Breaking news: Three WWE PPV name changes


Occasional Pre-Show has updated their PPV schedule and it looks like Backlash, Judgment Day, and The Bash are history. Here is the updated schedule...

April: Extreme Rules
May: Wild Card
June: Fatal Four Way
July: Money in the Bank


I think it's stupid to have a theme pay-per-view every month. Royal Rumble is good, Night of Champions is good, Extreme Rules is good all are themed pay-per-views that are really good. But then you have new pay-per-views like Elimination Chamber, Hell in a Cell, TLC. Whats next a pay-per-view to replace WrestleMania and what would they call it, Casket Nightmare, or some shit like that and have the theme to be casket matches. I think WWE just needs to have a pay-per-view once a month and skip like a month or two to build up some feuds.
Wild Card: I am interested to see just what in the hell that is all about. And with the theme thing going on, I'm not sure what they will do.

Fatal Four Way: Fatal Four Way matches are fun, but not alot of them. I don't see myself buying this one.

Money In The Bank: Why on earth would you take a great attraction match at WrestleMania and make it a damn PPV? I know someone said that there will probably be qualifying matches throughout the night and then the big ladder match at the end but this also kills the chance for people like Kofi or McIntyre or Morrison to win it since the main eventers HAVE to be on every show. I'm sorry but a Money In The Bank match with Cena vs Orton vs Trips vs Big Show vs Jericho vs Kane just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Honestly Why the fuck is WWE changing some of the PPViews names all over again.Fatal Four Way thats the stupidest name ever they are just nameing the PPViews like regualr matchs are named.Whats next Single PPV or Cage PPV.Fuck man Pls vince you are killing WWF/WWE's PPViews legacy.

The ppv that is getting my attention is MITB PPv i wonder what the heck are they goign to do now maybe a tournament or something.But fuck i guess that we aint going to see now more MITB matches on wrestlemania.Fuck that is one of my favorite match that i like to see in Wrestlemania.

I agree in that I'm curious with what the wildcard ppv is going to be like? Maybe a spin the wheel to pick your match type of thing. As far as Fatal Four Way goes, there is no need to turn that into a ppv by itself. That goes for MITB as well. That has become a tradition for WM to have that amtch. Now what are we going have two MITB matches for each brand? Bad decision.
Surprised they went with Fatal Fourway and not with Triple Threat. WWE seems to use a lot of Triple Threat matches so it is interesting set up. I suspect Wildcard will be something along the lines as Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday were. All the names seem to just describe the Pay PEr View now, so you never question what is on the card. Helps the kids I guess.

But the big change is the Money in the Bank Pay Per View if this is all legit. Taking that match out of Mania is a little strange for me, but I still think Mania will sell without it. It does mean that there is a bigger chance Money in the bank will be saved for later into the year, so that is interesting.
Wild Card-like many, intrigued about it. Wonder what its about

Fatal-Four-Way, enjoyable matches but an entire PPV based around it? Well, must say its not a terrible idea but the name. Good match name but not good for a PPV.

MITB-Its one of the best things about WrestleMania, but a PPV based around it? Love the matches and hope that it helps younger guys be propeled into the main event scene, some are long over-due. I think we need a lot more info on this rather than just going 'There, its happening'.
What a horrible fucking decision. Getting rid of Backlash? Judgment Day? The Bash? Such history was being made on those PPV's, and Vince is getting rid of it. What the fuck was he thinking?

Making Money in the Bank a PPV by itself? are you fucking shitting me? that match is such an attraction at wrestlemania, you're taking something great and shitting all over it. it's used for pushing young stars, and now it'll be used for already established stars.

