Bret is Back!


Future Women's Champion
Finally! Bret Hart has returned yet again to the WWE! Now I was shocked because I had honestly forgot about the Bret Hart Angle on Raw. I had no idea that this was how they were going to write him back onto TV. Cena's Team is stacked and will definately beat Nexus. Will Bret have to fight against Nexus???? Or will he be supporting Cena in the corner????? What are your thoughts on the angle????

I think that at Summerslam Bret will stay out of action untill the end when they are dominating. Then I think Bret will apply the Sharpsooter and seal the win. What are your thoughts on Bret's return???? In this thread we can discuss everything about Bret back on Raw.
Finally! Bret Hart has returned yet again to the WWE! Now I was shocked because I had honestly forgot about the Bret Hart Angle on Raw. I had no idea that this was how they were going to write him back onto TV. Cena's Team is stacked and will definately beat Nexus. Will Bret have to fight against Nexus???? Or will he be supporting Cena in the corner????? What are your thoughts on the angle????

I think that at Summerslam Bret will stay out of action untill the end when they are dominating. Then I think Bret will apply the Sharpsooter and seal the win. What are your thoughts on Bret's return???? In this thread we can discuss everything about Bret back on Raw.

It doesn't make any sense at all. I like Bret, but I don't get this. He clearly can't wrestle anymore and will play a very minor role in such a match. I hope WWE are not planning to have Nexus lose so soon and have Bret win by slapping the Sharpshooter on one of these guys. Honestly, I was expecting HHH's music to hit.
Honestly, I was expecting HHH's music to hit.

WOW DID I FORGET ABOUT HHH! Well if he does return at Summerslam, then my ending will probably happen... but instead of having Nexus tap out to Bret, right before there about to tap, HHH's music and he comes out and distracts Bret by saying something like, "Don't you EVER try to beat MY group again!" Then Nexus beat down Bret and get the win.
dont like this at all,with Bret Hart, they could of used Evan B instead of Great K and redebut Bryan D instead Bret Hart.but something smells fishy with this team, i see Bret Hart getting hurt leaving them one man short, in hopes of HHH to show up, but HHH is recovering from surgery so there is no way HHH will be there to wrestle unless he distracts Cena's, if Nexus does not win they all therre credibility is all down the drain
you know after i saw bret hart comeing i just realized thats it could be HUGE and summber slam 2010 can go down in history ..summer slam is the second biggest PPV after wrestlmania . imagine the face of the company John Cena screwing his team along with bret hart and joining to the nexus. if its really whats going to happen (i really hope so) then the fact that bret hart is in it, it makes it even abigger heel turn. can u imagine the heet towards john cena ?ahh i can only dream

(im really sorry about my bad english i am from Israel i really hope u understand what im trying to say )
Clearly fool its 2010 most of everyone has TV. We saw it i guess your parents didnt tell you that TV is available to everyone. I dont like it when little kids get on here and make posts about what happened during the show specifically. Next week im going to make a thread called "OMG THAT PYRO SHOW ROCKED" because apparently anyone can post non sense on this forum =] Everyone was surprised they probably told or turned to their wives/kids/friends. But no you the lonely person you are turned to the internet, how sad. No one expected Bret to be back but its not that big of a deal. He doesnt have a reason to be back the story was to remove bret not a hiatus. It has to be because HHH is still resting. All the crying kids needs to let Byran Danielson GO! geeze until WrestleZone posts something there is no rumors or omg what ifs. It wont happen anytime soon give your hopes up.
Well we saw Bret Hart return to Wrestlemania for the first time in 13 years, so it seems just as special to see him return to Summerslam. With a 7 on 7 match, Bret doesn't have to do much in the ring. It's great to see him back since his last appearance was ended abruptly. I really don't feel there is any way Nexus can win this match unless we see a swerve.
wow this thread is so stupid.... obviously the poster is 12, bret coming makes no sense, absolutely no sense! he cant wrestle, and it seems like its the only way theyre gonna use him this time, since there is already a new GM. Triple h coming back and taking ovrer nexus would also be incredibly ******ed as well all know triple h will steal the spotlight from the young guys and bury them in the end as he always does to young talent... go to bed
I think someone mentioned the possibility of HHH being the 7th man rather than Bret. And only now do I realize how stupid I was, as not once did I even think of the 7th man being HHH.

