Chin Pubes: The [OFFICIAL] Theo Thread

The United States of America, the best fucking country in the world.

God bless the USA.

Old people get THE BEST shit, I think it was Foxworthy who did the whole "Do you want to stop the sniffles or not feel your head"

One week I'm pretty sure he was high from the weekend before for three or four days. He was hallucinating and was just rather dopey. Could have been the meds, but he's been fine since then and the meds haven't changed. So yeah whatever his shit is, must been some heavy stuff.
Thanks TLC, how've ya been man? Haven't talked in ages.

And Merk, I appreciate the kind words. Always do homie. We'll have to Madden it up sometime soon while I'm manning down a night shift.

In not so good news, it looks like my employer is being sued. Some cop dropped off a slew of legal papers towards the end of my shift. It seems to be a debt issue from what I could gather from the documents provided. A 50k debt with a $13 interest rate per day. It seems to stem back from 2008, which is obviously before I worked here. Interesting to say the least. The owner of the company is a cheapskate. He has a good chunk of money, so this wouldn't be a problem if he just paid the shit off.
Theo's in my fave five.

You're in my fave five to dawg.


Greatest thread name ever

How're the hoes treatin' you, Theo?

Haha. I don't interact with much women cause I'm usually at work. But a drunken lass was digging my bow tie wearing bearded self at this party on Saturday. Of course I credit the alcohol for her reasoning, but I'll take it haha. She did ask if I shaved my ass and my asshole to which I replied with "Really? Do I look like I shave anything?". She laughed, smack my arm, and called me a hairy motherfucker. And then I went home. Not after tripping down the stairs on my shoes and landing on a chiminea. Good stuff.
Love the sig, Theo. I'll tell you how awesome it is soon in the Bearded Productions thread.
I chuckled at the thread title. <3 you, Theo.

Love you too brah. How's life Notorious?

We all love some Theo. Bout time I had a thread to talk to my bro in!

Yeah buddy! How've ya been man?

That's the only time I can ever get chicks to talk to me haha.

But to get serious for a second, how is life treating you?

I made the day of a 33 year old foreign lady once. That is probably the only recent interaction with a sober woman I've had since my friend left for France. Speaking of I talked to her today for an hour this morning before I zonked out. That was nice as she was sick, so it made her day. But life is pretty good man. Got some snazzy new dress clothes as I've been dressing up for no reason as of late. My work schedule is pretty set now and my hours aren't all over the place, so that is good. Can't complain. Survivor Series is around the corner and I may be ordering Bound for Glory tickets this weekend as they aren't that expensive. How about yourself?

Love the sig, Theo. I'll tell you how awesome it is soon in the Bearded Productions thread.

Thanks man, I'll look out for that my friend.
I made the day of a 33 year old foreign lady once. That is probably the only recent interaction with a sober woman I've had since my friend left for France. Speaking of I talked to her today for an hour this morning before I zonked out. That was nice as she was sick, so it made her day. But life is pretty good man. Got some snazzy new dress clothes as I've been dressing up for no reason as of late. My work schedule is pretty set now and my hours aren't all over the place, so that is good. Can't complain. Survivor Series is around the corner and I may be ordering Bound for Glory tickets this weekend as they aren't that expensive. How about yourself?

Is the lady in France someone that Mr. Theo is interested in? I've been talking to this girl lately but she has no interest in me whatsoever, as usual. I drunk texted her last weekend and made a complete ass out of myself, but she let it slide. But I still felt really dumb.

But Survivor Series and possibly Bound for Glory? That sounds awesome! I went to a TNA house show a few months back and it was a ton of fun, but I'm not sure how a PPV will compare.
Is the lady in France someone that Mr. Theo is interested in? I've been talking to this girl lately but she has no interest in me whatsoever, as usual. I drunk texted her last weekend and made a complete ass out of myself, but she let it slide. But I still felt really dumb.

