In what became a Feud of the Year candidate.
I disagree. He was very over. Much more so than most of the roster at the time. It's why despite not doing a lot throughout the year, he was put with Taker at Mania. It was a match the fans could invest in and believe. Not many people have been deserving of a Taker Mania match throughout the last few years; Michaels, HHH, Lesnar, and Punk. Can't see WWE just throwing Wyatt in there if he weren't over with the fans. He was also in a feud with Dean Ambrose that started out very strong. Both guys may not have come out of it any better, but Wyatt didn't come out any worse either. He lasted almost an hour in the Rumble match. Than came his spectacular work in building the Taker match. His feud with Ryback.... yeah, sucked, but than he made up for it by targeting Reigns. I'd say all in all, Wyatt has always remained in the upper echelon, with or without his family.
Do you know what over means? Over as in he gets a reaction, yes. Zack Ryder, The Miz, Big Show, Kane, are over in that sense then. Hell X-Pac had the most heat over a decade ago, I guess he was over enough to be etched in as a future champ. But he's not over from a booking standpoint. That is my point.
The topic is about do we want to see Wyatt as a world champ. If he's not going over in the feud, then no. I don't care if his feud with Reigns was Feud of the Year candidate, that's irrelevant. He faced Undertaker and Roman Reigns, how did that turn out for him in terms of him going over? It didn't - which is why I say as of right now he's not world champion material.