Conquer the Conquerer!

Who should conquer the Beast in future?

  • Roman Reigns

  • Finn Balor

  • Kevin Owens

  • Bray Wyatt

  • Samoa Joe

  • Other

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Gone. For. Good.
So ever since Brock Lesnar has returned in 2012, He has had a dominant run. He has conquered John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker:)shrug:), CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Big Show, Seth Rollins etc. Not to forget Legacy Of Nations except Barrett.

So the question is

Who should conquer Brock Lesnar?

By conquering Brock, I mean to say that To defeat him clean and end his dominant run as the Beast.

I would like Bray Wyatt to conquer him. Since Wyatt Family is around, Its the right time for Wyatt to get a big win that increases his credibilty as Face of Fear! He has awesome mic-skills and can carry promos for his feud single-handedly like he did with Undertaker. He is a good in-ring worker. He is really a main event talent. He will get a major rub by defeating Lesnar. What better place than Wrestlemania 32?

Ummm... I missed something in my first post.

We know Brock is a powerhouse. So a powerhouse can only go over him like Kevin Owens, Wyatt, Roman Reigns etc. I got mean and gave the option of Balor. Although he is not a powerhouse like others stated above, yet his persona is of a demon.

If not Wyatt, then i would want it to be Kevin Owens! He is just awesome in mic-skills and in-ring worker.

By the way, Wyatt Family destroying Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns was an awesome moment and surely my favorite one of 2016. :rolleyes:

Two people voted for Roman Reigns?

NO! Let me explain.

He shouldn't be the one to end Lesnar's dominance. That would just make his push seem less organic and natural. His connection is slowly dwindling with the IWC the more they push him. (The other 70% don't care as long as it looks good).

There are at least five people on the current roster that deserve that opportunity and these 5 people make for a better business direction and logical approach then Reigns 'conquering' Lesnar.
So ever since Brock Lesnar has returned in 2012, He has had a dominant run. He has conquered John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker:)shrug:), CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Big Show, Seth Rollins etc. Not to forget Legacy Of Nations except Barrett.

So the question is

Who should conquer Brock Lesnar?

By conquering Brock, I mean to say that To defeat him clean and end his dominant run as the Beast.

I would like Bray Wyatt to conquer him. Since Wyatt Family is around, Its the right time for Wyatt to get a big win that increases his credibilty as Face of Fear! He has awesome mic-skills and can carry promos for his feud single-handedly like he did with Undertaker. He is a good in-ring worker. He is really a main event talent. He will get a major rub by defeating Lesnar. What better place than Wrestlemania 32?


Just pointing out, Brock Lesnar never conquered Roman Reigns. They have unfinished business given the 'winner' of that match at Mania 31 was neither of the two, but actually Seth Rollins.

As for the thread question:
I think Reigns is still very much the front runner to do the job, and I would ideally love if Brock-Reigns 2 is held off till next SummerSlam or Mania 33 when Reigns has had a longer period in the Main Event scene. The Rumble tease has been nice and all, but ideally, it would be a much bigger match up if both are kept apart for a later time, lMO.

The Wyatt Family could very well be Lesnar's next programme going into Mania 32. I think with the 4 v 1 advantage, it would be the perfect way to give a rub to the Wyatts in order to make them Top Heels without having Lesnar pinned at Mania.

Have Reigns vs HHH with both the title and power of the Authority on the line with Reigns winning and ousting the Authority for good.

Meanwhile, have Brock vs Braun at Fast Lane, then Brock vs Bray at WrestleMania 32 which ends in a clusterfuck with Bray and Co. 'taking out' Lesnar before assuming a MoD-styled 'control' of the WWE on the Post-Mania RAW with the Authority out of power.

The above would setup rather nicely going forward, lMO.
Two people voted for Roman Reigns?

NO! Let me explain.

He shouldn't be the one to end Lesnar's dominance. That would just make his push seem less organic and natural. His connection is slowly dwindling with the IWC the more they push him. (The other 70% don't care as long as it looks good).

There are at least five people on the current roster that deserve that opportunity and these 5 people make for a better business direction and logical approach then Reigns 'conquering' Lesnar.


But as much as we dislike it, Its gonna happen surely in the future. Be it now or later. Roman Reigns is the Chosen One (Sorry Drew :blush:) to end Brock's dominant run. :shrug:

I just hope its Bray Wyatt though! :rolleyes:

Just pointing out, Brock Lesnar never conquered Roman Reigns. They have unfinished business given the 'winner' of that match at Mania 31 was neither of the two, but actually Seth Rollins.

As for the thread question:
I think Reigns is still very much the front runner to do the job, and I would ideally love if Brock-Reigns 2 is held off till next SummerSlam or Mania 33 when Reigns has had a longer period in the Main Event scene. The Rumble tease has been nice and all, but ideally, it would be a much bigger match up if both are kept apart for a later time, lMO.

The Wyatt Family could very well be Lesnar's next programme going into Mania 32. I think with the 4 v 1 advantage, it would be the perfect way to give a rub to the Wyatts in order to make them Top Heels without having Lesnar pinned at Mania.

Have Reigns vs HHH with both the title and power of the Authority on the line with Reigns winning and ousting the Authority for good.

Meanwhile, have Brock vs Braun at Fast Lane, then Brock vs Bray at WrestleMania 32 which ends in a clusterfuck with Bray and Co. 'taking out' Lesnar before assuming a MoD-styled 'control' of the WWE on the Post-Mania RAW with the Authority out of power.

The above would setup rather nicely going forward, lMO.

Sorry. Brock didnot conquer Reigns.