It was a nice shock to see the final guy be revealed as Bret. Makes sense, the Nexus ended his days as Raw GM. However, I highly doubt that he will stand as the 7th member come time of Summerslam. I, in fact, have a feeling that my original prediction at the time will stand correct, and that it will be Daniel Bryan who is revealed as the 7th member, should Nexus decide to single Hart out and remove him from the match physically. He could have been the guy tonight. But there's still a month left to hype this PPV. I still see Bryan filling in for Hart via some twist in the plot. That is, providing, he is reinstated by the 'E.

On a side note, everyone needs to chill out about the poster. So he/she paraphrased the ending of the show, who gives a shit? I, for one, think he/she provided some interesting questions about the topic. So they were surprised that Bret came back; well so was I. And more likely than not, so were each and every one of you. Will it lead to anything? Hell no. But come on, relax.
It's good to see him back, even if it's only to finish the story between himself and NEXUS. I understand some of you (morons) do not want to see him. But, you couldn't really expect WWE to let that be it for The Hitman? Taken out by a bunch of no-shit rookies??

He won't do much in the ring, as usual, due to his health. But he'll do enough to settle his score with NXT. But after this match, I hope WWE stays away from booking Bret into matches. As much as I like having him around, it doesn't do him any good to inside the ring. He could hurt himself, and he really has nothing left to offer in there.
I was watching this go down an by the time it got to five i knew it would be chris jericho as a minor kayfab surprise and then a big return. I honostley thought holy fuck, bryan danielson is coming back. And than do do.
bret hart comes out. And I thought it was a great ending to the best raw in a while. And personally I don't mind bret, i do mind khali is this match. unless his manager turns heel.
It's possible he makes it to and through the match since, nick is right, would they let his end with WWE be being taken out by a pack of rookies? However, I see it more as does he make it to SummerSlam? If not there's a chance Bryan could take his place. I guess that depends on when he's allowed to come back. I can't remember the date. If he makes it to SummerSlam that leaves the door wide open for a possible heel turn by Cena. What better way than to have him turn on Bret Hart and the rest of the team? There's a SLIM chance that the match goes off like normal, but Team Cena is losing badly and HHH comes in to make the save and turns, reminiscent of Hogan's turn. But that's very dependent on HHH's health, not to mention is would be too much of a clone of Hogan's turn...
Anyone think Brett could turn on the rest of his team and be revealed as the leader of Nexus? Kind of a Brett Screwed Vince moment then he could stay around for a while as the manager of the Nexus group..

