Bullshit about Movies

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If you've never seen The Third Man, watch it immediately. An absolute masterpiece.
The White Ribbon just won Best Film, Best Director, and Best Screenplay at the European Film Awards. All of you hating twazzers better brace yourselves for the possibility that my main man Haneke might finally be getting his way overdue Best Director nomination.
The White Ribbon just won Best Film, Best Director, and Best Screenplay at the European Film Awards. All of you hating twazzers better brace yourselves for the possibility that my main man Haneke might finally be getting his way overdue Best Director nomination.

I highly doubt that. Maybe his film will get nominated for Best Foreign Film, but anything outside of that at the Oscars is highly unlikely.

This film better be fucking awesome, that's all I know. I still stand of the opinion that Cache and The Piano Teacher were ridiculous drivel, but hopefully The White Ribbon drops the ******ation and as you used to describe The Departed and Gangs of New York (wrongfully used, I might add ;) ), the superfluousness.
I highly doubt that. Maybe his film will get nominated for Best Foreign Film, but anything outside of that at the Oscars is highly unlikely.

This film better be fucking awesome, that's all I know. I still stand of the opinion that Cache and The Piano Teacher were ridiculous drivel, but hopefully The White Ribbon drops the ******ation and as you used to describe The Departed and Gangs of New York (wrongfully used, I might add ;) ), the superfluousness.

Don't hate on Haneke just because you love the most overrated director of this decade.
Don't hate on Haneke just because you love the most overrated director of this decade.

That same "overrated" director who won an Oscar, aka an award you're praying for your boy Haneke to just get nominated for, in 2007, and was nominated for 2 other Best Direction Oscars this decade before then? THAT "overrated" director?
That same "overrated" director who won an Oscar, aka an award you're praying for your boy Haneke to just get nominated for, in 2007, and was nominated for 2 other Best Direction Oscars this decade before then? THAT "overrated" director?

Oscars mean jack shit, unless a film isn't in English; if a film isn't in English and it's nominated for an Oscar outside of Best Foreign Language Film, then that means it's fucking great (save for one film: Life Is Beautiful; that movie fucking blew).
Tdigs, the Romania movie I was trying to recall earlier was Police, Adjective. If you're interested in watching a man eat soup (wasn't cereal, my bad) for 10 minutes straight with no cuts, then by all means look that piece of shit up and fall in love with another European "masterpiece", you Hollywood hatin' bastard. :icon_razz:
Okay, Tdigs... I watched the first 10 minutes of The White Ribbon, no opinion thus far; not boring, nor interesting yet. But imagine my shock when in the first minute of the movie we see a horse get injured. Seriously, man, what is it with Haneke and harming animals in his films? Does it make his dick hard or what? You have the dogs in both Funny Games films, the rooster in Cache, the pig in Benny's Video, and the horse in Time of the Wolf. There's probably more in his other films he's done that I know nothing about. Thinking about it, I'm surprised he didn't have the psycho bitch in The Piano Teacher stuff a hamster into her pussy. Seems like something he'd really be into.

But yeah... that's another thing I don't like about the guy. I'll finish watching the movie either sometime tonight or tomorrow though.

Oh... Inglourious Basterds out on DVD today, fuckers. Already got my copy. :D
X, did you see our boy JGL got nominated for a Golden Globe today? I'm fucking stoked!

Oh, and Tdigs, no Direction nod for Haneke, but The White Ribbon is up for best Foreign Film.
Okay, Tdigs... I watched the first 10 minutes of The White Ribbon, no opinion thus far; not boring, nor interesting yet. But imagine my shock when in the first minute of the movie we see a horse get injured. Seriously, man, what is it with Haneke and harming animals in his films? Does it make his dick hard or what? You have the dogs in both Funny Games films, the rooster in Cache, the pig in Benny's Video, and the horse in Time of the Wolf. There's probably more in his other films he's done that I know nothing about. Thinking about it, I'm surprised he didn't have the psycho bitch in The Piano Teacher stuff a hamster into her pussy. Seems like something he'd really be into.

But yeah... that's another thing I don't like about the guy. I'll finish watching the movie either sometime tonight or tomorrow though.

Oh... Inglourious Basterds out on DVD today, fuckers. Already got my copy. :D

I'm not for pets getting hurt in films, but, I could care less about other animals so long as it's simulated. Time of the Wolf is the only Haneke film I haven't because he supposedly really does kill an animal in that film. I'd be shocked if any horse was actually harmed in The White Ribbon.
Watched Frost/Nixon earlier, finally. Only about a year too late. Oh well. Good movie, Langella's performance was simply outstanding. Oliver Platt remains a huge guilty pleasure of mine as well, I love the guy in everything he does. Somehow the film managed to make Richard Nixon a sympathetic and generally likable guy despite his crimes.

Now I'm watching Salvador, Oliver Stone's most underrated film by far. Man James Woods was making some great fuckin' movies in the eighties.
I have absolutely no plans tonight (being snowed in by a blizzard will do that to ya), so I started watching Once Upon a Time in America. The real movie, the four and a half hour long cut, not the travesty of film that was the cut theatrical 2 hour version. Right now I'm approaching hour two. Watching this film takes quite a bit of patience, but man is it worth it. Simply put it might just be the greatest gangster film ever made. What a way for Sergio Leone to go out eh?

Any thoughts on this marvelous film?
Gotta watch Quantum of Solace. I'd rather watch Ichi the Killer.

Let me know how Quantum was. I thought Casino Royale was the best Bond film since the 60s.

I imagine there won't be as many faces being sliced off in Quantum as in Ichi however.
I just watched Public Enemies and I did not care for it very much to be honest with you. It insisted upon itself too much and drug on far to long in parts. The acting wasn't bad, and they had a lot to work with, but the writer, director, producers just dropped the ball on actual content. Not that good of a movie.
I didn't think much of Public Enemies either.

I'm writing a book with a french kid. It replaced my movie project, but it's still fun.
Youth in Revolt looks like it could be pretty damn good.

I'll probably see Avatar this weekend.
Saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang today and re-saw (500) Days of Summer. Probably gonna watch Adaptation and Snatch tomorrow if I have time before work.
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