Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

Edit AJ: This thread is to discuss Jericho's actually return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.​

Then change the title?

Jericho to Return? If it was about his actual return why would you add a question mark to it? At least change it to avoid confusion for others, might help in avoiding the spam considering I believe most people would skip the first page, and wouldn't have seen your edit.

Either way he'll most likely be feuding with Randy Orton or Shawn Michaels considering his return is most likely going to occur raw after survivor series when I predict the feud between Orton and Shawn Michaels will be over pending who wins (I predict Orton).
Ropow...yeah, I agree with your first sentence...and got tapped for it already.
I think Jeri should face Kennedy, OR just go through the Heel bin, capping on everyone until something falls into place. I'm sure we all remember the first WWF promo y2j cut and then he got cut down by the Rock (great planning there), so we don't need a repeat of that. OR a simpler option, have him bounce back and forth between all 3 shows for a month so the ratings will jump, then get him an opponent for raw.
I'm actually still really excited about this whole thing. Jericho said he didn't anyone to be able to guess the exact time of his return and he is doing exactly that. Sure, I was disappointed that he didn't turn up in the end, but I was excited throughout the whole show just waiting for it to happen and I know I'll be exactly the same next week on Raw - excited about something that can happen.

The WWE hasn't made me excited about anything in a long time.
The talks about Jericho coming back are very interesting. I think they might try to hold off his return until they need him the most. Survivor Series does sound like a nice time for him to come back, but November sweeps are coming, so most likely they will have him come back so they can boost their ratings and make USA Networks happy. Right now the WWE needs to pull out all of the stops to get their ratings back up. The deal with the Sci Fi channel for ECW did not come out too well. Right now they do need a savior and hopefully Jericho coming back to the WWE and Bobby Lashley coming back from his injury will be enough to help them out
This will be the greatest thing to happen to the WWE in about 4 years. Jericho will finally be the one wrestler fans of quality entertainment can be proud of.

Enough of the Cena, we need the real preformers.

When he comes, the arena he returns at will blow up and everyone knows it.

It's gonna be freakin' awesome.
This will be the greatest thing to happen to the WWE in about 4 years. Jericho will finally be the one wrestler fans of quality entertainment can be proud of.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't 4 years ago be.. 2003? Which would have been when Jericho was still IN the company? So, are you attempting to claim his return will somehow make him better now, then he was then? Because thats what it seems you're indicating.

Enough of the Cena, we need the real preformers.

Agree'd.. except about the John Cena part. You see, you're dislike of Cena is clouding your ability to see that he actually had talent. (thats why he carried the company for the past 2 years, & would've likely still been carrying it, had he not been injured)

I fully agree, the John Cena era was long over due to come to an end. His reign on top was far too long.. but it had reason, & that reason was because he had the overall mic skill, in & out of the ring ability, & all around talent.. to be in that position.

So when you state we need "real performers" (unless by 'pre' you mean past?) I would hope you understand what the word actually means. And who holds such talent.

When he comes, the arena he returns at will blow up and everyone knows it.

In all honesty, yes it'll receive a huge pop.. but the longer they wait now.. the more people will begin to get bored with waiting. The time for his return is indeed NOW.. & by now, I mean Monday Night.. not two weeks, not longer. NOW.. because any longer, & the pop will lessen due to people growing tired of waiting.

Now then.. here's a thought.. Jericho's overall return is suppose to boost ratings. Its almost a given that he'd appear on Raw first.. but what if they had him appear, or even wrestle on all three shows?! I'd never happen, because hardly anyone watches it.. but I think it'd be a complete shock to have Jericho debut on E.C.W.. then that following Raw, & finally the following weeks Smackdown. (Remember the Scott Steiner debut? When he showed up on both brands, trying to decide where he wanted to go)

I think it'd boost ratings of all 3 shows, for Jericho to go & have matches on each show. He could clearly wrestle Mr. Kennedy or Jeff Hardy on Raw, Rey Mysterio or M.V.P. on Smackdown.. & C.M. Punk or John Morrison on E.C.W. & any of those matches, on each show.. would be huge for ratings.
in a recent interview with the canadian press he said

"When I come back, it's going to be a whole new Chris Jericho - better than ever," he said. "I think people are going to be really excited, I know I'll be excited about it.

