Chin Pubes: The [OFFICIAL] Theo Thread

Peterson carried the team.

Which is what I've been saying needs to happen all season long. When you abandon your best player and take away the best aspect of the offense, you aren't going to win. Now lets stick with this gameplan for the rest of the season.
I didn't think it was a bad thing myself. He's the best running back in the league, a freak athlete, why not use him?

McNabb, Harvin, and Shiancoe need to complement what Peterson does, switch up the pace every so often, nothing more though. Not until they can get a legitimate QB and another receiver (I'm still banking on Harvin being a star).
I'll be honest, I didn't expect the Jets to be as good this season as they were last season... but I didn't expect them to be this frustrating to watch.
I didn't think it was a bad thing myself. He's the best running back in the league, a freak athlete, why not use him?

McNabb, Harvin, and Shiancoe need to complement what Peterson does, switch up the pace every so often, nothing more though. Not until they can get a legitimate QB and another receiver (I'm still banking on Harvin being a star).

I believe Harvin has star potential. The guy does a little bit of everything for us. He is beginning to become our change of role back behind Peterson as Gerhart is essentially a white, less talented Adrian Peterson.

I'll be honest, I didn't expect the Jets to be as good this season as they were last season... but I didn't expect them to be this frustrating to watch.

I didn't even have the Jets in the playoffs going into this season. I just sensed a down year. I haven't really watched them at all, but they've been hit or miss early on this season from what I've seen. If the Jets want to win they need to establish a great running attack to go with the defense. Shonn Greene needs to pick it up. That or they need to get LT more touches, he still has it.
And just like that, Shonn Green scored a TD. He's having a good first half, I think he has 50 yards.
So I may be moving out from home. The apartment above my work is likely freeing up in November. The guy that lives there is helping us ease into things until we are completely capable of running on our own. He is pretty useless as he is suppose to be in charge of shopping and he doesn't even do that. So if he moves out come November like he says I'm putting my name in the hat to move in. I seem to be at work all the time and all that will need to be paid is electricity and cable. I may find a roommate, most likely a buddy of mine. I'm actually somewhat excited for the potential opportunity.
So I may be moving out from home. The apartment above my work is likely freeing up in November. The guy that lives there is helping us ease into things until we are completely capable of running on our own. He is pretty useless as he is suppose to be in charge of shopping and he doesn't even do that. So if he moves out come November like he says I'm putting my name in the hat to move in. I seem to be at work all the time and all that will need to be paid is electricity and cable. I may find a roommate, most likely a buddy of mine. I'm actually somewhat excited for the potential opportunity.

That sounds great dude! Easy commute, sounds like you might be able to make a few extra bucks out of it, and fairly cheap compared to what you'd have to pay for an apartment not being provided to you by work.

Only drawback I see is that you won't have as much free reign as you may like. No throwing parties until 3 AM or having loud ruckus sex with your girlfriend come December.
That sounds great dude! Easy commute, sounds like you might be able to make a few extra bucks out of it, and fairly cheap compared to what you'd have to pay for an apartment not being provided to you by work.

Only drawback I see is that you won't have as much free reign as you may like. No throwing parties until 3 AM or having loud ruckus sex with your girlfriend come December.

I'm alright with the party thing. The real drawback is that I need to be home just in case as I'll be the fill in if somebody calls out.

And it is on the third floor, so I think I can be as loud as I want. I'll just run the washer when/if I'm having sex with my potential girlfriend. If not here there is a bar in walking distance, I can use my place of living for an easy one night stand ;).
Play loud classical music to avoid detection Theo. They'll never know and just think you're a classics fan.

I do enjoy the nice classical song every now and then.

In other news I feel like I'm dying. I just woke up about a half hour ago and I'm rather lightheaded and feel like passing out. Also I'm baking a cinnamon pie today. Got the idea from Psych and I was able to find a recipe online. Hopefully it turns out well.
Ahh good stuff. I'm feeling a bit better. I'm just thinking it was the fact I slept too much. My cinnamon pie is in the oven and it already smells incredible. I still got to wait another hour or so before I can dig in. Maybe I'll take a snap shot and post it once it is done baking. And if this pie turns out great I'm gonna make some lady very happy down the road, as I can now add baked goods to my arsenal of cooking abilities.
So that Cinnamon Pie I made was delicious. It was definitely unique in texture. It had like a crust on top (a layer of cinnamon) and then under that was goo. It was so delicious though.
I asked a girl yesterday if she liked strudel...she had no idea what I was talking about and said she preferred pie. I howled with laughter as everyone else looked at me like I was an idiot. Good times.
Feeling like death Theo? That is lame, but never fear, JGlass has a remedy.

Just rest a shit ton, take a shit ton of cold medication, and eat a shit ton of soup. It'll kick that cold right in the ass.
Thanks man, I'm actually feeling a lot better. I think it was just a quick one day sickness. In other news it is only Tuesday and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Might as well take advantage of the nice weather right now as it is suppose to rain the next 3 days or so. Going for a walk. Ta ta for now.

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