Charlie Haas' new gimmick(s)

Several people have brought up Stevie and Big Show. Stevie was a goof ball, and wasn't a wrestler I took too seriously. Hell, I don't even remember the gimmick. Big Show was just too...big. It was funny, but his size didn't make it totally great, and that was short too. These were both at least several years ago, there are many new younger fans who would find this hilarious. I think this would be the most successful because-
1. Charlie Haas can actually wrestle and any real wrestling fan knows that
2. He's close to the average size of most wrestlers, so its more believable
3. I think its something to look forward to each week, because it is pretty funny, and I think the fans do too.
I'm really enjoying this. I think Big Show did this awhile back though. It's still entertaining though. I really liked Chon Cena. I'm hoping for many more. Hassbreak Kid, Steve Hasstin, Hulk Hassgan, Underhasser, Hasstista, maybe even CM Hass. I really wanna see all of these. I cant wait! I cant wait! The gimmicks going places. When this is over though, what's left for Hass?
Well i think he's above average in the ring, and as said fair kop on the mic, so hopefully an IC push. I still think that when this [entertaining] gimmick runs its course, Haas should be repackaged as the new Angle or Benoit', someones who skill and intensity mixed with a bit of mic work carries him. Im really wanting WWE to expand their title divisions, Haas would fit nicely into the IC or US.
that is probly my favorite part of raw, seeing who charlie haas is imitating today. its so entertaining and i sure as hell hope he keeps it up because if he does i can see an ic title reign which would make my month. he makes me laugh every monday and i think him and santino would have an AMAZING feud. i mean seriously can anyone see charlie ans santino promos? him impersonating santino would be so funny. so yea im very glad they found an entertaining way to use haas
I attended the Raw Live House Show last night in Little Rock, Arkansas and speaking of Charlie Haas' gimmick of making fun of wrestlers, he faced Santino Marella and his name that Charlie used was "Charlie Marella". He came out with Santino's trunks on, a Toy replica of the World Heavyweight Championship, and Santinos t-shirt. It was so friggin hilarious and even more funnier than CHL. I love this gimmick and it continues to push Charlie Haas more and i love it. He should get one. I wouldnt doubt it, but look forward this to be on Monday Night Raw.
I love it. It's one of the funniest things happening IMO. He's one of the few wrestlers that I think could get away with this. And I think this is one of the only times he's ever got a reaction from the crowd in his career.

Only problem is, as others have alread said, the gimmick has no longetivity, and I don't think he's going to recieve a push from this. When the only way a wrestler can get a reaction is by stealing gimmicks from other wrestlers, you know he isn't going to last too long or go very far.

He's suddenly become entertaining, which automatically means he is doing a better job. But he is not recieving a push. He isn't the sort of person to be any where near a major title. the crowd wouldn't even boo, they'd just sit there and watch as we hear a pin drop on the floor. A champion cannot be a mix of 20 other wrestlers gimmicks. And without them, he's nothing.
I don't really think they are concerned with giving him a huge push from all of this, there is nothing wrong with Charlie Haas doing it and remaining a mid-carder. Its entertaining, its fun to watch, he doesn't need to be elevated to main event status for it to work. From Charlie Haas' perspective, he has been on TV more often in the past few weeks than he has in months. Even if it goes nowhere at all, he is getting on TV, and creative is actually finding things for him to do, rather than just sit in the back eating from the lunch buffet. I doubt he is complaining much. Hell, the Brooklyn Brawler spent his entire career as a jobber, never was a main eventer, but, still had an enjoyable career. Maybe Charlie Haas will never be a main eventer, but maybe he is okay with it. Maybe he is happy just to have a job with the WWE, and doesn't spend his time bitching about not being higher up, unlike some others. I think people are over analyzing his gimmick. So what if its short term? At least its getting him on TV now.
Very good element of suprise on Good Ol' J.H. I know that I didnt see it comming and I dont think too many people did either. Once the music hit I was suprised to hear it and even more suprised to see haas, I still don't think it will be lasting too much longer. Now that he has been JBL and told people to buy mamajuanna and JR and told people to buy BBQ sauce, maybe next time he will be DX and tell us to buy clothes and dvds or Mick Foley and buy his books.
that was would be cool seing him do someone like undertaker or kane or batista so that the real undertaker, kane and batista comes out and beat him up...that would be nice
With this new gimmick, Charlie Haas went from two TV appearances (during Million Dollar Mania) this year to being on Raw four straight weeks now. Wow. Clearly, he's getting a push. He could still be working dark matches or sitting home in danger of being future endeavored like some others (Palumbo, Snuka Jr., London). He’s still losing, but he’s not getting squashed every week. They’ve let him get in a decent amount of offense in his matches, so it feels like he has a chance (unlike say a Dreamer match).

