Breaking news: Three WWE PPV name changes

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"And now Raw and SmackDown present WWE Iron Man Match!"

I've not missed a PPV since Armageddon 2006 but Fatal Four Way? Come on! Four guys thrown into a quick feud to accomodate some stupid PPV no one wants to see! My God! I can't even imagine that guy saying "And now Raw and SmackDown present WWE Fatal Four Way! GRRR!

I'm still not over Hell In A Cell!

Why get rid of Breaking Point too! That was a relatively good idea!
WHAT??? The IWC bitching about something that they hasnt even happened yet and telling the WWE how to run there company from there Mom's basement or apartment....Shocking. Shut the hell up you morons. They just released there revenue from last year and the PPV themes drew more buys than the regular B PPV's, so what do you expect??? A logical person says to Vince "Vince, these regular PPVs are drawing less and less every year, but the themed ones are getting more buys"...Vince says "Well obviously the casual fan likes the themed PPV idea and we will make more money but...hold on...there are 4000 geeks on the internet that think they know what's it like to run a multi million dollar company so we should listen to them"....You guys are so fucking repetitive, and the IWC is so predictable. Casual fans will buy this shit because it seems like a fun PPV and its something new, get over yourselves. And like I said, It hasnt even happened yet, but you know all. Just like every young cocky heel is "where its at"....jesus people, get a life.
I really think once again you guys are taking this way to seriously, could you at least wait a bit and see how it plays out before just attacking the idea?

Last year there were more buys for the gimmick PPV's. Last year some of the gimmick ones were not good (Hell in a Cell) whilst others were (Bragging Rights, TLC, Breaking Point, Extreme Rules etc).

As far as these new ones go they could be good or they could be bad, lets just watch and find out!

Wild card: Obviously we dont even know what this will entail, but theres no reason to go crazy at it yet until we find out what the gimmicks are and then watch the bloody thing.

Fatal-Four-Way: I'll be the first to admit that this title is not necassarily very appealing as unlike Hell in a Cell which is named after one of the WWE's best and most famous match types, Fatal Four Ways happen all the time.

But OK just calm down, the title may not be perfect but its still a fun match usually, and hopefully only the main events will be four way matches, and then that would be fine. Never judge a book by its cover people!

Money in the bank - This is a match I'd rather see at Wrestlemania, yes. However, at this point the Money in the Bank match has become very famous and popular and could do what elimination chamber and Hell in a Cell do - sell! If they ended up moving the match to the PPV then fine. Wrestlemania has lasted 20 yrs without the money in the bank match so dont wry i'm sure it will be fine.

All i'm saying is that you guys need to calm down and stop bashing. Lets just watch the shows then you can complain!

But u guys will complain about anything...u c i personally like WWE (but i hate TNA-i'm sry as much as i like jeff hardy and kurt i cant take a show that makes a big deal out of orlando stinking jordan, the nasty boys and val sexist venus), but u c i dont like tna so i dont watch it-mayb u lot should stop watching wwe as u guys clearly hate it....
I like the idea of the Wild Card PPV.

But this is my opinion on the Fatal 4-way and MITB PPV.

It's not like EVERY match on the card will be a Fatal 4-way, and Cena/Trips/Orton most likely won't be in the MITB. The cards will feature title matches along with feuds. At TLC, there was only one TLC match. 2 HIACs were at HIAC. Both cards had people worried. Most people were worried about Breaking Point, but it turned out great. Just be patient and wait how it plays out. I think WWE is going back to how they were with the In Your Houses PPVs. They probably won't keep Fatal Four Way next year. It's just the title of the Main Event. That's basically how they named In Your House. Hell, for all we know Fatal Fourway could feature alot of tag matches, which is what the IWC says the WWE needs to bring back. Fucking hypocrites.
The MITB is a Wrestlemania tradition and I believe should not be used as a PPV. It has been a bright spot the last few years because let's face it, WM hasn't been that great the las few year with the expection of Flair's last match and Undertaker/Michaels match last year. Nothing has been confirmed but one would think that it wouldn't be used at WM now. I could be completely wrong and maybe they will have two of them but it doesn't make much sence for them to have two (at least in my opinion). Why doesn't WWE go with a War Games PPV (which could still happen) or another gimmick PPV? I just feel that MITB isn't a strong enough PPV and won't get many buys unless you put main event guys in it and all of them more than likely have had tiltles already. My first reaction to this is disbelief. Maybe I'll change my mind when we get closer. Who knows?
Money in the Bank looks like a new King of the Ring style PPV, with qualifying matches throughout the night and the Money in the Bank match to close out the show.

