Chris Benoit Memorial thread (#1)

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sad to say it but this is gotta be genuine. Why would someone who is on ecw and in line for the title be thrown into the vince storyline ? i just hope benoit gets the respect he deserves tonight. i know i'll be watching tonight now.
This is one of the saddest moments in the history of the sport. Its always sad to see someone go, especially great champ like Benoit.

I know many people have claimed to stop watching WWE if so and so wins a title or retains a title and then still watched, but mark my words right now...

...If they mention Vince being dead or presummed dead tonight and relate these in anyway, I'm done with WWE. I want a real tribute to Benoit.

Benoit will be truely missed by everyone.

Everyone in the TNA family joins the entire wrestling world in mourning the untimely passing of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son.

Many TNA staff and stars worked closely with Chris throughout his career and we are all shocked and saddened to lose a friend and legendary competitor. Benoit was considered a consummate professional both in and out of the ring. As details develop, those who knew and admired Chris are shocked and saddened to hear of he and his family's untimely passing.

Please keep Chris and the Benoit family in your thoughts and prayers during this time of tragedy.

So please stop with the it's a work angle. If the competition is reporting it, it's real guys.
Agreed totally Shocky, if this does turn out to be a murder (wil wiat for further news but it does sound like it) then whoever wsa involved in this deserves to die a thousand deaths and rot in hell for all eternity.

Benoit was an absolute legend, not enough can be said about the guy really.

I too am really at a loss for words right now, cos in the end to me words cant sum things up right now, Benoit will be greatly missed by all again he was truly a legend.

What is the world coming to really?
I keep trying to post something about this and I can't find the ability to. Nothing I can type out can truely do justice for the type of man Chris Benoit really was.

I was fortunate enough to actually meet the man on many occasions when I was younger thanks to a very close friend of the family who passed away this pass year as well (RIP Scott).

I am glad to see everything on about "Vince McMahon's Death" has been taken down compeltly and I fully expect Mr. McMahon to lead the salute tonight on Raw for Benoit and his family.
I hope whwn they find out who killed chris and his family they die a slow and painful death.
Jesus Christ. I can't believe this. Benoit was without a doubt one of the best pro wrestlers. It's not right that first Eddie was taken and now Benoit. My heart goes out to the family of Chris Benoit.
Chris benoit was not that kind of man he would NEVER go along with this EVER
But don't forget Eddie guerrero died from doing drugs in his past not being murdered like chris. Eddie died it was his fault chris benoit didn't deserve to die.
Aw, man i only ever cried when Eddie Guererro died, never cried when any one else i never knew personaly died but Benoit was this kind of guy i knew had a good heart.

I know this is a tragedy not a storyline because they wouldnt do that after Sensational Sherri had just died, thier not that idiotic.

I think they will drop the Mr Mc Mahon presumed dead act and he will come out say it was all a storyline and due to the sircumstances they have had to drop the act although Vince will not be appearing on television anymore.

Man i liked Benoit and i for sure will miss him.

I allways thought it was sad how he was the greatest technical wrestler in the WWE yet they didnt appreciate him or give him great runs unlike some other undeserving WWE superstars like Cena. Wrestlemainia 20 all the way as Benoits greatest moment.

The fans will surely miss Chris Beniot, God Bless.
I am so confused. It's not on any major news sites, even in Atlanta where Benoit resides. It just seems to weird for Benoit to leave Vengance for a "family emergency" If this winds up being part of a storyline I'll feel relived a bit, but I'll probably stop watching WWE cause that is just some seriously messed up crap. On the flip side though WWE has taken down alot of the Vince stuff. I have no idea what to make of this, cause for sure it would at least be in some Atlanta local news. Hopefully something will be said on RAW. Otherwise I really just don't know what to think...
The RAW page still has up the big memorial banner for Mr. McMahon and is still calling Raw his memorial.
From another forum:

By: Bob Ryder
6/25/2007 6:36:57 PM

Details remain very sketchy regarding the tragic news today that Chris Benoit and his family were found dead at their Atlanta area home.

Benoit had been scheduled to appear on a WWE house show on Saturday. Sources tell us Benoit called to first say he would be taking a later flight, and then to say he would not be attending the house show due to a family illness. According to one source, Benoit said both his wife and son were throwing up blood and he needed to stay to take care of them.

At last night's Vengeance pay-per-view, Benoit was replaced in his match by Johnny Nitro.

No other details are available at this time and police are on the scene at the Benoit residence investigating
Sorry but that is the truth and if benoit did drugs his family wouldn't of died too.
Im shocked right now me and my brother have been watching wrestling since the beginning days of wCw and in my long time of being a fan of wCw and WWE i have never heard such bad things in the last past 2 weeks. Eddie Guerrero now Chris Benoit its a sad day in Pro Wrestling i suggest McMahon come out the closet and get this storyline out of the way. R.I.P Chris Benoit you will be missed Eddie Guerrero will be up there with you.
I am utterly shocked and saddened. Since I read the news I haven't been able to take it in. Chris Benoit you'll be forever missed.
R.I.P. Chris Benoit :-(

I've always thought, as amazing of a wrestler that Chris Benoit has always been, it's a shock that he's only been the WWE Champion once in his entire career.

Also, I must say that McMahon and the WWE had something like this coming to them for daring to use McMahon's fake death as a story line. Karma's a bitch.
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