But i dont agree on Reigns being the one to end Brock's dominant run. WWE shouldnot make Reigns a second version of John Cena and thus focus on others too along with Reigns by giving someone like Wyatt a chance to go over Brock. :rolleyes:

WWE is going all out to give Roman Reigns a huge, superheroic push and it could backfire. Reigns is #1 on the Rumble and if he manages to win the Rumble this year, then we'll be getting the "WWE is shoving Roman Reigns down our throats" threads and posts almost immediately afterward. WWE is definitely going the Superman route for Reigns and it's just something many aren't interested in as we've seen so much of it with John Cena for the past decade.

Reigns vs. Lesnar II at WrestleMania, however, could still work. While the build for their match last year was awful, the match itself was a highly physical outing that converted more than a few people to see the potential in Roman Reigns.

Of those currently listed, I'd prefer Owens in the sense that, for me personally, it's a more interesting story. The problem is that there's nobody in particular to cheer for as neither one is a "good guy" but, on the other hand, since when has that stopped fans from cheering heels? Owens comes off as another "I don't give a shit about anybody but me" brawler just like Lesnar does, so there's potential there to see which of them is toughest, which of them wants it most, etc.

It'll probably be Roman Reigns, but I'd pre
I'm open to whatever. Whoever will tell a good story and a quality match. But if I had to pick, it would be Brat Wyatt. I've been on the Bray Wyatt bandwagon for a minute now and I feel it's time to have him live up to being the eater of worlds.

I just feel this would be a fresh storyline simply because of the competitors, but in the dynamic of how Wyatt has been and should be booked leading up to the event(assuming WM). Wyatt already instigated a potential match. Now time for Wyatt to cut some formulaic promos building to an eventual PPV matchup.

For a guy like Lesnar - him taking on such a unique opponent in such a unique context would be a drastic change from the typical drive for competition and accolades that has been thematic in his return to WWE. He’s simply never been in a storyline with anybody like Wyatt's - ever.

The Wyatt's are good enough to provide a legitimate threat to the Beast. Having Lesnar destroy Strowman would be a huge moment considering the depths to which the WWE has gone to protect his credibility.

I can only imagine what the promos will be like between Wyatt and Heyman. Right now signs point to Wyatt/Lesnar but one can dream, right?
For me it would be Cesaro. I think not only could you bring up his past with Heyman, but finally cement Cesaro as a main eventer. Cesaro I think would match up well with Lesnar and use his techique and speed ultimately beating Lesnar. I think the fans would like it and Cesaro beating Lesnar is believable as well.
WWE needs to have variety in their main event scene. Reigns can't be the guy who beats everyone. WWE needs more people up there in order to sell Reigns' matches as a bigger deal.

That being said, since Reigns will be getting a rub from Triple H, he does not need to also get a rub from Brock Lesnar at this point.

Someone else has to. That someone else has to be Bray Wyatt.

Kevin Owens for me also works, but he's been with the company for only a year. He has to grow to the fans more.

It's been two years since the Streak ended. If there's anyone that will put down the Beast, it has to happen now, before the uniqness of Brock Lesnar ending the Streak completely disappears.

Why Bray Wyatt? Because Bray Wyatt is the top heel in the company right now, or one of the best at least. He's been feuding with main eventers since he debuted, 3 years ago. But he always fell short. He never once won a big feud. But still, he's a credible upper midcarder. A real threat, that just needs a little push to reach the ultimate main eventer status.

That push can come through Brock Lesnar.
WWE is definitely going the Superman route for Reigns and it's just something many aren't interested in as we've seen so much of it with John Cena for the past decade.

That's understandable yet, due to the absences of WWE's biggest stars for the next few months, somebody has to step up to fill the why not the guy who's already the world champion....and has been working so hard to get where he is?

As far as I'm concerned, Roman was pushed too fast after the break-up of the Shield.....then built slowly back up. The company could afford to move cautiously because they had Seth Rollins, John Cena, Daniel Bryan and others who could entertain the fans while Roman made a more logical ascent.

Now, things are different with all the damn injuries. Still, we have Brock Lesnar who, as terrific as he is, can't remain an unbeatable monster forever.....anymore than could any other wrestler.

Plainly, WWE Creative is building toward a Lesnar-Reigns clash.....and adding mystique by suggesting Brock isn't the 'good guy' he seemed to be before his last hiatus.

I say Roman Reigns conquers the Beast.....either at the Rumble or at WM32. Reigns has earned his stripes; I don't think the fans will reject him as they did last year.
I think Reigns will go over Brock clean at some point, just so he "looks strong".
But I really want Kevin Owens to get great match out of Lesnar and end up coming ontop, even if it culminates in a feud that resembles the one he had with Cena. The match would be great and the rub would be great and Kevin Owens will be on his way to a future WWE title reign.

The "powerhouse" comment should not be considered for Bray... the current gimmick relies more on his psychological methods rather than his strength, that's why Harper, Rowan and Strowman are knocking about. He's strong...but powerhouse just doesn't sound right. That being said.... Bray Wyatt needs a major push to become a nailed on top guy! And a Lesnar feud would be just the right rub.
The only thing I have to say here is that Brock losing clean just won't end his dominance at all, no matter who beats him clean.
Bray Wyatt? Hell no.

Nothing against Bray, but WWE doesn't seem to have THAT much faith in him based on his booking. Furthermore, the more air time Bray gets, the more boring he becomes. Roman Reigns probably will get the win, because Brock needs to be conquered by someone more dominant.

Cena? Doesn't need it. Rollins or Bryan? Unconvincing (and as much as we like Rollins, he'll never be 'that guy'). Roman is the only one who fits the mold, although I'm not crazy about that. lol.

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