"Just thanks to all the people, all the Jericho-holics."

so when his blatent re-debut happens hopefully before christmas! what will he be like, maybe not the old cocky jericho that loved the fans...he may turn into a heel, who knows...but i hope he comes back soon otherwise ratings will drop because a lot of people will get increasingly annoyed!
Does anyone even think Y2J will return? I mean this talk has been going on quite a while now and still no Y2J. Its a shame because I would like to see him back but we have no idea if it will really happen.
I honestly can't say if it's him. There's a lot of speculation going on but I think the date keeps getting pushed back due to possible "leaks".
But no one has full proof if Jericho is really returning or if it's someone else making a comeback.
I, for one am a Jericho-holic. So I hope it's him but if not *shrugs* oh well. It helped Raw's ratings increase.
If he does return I wonder who he would fued with. I think that maybe they should turn Jeff Hardy into a heel, that could help him more with getting closer to the title and maybe him and Jericho could feud. IMO!
If Y2J does not return in the next few weeks then I think this was one big thing that got out of hand and the save us was just a marketing scam. Survivor Series is one of the biggest PPVs ever he must return then or before.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't 4 years ago be.. 2003? Which would have been when Jericho was still IN the company? So, are you attempting to claim his return will somehow make him better now, then he was then? Because thats what it seems you're indicating.

Agree'd.. except about the John Cena part. You see, you're dislike of Cena is clouding your ability to see that he actually had talent. (thats why he carried the company for the past 2 years, & would've likely still been carrying it, had he not been injured)

I fully agree, the John Cena era was long over due to come to an end. His reign on top was far too long.. but it had reason, & that reason was because he had the overall mic skill, in & out of the ring ability, & all around talent.. to be in that position.

So when you state we need "real performers" (unless by 'pre' you mean past?) I would hope you understand what the word actually means. And who holds such talent.

In all honesty, yes it'll receive a huge pop.. but the longer they wait now.. the more people will begin to get bored with waiting. The time for his return is indeed NOW.. & by now, I mean Monday Night.. not two weeks, not longer. NOW.. because any longer, & the pop will lessen due to people growing tired of waiting.

Now then.. here's a thought.. Jericho's overall return is suppose to boost ratings. Its almost a given that he'd appear on Raw first.. but what if they had him appear, or even wrestle on all three shows?! I'd never happen, because hardly anyone watches it.. but I think it'd be a complete shock to have Jericho debut on E.C.W.. then that following Raw, & finally the following weeks Smackdown. (Remember the Scott Steiner debut? When he showed up on both brands, trying to decide where he wanted to go)

I think it'd boost ratings of all 3 shows, for Jericho to go & have matches on each show. He could clearly wrestle Mr. Kennedy or Jeff Hardy on Raw, Rey Mysterio or M.V.P. on Smackdown.. & C.M. Punk or John Morrison on E.C.W. & any of those matches, on each show.. would be huge for ratings.

Thanks for your criticism? But for one, Cena had talent back in 2002 when he wasn't the persona he was now (Even though I kind of like his persona better now, even though he doesn't use it like he used to). Nothing "clouding my ability" to see his talent, since there is hardly any. He's strong, and sometimes a little funny, I'll give you that. When he actually used wrestling moves and didn't use nothing but basic body slams and tackleblocks, that was some ability. In these recent years, he only carried the show because little girls and boys thought he was nothing but the pure "good guy" of wrestling. It was kind of funny how you said he had some in-ring ability, but hey, I agree with you on the out-of-ring ability, because most the WWE rosters now how to use tables and chairs and storm down the ramp to the ring. But enough of Cena, that's an endless debate as to why he's nothing but show.

If the crowd had to wait, I'm sure they wouldn't get "bored with waiting" (I can quote too, ya know). They'd most likely forget over a longer period or shrug it off, or even continue anticipating it. Even if he decides to come back later than what we expect, apparently you think the fans are going to be bored by then? That's pretty silly. The reporting on his return will just wear down to a point where it's very minimal, if his return is postponed for so long.

Now, the whole "performers" deal was a spelling mistake. You know, just like you're "I'd" in the "I'd never happen, because hardly anyone watches it..." It's spelled "It'd". But I guess you were trying to prove something by pointing out my spelling mistakes, even though you made one yourself?
I really hope he comes back, I love Chris mostly because he's Canadian and because he's a rocker. Please explain to me, is he coming back?
This whole saveus222 is crap, its WWE not giving a flying f@!k about the fans, in my opinion you will not see Jericho until Survivor series, just because WWE needs the ratings and the PPV buys

And that's bullshit for someone like me un-able to buy ppv's because I'm not subscribed to them, that's horse shit.
Well with Cena out of the picture, Raw needs a new top face.

