Battle Zone Tournament General Discussion Thread

I fully believe that Samus has built an arc reactor at one stage or another. You can't prove otherwise.

It's cool to be a whiny bitch again? WHERES GORDON FREEMAN BLARG BLARG DERP. haven't been paying attention to the tournament so feel free to correct me.

Seriously though, it's just a tournament.
I don't know why I bother.

Please don't.

Nintendo fanboys are always going to support their Nintendo characters

Bull. Shit. I don't own a Nintendo console, and I've argued against Nintendo characters in this tournament as often as I have for them. Ironman was and is out gunned by Samus. That's why I argued against Stark. In the case of Batman, I actually like Batman more than I like Link. I've certainly spent more time watching shows with Batman in them than I have playing Zelda or Samus. I just hate Batman's legion of relentlessly wanking fanboys. Which is why I absolutely refuse to vote for him. That Link actually stands a good chance of beating him is an added bonus.

no matter how wrong they are, or how poor argument they come up with.

Hypocrite. You've used the worst and most poorly informed arguements I've seen in the tournament. And I was arguing for Red Ranger against such stellar arguements as "Mario wins because he has lots of powerups".

Seriously guys, it's a fun little tournament. In fact, I'm probably going to back Link against Batman, even if that does me a very undesirable Nintendo vs. Nintendo final.

And look at the Supers division, we've got two Marvel characters, an Image Comics character, and a movie character. I think the draw in the Humans division just made it so that these Nintendo guys had good matchups.

As upset at I am that Iron Man went down to Samus, it's not because she's a video game character. It was an even match up, and the people chose Samus.

I'm flattered that people are so involved in this tournament, but seriously... it's just for teh lulz.


Fun, guys. Fun. Remember that. It's in the rules. Look at Barbosa, Justin, and JGlass's discussion in Vader vs. Hulk for a good example of how to debate your side while still having fun. We've made it this far, let's see it through to the end without going full nerd rage on each other :lmao:
Don't think I can do much more in the Vader vs Hulk contest. I have presented what I think is a viable and realistic strategy based on Vader's proven skills that could bring down the Hulk.

Is it high risk? Yes, but any fight with the Hulk is high risk.

I think the momentum is with the Hulk though and he will be difficult to stop now
Stop being a fucking fanboy and think. No one is thinking at all in this thing. Iron Man is essentially male Samus but far smarter. That's why he would win. Doesn't matter what the vote says.

I haven't seen an argument on how Link wins that isn't countered by something Batman can easily do. This is just groupthink nonsense.


For the record, Samus' suit is alien technology too, as opposed to Stark's man-made technology. And it can take any technology and intergrate it with her suit (thats how she gets all of her upgrades in the games)

And I love the Samus character, but I'm a HUGE Iron Man fan. I prefer Iron Man to Samus. And I voted for Samus. Because I thought she'd win.

Stop being pathetic. It's a fun tournament that doesn't mean anything. It's a laugh. And stop hiding behind "Oh the nintendo fanboys are sticking together, blah, blah, blah..."'re acting, if nothing else, like a comic-book fanboy.

Please, grow up, and look at your Avatar. Captain America would be dissapointed.
Next person to bring up Samus vs. Iron Man gets an infraction for annoying me. It's a real thing, look at the rule book.
Next person to bring up Samus vs. Iron Man gets an infraction for annoying me. It's a real thing, look at the rule book.

For anyone doubting you it is quoted below.

Pissing off Staff: We won’t put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally being annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to infract or ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.
BK209's custom title reminds me that the Black Reaper from Darker Than Black needs to be in next year. Total badass.
Finals will be up later, whenever JGlass shows up. Got some special things planned. Will be awesome. BE EXCITED.

As for next year's tourney, we were thinking of picking a few from each category, plus the winners, to make it into next year's, with the majority being new characters. Suggestions will be taken, when the time comes of course.

Before the final matches go up I just want to thank everyone once again for making this such an awesome tourney. This has been a complete success from start to finish and it's because of every who voted and participated. Thanks SO much everyone. I was afraid this thing would crash and burn pretty badly if I'm honest. It's quite something to see something you fought to run finally get approved and then have it be as successful as this was.

You're all awesome.
I must admit that while I feel that Vader quite rightly dispatched Storm, Wolverine and Professor X, I had very little confidence that he would beat the Hulk.

I always thought that he had a slim chance of victory with the kind of strategy that I proposed with his Jedi training that taught him to use his environment advantage to distract and Sith tendencies that make him more ruthless in pressing any advantage he can force but so much dependence was put on him not getting hit at all.

As for the finale, I don't know enough about Ghost Rider to venture an opinion yet but from what I do know, Vader seems to have very little chance.
Nah, fuck that Barbosa. Vader has the high ground here. Both in terms of powers/abilities/bullshit, and in terms of greater popular support on the forums.

I got your back, bro.
Vader's going to win the Supers Final.

As for the Humans Final, I know little about both characters (well, I gathered Samus is a bigger and better version of Iron Man) so I'm waiting for a convincing post.
Vader's BFF with the ghost busters who kill Ghosts like rider for fun.

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