Chin Pubes: The [OFFICIAL] Theo Thread

Not much J. Sitting at work, bored out of my mind. Night shift is easy money, I just wish there was stuff to do. I finish all my work in about 2 hours of getting here. Though I have one resident just roaming around but she can't sleep. She is quite the pest, but she is a nice lady.

How about you my friend?
What's good in tha *****?

Work and stuff. Trying to keep awake at this point. Thankfully our training course was cancelled today. As I have to be back in to work a 5-10 and I would have been at class from 830-330 after working this night shift. Would have sucked majorly. In other news I'm likely going to order Bound For Glory tickets sometime tonight. Just a precursor to the buildup for Survivor Series.

How about you hombre?
Work and stuff. Trying to keep awake at this point. Thankfully our training course was cancelled today. As I have to be back in to work a 5-10 and I would have been at class from 830-330 after working this night shift. Would have sucked majorly. In other news I'm likely going to order Bound For Glory tickets sometime tonight. Just a precursor to the buildup for Survivor Series.

Sounds good.

How about you hombre?

Doing some college work and working on some WZCW stuff.
That is definitely weird, but pretty cool at the same time. My beard hair is usually black, but occasionally there will be a brown one that pops in every now and then.
Boy do I love my residents at work. This one guy (who has a serious personality disorder) told me that I would be a great Australian Football player or a great NFL O-Lineman. He claim that I am 8 feet tall (where as I'm a little under 6 feet) and that I could bench press 350 pounds. I've never bench pressed in my life and I'm a weak motherfucker as it is. Good stuff.
Maybe he's a wise old cleric that knows something about you that you have yet to find out for yourself, like your superhuman abilities.

I've never really tried growing a full out beard, mostly because when I get to a point where it just looks fucking ridiculous, and I get frustrated and shave it off. I've had a goatee before, though, and that always looks good. I'm thinking about doing that again so I can be a biker for Halloween... again. Same thing I was last year.
Maybe he's a wise old cleric that knows something about you that you have yet to find out for yourself, like your superhuman abilities.

I've never really tried growing a full out beard, mostly because when I get to a point where it just looks fucking ridiculous, and I get frustrated and shave it off. I've had a goatee before, though, and that always looks good. I'm thinking about doing that again so I can be a biker for Halloween... again. Same thing I was last year.

Apparently. He is also the guy that told me to marry the girl, so he clearly knows something haha. As for Halloween, I'm going as a Amish person (shocking right). Just went out and bought some suspenders this morning. Now I just need to get a hat.
It's official. I'm going to Bound For Glory. Saw there were 12 dollar seats and I couldn't turn down the offer. I try and watch TNA weekly as it is wrestling (despite how good or bad it is). I'm excited just to see Hogan. I don't care that he can barely walk, the guy is a freaking icon and one of my all time favorites. Pretty stoked right now, brother. TNA's biggest show of the year, Survivor Series in November, and then Raw in December. My wrestling life couldn't get much better right now.
For the first time in allmost 20 years I'm not going to be doing anything for halloween. It's a sad thing really. Also I'd actually like to go see Bfg, have fun Bro.
For the first time in allmost 20 years I'm not going to be doing anything for halloween. It's a sad thing really. Also I'd actually like to go see Bfg, have fun Bro.

That sucks man. I don't do Halloween that much. I skipped out last year, didn't have the time really. The year before I went as a Vikings fan (original right?). I got the Amish look down, so this is pretty easy. Though it really isn't a Halloween party as it is November 5th, but fuck it who cares?

EDIT: I plan on it. I may buy a Hogan shirt at the event if I feel like spending money. Hopefully TNA doesn't fuck it up, but for 12 bucks I can't complain.
I would pay twelve bucks to go see a ppv. I believe Tna programing has been improving somewhat in the past few months. But shit I really don't care to be honest, I've been watching it since the start. It kills time.
Love you too brah. How's life Notorious?
Not bad, friend. Started college year two last month and it's that time of the semester when I'm cramming for my midterms. Took my oceanography midterm this past Tuesday and just found out yesterday that I got a B on it. The class average was an F. So now I'm just prepping for the rest of my tests while figuring out what to do for Halloween since I haven't done anything for the past few years.

It's official. I'm going to Bound For Glory. Saw there were 12 dollar seats and I couldn't turn down the offer. I try and watch TNA weekly as it is wrestling (despite how good or bad it is). I'm excited just to see Hogan. I don't care that he can barely walk, the guy is a freaking icon and one of my all time favorites. Pretty stoked right now, brother. TNA's biggest show of the year, Survivor Series in November, and then Raw in December. My wrestling life couldn't get much better right now.
I totally envy you, man. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to a live wrestling show. Have fun, brother!
Being someone with a beard about half the size of yours, I understand the time and dedication it takes to grow one of those fuckers. I salute you.

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