Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

cyber sunday everyone Y2J WILL RETURN TO BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!

but also he should feud with randy orton for the wwe championship (providing randy is the champ when he returns) also it wouldn't be bad to bring him into a feud with stephanie again those were always funny
well I just read on WZ, that two book sighnings have been ADDED to his tour, and they just so happen to be in the SAME cities, on the SAME days WWE is me, thats pretty damn obvious indication that he will be back either tomorrow night, or on one of the three shows, but probably tomorrow, since the first added books sighning is in the same city that RAW is in. maybe he will appear on all three shows for a few weeks, before he decides were to "sighn" or something. I think with those added book sighnings, its all pretty obvious now. either he comes back tomorrow, or he isnt coming back, any time soon.
^^ that's very interesting. I read the story on WrestleZone and it said the domain of the site is owned by a WWE employee (too lazy to go back to the site to get his exact position with the company).

Hopefully the Save_Us.222 indeed is Chris Jericho's return. Whatever it is, I'm excited for Cyber Sunday tonight!
Anyone been to any of the created websites for these videos?

SaveUs.222 Link


Savior Self Link

For those of you who cannot get on there...there is a countdown on there, with approximately 6 hours and 20 minutes left.

That (over here in England) would bring the time to 2:30am.

Cyber Sunday over here starts at 00:00am on Sky Sports 3, so 2:30am would roughly be at the start of the main event? As its a 3 hour show.

Then, I went to Wrestlezone, and read the latest news items, and saw this

- Given the way that Shawn Michaels has been superkicking WWE Champion Randy Orton on RAW every week one would expect Michaels vs. Orton to be a lock for tonight’s Cyber Sunday pay-per-view. However, there is some speculation that Michaels may not be ready for a match over 15 minutes with the current state of his knees and the fact that Jeff Hardy could be voted in by the fans. Nevertheless a title change is not expected unless it was a promise to get Michaels to return early.

If there not sure about a HBK singles match vs Orton lasting longer than 15 minutes, maybe Y2J will be thrown into the match?

So look for a certain Y2J to return tonight with 30 minutes of the show left hopefully...

Everything has been planned out well though tbh, maybe the crashing of the system idea earlier will be used.
Not confirming that that the Save_us.222 is officially the hype of Jericho's return but like myself, we all highly assume it indeed is. There's some questions that the countdown website is fan made however I checked on NameZero and did a background check on the SaveUs-222 website and the owner of the domain IS located in Stamford, CT. It's owned by Joseph Perkins.

FROM: WrestleZone

Joseph Perkins has been a Director of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. since 1999. Mr. Perkins was a pioneer in the television syndication of wrestling matches starting more than forty years ago. He is President of Communications Consultants, Inc.
So its apparent "fan sites" being ran by someone in Stamford, CT...who also as it happens, works for WWE.

Hmmm....maybe we've cracked it finally then.

The last video's on RAW said UPON_US, now theres perhaps a WWE ran website with a countdown to 2 and a half hours into Cyber Sunday.... and maybe we're just now 4 and a half hours away from a Chris Jericho Return.
Jericho was suppose to save us from John Cena and his insufferable presence. But now that Cena is out, the story has to be switched. He has to save us from something. And i would be more than happy if he saved us from the onslaught of 300 pound overly-pushed monsters, who know zero technical wrestling.

Start with Kahli, Mark Henry, Snitski, Batista.... save us from having to watch them punch and kick for 20 minute matches.
I Think Jericho will come back at no mercy during the orton/cena match up and help randy orton beat cena for the title as his revenge for losing his job. Jericho is Saving Us from john cena as champion which he has mostly been since jericho left.
Yep that is exactly what is gonna happen(I am not being sarcastic)I think its gonna happen at Cyber Sunday not no mercy he will come out and start beating up whoever randy faces and then has a HUGE feud with Orton and have a title match at Survivor Series, I'll bet my bottom!!!!!:)
I believe that Jericho is going to make his return tomorrow on RAW (the SAVE_USX28 probably means October 28th [Roman Numeral X-28]), and begin his feud with Orton and HBK, to start a triple threat between the two. Jericho will begin his face, flapping his gums with "I'm here to save RAW from such miscreants as Orton." Then Survivor Series would face Orton against HBK and Jericho in a Triple Threat match, and since HBK hasn't established himself as a full-fledged heel yet (be the neutral party for Sweet Chin Music laughs), he'll miss his opportunity to win the title. Either Orton will win, start up with his Legend Killer crap as we all know and hate, or Jericho will end Orton's One-Man Dynasty and hold the title for a couple of months until Cena comes back as a heel.

