Batista vs John Cena Was Rushed


Championship Contender
I think this match was completly ruined last night. Their match at SummerSlam has no point to it. It is no secret that this match is a big money match in the WWE right now, so why would they waste this match for nothing.

The only good I see coming from this is for Cena to win (hear me out) at SummerSlam, and then they agree to stay away from eachother. Then Cena wins the WHC at Survivor Series, and it's Batista vs John Cena II at WrestleMania 25. They could promote this like a boxing match sort of thing, given it is a very, very high profile match.

Then, Batista wins at WrestleMania 25.. which lets be honest, nobody would see coming.

What do you guys think?
I dont think that its set in stone. i could easily see Adamle making a fatal fourway for the WHC at summerslam with Punk , JBL , Batista and Cena
I think that there should be a triple treat match Sumerslam for the whc. With John Cena vs Batista vs CM Punk
I would not like to see Batista vs Cena at WM25 at all to be honest.Reason being I just am not a fan of either man and I dont think it would be a good match.If it does happen at Mania though,hopefully its not the main or a title match because I cant stand the idea of that match main eventing Wrestlemania.Batista I especially I dont like.I can give him credit for having good matches with Undertaker and others,but alot of the time hes lazy and sloppy in the ring.
i can imaginen that adamle will put cm punk and then next week have jbl vs kane and the winner goes to summerslam so lets say kane wins then it should be Batista vs john cena vs C.M punk vs kane for the world heavyweight championship
It depends how they play it. IMO they shud draw out the Batista/Cena fued for a long time like they have with Taker's last 2 fueds with Batista and Edge. Sure that was bcoz Taker got injured half way through both of them, but people were still interested and both of those fueds went on for the whole year.

I think they can have the match at SSlam, then have one guy win, for arguments sake lets say Cena, and then Batista can say 'i know im better than you, i wanna rematch.' they hype the rematch, Batista kinda plays the tweener role like he did in his Taker fued at first, and then Orton comes along and attacks Cena, ending the match in DQ. Then we get Batista saying to Orton, 'what were you doing fucking up my match?' and Orton tempts Batista into doing the Evolution re-union thing again. We then have a month or so of 'will he, won't he?' Cena gets a title shot somewhen, and Batista and Orton and whoever else they've gotten to join them i.e. Dibiase/Rhodes (so then we can have that 2nd generation stable except the leader is 3rd gen and Batista's there bcoz he's f'n Batista!) cost him the belt. After that it'll b Survivor Series, and we can have R-evolution plus somebody vs CTC plus 2 guys in a SS match (bcoz they're can still be other fueds going on, i'm not suggesting its 4 guys beating Cena up for months on end, you know, jus helpin out Batista with his fued). Then you can have Batista v Cena 3 at Armageddon or some shit, and Batista wins that one so it's 1-1. Then the Rumble, either of them win that, the other guy wins the title b4 Mania and then it's those 2 at Mania's main event, and then they can do whatever from there.
i think my last post is even more likely now that they've released an Unforgiven poster with Batista doin Orton's pose. Unless we're gonna get Orton v Batista which wud suck

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