Fatal Four Way is fucking stupid. Having a PPV just for Fatal Four Way's? And the name, how stupid is that?

what's the matter with vince?
these are so stupid im sorry the wwe is turning into something i dont really wanna watch anymore mitb was made for wrestlemania to get a young star over not for the maineventer to get credibality from people like kofi and who they but in the match to be stunt people but probably wont win or it will be so easy to see whos going to win by the mainevent fued thats going on.... just awfull way to make something the funs love and make it into a thing well get board of fast just like u did to hell in a cell and tlc because of your PG ratings... dont try and be a company you cant be.... come on your telling me there will be a wrestle mania where there going to stop the match to help and guys cut .... i thought this was pro wrestling bleeding was one thing i always was for ... it intesifys he match greatly ... well in all the only thing i see interesting here is wild card which i think will just be like at turny or mybe lethal lottory because there going with gimmics right now.... Fatal four way is just naming what the 2 chapionship matches are which sorta blows i think making a fatal 4 way sorta make any mainevent storyline at the time go on hold until they throw 2 more mainevent guys in to make a match ... latly wwe just has been doing it for me the whole bret retire agian thing knowing hes signed threw wrestlemania was a little to much for me but u know ill still watch till march 8th then it my commercail channel honestly i love wwe in the attitude era but im 23 and wanna see the wrestling i grew up with which tna is alot more like
Schiz has a really good point about the Cena vs Triple H vs Big Show ect. I would think for that reason alone they would have to have other matches besides the ones leading up to the MITB match. You can't have a MITB match without people like Shelton Benjamin and JoMo flying through the air. It's also a really good match for someone like Evan Bourne to show off his talents. For that reason alone they have to have other main event matches going on. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

As for the name changes themselves I think it's really uncreative. Fatal Four Way? What did Vince do go to his editors and say I want you to rename the PPV's in the most uncreative way? The old names served a better purpose. Backlash - as in the backlash to whatever happens at Wrestlemania. Wild Card sounds like it has potential, but naming that many PPV's after their match type eliminates variety and interest. Bad move I think. :confused:


Another thought on the matter. Let me know what you guys think. For the MITB PPV maybe they could eliminate the qualifying matches and do them in the weeks prior. That way they could make room for a Raw MITB and a Smackdown MITB. Yes it would eliminate the anticipation of which champ would be defending against the winner, but the match is always good and therefore doubling the entertainment. Then they have, like I mentioned before, a couple main event matches involving the bigger guys who don't belong in a MITB match. This would also increase potential of people trying to cash it in that very night. Thoughts?
Here we go again. Another batch of themed pay-per-views with craptacular names. Let's see what we have this time:

Extreme Rules: not sure why this is even listed, since it's not new.

Wild Card: I assume this will probably be like Raw Roulette, only on ppv. All the matches determined by the spin of the wheel or some other game of chance. Eh, not too sure what to think of that, but I will say that the name is somewhat better than what they've come up with in the past.

Fatal Four Way: *facepalms* Really? REALLY? We used to joke about ppv's like this being made when they first started changing them. Fatal Fucking Four Way? I can only assume that all of the main event matches or championship matches will include 4 people. Why? At least HIAC and TLC are special, gimmick matches. A Fatal Four way is not that big a deal to get it's own show. And once again, instead of coming up with a creative name, they just call it after the match. UGH. Actually, knowing Vince, I'm surprised this isn't a Triple Threat themed ppv.

Money in the Bank: this should really just be kept at Wrestlemania. It's one of the things that defines the show. However, if there is a tournament during the ppv with a MITB at the end, it could work. It'd be like King of the Ring except with a bigger prize. However, keep main eventers out of it. The MITB tourny should just be for up-and-comers, like it is now.But if they do ahead with this, then they can't do it an 'Mania anymore. It'd be dumb to have two briefcases running around.

Still, I could do without any of these new ppv's. Just keep Survivor Series, bring back King of the Ring (a great themed ppv). But this is just too many themed shows. The only normal ones now are Wrestlemania and Summerslam. There should be a least a normal ppv for every themed one to give us a break from all the gimmicks. Hopefully this isn't legit and just rumors.