Fatal Four Way seems generic and moronic in equal measure.

Wild Card seems like a re-hash of Cyber Sunday. Could be a way to set up the WWE Draft?
Wild Card sounds to me like Cyber Sunday with fans voting for the matches.I will Survivor Series though it always seemed to bring memories back.When you had great teams of 5 like team Hogan vs team Savage.Well for Money In th Bank it started at Survivor Series if I am not mistaken so it may work on its own like TLC did.
What I would love to see is one day have competing ppvs.Then you would potentially see who the WWE fans are and who the TNA fans are right.I don't remember during the Monday Night Wars if WWE and WCW did that or not, but if they did it may of helped to see where the fans were at.
I am going to do like I did then and I am sure most will do it too.I will watch one and tape the other.
Alot of people seem really upset over MITB being a PPV, personally I think if done right it could be a great, for example this is how I would do it, have 6 to 8 qualifying matches take place through out the show, then at the end of the night the winners of those matches compete in the MITB ladder match similar to ROH's Survival of the Fittest, if done like that I think it could make for an interesting PPV, especially if they still used the match to showcase mid-card talent on the verge of breaking through to the ME scene
Ill give you fellows a positive in all this. You know what is GREAT about MITB being a PPV?

It doesnt take up time on WrestleMania anymore. Thank you Good Lord and Baby Jesus.

If we are being honest, MITB is usually shit. Like absolute shit. Last year's MITB match was fucking awfull, and embarassing. It also frees up talent to do their own thing, and for more feuds to be developed going into WM. Sweet. I dont mind it. Reason being, if you think the ONLY big thing on the show will be the MITB match, you are a fucking moron. Likely we will see some title matches as well, the MITB will just be the special attraction. another reason it is good, is becuase they can push it to be a more high profile thing, since its the main focus of the show. You may see more ME guys in it, in that case.

Wild Card? Sounds like a spin the wheel make a deal type thing. Which is always shit. Shit idea. Ah, well. I suppose itll be mildly intriguing. At least something different, you can say that, I suppose.

Fatal 4 Way will be cool only if they do away with those types of matches throughout the year, y'know. If thats what they want to base the show around, then you had damn well better make it unique to the rest of the year. Beyond that, Ive no issue with that show.

And we already know what the deal is with Extreme Rules. I am suprised to see it replace BackLash, which had become a long time staple of the WWE. Well, anyway, I guess I am not going to Backlash, yet, rather Extreme Rules next month in Baltimore. Meh, no issue there, I suppose.
I am going to disagree with you regarding the MITB matches, NorCal...MITB is always highly anticipated by everyone I watch wrestling with. Its the one chance a year we get to watch Shelton Benjamin actually give a damn. I love that fact that it kicks off Wrestlemania, MITB is a high intensity, violent match, which serves to whip the WM crowd into a frenzy. It is a great way to begin the biggest PPV of the year. It also gives those talented midcarders a chance to appear on the PPV, when otherwise they would have been overlooked for another main event level match. MITB gives 6 wrestlers a chance to appear at WM that wouldn't otherwise have gotten the opportunity.

Maybe last years MITB wasn't the best ever, but, it still outshone some of the other matches on the card. The 25 "diva" battle royal? Was that better than MITB? Y2J v. Piper/Steamboat/Snuka? (That would have been better if it had just been Steamboat). How about the brilliant match between Rey Mysterio and JBL?

I agree that "if you think its if you think the ONLY big thing on the show will be the MITB match, you are a fucking moron"...but, I don't think there are many people that look forward to that match more than say, HBK or Taker (or both) matches, or either of the championship matches. MITB is simply an entertaining way to start the broadcast, by giving the fans an exciting opening match to get them in the mood. It serves its purpose.
Money in the Bank like a previous poster said cause be an in-ppv tourney with the main event or sub-main event as the MITB ladder match.

WWE Wild Card basically sounds like a knockoff of Cyber Sunday. Can't rule out that the event doesn't happen from Vegas or wherever gambling is big and it's a roulette event.

