Want him to be Champ?

Dean Ambrose = WWE World Champ

  • Yes but before Wrestlemania 33 and also only if he alters his moveset

  • Yes but after Wrestlemania 33

  • Never

  • Yes before Wrestlemania 33 even if he remains as he is

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A valid question. My point is that the mission of WWE Creative is to make Roman Reigns into the star they want/need him to be. Toward that end, they'll use anything and anyone to get him there.

A part of this goal involves Dean Ambrose. As you say, one could argue that Ambrose is helping Reigns stay relevant.......but the reason for is it that everything today is in service of Roman Reigns. At present, being involved with Roman is a goal to which everyone should aspire; the man is.....you should excuse the expression....The Chosen One. (Sorry, Drew :icon_sad:)

That's not a criticism of Reigns, nor of anybody......it's what WWE is in the process of doing.

But yes, by himself I don't feel Dean Ambrose is a star of the future.....and Roman Reigns is. But at present, Roman needs Dean.

Does Dean need Roman? I say yes, because when the time comes that they're not working together, I believe Dean will be dropped to midcard status.

It's a matter of opinion.

Sally normally you and I are on the same page, so to speak, but I couldn't disagree with you more here.

I think it's blatantly obvious to everyone with eyes that Ambrose has and is being used to help put Reigns over as you said. So you have to ask yourself this question. Why are they taking one of the most popular guys on the roster and using him to put their "chosen one" over with the fans? Why not just put the title on Ambrose instead. The answer is simple. They need Ambrose he's popular and Reigns wasn't, so they are hoping that his alignment with Ambrose will get more fans on his side.

Now I'm a fan of Reigns, but how can he be the next top dog, if he can't get over by himself. We've seen the WWE use Heyman, Daniel Bryan, Ambrose, HHH and now even Vince McMahon himself to help him out. There really isn't anyone left. If Reigns can't get over with the fans after all that then he shouldn't be in the top spot. Now he has to stand and deliver, the buck stops with him.

So he now has the title and lets see how he does with it. Let's see if the WWE's faith in him is warranted. After watching RAW the other night, he did okay with Stephanie, but he has to bring it in the ring and on the mic. There is no really good heels for him to play off of, so this will be interesting.

As for Ambrose, I doubt he will drop down to mid card status. If they turn him heel then watch the fireworks go off. They have put a leash on him, and if they ever relax it and let him do what he's capable of he will not only surpass Reigns, he will surpass Rollins. Those that didn't watch him before he joined the WWE have no idea how good Jon Moxley actually is.
Dark Lady you said it best. Ambrose needs a heel turn to be the superstar he can be. Let his inner Moxley loose. I'm hoping the feud with Owens can accomplish this.
I just don't see him as WWE World Heavyweight Champion material. I like the guy and enjoy his matches, character & move set, but to me it just seems he lacks that IT factor. I wouldn't mind seeing him as Champion I'm just not gonna hold my breath.

However if WWE decides to do it I would love to see him take it from Roman in a huge heel turn. It might just give him that IT factor he's lacking as a face.
Sally normally you and I are on the same page, so to speak, but I couldn't disagree with you more here.

I think it's blatantly obvious to everyone with eyes that Ambrose has and is being used to help put Reigns over as you said. So you have to ask yourself this question. Why are they taking one of the most popular guys on the roster and using him to put their "chosen one" over with the fans? Why not just put the title on Ambrose instead. The answer is simple. They need Ambrose he's popular and Reigns wasn't, so they are hoping that his alignment with Ambrose will get more fans on his side.

Now I'm a fan of Reigns, but how can he be the next top dog, if he can't get over by himself. We've seen the WWE use Heyman, Daniel Bryan, Ambrose, HHH and now even Vince McMahon himself to help him out. There really isn't anyone left. If Reigns can't get over with the fans after all that then he shouldn't be in the top spot. Now he has to stand and deliver, the buck stops with him.

So he now has the title and lets see how he does with it. Let's see if the WWE's faith in him is warranted. After watching RAW the other night, he did okay with Stephanie, but he has to bring it in the ring and on the mic. There is no really good heels for him to play off of, so this will be interesting.