At the rate this is going, it's only a matter of time before we get a guest host themed ppv called, you guessed it, "Guest Host".
Interesting thought, I wonder if the Money in the Bank match will be filled wit hMidcard talent and be put on last, or if it will have more main event men in it. I suspect the match will have all the same title matches as usual, going up until the Money in the Bank.

Or there is a chance that there might be TWO Money in the Bank matches, one for Raw, and one for Smackdown, adding a special chance there could be two Money in the Bank briefcases out there.
WWE Wild Card: No idea what this is. Maybe like a Spin the Wheel, Make a Deal/Roulette type thing where you draw a card to see what kind of gimmick match you get? Then again, judging by the creativity that went into naming these PPVs it would probably be called WWE Roulette.

Fatal Four Way: This one doesn't interest me that much. I'm assuming there will be non-four way matches and then the title matches would be Fatal Four Ways. At least it'll (hopefully) showcase more superstars in the title matches.

Money in the Bank: "The main event "Money in the Bank" match requires Superstars to climb a ladder and retrieve a briefcase hung high above the ring. The winner can "cash in" the briefcase for a championship title shot throughout the year. Qualifying matches earlier in the event will determine participants for the "Money in the Bank" match." So it's basically a Money in the Bank tournament - you qualify during the PPV and then the winners face off for the championship title shot. The one thing I like about this is where the PPV sits during the year (July) because it gives the winner some great places to claim their title shot like Summerslam or Night of Champions.
It could be interesting. The WWE doesn't really do all that many gimmick matches, aside from triple threat matches, so dragging them out once a year to use at a particular ppv could be interesting. But, the one I'm most curious about is the Wild Card ppv. But, overall, it's a little too early to tell whether it's a good move or a bad move. As far as changing the ppv names, I've got no problem with it. It's just the name of an event, doesn't reflect necessarily on whether I'll buy it or not.

As for the MITB ppv, I think that could be really interesting. While the MITB match has been an interesting part of WM, it's also gotten a little bit stale I think. The formula for the MITB needs to be tweaked a little. The current formula, having a young wrestler win the match, eventually cash it in and ALWAYS winning a world title is making the match a bit stale. Maybe a MITB ppv will include matches for titles other than the world titles, which could be fun and further highlight some of the wrestlers in the mid-card scene.
I have a feeling wildcard will either bring back the RAW Roullette (or just roullette), or the Cyber Sunday type event. My reasoning is that in something where the stipulation is "wild," it could be totally random. However, with this wild aspect, it could also be a PPV where, we, the WWE Universe, pick the stipulations, match types, superstars, etc. in a fan based PPV. I personally hope it's of the latter, because of the pure unpredictability.

Knowing Vince, however, it'll probably just be a "random" choice, that's not so random if you know what I mean ;) And it would most likely be "randomly" drawn matches that create or settle obvious feuds. :(

Fatal Four Way could potentially be not so bad (if they change the name), if it's purely in the Headline and Main Event to bring up Multi-person feuds. The others could be fatal fourway tag matches to split the tag titles (have 2 losing teams and two winning) or maybe just multi-person (triple threat, battle royal, etc...).

Now, MITB is pretty self explanatory. It'll have regular MITB Matches to determine future contenders, and possibly ladder matches to win a title (w/ 6 or 7 men). Also, it could have a match between the current Mr. MITB (who wins at WM26) and a no. 1 contender to it to determine the Mr. MITB.

