Dagger's video game - Division Blade

So, I gave the game to my big brother, who absolutely loves RPG games. Upon playing through most of it, he tells me that an error popped up for him when he tried to save saying that "There wasn't enough memory for this save game". It crashed the game and when he opened it, he found that the save game had disappeared.
I've probably played an hour of it or so. It seems pretty decent so far though the very quick back and forths between regions can be annoying.

Looking forward to playing the rest.
First glitch noted:

When Lara heads down to the transporter when it finally is working the box in the room that used to be there vanished. However you cannot walk where it is. It's like the box is still there but you can't see it.
I think my game is glitched because i cannot find out what to do next.I got two people down at the machine thingy.I met the ninja and just defeated the clone warrior.Cant find what to do now.

Seems pretty good but the narrator should be less of a dick in the beginning and choosing the colour should go in settings.All that should be in the beginning is picking your main character and nicknaming him.

The story thing that tells about the division blade seems like it would do better after the ghost says his gonna split her apart basically.
Second glitch noted.

The McPoopy's quiz is impossible.
Tons of feedback after a long day of packing for when my wife and I move. Thanks everyone :D this made my night. Now to get back to several of you:

If you give a nickname, then choose a different difficulty than normal, you have to renickname


That's easily fixed and I've added it to my notes. The sequence for the nickname is likely just one line too early.


F4 goes to Windowed Mode too. I found that out shortly after posting that.

Doc is a genius.


So, I gave the game to my big brother, who absolutely loves RPG games. Upon playing through most of it, he tells me that an error popped up for him when he tried to save saying that "There wasn't enough memory for this save game". It crashed the game and when he opened it, he found that the save game had disappeared.

Weird. The saved data files shouldn't take up much space at all. Mine is only 17 Kilobytes. Is his comp nearly full?


First glitch noted:

When Lara heads down to the transporter when it finally is working the box in the room that used to be there vanished. However you cannot walk where it is. It's like the box is still there but you can't see it.

Easily fixed. I had it set to the box's graphic had turned invisible instead of being erased, added to my notes.

Second glitch noted.

The McPoopy's quiz is impossible.

Lol, it's McPoppy's, and no it isn't impossible. Talk to all of the customers, this begins an optional event that fixes it. Dr Anderson the mage academy's art professor had rigged it on purpose because the customers didn't go to his art class.


I think my game is glitched because i cannot find out what to do next.I got two people down at the machine thingy.I met the ninja and just defeated the clone warrior.Cant find what to do now.

The Purple District should be open by now.

Seems pretty good but the narrator should be less of a dick in the beginning and choosing the colour should go in settings.All that should be in the beginning is picking your main character and nicknaming him.

I can make the narrator not be sarcastic. No problem, just thought that was funny.

The story thing that tells about the division blade seems like it would do better after the ghost says his gonna split her apart basically.

Perhaps. I'd have to come up with a different way to transition from Dagger's/Lara's opening segment to the Lubow event without that cut-scene though.


Well the issue was that, there are so many of them, and the bare minimum of houses/buildings in each district. No offense, but it just seems like the minimal amount of work was put into the city's design. It's more understandable if you can't make the NPCs have a central focus, but there's no reason why a district should have something like 3 houses and 15 NPCs wandering about outside.

A good number of towns could be touched up on some more, honestly. Suggestions are always welcome.

The player should be Dagger. It's a Role Playing Game, so the player should take on the role of the main character. If the player and the character are treated as two separate people, then it's no longer a Role Playing Game.

This I don't fully agree with. I prefer it the way it is because I wanted it to unfold like a movie. Dagger is his own character, we sit back and watch the show. He has some great character development. A lot of classic RPG's had heroes like that.

Makes sense. How big do the numbers get toward the end of the game, if I'm doing something like ~350 damage at level 5?

Kay can do 75,000 damage in one turn by level 99 if she has her ultimate equipment and gets her stats boosted by magic, she's by far the most broken. The others can get up to 20,000 or so under the same circumstances. The Health cap for monsters is 99,999 (RPG Maker limitations) but I got around that by giving Auto-Regen or a ton of healing abilities to many bosses towards the end. One boss has multiple forms, so he ended up with 500,000 health despite the 99,999 cap.

These things should be narrated through dialogue, rather than a woman explaining it to you over a black screen. You could do wonders narrating the story through gameplay and dialogue.

Noted. I liked the black but I can think of several different map subsets it could work fine in. I'll add that to my notes for updating.

The game, as a whole, suffers from the player not knowing what to do next. I get that you're trying to encourage exploration, and it makes a lot of sense, but there aren't even hints.

That's a problem in the intro but not so much in the main game. When you have a base and more party members recruited, you can go home and talk to those who are not currently in the active party (like those onboard the airships in FF6) they will give you input on what they think you should do next. I could change it to where Midea and Id more or less serve that role in the intro. Not hard to fix.

Another gamebreaking problem is the storytelling. The player needs to take on the role of the character. Otherwise, we're running into problems like having to listen to the Divison Blade story twice, or meeting people 2-3 times. That is a major annoyance, and it needs to be addressed.

I could potentially add in Dragonage style choices that move the dialogue differently. You'd get to pick what Dagger/Lara says depending on who you are playing as. Something to look into but would take a bit longer to edit. I'll definitely consider it.
See that just annoys me, there's plenty of things like that where I get to a top of a tower and have to go right to the back and kill the clones to find a ticket that in the end the guy doesn't want anyways.

