Chin Pubes: The [OFFICIAL] Theo Thread

That video is great. Love Old Spice commercial.

So I may have had the most uneventful day of my entire life. I got off work around 9. Went up to the empty room to sleep for a few hours. Got up a 2 and just sat up there until my ride came at 4. Went home ate some cereal and then took a nap that spanned from 6-830. Ate dinner and now I'm back at work. So anyone living a more exciting life right now?
I didn't do much today. Got up at 7, hit the gym, went to class for a bit, played basketball, sat at home.

At least ya got some good activity in. I haven't played basketball in ages. I'm terrible at it, but I always enjoyed the random pickup games back in high school.
You've actually done more than I have today. I went to school, did some homework and then I've been laying in my room talking to friends on Facebook for the past two hours.
You've actually done more than I have today. I went to school, did some homework and then I've been laying in my room talking to friends on Facebook for the past two hours.

Man I really need to get back in school. I'm not going to let myself not get a degree of some sort. Once I get my license and don't have to rely on others to get me there I'm going to go back. Gives me plenty of time to ponder on what I want to do. I pretty much have it narrowed down to elementary education and nursing. I haven't ruled out journalism, but the other two I feel better suite me.
At least ya got some good activity in. I haven't played basketball in ages. I'm terrible at it, but I always enjoyed the random pickup games back in high school.

Me and four of my buddies hit the sports mall. We were working people. There some 40 year olds trying to relive their glory days, talking mad shit, then when we beat them they just kind of scurried off. Then I played against a guy who I knew from high school basketball and his team, good close game, but we pulled it off. I got a dunk off in game against a taller guy, I felt like a badass.
Me and four of my buddies hit the sports mall. We were working people. There some 40 year olds trying to relive their glory days, talking mad shit, then when we beat them they just kind of scurried off. Then I played against a guy who I knew from high school basketball and his team, good close game, but we pulled it off. I got a dunk off in game against a taller guy, I felt like a badass.

I'd feel like a badass too if I dunk faced someone. I have no vertical at all. I got a nice wingspan, but that's about it. The only things sport related that I'm any good at is backyard football and softball. But anyone can be good at slow pitch softball.
It wasn't a huge height difference, simple one handed dunk, but I can "tweak" that a bit. ;)

"I dunkfaced Kobe, 360 Windmill, man!"
Man I really need to get back in school. I'm not going to let myself not get a degree of some sort. Once I get my license and don't have to rely on others to get me there I'm going to go back. Gives me plenty of time to ponder on what I want to do. I pretty much have it narrowed down to elementary education and nursing. I haven't ruled out journalism, but the other two I feel better suite me.

I have a friend who did dual enrollment while in high school. By the time we graduated high school, he had almost a year of college completed. But he started screwing around and ended up not finishing a lot of his classes and now he is still a few credits short of finishing his first year. I'm going to graduate in about a year or so depending on some things and he's still doing nothing. Well, he opened up a recording studio, but he doesn't make any money off of it.

I'm a journalism major and I absolutely love it. I've always enjoyed writing and this just fits my interests and what I'm good at perfectly. I just wish there was a future in it.
I asked my friend this question once, and I think it applies here as well.

If you could either dunk a basketball like Vince Carter in his glory days, or sing like whoever you think the best singer is, which would you choose?
I'm a journalism major and I absolutely love it. I've always enjoyed writing and this just fits my interests and what I'm good at perfectly. I just wish there was a future in it.

THIS. When I applied to my college a couple years ago, journalism was my first choice for a major because I loved writing for my high school newspaper. I was very upset when the program turned me down.

Nursing seems to be the popular field to go down among my friends, Theo. The majority of my family members who've gone to college have also become nurses. Becoming a teacher is also something that I myself have considered as well as been recommended to follow.
I asked my friend this question once, and I think it applies here as well.

If you could either dunk a basketball like Vince Carter in his glory days, or sing like whoever you think the best singer is, which would you choose?

Oh man. That's a toughie. I'd honestly probably pick singing. Usually your pipes last you for a long time and if you churn out those hits, your golden. You can only be an athlete for so long, unless you want to be that old washed up guy who doesn't want his career to die.

Nursing seems to be the popular field to go down among my friends, Theo. The majority of my family members who've gone to college have also become nurses. Becoming a teacher is also something that I myself have considered as well as been recommended to follow.