Whew!!! I think that's my longest post yet!
Come on WWE. First you give us shit like Breaking Point and and Bragging Rights. Now Wild Card. That is from FUCKING UNO and that shouldn't name that a PPV Name. As for Money in The Bank, I mean really, that is from Wrestlemania and it shouldn't be a god-damn PPV name. Then the worst of them all...Fatal 4 way! I mean really that is a match type. What's it gonna be 4-way matches all night? WOW, Epic Fail WWE. Damn TNA can make better PPV names that you. I hope Vince burns in hell for this!
I don't understand the name changes at all. Wildcard sounds interesting. I'm going to assume it will be random gimmick matches. Fatal Four everyone else has said...dumb. I guarantee the Raw Fatal Four Way will be Cena, HHH, Orton and Sheamus. Don't understand the logic. MITB...I will have to see how it plays out. But I have a bad feeling about it. However, if there are quality matches on the PPVS it doesn't matter what the names are.
Vince McMahon does not get it. You can have as many gimmick match PPVs as you want but if the meat and potatoes are not lined up (good builduo and matches people want to see) then they will fail.

Like an earlier poster said; Extreme Rules, Night of Champions, Royal Rumble are all good examples of the ones that work. HIAC and TLC (although TLC wasn't all bad) are examples of ruining the drawing power of those particular matches.

I hope Wild Card is along the lines of Taboo Tuesday, because that was a great concept orignially.
You know what is funny is all you people saying that it sucks and that you wont watch. Even the one guy who said they would not watch wrestlemania because it would not have a MITB match. Are you kidding me? You all know you will watch it. And if you dont want to watch wrestlemania then what did you do the first 22 wrestlemanias??

Anywas as far as the name changes... There was something on the WWE site about a month ago about asking fans what they thought. I am going to assume that all of this had something to do with that.

The wild card I kind of like, the whole spin the wheel type deal.
Fatal 4way, I dont know why you all have your panties in a bunch, cause I can see a bunch of title matches with this in it. Seriously imagine it. HHH, Cena, Orton, Shamus (just because)... Egde, Jerhico, CM PUNK, Christian... For the US title MIZ, MVP, Kingston, Zach Ryder... for the Intercontinatal Mysterio, Mcintyer, Morrison, Ziggler... even womens title Beth Phonix, Mayrese, Gail Kim, etc...
I think they could all put on some awesome matches. One you might not be able to figure out who wins.

And the MITB ladder match... I think it would be fun.. and who knows maybe just maybe it will be fill with Mid level and few main eventers.. because the titles will be defended.. and the MITB will just be for just that (Although it would be cool for someone to win.. and then cash it in that night..

So before you all go all spastic and declare that Vince is ruining PPV and wrestling.. times are changing.. and we just have to live with it.
I know I will be watching.. and I am sure you will all be too.

Oh yeah one more thing.. I bet most of you whining also complained when Vince brought back the name Great American Bash.. and now you all want the name back.. who cares what it is called as long as it delievers.. so why dont you just wait unitl we actually see what they are all about before killing them.
I think Wild Card will be like the old battle bowl, where pairing of the teams is random, and you can have some crazy matchups, which could make key feuds last more than just a month!

Also, with Fatal Four Way, I'm sure there will be one or two matches like that, with the rest being regular matches, like on previous themed PPVs. These keep working, so who am I to call them dumb
I am interested to see Wild Card. I would LOVE for it to be like the old Raw Roulette days. They better bring back some of the old faves like paddle on a pole, or bra and pantie matches those can still be PG and family appropriate w/out getting gross. You notice how the roulette wheel would have some things you KNOW could never happen, like TREE CUTTING, or MIDGET THROWING contest...? :banghead: WTF...could you see Kofi or RKO doing tree cutting? Actually...that might be fun. Or if they landed on bra and panites match...that'd really shake things up. :lmao:
I never said that I wouldn't be watching those pay-per-views, but I just think it's stupid. I actually thought twice about Wild Card, but the other pay-per-views are just stupid. They lose the uniqueness after a while and that is what sucks because very rarely would there be a Hell in a Cell match or a TLC match, but now we are gonna be getting them once a year now. And the only thing that is really going to piss me off is how Triple H and John Cena are gonna be in the main event some how for all of them. I respect them both for there wrestling abilities, but it's just trash how they are gonna be in the main event. But I am still gonna order it anyways because I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't.
Wild Card: Along with everyone else, no clue what this could mean. Maybe it will be like a RAW roulette or a spin the wheel type of thing. If creative is smart, this could build up a lot of new teams, and see who is good at a certain type of gimmick match.

