Battle Zone Tournament General Discussion Thread

It used to be that Johnny Blaze only turned into Ghost Rider at night, but he has since mastered the ability to transform at will.
Marv can have a weapon but Mario can't.

Perfect logic here people, I'm already bored of peoples crap.
Marv can have a weapon but Mario can't.

Perfect logic here people, I'm already bored of peoples crap.
Mario can have his powerups if he finds them scattered throughout the level. That's how it was on the NES. I'm just going with what the rules state. They're prepared to fight, but not fully powered. Mario starts off the level as regular-sized Mario, but has to find powerups. It's just like the games.
Mario can have his powerups if he finds them scattered throughout the level. That's how it was on the NES. I'm just going with what the rules state. They're prepared to fight, but not fully powered. Mario starts off the level as regular-sized Mario, but has to find powerups. It's just like the games.

Except that for quite a while he's been able to carry around powerups. They ARE kosher. Doc implied that ruling when he used powerups as an argument against Red Ranger. Accept it and move on.
Yeah we've decided that he starts with a limited amount of powerups, just as Duke Nukem starts with all of his guns, Samus starts with all of her weapons/abilities, just as Sonic starts with a few (Say, ten to thirty) rings, and the Red Ranger could use the Dragonzord. If you play a fighting game like Marvel vs. Capcom or Super Smash Bros. many characters that come from platformers or similar have moves based on items found in their game. Similar situation here.
Well, regular Mario is Super Mario, so he starts off Super like in SSB. Also like in SSB he has access to FLUDD and fireball moves right off the bat, so they count as regular abilities. Weapons/powerups he'd come with would be something like a feather or a star, maybe say he has two or three different kinds and they all last a limited time and are single use only.

honestly though, you guys are really thinking about it way too hard in that thread. Just have fun, you know? :lmao:
I think Sub - Zero will lose :(... Its hard for me to even think he could beat Xavier but The more I play MK 9 I see it happening. I pray he wins
Doc, does Light have to write Anthony Edward Stark? If so, that's a lot to write. Tony would surely get a few missles/repulsor blasts off.

As for Mario, you're saying it's ok for Mario to be all iterations at once? That doesn't sit well. Pick an iteration and stick with it. The same goes for every other character, to the best extent. It's a bit harder with comic book characters due to the sheer amount of different iterations, but it would be great for there to be some attempt.
Doc, does Light have to write Anthony Edward Stark? If so, that's a lot to write. Tony would surely get a few missles/repulsor blasts off.

As for Mario, you're saying it's ok for Mario to be all iterations at once? That doesn't sit well. Pick an iteration and stick with it. The same goes for every other character, to the best extent. It's a bit harder with comic book characters due to the sheer amount of different iterations, but it would be great for there to be some attempt.

1. Light wouldn't have to write his middle name, just full first and last would do. Just as long as he has it in his mind who he wants to kill the Death Note will take out the person he wants.

2. With characters like Mario or Kirby I'm arguing for a modified version of their Super Smash Bros. Brawl iterations. The thing is, most of these characters have pretty clearly defined limits, just like the comics characters. It's not really that difficult to create a general version of the character using info from his latest games and argue for or against it. Not many people seem to be having trouble conceptualizing it. Sub Zero controls ice. Mario has stomps and fireballs and mushrooms. Kirby eats. Professor X has psychic powers. Captain America has a shield. Simple stuff.
Round 3! The quarterfinals! Some of these matches are just awesome, like my personal favorite Samus vs. Iron Man. Be sure to post and vote, and help your favorite hero save the day. Or take over the world, if that's your preference.
Not really. A pity you all love your Marvel franchises so much that you fail to keep up on what other companies are doing. Ghost Rider is severely outgunned here.
Except he's really not. Ghost Rider matches Spawn in every single way, with the only exception being immortality, and immortals can still feel pain to the point of being immobile. That's me done for now. Going to have lunch and watch Attack of the Clones.
Ghost Rider has a bike, a gun, some chains, and fire breath.

Spawn has remade existence and holds total control over hell.

Tell me how those are the same.
I don't know why I bother. Nintendo fanboys are always going to support their Nintendo characters, no matter how wrong they are, or how poor argument they come up with.
Have you read your arguments? Theyre the biggest pile of shit in the tournament. "DERP DERP DERP HES THE GODDAMN BATMAN" BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH

Get back to bitching about Iron Man losing.
Have you read your arguments? Theyre the biggest pile of shit in the tournament. "DERP DERP DERP HES THE GODDAMN BATMAN" BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH

Get back to bitching about Iron Man losing.
Stop being a fucking fanboy and think. No one is thinking at all in this thing. Iron Man is essentially male Samus but far smarter. That's why he would win. Doesn't matter what the vote says.

I haven't seen an argument on how Link wins that isn't countered by something Batman can easily do. This is just groupthink nonsense.

Samus would beat Iron man and did, shame you didnt post until after the poll had closed.

Link would beat Batman by using the arguments I said, your counter arguments are pathetic hence why I'm not replying. The Batarang has a limited trajectory something the arrows do not.

Seriously guys, it's a fun little tournament. In fact, I'm probably going to back Link against Batman, even if that does me a very undesirable Nintendo vs. Nintendo final.

And look at the Supers division, we've got two Marvel characters, an Image Comics character, and a movie character. I think the draw in the Humans division just made it so that these Nintendo guys had good matchups.

As upset at I am that Iron Man went down to Samus, it's not because she's a video game character. It was an even match up, and the people chose Samus.

I'm flattered that people are so involved in this tournament, but seriously... it's just for teh lulz.
Have you ever seen how he uses a Batarang? I'm guessing you haven't, since then you'd understand that he can throw them extremely quickly and with great precision. But then again, even if you did know that, you don't care, since Batman is against a Nintendo character.

Samus would beat Iron man and did, shame you didnt post until after the poll had closed.
Nintendo fanboy doesn't think for himself. Samus is a female, less intelligent Iron Man.

Link would beat Batman by using the arguments I said, your counter arguments are pathetic hence why I'm not replying. The Batarang has a limited trajectory something the arrows do not.
Your argument has already been invalidated, and you're just saying mine's pathetic since you don't have a proper response. Batman doesn't just throw batarangs, he uses them to deflect attacks too.
Samus is not less intelligent than Stark nor does she being female have anything to do with it.
Female has nothing to do with it, it's just Stark is a guy, Samus is a girl. And there is no way you're going to tell me she is as intelligent as Stark. You think she understands how to build an arc reactor? No dice.

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