Fatal 4 Way, like most people, has me confused. Obviously, not all the matches are 4 way related, but i can't see title matches both being 4 ways. I think, or at least hope, that the writers and Vince learned from the Survivor Series PPV with dueling triple threat matches that multiple-challenger champion matches don't always work well.

As for getting rid of Judgement Day and The Bash, I don't completely get the idea of getting rid of one of the last non-stipulation PPV's. The Bash didn't have a true effect when it came to WWE. I mean all it really gave us was the Punjabi Prison match. Frankly if the writing is still based on RAW guest hosts and infrequent appearances by Taker, unless Edge takes the belt, then there's nothing wrong with stip based PPV's. Anything to boost interest in feuds I guess. WOW I never thought I'd drink a koolaid that tasted this bad.
It is a very decisive move by Vince , I see some pros and some cons :

Fresh names , Fresh Ideas and maybe More buyers.I think Wild Card seems to be a top-notch ppv.MITB depends to the way its executed.If they wanna have a regular PPV and then have a MITB match as Main Event,It won't be such a good idea.but if it has a tournament style which only mid-carders participate, it can be a huge blockbuster.

Fatal-4-way? The worst ppv name of all time in my point of view.It looks funny and stupid.By the way i love the idea.I enjoy fatal-4-way matches.But I think they won't 2 or 3 fatal 4 way matches.I think whole ppv will consist of fatal-4-way matches.So it may make it a little stale and boring.

I gotta admit i wll miss Backlash.It was my favorite PPV .But hopefully it isn't a theme-ppv, so it can be just a name change and we may see some good action like Backlash.

But as a side note , Why did they drop the ball on scramble matches?When they are going to have a ton of gimmick PPVs,then i think they must add an Scramble match PPV to their list , hopefully instead of Survivor Series or else.
I don't see these gimmick PPV's as too much of a bad thing. Sure, I'm 23, I like mat based wrestling, I like seeing the technical side but when I was 13 I loved Hell in a Cell and Ladder Matches and the idea of having TWO in one night would have made me wet my pants in excitement back then. I'm sure most of you can say similar things, even the older ones can surely remember how they felt when a Cage match was on the card in the 80's. In a PG WWE Universe, the kids of today are loving it!
I'm sure most of you can say similar things, even the older ones can surely remember how they felt when a Cage match was on the card in the 80's. In a PG WWE Universe, the kids of today are loving it!

Agreed, I remember my mom letting me and my brothers stay up late to watch the cage match between Hulk Hogan and Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff on Saturday Night's Main Event. I still remember the finish, where they both appeared to hit the ground at the same time, only to have the ref declare Hogan the narrow winner. At the time, I hadn't yet realized that SNME was taped, and that when they did the split screen to show both wrestlers, they could edit the tape to make it look much closer than it was, but at the time, I kept wondering how they managed to time it so perfectly...

Where would Mick Foley be, without gimmick matches? He made an entire career in the WWE because of one famous Hell in the Cell match.
I gotta admit i wll miss Backlash.It was my favorite PPV .But hopefully it isn't a theme-ppv, so it can be just a name change and we may see some good action like Backlash.

But as a side note , Why did they drop the ball on scramble matches?When they are going to have a ton of gimmick PPVs,then i think they must add an Scramble match PPV to their list , hopefully instead of Survivor Series or else.

Regarding your backlash point- i think its good they're getting away from backlash because that PPV was just an excuse for the writers to not put much into the writing because a bunch of those matches were rehashed from WM or came directly from 1 incident in WM. so essentially a WM feud would go on after the best PPV into a medium PPV.

About the scramble point- i'd love to see the match more but I don't think there should be a PPV around it. Maybe just 1 brand as a main event so it doesn't bog down too many wrestlers and shorten the card
i hate this idea. This takes away the magnitude of these matches. Look back at when triple h and Shawn Michaels were feuding and then once the feud went as it could go then bam hell in a cell. It was meant to end the feud. Being the worst beating you can put eachother through that had to be the cap. But each year now no matter if a feud is ready or not their will be 3 hiac matches. Look at the ec matches. Their supposed to be a once a year thing but i loved it when you didn't know if it was at survivor series, summerslam, no way out, or new years revolution. IT was more or less a suprise. THEY force feuds into matches their not ready for and then they take away something all feuds can be ready for. Survivor Series. I remeber when HBK and diesal friendship basicly ended. When Smackdown beat raw after a closeline by JBL to HBK. When the running of raw was on the line. If done right it progressed feuds, began fueds, or ended feuds perfectly. I also hate the idea of them being names of pay per views. I used to think it was clever when the hiac matches would fall on No way out or bad blood. A hell in a Cell name for a pay perview sounds tacky and thats another reason why i didn't order it. It doesn't share the vibe of the royal rumble, survivor series, and king of the ring. I don't get how all these gimmicky matches get through while king of ring isn't back and survivor series is gone. I like some of the new ideas like braging rights but why not have at survivor series. Thats why no one bought survivor series. You had a multy man tag match a month before. Hell I almost thought that they would have held off for one month it would have sold amazingly.