It might either look to be HHH or HBK to be feuding with RKO for a while. But it looks like their gonna continue the war against McMahon

Raw needs a new top babyface so he might start feuding with RKO for the wwe championship and when he left wwe the first time, Y2J was feuding for the wwe title already so wen he returns he might want it again

Its clear that the fans will cheer for Y2J so he has a high chance on returning as a babyface
Edit Jake: This thread is to discuss Jericho's actually return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.​

I've looked up and down through the forums and I was surprised that I couldn't find a Chris Jericho return thread. Now maybe I missed something, but there's a specific point I wanted to make about it.

The alleged promos for a Chris Jericho return say "save us". Am I the only one who's surprised that WWE may actually be admitting that they're lacking star power and need help? That they're building him up so much at their own expense?

From what I've seen, WWE doesn't like to admit when they're producing crap. They've kept up plenty of programs and built up plenty of superstars that we don't want to see. But now they're blatantly admitting that they need to be "saved". Anybody else find that weird?

And since I haven't seen any other Chris Jericho threads, I might as well ask what everybody thinks of his impending return. I'm guessing most people are for it in general, I know I certainly am...Jericho always had lots of charisma, great mic skills, and could pull off a face or heel role both very well, not to mention having above average in-ring skills. The only thing is, I don't know if I'd consider him the "savior" of WWE. Would you?

So what's on everybody else's mind about Jericho and WWE seemingly admitting they need saving? And is Jericho really gonna be WWE's savior?

I think Jericho is a great superstar IMO. He is my favorite on any current circuit. Guy was awesome on Monday Nitro and was the Greatest in WWE. He is a stand up guy and really down to earth too in real life. I cannot wait for his return. The only other tweener I see in WWE right now is HHH & Cena, even though Cena stays face. I hope WWE does good by Jericho and he doesn't do a 2 month stint and then leave after promoting his book.

As the famous phrase goes...

Fozzy's early stuff was brutal, but I own their CD All That Remains and love it. Every song is good. And Y2J is one of the best wrestlers ever, anyone who says otherwise is crazy.
when y2j returns, he CANNOT fight for the title... i feel like a broken record but everyone seems to think he'll be ready to main event. Y2J probly really needs to be "worked" back into the main event status, it's been two years of absolutly no wrestling, just making somewhat barable music. And everyone on this site seems to think that he's going to be entertaining working with a guy like orton, who is undoubtly at the top of his game, and is very entertaining to watch him get beat up as well watching him beat up. Jericho will look stupid.just have him go after kennedy, and the IC belt. get him back to basics and have him be a top tier mid carder for a few months. Then have him work a program with orton. that's how he can save wwe, bring meaning back to the IC division and then revive the life back into the championship ranks, he is fully capable of doing so. PEOPLE LISTEN WHEN I SAY THIS.... WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER SCOTT STEINER INCIDENT! remember that, vince just threw him into a match with HHH (for the title i believe?) and it completely stunk out the joint. and why did this happen?, because vince threw him into the main event waaaay to fast.
when y2j returns, he CANNOT fight for the title... i feel like a broken record but everyone seems to think he'll be ready to main event. Y2J probly really needs to be "worked" back into the main event status, it's been two years of absolutly no wrestling, just making somewhat barable music. And everyone on this site seems to think that he's going to be entertaining working with a guy like orton, who is undoubtly at the top of his game, and is very entertaining to watch him get beat up as well watching him beat up. Jericho will look stupid.just have him go after kennedy, and the IC belt. get him back to basics and have him be a top tier mid carder for a few months. Then have him work a program with orton. that's how he can save wwe, bring meaning back to the IC division and then revive the life back into the championship ranks, he is fully capable of doing so. PEOPLE LISTEN WHEN I SAY THIS.... WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER SCOTT STEINER INCIDENT! remember that, vince just threw him into a match with HHH (for the title i believe?) and it completely stunk out the joint. and why did this happen?, because vince threw him into the main event waaaay to fast.