Where this push gets him depends on how well the gimmick and Haas get over. I think eventually it will get old. I give it six months tops. I can see him getting a shot at, but not winning, the IC title. I’d like to see a feud with Santino. Two Santinos in the ring would be hilarious. But I can’t see them taking the IC title off a great comedic heel to put it on another comedy act.

I’m enjoying his new gimmick so far and it does bring some interest to Raw’s lower card matches. And the Raw-ECW merger gives Haas more wrestlers to imitate. I can see him doing Miz, Morrison, and Finlay in the coming weeks. His impersonation of Jim Ross was my least favorite; he should stick with parodying actual wrestlers. And while I loved the Mama Juana and BBQ sauce plugs, I have a bad feeling this gimmick could quickly turn into little more than a cheap marketing ploy to sell t-shirts, DVDs, and various other products. With this new gimmick, Charlie Haas went from two TV appearances (during Million Dollar Mania) this year to being on Raw four straight weeks now. Wow. Clearly, he's getting a push. He could still be working dark matches or sitting home in danger of being future endeavored like some others (Palumbo, Snuka Jr., London). He’s still losing, but he’s not getting squashed every week. They’ve let him get in a decent amount of offense in his matches, so it feels like he has a chance (unlike say a Dreamer match).

Where this push gets him depends on how well the gimmick and Haas get over. I think eventually it will get old. I give it six months tops. I can see him getting a shot at, but not winning, the IC title. I’d like to see a feud with Santino. Two Santinos in the ring would be hilarious. But I can’t see them taking the IC title off a great comedic heel to put it on another comedy act.

I’m enjoying his new gimmick so far and it does bring some interest to Raw’s lower card matches. And the Raw-ECW merger gives Haas more wrestlers to imitate. I can see him doing Miz, Morrison, and Finlay in the coming weeks. His impersonation of Jim Ross was my least favorite; he should stick with parodying actual wrestlers. And while I loved the Mama Juana and BBQ sauce plugs, I have a bad feeling this gimmick could quickly turn into little more than a cheap marketing ploy to sell t-shirts, DVDs, and various other products.
I think it would be intresting and certainly add to the longevity of this gimmick if it can, after a while, transcend through the walls of just the wrestling world and have him take on the role of people from popular or at least current culture.

Borack HASSbama, for example... contreversial, edgy but not not too contreversial for a PG rating.

David HASSehlHASS... Don't hastle the HASS.

Just general gimmicks like that.

As funny as it is for the time being it is one of those gimmicks which you can see going stale fast. Look at Nick Dinsmore in the Eugene role. At least it is one gimmick that I hope at least Hass can recover from. I find it less intriuging than the Lucha Libre Gimmick. That could have led to a good feud with Mysterio.
I do like this gimmick, and I think it's giving Haas some character depth which he has been seriously lacking in the past. I am expecting to see CH Punk and The Haas Break Kid in the next couple of weeks.

However, and this has been said by just about everyone, where can he go once he has done everyone that it would be humorous to do on the roster? I suppose there is a chance that he will get into a proper feud with someone during this gimmick and then "get serious" but I can't see it. With the Raw/ECW talent exchange, I think he might find himself on ECW increasingly.

Also, I do not find this as funny as when Big Show did it in about 2000. His match against Kurt Angle when he dressed up as Hogan is a classic.
I do like this gimmick, and I think it's giving Haas some character depth which he has been seriously lacking in the past. I am expecting to see CH Punk and The Haas Break Kid in the next couple of weeks.

However, and this has been said by just about everyone, where can he go once he has done everyone that it would be humorous to do on the roster? I suppose there is a chance that he will get into a proper feud with someone during this gimmick and then "get serious" but I can't see it. With the Raw/ECW talent exchange, I think he might find himself on ECW increasingly.

Also, I do not find this as funny as when Big Show did it in about 2000. His match against Kurt Angle when he dressed up as Hogan is a classic.

I fail to see how it gives any character depth at all. It gives him more TV time and in-ring time but no depth. If there is any depth it comes from other people and there accomplishments/ Impact within the industry.

The Gimmick is a good comic relief, but comic characters minus the odd one like Santino, and in some regards The Rock (for most of his career he made us all laugh first and for-most) have any particular depth to there gimmicks.
However, and this has been said by just about everyone, where can he go once he has done everyone that it would be humorous to do on the roster?

Where was he going before he started imitating people? Nowhere. Even if the angle stops this week Monday, Charlie Haas still had something to do, still appeared on TV, when he wouldn't have otherwise. Charlie Haas will probably never be a main eventer, will probably never get guaranteed TV time each week as other wrestlers might. To complain about where he might go after the gimmick runs its course ignores the question as to what he was doing that was so great before the gimmick started.
As already mentioned, this gimmick has been done before (stevie richards), and while mildly entertaining for a brief period, it did nothing to elevate the individual's career. While we are seeing more of Haas now than we used to, this doesn't really seem like a push since (outside of JBL walking away), Haas is defeated and usually pretty quickly.