I originally had thought that when Cena was still around, Jericho would have gone after him, since Eric Bischoff (I believe it was him) fired Jericho because he could not defeat Cena last year. Grudge match to say the least, and since it's rumored that Jericho is returning with his face "Lionheart" gimmick, he'd be a face, and quickly turn Cena into a heel for holding the WWE title for two long years.
I feel y2j will be back on raw tomorrow nite. Thus being October 29= X29!! He wil be back to save us from boredom on raw and create some entertaining shows for us fans. HBK and Orton will have a face off in the ring and thus cues the cryptic message on the tron and then jericho comes out and lays it into them only the way he can. So tomorrow is the dawn of t
Here is something I found interesting but at the same time could mean nothing at all. Remember when Chris Jericho's official website had @@@ (which unscrambled is 222) on his official website and was only visible of you highlighted the entire page but the webmaster of Y2J's website removed it after it created a buzz on the news sites? Highlight the main page now, the @@@ is back on the website. Like I said, this could mean nothing at all.
So as excited as I am for this probable for this big return, I remain skeptical that it is happening tonight. Yea, all signs point to it being tonight, especially when "X29" is sort of broken down, but I dunno. It just doesn't seem like something that will happen tonight, especially considering how the WWE's been big on having returns take place on PPV, what with HHH, Mysterio, and now Edge coming back on ppv events.

I sincerely do hope that tonight is the night, but I dunno. I remain cautious and am not getting my hopes too high for this.

Lord knows, though, if Y2J steps out tonight, I am going to mark out in a big way.
You know somthing, Jericho returning isn't going to be that big. Look at every other person to return from being gone. The hype is there for a month, and then it's back to normal. Look at HHH. We loved him being back, that is, untill he actually got back. And besides, anyone remember when Jericho left? He wasn't this huge then, and it won't last, espesially if he's only working Foley Hours.
I'm pretty sure that the whole Please Stand By thing was on last week's video on Raw as well, that wasn't anything new to Cyber Sunday's video.

EDIT: Yep, watching it on Please Stand By appeared on last week's Raw, at the part just after the screen goes blank when a funky sounding music (which sounds similar to Christian Cage's entrance theme, sort of) plays. Also, after YouTubing 'Please Stand By' I found this, whether or not it has any relevance I don't know:

I'm pretty sure that is the exact same graphic as used in the UPON_US video, and that video on YT was uploaded over a year ago.
i was watching raw am on saturday i saw preview of raw and it showed that sev_222 and on payperview when they showed first time it had todays date witch is sav_29 so i think he gana show up today
if he doesnt show up tonight i will be pissed, itll then be overhyped and everyone will know who it is (as if that hasnt already happened) and it will not turn out as well as it could, but jericho is my favorite wrestler of all time so his return will hype me up either way
Im watching RAW right now, and if Jericho does not return then I will not watch RAW or wrestling for that matter for a good while, it's obvious what WWE is doing, Jericho was most likely supposed to debut a longgg time ago, but they knew that everyone knew it was Jericho, so what they're doing now is constantly teasing everyone of Jericho's return, not actually debuting him, why? because everyone is watching PPV's and RAW to see Jericho return, just another market ploy WWE took advantage of.
WHAT if he never returns until 2 years........jus going to be mad if he dont come back tonight ......i ordered CYBER SUNDAY IT WAS BORING....waste of money.....i ordered 2 pay-per-view to see his return.IT doesnt feel like he is returning tonight (im watching raw )
Aww now this is getting to be rubbish? 19? could be the day after Survivor Series as it is on the 18th.

it is getting quite annoying now, I dont see Y2J being the ace up the slieve as we all know that will be HBK as Orton is involved in the match

God damm it WWE by the time it happens no one will actually care
Im watching RAW right now, and if Jericho does not return then I will not watch RAW or wrestling for that matter for a good while, it's obvious what WWE is doing, Jericho was most likely supposed to debut a longgg time ago, but they knew that everyone knew it was Jericho, so what they're doing now is constantly teasing everyone of Jericho's return, not actually debuting him, why? because everyone is watching PPV's and RAW to see Jericho return, just another market ploy WWE took advantage of.

isnt that the get interst people...something that WWE hasnt done in quite a while...this has generated the most buzz on line then anything else in recent memory.
Smart of patient.
Yeah, I'm not sure how I was spamming but whatever.

Like I said, it's become nothing more than a chore to watch waiting for Jericho to come back. It's not gonig to be for a long time. I'm not watching RAW or Smackdown! anymore until Jericho comes back, the story's are sleepingly stupid and extremely hard to watch at times.
I can't agree more that this is really getting old. It started off as a great idea, but they gave so much info away the first time, that now it feels like they're resisting his debut.

My honest feeling is that Raw was pretty good (sans the Hornswaggle Segment). I was thinking this could end up being a great Raw that I'd save on tape, but the fact that he didn't come out was made it feel a lot like watching a great movie but being stuck behind a guy who ate Taco Bell before the movie started.
This whole saveus222 is crap, its WWE not giving a flying f@!k about the fans, in my opinion you will not see Jericho until Survivor series, just because WWE needs the ratings and the PPV buys
Edit AJ: This thread is to discuss Jericho's actually return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.​

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