As for Ambrose, I doubt he will drop down to mid card status. If they turn him heel then watch the fireworks go off. They have put a leash on him, and if they ever relax it and let him do what he's capable of he will not only surpass Reigns, he will surpass Rollins. Those that didn't watch him before he joined the WWE have no idea how good Jon Moxley actually is.

I couldnot agree with you more here! Ambrose hasnot been allowed to do even half of the potential he has..... Ambrose is just held back! I dont know why but he has been mostly booked badly and more as Roman's Sidekick less an an individual star..... Still i cant imagine how he is so over with the crowd.... I mean how come crowd cheers him everytime he shows up even if he does nothing! and thats a great quality only top babyface possess like Bryan etc.... He can play as a great top babyface and great top heel too! I am a huge fan of Ambrose Asylum and therefore i am totally on for him being the WWE WHC and replacing Michael Cole with a fishtank :rolleyes:
I couldnot agree with you more here! Ambrose hasnot been allowed to do even half of the potential he has..... Ambrose is just held back! I dont know why but he has been mostly booked badly and more as Roman's Sidekick less an an individual star..... Still i cant imagine how he is so over with the crowd.... I mean how come crowd cheers him everytime he shows up even if he does nothing! and thats a great quality only top babyface possess like Bryan etc.... He can play as a great top babyface and great top heel too! I am a huge fan of Ambrose Asylum and therefore i am totally on for him being the WWE WHC and replacing Michael Cole with a fishtank :rolleyes:

Ambrose got over when he was with the Shield, and after they split he did the most natural thing in the world, he went after Rollins. If they had only done that with Reigns. I have no idea to this day why they didn't put Reigns in that position instead.

I'm afraid that they can't turn Ambrose heel right now or anytime soon, because if they do he will still get cheered. The WWE has to let the Reigns card play out. I think Ambrose does have the IT factor. The guy is nuts, and can cut a promo like no one else can. When he's on point and focused there is no one else like him. He shoots from the hip and tells it like it is. I can't wait for the day he says screw this and let's loose.
So (Reigns) now has the title and lets see how he does with it.

Yes, the time is now. As we agreed, a bunch of people have been used to help Roman get to where WWE management wants him to be.....to create a new hero as well as justifying their enormous investment in Roman. He's the champion now; it's put up or shut up time.

Dean Ambrose? He's hot now, but where you & I disagree concerns what happens in the future. In my opinion, Dean is strictly a brawler with nothing else to fall back on (at least nothing we've seen so far) and I believe he'll eventually fade from the 'appearing on every Raw & Smackdown' scene. I just can't see him keeping this up forever, especially considering that with Shield, Dean was the apparent leader....until being overtaken by both Roman and Seth Rollins.

Do I think Dean has needed Roman to keep his rep up? Yes, I do; Dean's proximity to the guy headed toward the top has definitely kept Ambrose on our TV screens. It's been a mutually beneficial pairing.

In the end, it's my feeling that Roman Reigns will be at the forefront of the WWE march into the next decade long after the excitement over Dean Ambrose has faded.

Time will tell.

BY THE WAY: Does anyone realize how close Dean Ambrose came last night on Smackdown to having his career end? He was doing fine up 'til the point when Kevin Owens nearly broke Dean's neck.

Scary, scary, scary.
Ambrose got over when he was with the Shield, and after they split he did the most natural thing in the world, he went after Rollins. If they had only done that with Reigns. I have no idea to this day why they didn't put Reigns in that position instead.

I'm afraid that they can't turn Ambrose heel right now or anytime soon, because if they do he will still get cheered. The WWE has to let the Reigns card play out. I think Ambrose does have the IT factor. The guy is nuts, and can cut a promo like no one else can. When he's on point and focused there is no one else like him. He shoots from the hip and tells it like it is. I can't wait for the day he says screw this and let's loose.

Yes! You are right! He will be cheered even he is a heel! No matter he is heel or face, I am gonna cheer him! Because he is so natural and unique! Just see how he celebrates his Intercontinental Title win! Thats lunatic and thats what his gimmick is! He plays his gimmick too awesomely (Is it a word :confused: )In this era, We, atleast I havenot seen such a character who doesnot think about his well being and just wants to fight! As he said More Fighting Less Talking Although WWE wasnot putting much effort into him, he still became a hot babyface! He really is a Lunatic Fringe :rolleyes:

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