"Big" Rob Terry Could Become This Generation's "Goldberg"!

Rob Terry would never be in the same level as Goldberg. Goldberg's ring skills and mic skill are ten times better than Rob Terry's. TNA is actually trying to create Terry as an unstoppable monster, They will accomplish that but they will not get a Goldberg out of him.

As for Rob Terry goes, I think he's doing an awesome job by defending his Championship and also by proving us that he is capable of being a champion. Yes I said it, IMO Terry is doing an awesome job, Each time I see him in the ring I see more and more in-ring improvement from Rob Terry. Now all that Terry needs is a real fued over the Glodal Champioship, And OJ will be my first candidate for Rob's first fued. And I say OJ because I'm sure that last weeks OJ's appearance in Rob terry's match will get this fued started. (Unless Rob also goes Bi on us, then were screw lol)
Goldberg had cooler moves, better commentary behind him, more jobbers to kill, and a much much much better look most importantly. I dont see Terry's big push going as far as Goldberg's did, in terms of making him an actual top guy.
I can't believe that TNA is having anything to do with this guy. He is so far into steroids that TNA better hope that nobody from Congress ever sees him. Of course, I guess when you have no real drug policy, your wrestlers can violate federal law at will, huh, TNA fan?

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