1st off, what an idiotic thing to compare Jericho to Scott Steiner in any fashion. Jericho, whether it be 1 year, 1 month, 10 years, is a main event caliber wrestler no matter what. That is where he belongs. He will not walk backwards and go for the IC strap. I believe he will pick on the main event heels. Maybe even make appearances on Smackdown and fued with Edge. Whatever the fact, he is not going to be a mid level guy in any realm in WWE. Nuff said.
I think Jericho should start off feuding with someone like Umaga - kind of like the way Triple H returned this year and didn't get put straight into the championship spot. Then, when established after a few months, have him win the belt at Wrestlemania...
I think Jericho should start off feuding with someone like Umaga - kind of like the way Triple H returned this year and didn't get put straight into the championship spot. Then, when established after a few months, have him win the belt at Wrestlemania...

Agreed. Start in the main event and carry it into Wrestlemania! I mean maybe even feed him mid-card wrestlers so he can also elevate some of them like Mr.Kennedy or Carlito. That would be great wrestling shows IMO!
Sorry to detract a little bit, but does anyone think we'll see Y2J on RAW?? I think Y2J was originally slated to return at Cyber Sunday, but apparently Steph was pissed that this leaked. Also, Y2J has said recently that he loves a suprise and when he does return, he'll make sure its when people are least expecting. Apart from waiting it out for another few months, which won't do anyone any good, I think his return is still imminent. And I think it'll be this coming RAW on 11/5. Think about it - everyone watched Cyber Sunday and the following RAW fully expecting Y2J to return - but he didn't. WWE instead are now really pushing the reformation of DX, for One Night Only on this week's RAW. How many people will tune in to see DX for possibly the last time? And couple that with Stone Cold coming back, all of a sudden, the glare's taken away from the return of Y2J, as loads of people will be tuning in to expect something else. The DX return and Stone Cold return will ensure big ratings, and take minds off Y2J (realise there was no SAVE US promo on Smackdown?) so loads of people will see the return of Y2J without it actually being advertised, and it'll be a bigger suprise than if he'd come back on Cyber Sunday.
Sorry to detract a little bit, but does anyone think we'll see Y2J on RAW?? I think Y2J was originally slated to return at Cyber Sunday, but apparently Steph was pissed that this leaked. Also, Y2J has said recently that he loves a suprise and when he does return, he'll make sure its when people are least expecting. Apart from waiting it out for another few months, which won't do anyone any good, I think his return is still imminent. And I think it'll be this coming RAW on 11/5. Think about it - everyone watched Cyber Sunday and the following RAW fully expecting Y2J to return - but he didn't. WWE instead are now really pushing the reformation of DX, for One Night Only on this week's RAW. How many people will tune in to see DX for possibly the last time? And couple that with Stone Cold coming back, all of a sudden, the glare's taken away from the return of Y2J, as loads of people will be tuning in to expect something else. The DX return and Stone Cold return will ensure big ratings, and take minds off Y2J (realise there was no SAVE US promo on Smackdown?) so loads of people will see the return of Y2J without it actually being advertised, and it'll be a bigger suprise than if he'd come back on Cyber Sunday.

People will always predict he'll return each and every episode of Raw/ECW/Smackdown. They are kind of like the TV Evangalists who predict the world will end tomorrow, they are wrong 99% of the time, but they're going to continue on saying that the world is going to end. An Angelic voice could boom across the world saying "The World will be destroyed on 04-17-2021 No day before that!" And people will still predict that the world is going to end each and every single day prior to that.

Even if WWE didn't advertise the Save_Us.222 people will still tune into Raw next Monday waiting to see Stone Cold, DX, and Y2J, Those same people will also watch the shows thinking that The Rock is going to make his return, and that Kurt Angle is going to come back as well... even though all evidence says don't expect them to come back this week (Or ever for that matter), they'll still tune into Raw/Smackdown expecting it.
Here is something interesting:

One of the reasons that may have delayed Chris Jericho’s return from WWE are issues regarding his weight. According to some people that I’ve talked too, Jericho weighed no more than 200 pounds when he agreed to his new WWE contract. WWE obviously would like to see him put on more size to protect himself from injury as well as give him a more marketable look.

I guess he needs time to eat more and lift more. I even thought Jericho looked small but at first I thought his shorter hair gave him the smaller look. Under 200 pounds? Lighter than an average Cruiserweight. It would be very awkward to see Jericho back looking like a toothpick.
i hope chris dosent come back at cruserweight personalyl ive never really like seing cruserweights fight just not alot of ground n pound its like light kicks and hit and getting tossed around and jumping offa the top rope id like to see him around 230 240 or even 250 but i dont think the 250 would happen but idn

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