There gimmicks ppv and monday night guest host show have me wondering with everything set in stone then whats the point in the hollywood writers. Aren't they supposed to make things clever and unpredictible. Instead its predictable and pushing people to another product. I for one am boycotting all things WWE untill at least Survivor Series is brought back and i strongly urge someone to start a petition to end this travesty.
I think it's weird that Extreme Rules got moved up to April, but oh well. I'll honestly prefer that over Backlash since Backlash is mostly Wrestlemania rematches anyway. I'm not surprised whatsoever that Judgment Day and The Bash are being done away with.... but some of these new ideas for PPV's just sound terrible. Wild Card could be interesting, I have no idea what that is going to be like and it might not be bad. Fatal Fourway? Why make a PPV with THAT as the theme? Why not replace Summerslam with "Triple Threat" while you're at it.... That's a really dumb idea. I like multi-man matches, especially when they are done elimination style, but booking an entire show of them is going to become a cluster-mess. Then you have the worst idea of all in a MITB PPV. Why make a PPV of that? It's great as a Wrestlemania match and something I look forward to every year. They could do it tournament style and have a few qualifying matches before the MITB match itself, but still.... that match belongs at Wrestlemania. Or worse, they might make multiple MITB matches, which would be an absolutely terrible idea. I'm getting tired of all these themed PPV's. These sound like bad ideas because all these themed PPV's are going to be hit or miss to begin with, whether the theme is good or not.... and these are BAD theme ideas.
Money in the Bank: However, if there is a tournament during the ppv with a MITB at the end, it could work.

I'm going to completely DISAGREE with you here.

One of the things so important about the Money in the Bank ladder match is that each participant performs very well in it. If they already had a match earlier in the evening what are the chances that they're going to be busted up and tired when the Ladder Match comes around?

Cool, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio are going to be in it. Do you want to see them go through an 8 minute match with someone else and get banged up a bit or do you want them good and fresh for the Money in the Bank? I'd want them fresh. Leave it at Wrestlemania; they made a big mistake here.

And what was the point of taking a poll if you were going to ignore the results? I read through most of the results here and almost 100% of the people got excited about the King of the Ring match; the War Games and Battle Bowl got decent reception. Mostly everything else got shot down yet they were selected. Vince must be trying to make a point: "I will put the opposite of what you want on the screen and you'll STILL watch it!" Sadly he's probably right. But I won't be ordering almost any of those PPVs.
I don't know or care if it's a good or a bad move for business wise but I'm sure for one think I hated the fucking gimmick themed PPVs. Even though I don't have enough time to post on this forums I often read the other poster's replys. Most of the people on this forum have been criticising TNA for overusing gimmick matches. Because when you use gimmick matches too often it can easily got stale. Most recent example of this is Steel Cage matches. Back in 80's steel cage matches were considered one of the most brutal gimmick matches ever but thanks to WWE for using this match whenever they need to throw a gimmick this match is right now making no one interested. Even though WWE fucked some gimmick matches like steel cage their matches like Elimination Chamber,Hell in a Cell,TLC and ladder were still making me interested until this fucking gimmick themed PPVs came out.

Like I said above it can be a really good business move because the gimmicks can sell the PPVs but instead of using cheap tactics if they tried to put some more build up and intensity in their feuds and put some great matches on their PPVs they can easily sell this PPVs. But no they have to fuck something that they have been doing very good. What makes gimmick matches exciting is you only can see that match once in a year. If you don't watch the match you should wait until next year and when you put gimmick matches to end an intense feud the match becomes much more exciting. Thats the reason people buy Rumble every year. Because you don't have a chance to see it again.