Yeah we hungout nearly every week before she left for the semester. She always talked about how busy she was and yet she somehow always made time for me. So I asked her out and she said when she gets back that I owe her dinner. So December I shall be going on said date. Having a phone while drinking is always bad. Luckily for me I don't have a phone anymore so it ain't a problem. No good ever comes from it.

You'll get a kick out of this though. Remember when a resident asked me about kids? Well now one just told me that I should marry the girl. It was random and I had not a clue what he was talking about. Another guy (who just gave me donuts, trying to make me fatter haha) said don't get married. The fucking your getting isn't worth the fucking your doing. Got a chuckle out of it.
Yeah we hungout nearly every week before she left for the semester. She always talked about how busy she was and yet she somehow always made time for me. So I asked her out and she said when she gets back that I owe her dinner. So December I shall be going on said date. Having a phone while drinking is always bad. Luckily for me I don't have a phone anymore so it ain't a problem. No good ever comes from it.

I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I was halfway seeing this girl before she went off to Slovakia as a foreign exchange student for a year. We talked over Myspace all the time during that year. We went out a few times after she got back but it really wasn't the same as before. But hopefully everything works out for you.

Yeah, I should never have a phone in my hand when I start drinking. But this is by far the worst I had ever drunk texted anyone. The only reason I texted her in the first place was because she always drunk texts me and she says the funniest stuff ever, so I decided to return the favor. It quickly spiraled out of control.

You'll get a kick out of this though. Remember when a resident asked me about kids? Well now one just told me that I should marry the girl. It was random and I had not a clue what he was talking about. Another guy (who just gave me donuts, trying to make me fatter haha) said don't get married. The fucking your getting isn't worth the fucking your doing. Got a chuckle out of it.


That may be the single best quote I have ever heard.
Yeah we hungout nearly every week before she left for the semester. She always talked about how busy she was and yet she somehow always made time for me. So I asked her out and she said when she gets back that I owe her dinner. So December I shall be going on said date. Having a phone while drinking is always bad. Luckily for me I don't have a phone anymore so it ain't a problem. No good ever comes from it.

You'll get a kick out of this though. Remember when a resident asked me about kids? Well now one just told me that I should marry the girl. It was random and I had not a clue what he was talking about. Another guy (who just gave me donuts, trying to make me fatter haha) said don't get married. The fucking your getting isn't worth the fucking your doing. Got a chuckle out of it.

There's a romantic comedy in here somewhere... I'll figure it out and get back to you. I'm pretty sure I already made an awesome story out of your life sometime.
BTW, thanks for the comment on the blog.

Anytime buddy.

There's a romantic comedy in here somewhere... I'll figure it out and get back to you. I'm pretty sure I already made an awesome story out of your life sometime.

Yes you did. You, Merk, and I believe Justin had a convo about it. Merk said if cookout was cancelled during the hurricane that I would ride a bike through it to her house and make the move. You wanted Seth Rogen to play me, Justin thought Galifinakis would be better. Good stuff.
Anytime buddy.

Yes you did. You, Merk, and I believe Justin had a convo about it. Merk said if cookout was cancelled during the hurricane that I would ride a bike through it to her house and make the move. You wanted Seth Rogen to play me, Justin thought Galifinakis would be better. Good stuff.

That was it! I'll have to write it up in word to remember.

After 50/50 and Knocked Up, I don't see how you CAN'T pick Rogen and his goofy laugh.
That was it! I'll have to write it up in word to remember.

After 50/50 and Knocked Up, I don't see how you CAN'T pick Rogen and his goofy laugh.

I hated Knocked Up. Mainly because my friend hyped it up as one of the greatest movies ever and I couldn't enjoy it. I may have to watch it solo and see if my thoughts changed. And while I'm not fond of Rogen, I think him or Jonah Hill would be the top guys for a character portraying me. Unless of course I can play the role of myself, I think I could do so haha.

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