Working at a personal care home, I sort of have an inside track as to what to expect in the nursing field and since I actually enjoy working here, I figured it would be something to consider. As far as my interest in teaching, it comes from my love of school. I actually liked going to school and I have no problem helping out with my kid brother's school work or help out my niece and nephew with theirs. Plus I love talking and own a bunch of dress clothes, so I could pull of the look for sure haha.
THIS. When I applied to my college a couple years ago, journalism was my first choice for a major because I loved writing for my high school newspaper. I was very upset when the program turned me down.

Nursing seems to be the popular field to go down among my friends, Theo. The majority of my family members who've gone to college have also become nurses. Becoming a teacher is also something that I myself have considered as well as been recommended to follow.

I'm so glad I made it in. I'm really not good at anything else.Well, I'm good at other stuff, but I don't have the desire I have like I do with writing so I have a more difficult time with it.

Where do you (or did you) go to school?

But nursing or education seem like they would be two great choices. As well as anything business.
Working at a personal care home, I sort of have an inside track as to what to expect in the nursing field and since I actually enjoy working here, I figured it would be something to consider. As far as my interest in teaching, it comes from my love of school. I actually liked going to school and I have no problem helping out with my kid brother's school work or help out my niece and nephew with theirs. Plus I love talking and own a bunch of dress clothes, so I could pull of the look for sure haha.

Well I'm glad you seem to have a good idea of what you want to do. I'm still struggling to figure out what I want to do with my life. My mother is a nurse and I have no idea how I pulls off all the working she does. I remember she did a TON of studying. I think I'd crack but I guess if you truly love doing something...

I'm so glad I made it in. I'm really not good at anything else.Well, I'm good at other stuff, but I don't have the desire I have like I do with writing so I have a more difficult time with it.

Where do you (or did you) go to school?

But nursing or education seem like they would be two great choices. As well as anything business.

Currently a second year at San Francisco State. I'm on the same boat as you to be honest. I'm good at other stuff but writing is really where my passion is. I've been meaning to take another crack at getting into my school's journo program but almost everyone I talk to says there's no future in it which I find depressing. I would've gone for nursing or business but they're just so damn impacted. I'm currently a political science major but I don't know if I want to stick with it. I hate being indecisive, man.
I asked my friend this question once, and I think it applies here as well.

If you could either dunk a basketball like Vince Carter in his glory days, or sing like whoever you think the best singer is, which would you choose?

I loveeeee music, so it would have to be singing. I'd like to be in a band like Lamb of god, they've evolved pretty well and they are respected. Plus I was a wrestler, Basketball >.>
Being a nursing major is hard work, and sets you up for a lifetime of hard work, but it's rewarding stuff, it pays well, and it's a job field that almost always has openings.

Bearded One is right on track with the business major stuff, as you can pretty much use it in any industry you get into, and I'm willing to bet employers of any field like to have business oriented people on their staff because business oriented people know how to make money.
Being a nursing major is hard work, and sets you up for a lifetime of hard work, but it's rewarding stuff, it pays well, and it's a job field that almost always has openings.

Bearded One is right on track with the business major stuff, as you can pretty much use it in any industry you get into, and I'm willing to bet employers of any field like to have business oriented people on their staff because business oriented people know how to make money.

Shame the guy that has a business agree here at work is a useless twat. Seriously he knows nothing when it comes to the business side of things here. I don't know if it is personal care or if he is just an idiot in general. I tend to lean towards the latter.
An education is what you make of it. If you just learn the material for exams and then drink away the knowledge the second you're out of the classroom, then you're not doing it right. I'm guessing he didn't take his education as seriously as he should have.
An education is what you make of it. If you just learn the material for exams and then drink away the knowledge the second you're out of the classroom, then you're not doing it right. I'm guessing he didn't take his education as seriously as he should have.

Well I shouldn't say he is an idiot. He is decently smart. I've had a few discussions with him about history, though English/grammar is much more my thing. I just think he got a business degree because of its versatility like you said. Who knows.
So I finally had a good cup of coffee. The coffee at work sucks, so I brought one of those K-Cups with. Absolutely fabulous. I really want to try sushi, though I can wait until December to do so. And finally I really want chicken and waffles. #random
Why would you have to wait until December until you try sushi? Also I have chicken and waffles nearly every Saturday. I am not sure if there has ever been a better combination of food.
Why would you have to wait until December until you try sushi? Also I have chicken and waffles nearly every Saturday. I am not sure if there has ever been a better combination of food.

My lady in France is taking me when she comes home, she couldn't believe I hadn't tried it. And I hate you for the chicken and waffles part. Not really, more envious.

Tomorrow morning should be great. I'm going to a breakfast smorgasbord. It's gonna be fanfuckingtastic. They better have chicken and waffles.

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