Fatal Four Way: I don't see the point of this one. For one thing, I like it because fatal four way matches haven't been used too often lately. Last time I remember it being used was for the #1 Contender's match for the US title. But I wouldn't like it because if every match on the card was a fatal four, it would be too much... There will have to be 1 or 2 jobbers in each match, like:
A1) Batista v. Edge v. Mike Knox v. Charlie Haas (Main event for Smackdown!)
A2) Randy Orton v. John Cena v. MVP v. Chavo (Main event for RAW)

or else, it would look like:

B1) Batista v. Edge v. Undertaker v. Jericho
B2) Randy Orton v. John Cena v. Triple H v. Shawn Michaels

So it wouldn't work, because if it will be like example B, there might as well be 2 matches on the card, because the rest will be lower-mid card stars. Plus, most of the people are old, and have faced each other at least 5 times. If it is like example A, it would become too predictable. Either way, a failure.

MITB: No comment really, but if they are doing these new PPV's because of a big drop in PPV buys, then WWE should really expect Wrestlemania's buys to be at least 200,000 lower than last year, because this might be the best part of 'Mania. If they have one of these matches during 'Mania and one during this PPV, fine, but I don't like the idea because it'd be too much like Feast or Fired.

*On a side note, why the hell are there only 2 weeks between NoC and HiaC? 9/19 and 10/03
Well i'm not sure what to feel about this. I am a bit annoyed that they got rid of the names especially Backlash as I really liked that but on the other hand I realise that the name of a pay per view isn't going to change how good the show is. I'm looking forward to seeing what they are like.

Wildcard intrigues me as i'm not sure what the theme of the pay per view is. Most probably a PPV full of random matches and stipulations which could be fun as I was a fan of Raw Roulette.

Fatal Four Way. I'm not that bothered about this one but I was always a fan of fatal four ways so I think this could be fun and exciting as long as they give us different types of fatal four ways.

Money In The Bank. This is one I think could be really good but also could be really shit. If they do like a little tournament with title matches which then lead up to the MITB match I think that could be pretty good.
The only one I'm even half interested in is Wild Card. I'm intrigued as to what the PPV concept will actually be. I am disappointed with the MITB one. Hopefully this does not mean that the MITB match will be off of Mania, as it is something I look forward to each year. Maybe it'll be the PPV in which the MITB briefcase will be cashed in, though that does take the suspense out of the briefcase. Fatal Four Way is just stupid and we really don't need it, as they will get boring with a whole PPV based around the concept.
Here are my thoughts on the "NEW" PPVs:

[Money in the Bank/B]- The only way I could really see this working is if Vince has it so that the winner of this PPV gains a shot at one of the lower titles such as IC, United States. The chance to face the world champion needs to stay at WM. Hell by doing it this way you could even have MIB matches on the card since 1 title is on Raw and the other on SD. One for the unified tag titles would be cool too if WWE had a tag divison.

Fatal Four Way What is the purpose of this? Isn't it enough that Vince has been shoving 3 ways down our throats at WM the past couple of years? Then there is the EC. We have seen enough multi-combatant champsionship matches and not enough historic "1 on 1" ones. That's what we need.

Wild Card- When I first saw this name, I have to admit, the first thing that went through my mind was TNA's 8 card stud tournament. If its a new versioner of King of the Ring then that would be cool, I was a huge fan of the original tournament. I hope its not a "Spin the Wheel" crap. I don't need to see any more stretcher, first blood, last man standing, cage matches. With HIC, EC, and TLC nothing else compares. Plus with Extreme Rules the month before, this idea will just be redundent.

Side not What the hell! Still no War Games! Damn you Vince. Damn you!

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