Too much go here then here then back there I'm finding. It's got huge potential but the back and forth is frustrating.

Also there are times where it's glaringly obvious what to do but then the main character thinks it (((I SHOULD GO SEE BEAR THE RED DOG))) which really shouldn't be there as that's what I'm thinking myself.

On top of that the fourth wall is broken far too often, characters keep commenting how shit the architecture is and refer to it as a game.
See that just annoys me, there's plenty of things like that where I get to a top of a tower and have to go right to the back and kill the clones to find a ticket that in the end the guy doesn't want anyways.

You need it in order to enter the casino, but I've had others report that same issue. I could move the clone who has the ticket to the same map as the guy that lost it. Some of these "backtracking when there shouldn't have to be any" issues will be easily fixed but all might not be.

Also there are times where it's glaringly obvious what to do but then the main character thinks it (((I SHOULD GO SEE BEAR THE RED DOG))) which really shouldn't be there as that's what I'm thinking myself.

It might not be obvious to everyone. I was trying to help out those who rarely play RPG's that might have made it that far. There's many times when the heroes will think that to themselves, so I apologize ahead of time for those. Those lines were put in so players don't plunge into battle with only Dagger/Lara since so many events lead to you coming back at the base by yourself, to give you an opportunity to talk to the other heroes then pick a party for what's next. I can change it to the narrator saying pick a party, or something.

On top of that the fourth wall is broken far too often, characters keep commenting how shit the architecture is and refer to it as a game.

I understand that not everyone thinks the fourth wall being broken is funny. Some moments are meant to be the same style of humor as Earthbound (hence the fourth wall breaking) but it won't be funny to everyone. If enough people dislike certain lines they can be changed (depending on how I feel about that particular line myself).

This is why games are tested, so that things the developer(s) might never see are found out before it's released to a negative response. Appreciate the feedback, keep it coming.
I don't mind it once or twice, but it seems to be really common throughout.
That's easily fixed and I've added it to my notes. The sequence for the nickname is likely just one line too early.

Yeah, I'm assuming the nickname prompt is inside the while loop when it should be right before it, or however RPGMaker does shit, I don't know if it's a GUI

I understand that not everyone thinks the fourth wall being broken is funny. Some moments are meant to be the same style of humor as Earthbound (hence the fourth wall breaking) but it won't be funny to everyone. If enough people dislike certain lines they can be changed (depending on how I feel about that particular line myself).

IMHO, fourth walls are best when it's either rather unexpected or some sort of lampshade hanging (I refuse to link to tvtropes because I'll lose 2 hours in that fucking site, so yeah, referencing the trope)
Nothing in a video game has made me more angry than

Zero turning out to be Id

Could you send me an overowrld map, I'm totally lost in the hiyney looking for ludlow. Cheers.
Zero's backstory develops a little more later. That was a heck of a spoiler though wasn't it? World maps are sent.
Everyone who watched it had the same reaction.

Question: Have you played through the game yourself?
The guy with the blackhat in the transporter room. Remember when we thought him randomly vanishing was a glitch?
Question: Have you played through the game yourself?

Yeah. I've gotten through it over a dozen times now. I've asked friends to run tests because firstly they get to be among the first to play it, secondly those who helped out will get to be in the credits as a reward of the full version if they wish, and finally because it's impossible for a developer to find every potential issue on their own. Others will be able to find things I wouldn't think of and the more people running tests or playing the free version, then the better the full version will be.
In Ludlows red district in teh first part theres a house in teh top left with a lever and although when you try to interact with it,it says dont it still shows a animation of it being pulled.
OK I'll be honest here in my first impressions. I think this game has massive potential but a chunk of it is not executed well.. I genuinely thought you hadn't played the game.

Anyone who's watched me stream it ( a fair few) will also point out that this game has a lot of frustration for me. Things such as going back and forth, cut scene battles that take forever and a lot of fluff.

Examples are things where a character is told something they are generally told it three times, then tell another character then another.

Or getting through a big section and you find you need *random party member here* to go further. I grow attatched to my four, I don't care for Zak Ryder Roger.

Like I said huge potential, but there's a lot of stuff that I don't feel is needed in the game that could probably knock about 10-20 hours off the length. That's not a bad thing.
I used to run bug tests for some of my friends' games, if you want me to try and abuse loopholes/multiple inputs/menu cheating to try and iron out technical problems

They used a barebones code compiler though so I doubt RPG Maker allows that many screw ups
I had major points get repeated for storyline purposes. Look at Chrono Cross. Story makes no sense at all. The story in Division Blade and all of the developments for each character get more complicated as you get further in. I wanted to make sure that even those who don't like RPG's will be able to keep up with the story.

As for the "this person has to be in the party now" moments.... Those are there so that each of the 12 gets some use. An event later on requires all 12 at a high level and I did not want anyone to get stuck there.

Solutions: The required characters can get forced into a predetermined party at the event. I did that in one place so I can do it in several others. Anonymous Mozarella said he was compiling notes, so I'll ask him to keep tabs on places where things are repeated too much or if someone needs to be forced into the party.

Where are you at now? (thats for everyone else too not just Lee)

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