It's really nothing more than filler right now, to take up some TV time.
It gives him depth because he isn't Generic Wrestler #31 going down to the ring to a guitar instrumental. It portrays him as someone who doesn't take himself too seriously and who jokes around. It's hardly the stuff of Dickens, but it is a character trait. Compare that to someone like Snitsky, who literally does nothing except come to the ring, wrestle and leave.

Davi323 said:
Where was he going before he started imitating people? Nowhere.

I'm not saying that this gimmick is detremental, I was just pointing out that there isn't much longevity in the gimmick and Haas is going to end up back to square 1.
I agree that this will get Hass no wheres,but it won't put him any lower than where he was, it will only prolong his being wished the best. But the way I see it, people enjoy it. So forget about whats eventually goig to happen to generic wrestler 31 in a few months. Enjoy CHL with his count out victorys or Charlito with his giant fake wigs. because it's funny NOW, not in three months. Hell, maybe The Hassy Tonk Man might become IC Champion, if anyone gets my drift...
Well, someone who was about to get fired probably, going no where, no crowd reaction. Nothing.

And now he gets a pop, sure it wont last forever but still. Ill enjoy it while it lasts.

So far

Charlie "John Cena" Haas
Charles Haas Layfeild
Jim Haas
Mr Perfect Tribute
The Great Charlie

Have all worked so well (maybe not Jim Haas and Mr Perfect Tribute for some). But still, its some form of humor.

+ theres still allot more people I think he can pull off (Cant wait for Triple Haas or The Haas Break Kid Charlie Haas) I think he can pull this off for another 2 months at least.
I think it's a great gimmick. As good as a wrestler Haas is, he couldn't get over with just his ability, he needed a personality, and what a better way to get someone boring over, than giving him multiple personalities. When he debuted as Charlito, I was like 'great another crappy attempt to get Haas over'. But as the weeks went by, it actually became pretty entertaining.

So far The Mr. Perfect and Great Charlie gimmicks are the best, I can't wait to see where this is going to lead.
The Great Charli was very funny, if I am honest I thought this gimmick would have run out of steam already but its only been getting better as the weeks have gone by. I am still hopefull that Haas will get over by himself because I would really like to see him in the mid-card division. Well I live in hope.

But while he is doing other people's gimmicks I would like to see him do Kane. I could picture the promo he does when he comes to the ring.

"And this morning. . . for breakfast. . . . . . I. . . . had a bagel! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
I am glad that they finally found something for Haas to do, even if it is only a mimick gimmick. The Santino Marella comedy routine is growing stale, so the WWE needed a back-up comedy routine and they made the right choice with Haas making fun of various superstars. So far it has been a hit and miss project, his JBL and Great Khali imitations were hilarious while his Mr. Perfect and J.R. imitations were pretty horrible, but that's to be expected. Will Haas get any title shots soon? It's doubtful, but at least he is getting TV time, and that's a big thing for Charlie, who hasn't gotten a break since WGTT v.1.
i love it. The cena one got me cracking. They should keep this, we've never had some parody gimmick make it big. it would be funny if he would do some parodies of former wrestlers and other famous wrestling names.
I love this gimmick. It's funny, and at least Charlie is getting a reaction now, so it's good for him. I wonder who he'll do next? I reckon Mysterio or some other high flyer would be funny. But I am wondering where this gimmick will take him. IMO it's just someting to get him back on TV as he has stayed with the company for so long, but it's not actually going to take him anywhere. Could you see CM Haas with the championship? This gimmick is just something to keep Charlie Haas active.
The question is how do you move haas past all the gimmicks, and into a actual pillar in the wwe... and heres how....

Keep up the gimmick he has now for a few more months, Then have him start dressing up as all the past Ic title holders, in order, all the way up to santino, about mid way thru have santino realize what haas is doing, then bury nose deep in a heavy fued between the two, having haas beat santino at wm 25, the man clearly has skill, and has a nitch for entertaining the crowd even thru cheesy gimmicks, but the transition from cheesy gimmick to real gimmicks is a hard one, one i think santino could help him do.....
Charlie Haas is a good wrestler. This new gimmick of gimmicks of his is pretty entertaining and I like how he knows how to use the wrestler's moves. But, I don't understand the losses that are compiling from a result of this. Sure, it's supposed to be comedic, but come on, losing to Primo Colon and Kofi Kingston? Haas should be the one defeating those two. Primo hasn't even been in the WWE for that long and he's already a WWE Tag Team Champion. Charlie needs wins if he's ever going to become the serious contender that he really is, once more.

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