Bullshit about Movies

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I really fucking badly want to see Werner Herzog's re-imagining of Bad Lieutenant. Looks like something that would pop out if you mixed Hunter S. Thompson and Elmore Leonard in a blender and threw some psilocybin in for good measure.
X, man... I watched Closer yesterday. First time seeing it since it was first released on VHS. I don't know why, but I just popped that sucker in yesterday, and holy fuck did Natalie Portman blow me away. She's now mine, man, fuck you. :icon_razz:

Seriously though, what a fantastic movie. The dialogue in it is absolutely superb, and Clive Owen really, really impressed me. What an asshole he was in this. Also, Jude Law impressed the hell out of me as well. I've never could stand either of these guys, and now I have a new found respect for them both because of this movie. And Portman, like I said, just blew me away. Absolutely stunning, and her acting as well was tremendous.

I can't believe I thought it was boring way back when. Shows how dumb I was. But Closer is a masterpiece.
Isn't it fucking great? Nichols best film since The Graduate in my opinion. That film and Garden State made her my fucking dream woman, stay away JMT, I will totally go Seven on your ass (spiked phallus and all). Closer is one of the few movies I've ever seen that truly seems to capture all of the jealousy and rage that can come with love and breaking up. Everyone in that film was marvelous, even the overrated Julia Roberts. Great film.
Just went to see A Christmas Carol, in 3d, Fuck I am going to hate Alice in Wonderland in 3D, that just about made me sick(can't remember how to spell the correct word, it starts with n)
I'm about to watch Michael Clayton for the first time in about an hour and a half.

Don't know why it's taking me this long to check it out. I'm a huge fan of George Clooney, and of course this is hyped as one of his greatest performances. So hopefully it lives up to it.
Let us know how it is JMT, I still haven't seen it either.

It definitely gets my recommendation.

It's very, very interesting, and keeps you guessing all the way to the end. And the acting is just fantastic, especially from Clooney and Tom Wilkinson (Has Wilkinson ever had a bad performance?). Tilda Swinton was very good as well, though not Oscar worthy, IMO.

But yeah... check it out, man. I was just looking over to see what it was up against for Best Picture, and out of those options Michael Clayton was by far the best movie in my eyes (though Into the Wild, The Lookout, and Gone Baby Gone still remain my favorite films of 2007). I think there's a chance you'll agree.
Bong Joon Ho's the next great filmmaker...I just got done watching Mother a second time, and this is probably the second best film of 2009 (you really didn't think I'd leave Haneke's The White Ribbon anywhere below number one, did you?). If you want to know where to find the film online, let me know. I have a two-disc special edition from Korea, but, I don't see this film being released on US DVD for quite some time.
I'm watching Sleeper right now. Probably Woody Allen's best comedy. I don't consider Annie Hall or Manhattan to be strictly comedies.
I'm going to see Up In The Air tomorrow...this shit better be nothing less than one of the greatest movies ever made, or else I'll rant on this forum about how critics can't get Clooney's and Reitman's dicks out of their mouths.
So what'd you think of Up in the Air, Tdigs?

Also, my friend has a bootleg of Precious, and according to him it's great quality. His sister has it right now, but when she's finished he's going to let me hold it. So hopefully I'll see it by the end of the week.
As I said before, man, I didn't get a chance to check it out this weekend due to bad weather. Hopefully, I'll be able to see it this weekend. Now, go see Mother!
So, I saw Up In The Air tonight...I'm pretty sure all of you lovers of Hollywood suits will rave about it to no end, and consider it a smart-people film that you can brag about liking to all your friends. But, your man tdigle only gives it a 6/10. It was witty at times, and the acting was great, but, it's nothing that hasn't been done before; furthermore, the direction was average at best.

Why exactly is Reitman lauded so much? How does this twazzer even compare to the likes of Alexander Payne, Cameron Crowe, and James L. Brooks? Every Reitman film you see is easily one that could have done much better by the three directors I just mentioned.
I don't get the Reitman love either. Thank You For Smoking was his best film, Juno was massively overrated (although still good). I don't have much interest in his new film.

I'd like to have seen Jim Jarmusch make this film.
I don't get the Reitman love either. Thank You For Smoking was his best film, Juno was massively overrated (although still good). I don't have much interest in his new film.

I'd like to have seen Jim Jarmusch make this film.

...besides Broken Flowers, has Jim Jarmusch ever made a film about people who make over $30,000 a year?
...besides Broken Flowers, has Jim Jarmusch ever made a film about people who make over $30,000 a year?

I...I don't think so actually now that you mention it. Unless you count certain characters in Coffee & Cigarettes.

Love the new name by the way.
No, that's about the right reaction. It's a decent action movie, nothing more. Liam Neeson doesn't make a very convincing action lead. Not a bad way to kill an hour and a half though.
I may finally get to watch Traffic tomorrow...I've only owned the movie for about 5 months...
About damn time NSL, great, great film right there. You'll definitely enjoy it. Watch. WATCH NOW!
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