Batista vs. John Cena-The True Face of the WWE

Who is the True Face of the WWE?

  • Batista

  • John Cena

  • Other

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@ Holy One Batista was the main focus of WM which is the Flagship of the WWE. Also Batista and Team Smackdown was the main focus for Survivor Series NOT JOHN CENA. And I might as well point out a couple other things.

-Kurt Angle was back on Smackdown by January 2006.
-Stone Cold Steve Austin was originally suppose to be the star of "The Marine," but turned it down. Al Pacino and Patrick Swayze were the other two approached to do the movie but they turned it down. So John Cena wasn't even the first choice.
-Kane was in a movie in 2005 but that didn't make him the Face of the WWE.

I made an argument based on somebody winning matches in the WWE. Whereas you went with him starring in Movies. I based my argument on the fact he won the Rumble and Headlined WM. You didn't My argument was logical.

I like Cena. I am a Cena fan and I think there is no doubt he is the FACE of the WWE. But what I'm arguing is mabye just maybe the WWE was originally going a different way. Maybe they were going to have somebody else as the face of the company. Maybe that was meant to be Batista. I looked at how they were building up Batista to WM21 and after. I think Batista did have a chance in becoming The Face of the Company. But he was injured and sidelined and John Cena is the face now. You can't in any way deny that Batista and Cena were THE top two guys in the WWE at that time.
Your points are meaningless and you have yet to prove me wrong. I admit to the videos. They were in 2003. But in no way was John Cena the face or on his way to becoming the face in 2003. He was just a mid carder and not to long before this was getting ready to be fired because he couldn't get over with the fans. Obiviously he did. He was put in commercials but not because he was the face of the company.

Ok, you're seriously making my brain hurt if you think Cena was anywhere near getting fired or not getting pops before 2005. The commercials only show how the WWE was putting faith in Cena to be their face for the media by filming these ads and putting him on t.v. shows while why wasn't Batista doing the same b/c Vince already knew who had the better promising career and that was Cena. Also to prove you wrong on his supposedly non-pops here's examples.


See how he was gaining heat as one of the top heels on Smackdown in 2003, and this was on a PPV not on a taped show so the boos are legit.


At this point, Cena was so over as a heel that Vince had no choice but to turn him face b/c of the cheers he was getting.


Yes, believe it or not Cena actually got cheered loudly at one point in Madison Square Garden

Now, this was during late 2004 where Cena was major over with the crowd while as a mid-carder now show me proof that Batista was getting this type of reception at this period



Cena got a better pop being drafted to LIVE Raw than Batista got being drafted to TAPED Smackdown.

The Royal Rumble was a very logical point as to win the Royal Rumble that means you're main eventing Wrestlemania. Anybody and everybody that has ever won the Rumble has been a "Main Guy" or "Main Event" superstar. Let's look at the list. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Batista, John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels. Do I really need to go on? Or have I made my point? By the way Stone Cold after winning the 1998 Royal Rumble went to WM14 and beat Shawn Michaels to become the WWE champion and FACE of the company. Same for Brock Lesnar. You might as well say the same for Shawn Michaels.

Yet during that list you fail to mention: Yokozuna, Lex Luger, Vince McMahon, Chris Benoit, and I believe I already prove your logic wrong with REY MYSTERIO and Cena was more over than Batista at this point which is why people believe Cena should have won that Rumble. Batista only won it b/c he needed help getting over in his fued with Triple H while Cena had already establish himself as a main guy on SD with fueds against Booker T, Big Show, and Kurt Angle. Yet while Batista main evented Wrestlemania, he still wasn't FACE of the company as John Cena would achieve that status after WM 21.

The Rock in no way was the face of the company. Sure he was a close second but not Number 1. Stone Cold was the face. The Rock spent most of 2002-2003 making movies. So this argument was good but you didn't prove anything. You helped me more than yourself.