This way you don't have a someone who can still wrestle steal the spotlight from the young guys but rather a mentor type who helps them and not overshadows them..
I love Bret Hart, LOVE him. That being said, I'm disappointed to see him fill a roster spot on team Cena. I would have totally bought him in a manager role, but as a competitor, it's clear he can't work anymore. His match w/VKM at WM was weak and it should have been the last time we saw him in any real competition. The angle can work if NEXUS hurts Hart before the actual match and we get a surprise return. Now everyone keeps speculating that this will be HHH if in fact the angle goes down this way. I however, have a different theory/wish. When the last member of team Cena was called out last night, I wanted sooo bad for the lights to go out and the gong to hit.....that's right, I'm talking about the one, the only.....THE UNDERTAKER. That would be a huge swerve and would give team Cena the unstoppable force needed to break the NEXUS. On a side note....The great Khali? I mean seriously?
I think it is great Bret will be back. No he isn't gonna play any big physical role in the match, but that doesn't matter, it's Bret Hart! He could well turn out to be the nexus leader, although I don't think that would really make total sense. I would personally love to see hbk as the nexus leader, which would really make sense with Bret being involved, although seeing as that rumour hasn't been knocking around it probably won't turn out to be the case. The only thing for sure I can say is that I hope cenas team doesn't win. This nexus story has been great, and I want to see them on the next days raw boasting proudly about what they accomplished, not stood with their tails between their legs.
Also, just to say, it's a shame to see a few assholes bemoaning the poster, who they claim is probably twelve. Such posts really don't demonstrate your own maturity so please shut the hell up. If you don't like the topic then don't post on it, don't waste your time.
Really a missed opportunity there.. injured or not, Triple H could have posed with the group for 3 weeks and then wrestled 2 minutes at SS and it would have helped buy and really made something special of this feud. Instead, we're supposed to believe that Nexus is scared of a senior citizen with health problems? Kind of pointless and kind of a let down considering how good the show was until then... I wouldn't have minded Bret coming back as a manager of the group or something, but as the 7th member, it's kinda silly.
Bret being back in WWE means his issues with Lloyd's of London are settled.

If that is true, then Bret may finally be able to wrestle as he wishes. I'm convinced that is why his work since his return has been so sloppy.

We all know they took offense to him being physically involved, so now Bret may have those issues settled and finally be able to wrestle in a "safe" match as he pleases.

Some people on here actually saw him in the ring training prior to his WWE comeback, and they said he moved fine and could do all the i believe that. Let's give Bret a chance.
Frankly Bret Hart coming out to join Cena's Misfits was no more a surprise than any of the other 7...Seriously all of The Misfits have gotten beaten down at least once by Nexus. I'm right there with other posters. How much help is Bret Hart going to be to Cena's Misfits???
And two more things that made me wonder about the WWE thinktank. Edge and Jericho??? really???, The Great Khali ???? For Real???? The first two can't fit their ego's in the same room much less co-exist together in the ring. This should be fun to watch. As for the Great Khali, he can barely walk much less wrestle. I personally would have went with someone like Evan Bourne.
We'll see where this goes I imagine and lets hope we see some more singles or tag matches that are worth watching leading up to Summer Slam.
I'll lay even money Bret Hart won't be doing much wrestling.
I bet Bret gets taken again out before Summerslam and they replace him with someone else. Bret can't stay for long because of his new marriage and financial problems.
I'm thinking Bret will end up being the leader of Nexus and screw Cena's team out of a win at Summer Slam. What other reason could they have to put him on the team? He can't wrestle a match. That would be a great swerve!
I, for one was ecstatic to see that it was Bret Hart as the 7th man and not Triple H.

Right before Bret came out, I was saying to myself that it either had to be Triple H or Bryan Danielson. I was really hoping that it was going to be Danielson, and I was frankly going to be mad if it had been Triple H. If it was Triple H, it would've been so predictible and would've really been boring. I was hoping for a surprise and got one. When Bret's music hit, I literally marked out. For some reason, I didn't even think of him being the 7th guy. Probably because I assumed that he was still dealing with the insurance issues and wouldn't be back this soon. I knew/figured he would eventually come back, but not this soon. Hopefully he's got that stuff straightened out so he can be back to being a regular part of the show.

I realize Bret can't really go in the ring anymore, and honestly it makes me uneasy watching him in the ring, but he's in there with 6 other guys to help carry the match (with three of the best in the world with Cena, Edge, and Jericho), so I don't think he'll bring the match down at all. He certainly has a reason to be involved as it was Nexus that took him out, so of course he should be out for revenge.

I was disappointed that it wasn't Danielson. And I'm disappointed that they got the Great Khali in the match. I just went "ughhhh" when he came out. I would've much rather it had been Goldust if you wanna use one of your mid card, comedy characters, because Goldust can still go in the ring and put on a helluva match. Jericho especially joining up and teaming with them was pretty surprising for me and creates an interesting dynamic. Although once it was revealed that Bret was on the team, it really made much more sense to have Jericho and Edge on there. You kind of have a mini "Team Canada" in the team.

