days cant wrestle and the WWE definetly needs all the help they can get... RAW IS JERICHO... WWE IS JERICHO!

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