Let's constructively criticize Dagger's crap game, as long as it's to his liking.

Well I'm already frustrated fucking around with RPGMXP so yeah some credit is deserved if that's what you used.
Well since GD wants to know about my job incident I will share that before responding to some other things in this thread.

I was working in data entry for $10 per hour. I was given spreadsheets with information that I had to verify as being correct by searching online or calling a contact person. Sounds simple enough for a monday through friday 8am to 5pm job right?

It would have been if it wasn't for my evil bitch of a supervisor. She was trying to get me fired the entire time I worked there. Every time I went to lunch or a break she would hijack my computer and fuck around with my files. I did not find out until about a month later that she was doing that. Then she would bitch me out for not having the right information. I tried to file a complaint with HR and they told me to just focus on doing my job and do the best that I could. I was in there busting my ass every day and then she fucks up my files.

Then I got called into the main boss' office. I had been accused by the evil bitch of being dishonest and deceitful by sending out completed files that had incorrect information. I told my side of the story as honestly and professionally as I could but the fucker refused to listen to me. He accused me of making up untrue stories about tension between my supervisor and me then told me I was full of bullshit. My wife and I both fucking SAW her doing it. He wanted to fire me so I told him to take that job and stick it up his ass because I quit.

Very rarely do I ever feel as much legit hatred towards someone as I do for my former supervisor. Acting that way abd doing such things to someone who never did a damn thing to them. I fought the urge to smash her through the glass of her cubicle on a daily basis.

To those who are offering constructive criticism, I would be more than happy to receive help in modifying the game. I still have some of your lists of suggestions from this spring and more that I added on my own. I just do not have time to work on the game again anytime soon. Maybe we could get a developers team together or something!

Doc, I read your word fort and I will be emailing you later so we can further discuss this. You are right about the learning experience aspect and I did want to address that in here. I learned that it turns out I am more interested in writing the stories of games, rather than being as skilled as I initially thought I was in the art of developing or programming itself. I poured years of my life into the first version of Division Blade and was determined to do it all on my own. I accomplished that. There is no way in hell I will be able to fulfill my goal any further without assistance and the idea of forming a team sounds better the more I think about it.

Maybe game design is not my thing. I am beginning to think retail is instead. I have enjoyed my new job as a Softlines MCA and am able to put my knowledge from my business classes in college to use, plus I actually enjoy it. I am already being mentored for management in the future and have only been there a month.

Finally.... Bolf Mozzarella.... Your opening post in this thread was incredibly hurtful. I could go into a word fort in a response to that brutal inhumanly harsh attack, but you're not worth wasting any more time of my time on.
Also dagger, if you were smart you woulda made a 90 hour game into multiple installments. Monkey Island isn't one giant 90 hour game; you give them a good chunk with a cliffhanger and make them buy the second one. Gives people a time to feel out if they like your story without that huge fucking commitment
I find the fact that his supervisor just randomly started attempting to get him fired from the beginning hard to believe.

I also the whole overplayed you can't fire me I quit thing completely pathetic.
Wait, why the fuck didn't you just e-mail the files to yourself/put them passworded on mediafire? As soon as you knew she was fucking with your shit you shoulda been on top of it. There's about 12 ways you coulda make sure she didn't do anything to them, the simplest putting them on a fucking USB

You have absolutely no excuse to have let her do it ever again after you knew she was
Wait, why the fuck didn't you just e-mail the files to yourself/put them passworded on mediafire? As soon as you knew she was fucking with your shit you shoulda been on top of it. There's about 12 ways you coulda make sure she didn't do anything to them, the simplest putting them on a fucking USB

You have absolutely no excuse to have let her do it ever again after you knew she was

We were no allowed to password protect any files or bring in USB's and everything had to be saved on their computers. That place was really strict. There was literally nothing I could do about it as they did not believe me.

As for your idea of making it be multiple installments with a cliffhanger.... I wanted the entire story in one game. I hate the idea of having to buy multiple installments to complete it. I did include a cliffhanger at the end but it is only viewable if you beat it on legendary. That is not in the free version though since all modes but normal are disabled. They get the regular ending.
By quitting you pretty much sacrificed any unemployment you would have received (which cost THEM money), you also pretty much gave up any chance of filing a "wrongful termination" suit against them. When a companies about to fire you, unless you already have another job lined up, don't quit & walk out, you're saving them a shit load of money by doing that, & doing them a HUGE favor.
We were no allowed to password protect any files or bring in USB's and everything had to be saved on their computers. That place was really strict. There was literally nothing I could do about it as they did not believe me.

Last Edited time should be different if she touched the file and saved it
By quitting you pretty much sacrificed any unemployment you would have received (which cost THEM money), you also pretty much gave up any chance of filing a "wrongful termination" suit against them. When a companies about to fire you, unless you already have another job lined up, don't quit & walk out, you're saving them a shit load of money by doing that, & doing them a HUGE favor.

I was standing up to myself. I'd rather tell him how I truly felt and give one final middle finger rather than sit there and let them fire me when I never deserved it. I didn't want to seek legal action though because my wife still works there and I did not want to put her in danger of losing her job too.

Last Edited time should be different if she touched the file and saved it

That was actually how I figured it out. I saw that my files had been edited while I was at lunch, then my wife and I peeked in through the window of the break room and saw her. I had a list of days and times that it happened ready for the main boss, but he accused me of lying and making up stories. So I was screwed no matter what I did.
That was actually how I figured it out. I saw that my files had been edited while I was at lunch, then my wife and I peeked in through the window of the break room and saw her. I had a list of days and times that it happened ready for the main boss, but he accused me of lying and making up stories. So I was screwed no matter what I did.
video camera.

Your cell phone almost certainly has a camera, and most do video too, so you can't say you didn't have one. get video evidence of it, and you'd be in good shape.
Well since GD wants to know about my job incident I will share that before responding to some other things in this thread.
Only reason I'd ever read such a lengthy post of yours is because GD might be mildly interested. Great hook. Wish Raw's creative team knew how to open with a bang like this.
Unfortunate that your supervisor randomly started to sabatoge you and a screw you out of your ten dollar an hour job for no reason whatsoever.
I was standing up to myself. I'd rather tell him how I truly felt and give one final middle finger rather than sit there and let them fire me when I never deserved it. I didn't want to seek legal action though because my wife still works there and I did not want to put her in danger of losing her job too.
Then she could have sued as well.
Did your wife quit too?

Nope she is still there but she's an HR assistant which is a department under a different supervisor.

Your cell phone almost certainly has a camera, and most do video too, so you can't say you didn't have one. get video evidence of it, and you'd be in good shape.

I would have but they are strict on their no cellphone policy. We were not allowed to ever have one out unless it was during break or lunch. Plus this was back in July and I found a better job. She is just an evil bitch and everyone else there hates her too except the main boss and his daughter who she is best friends with.

Unfortunate that your supervisor randomly started to sabatoge you and a screw you out of your ten dollar an hour job for no reason whatsoever.

Indeed. It ended up being for the better though. That place had no opportunities for growth anyway. People rarely if ever got promoted. I would have been stuck working for that stupid bitch forever. Now that I am in retail there's quite a bit of opportunities for growth. Evenually I will be making twice as much as I did in my last job.
Still confused as to why this lady was out to get you in the first place, you fuck her boyfriend or something?

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