I was really surprised to not see Evan Bourne as one of the teammates as he's been Cena's biggest ally both onscreen and offscreen. Morrison will be great in the match, but what happened to his feud with Dibiase? I think they have a nice feud going, and am kind of disappointed that it looks like they're not going to focus on it for Summerslam.

The Great Khali? Ughhhh. True they needed a big guy on there to counter the size/height advantage of Wade Barrett, but Mark Henry would do a better job and beings he got beat on Raw, would have more motive to be involved than the Great Khali.

I have no problem with R-Truth on the team. He's a popular babyface who's dealt with Nexus a bit, so he'll do fine in the match as well.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually almost thinking about ordering Summerslam for the first time in years. I just kept noticing throughout the night that the best/most interesting parts of the show involved Nexus. This group is really making Raw must see tv.

I do really hope that some kind of twists happens at Summerslam to keep the storyline going. I don't want this storyline to end. Especially if Danielson comes back in the fall like what is being speculated. If he comes back, then things are going to get really interesting. I think it'd be awesome if Cena turned heel at Summerslam, but then again I kind of like him in the role of the defending hero of Raw. So I'm cool either way they do it.

I really hope that Bret Hart doesn't turn on the Raw guys and join Nexus. I don't want to see Bret as a heel (wow my inner mark is coming out lol).

But yeah, I'm just glad it wasn't Triple H. I would've been real disappointed, because him joining up would've been so predictible and boring.
Anyone think Brett could turn on the rest of his team and be revealed as the leader of Nexus? Kind of a Brett Screwed Vince moment then he could stay around for a while as the manager of the Nexus group..

This way you don't have a someone who can still wrestle steal the spotlight from the young guys but rather a mentor type who helps them and not overshadows them..

It makes total sense having Bret be the leader of Nexus. They said they were going to prove a point against WWE management. Who has Bret been at odds with through all the years? WWE management---I wouldn't be too surprised to see others join him in turning-Jericho? Edge? HHH? who knows
I am glad that he is back, but I don't see what help he would be in the 7 on 7 match..he should clearly be at ringside but not the moment I see him winning the match for the ream though..I think it would be rather entertaining and well its not like he can do anything else is it...

I'm thinking now though, storyline wise, VKM obviously may not have any idea that Bret is back...I'm thinking how this will come as news to him!!

I really have no desire to see Bret Hart. He has nothing to offer these days, and I'm tired of WWE booking him into matches where he looks absolutely awful. He sucks on the mic. He sucks in the ring. Why on Earth is he still around?
I’m pretty happy about this. However, I have heard a lot of people bitching about this and saying that they don’t want to see Bret Hart wrestle again after the fiasco that was WrestleMania 26. What I will say about that is that this is going to be an entirely different match to the one with Vince McMahon,. I would be very surprised if Bret Hart is not just in the match for some iota of revenge as he will likely lock the Sharpshooter into one unfortunate member of The Nexus and make him tap out. He will then get beaten rather swiftly and the real action will probably take place.

However, that match is another discussion for another time. Bret Hart’s return last night was one of many mark out moments I have had whilst watching WWE programming recently. I marked out for Edge, I marked out for Jericho and then I went nuts for Bret Hart. It is great to see him back on WWE programming, even if he is not going to be the GM anymore. He is a quality guy and I still think that the WWE have enough options with Bret to keep him on the show. He may be getting older and there is not very much that he can do in the ring anymore. However, he is still a good talker and the fans absolutely adore him. If he still wants to be on Raw, then I say let him.

It was great to see him return last night and I am excited about what the future holds for him over the next few weeks. With so long to go before SummerSlam, I think Bret will likely have his hands full with the Nexus over the coming weeks. I would be very surprised if he made it all the way there without any injury but who knows. I am very excited to have him back.

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