People may first buy this gimmick themed PPVs out of curiosity and for gimmick matches but I think everyone will be bored seeing HIAC. Because when the main event started you will have no excitement left. You have already seen two HIAC matches in the same night and if there won't be a huge spot which is not very likely in PG era you'll see nothing really different from first two HIAC matches. It also limits WWE to use gimmick matches on their shows when it's needed. For example if I'll see Punk vs Truth ladder match on SD for free why should I pay something about 50 dollars to watch the TLC PPV.

The other thing that gimmick themed PPVs fuck is wrestling matches. The only normal two PPVs left are WM and Summerslam thanks god that they did not change the Summerslam. Why do we pay PPVs to see some great WRESTLING MATCHES. Not watching two people using weapons,ladders or fighting in a cage. Yes we also want to see those stuff but only in the ending of intense rivalries. If we can't watch at least 20 minute quality wrestling match on PPV why should we buy these PPVs. I watch PPVs to see wrestling not to see overused gimmicks.

It may benefit WWE in business wise I don't know. I think it shows us how desperate WWE really is. They understood that they can't put enough great feuds and matches for people to buy PPVs. So they try to sell PPVs with no effort. Because those gimmicks can always sell the PPVs even though how shit the card is.
I'm going to completely DISAGREE with you here.

One of the things so important about the Money in the Bank ladder match is that each participant performs very well in it. If they already had a match earlier in the evening what are the chances that they're going to be busted up and tired when the Ladder Match comes around?

Cool, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio are going to be in it. Do you want to see them go through an 8 minute match with someone else and get banged up a bit or do you want them good and fresh for the Money in the Bank? I'd want them fresh. Leave it at Wrestlemania; they made a big mistake here.

Money in the Bank
I agree with you here, Mysterio has alot of trouble with his knees and should be fresh. I do like tournament and then Money in the Bank but some competitors need to be 100%, maybe they will put wrestlers who can't wrestle two matches on RAW, Smackdown Qualifying matches.

Wild Card: I think I can like this, good name(not like Mixed Stipulations or Hell in a Cell) maybe this is the roulette. They should be at Las Vegas on this event.

Fatal 4 Way: Noooooo! I thought they were getting rid of Survivor Series, but no instead of Triple Threat matches this year, they are putting Fatal 4 Way, so Survivor Series never was done, this is Survivor Series 2010.

Why put a poll, just give us an idea of what they can be, I mean Fatal 4 Way wasn't on the survey. I don't mind the gimmick/themed ppvs.
Don't Worry, Vince is just experimenting.
Wild Card: seems cool, maybe a chance thing or they could hold the draft there.

Fatal four way: Wow, i hate Fatal four way matches they are boring unless they are elimination type. They are always the same too. On raw you would have cena, orton, big show, and HHH that is assuming shawn takes time off. And on smackdown taker, jericho, batista, and then rey or punk.

MITB: Ok this wasn't necessary but it will sell well especially with maineventers in it. But this deprives midcarders of title shots.
I just checked and now under upcoming ppv events it only says Wrestlemanina 26. As for the ones listed in this thread I think MITB could be good, because it would most likely be a normal PPV with a MITB ladder match. Wild Card could be good, or they could mess it up, too early to tell. As for Fatal Four way horrible idea, I don't think this would sell well at all, just lazy booking In my opinion.
Why does everyone assume that the Money in the Bank pay per view is going to be all Ladder Matches. Yes, I'm guessing that the Main Event will feature the Money in the Bank in it's typical form, but Money in the Bank could simply be the outcome of a match. I'm pretty sure the Diva's will get their own Money in the Bank, but it sure in the hell isn't going to be a Ladder Match.

Think of any Gimmick match, and slap the words Money in the Bank in front of it, and you pretty much have the concept of the pay per view. Will the WWE over kill it, of course. I fully expect to see an individual MITB briefcase for the US/IC titles, the Tag Titles, the Divas Titles, and the World titles. However, i don't expect a Ladder to determine the outcome of all of those matches.
That is actually a pretty good point, Shocky. Money in the bank is about the briefcase, not the ladders. There are any number of matches you can do to "earn" it. Assuming you only use matches involving more than 2 wrestlers, you can still do a battle royal, fatal-4 way, hell in a cell, you could do a multiple wrestler cage match, you could do any number of different matches.

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