Did I ever say the Rock was the face of the company? Read a post next time you reply to it. By the way, many have already said that SCSA and The Rock shared being the face of the company after 1999. I helped you in your post too b/c the Rock didn't really go into acting until he left in mid-2002 which was at the END of his career as I have already said. Now please explain to me how I helped prove your point b/c you have yet to sway anybody with yours just look at the voting for an example.
@ Holy One Batista was the main focus of WM which is the Flagship of the WWE. Also Batista and Team Smackdown was the main focus for Survivor Series NOT JOHN CENA. And I might as well point out a couple other things.

Yet, after a couple of months, they both switched shows and Cena became a bigger name. You still don't include the months before or after when Cena was a bigger focus on Raw and PPVs than Batista was on SD. Batista was just a part of Team SD and wasn't really a focus in the whole rivalry b/c people were more interested in the concept of Raw vs SD rather than the individual wrestlers and even after the match; Randy Orton vs The Undertaker still became a bigger focal point. As a matter of fact, Batista actually needed Cena's help to get people interested in his fueds at Armageddeon. So show me these logic swaying points.

-Kurt Angle was back on Smackdown by January 2006.

Thanks to Batista being injured showing how easily he can be replaced while Cena went on to headline PPVs with Edge, Triple H, and RVD.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin was originally suppose to be the star of "The Marine," but turned it down. Al Pacino and Patrick Swayze were the other two approached to do the movie but they turned it down. So John Cena wasn't even the first choice.

Actually on SCSA was offered the role of Cena's character, Pacino and Patrick was offered the role of the antagonist. Yet, Cena was offered the role but why not Batista?

-Kane was in a movie in 2005 but that didn't make him the Face of the WWE.

Now go back to my last post where I say that the movie was only a part of the WWE putting trust in Cena to be the Face of the company to the media. It's also funny how Kane gets a movie role even before Batista do and when he does; he still gets replaced.

I made an argument based on somebody winning matches in the WWE. Whereas you went with him starring in Movies. I based my argument on the fact he won the Rumble and Headlined WM. You didn't My argument was logical.

Lol, so you want to go on winning matches agruement huh? Before New Year's Revolution when he beat Chris Benoit, Batista barely even won a match on Raw and wasn't even part of any storyline unless it involved helping Triple H. He lost to guys like Orton, Jericho, Benjamin, Edge, and even MAVEN of all people while Cena was winning in fueds against Booker T, Carlito, Rob Van Dam, and the Big Show. He's still even remembered as one of the greatest U.S. Champions in the WWE era.

I like Cena. I am a Cena fan and I think there is no doubt he is the FACE of the WWE. But what I'm arguing is mabye just maybe the WWE was originally going a different way. Maybe they were going to have somebody else as the face of the company. Maybe that was meant to be Batista. I looked at how they were building up Batista to WM21 and after. I think Batista did have a chance in becoming The Face of the Company. But he was injured and sidelined and John Cena is the face now. You can't in any way deny that Batista and Cena were THE top two guys in the WWE at that time.

I'm a Cena fan too (if it hasn't already been established) and Batista may have had a chance IF he stayed on Raw but even before then Cena's name was becoming bigger. Batista was only over as he was b/c he was fueding with TRIPLE H, the most hated heel at the time and the guy who helped get Shelton Benjamin, Eugene, and Maven pops. All of Cena's sucess before WM 21 was self-made b/c Cena actually had the crowd care for any of his matches without having big names like Triple H to fued with. Cena actually got Carlito major heat during their fued and Carlito just entered the WWE. I won't deny and never had denied that Batista and Cena were the top two guys at the time but I'm just saying that Cena was always going to be bigger regardless if Batista was injured or not.
@ Holy One you sit here and say I didn't read your post after I replied. How about you read mine. I never said Cena didn't get over. I said Cena struggled at first but he obviously got over with the fans. I even said In the opening thread the FIRST POST ONE HERE that Cena is the face of the company. And if you continued to read my post after and during the first thread you would realize that this is about the fact that Batista was a possibility as face and I personally feel he was the face. I never said WWE did go Batista's route in becoming Face.

Cena admitted he was about to get fired himself. Then he changed to his rapper gimmick. I said in MY THREAD Cena was over with the fans AND HE WAS THE FACE. So really you need to read my post.
@ Holy One You also implied the Rock was the Face as you said in your last post. You might have unintentionally implied that the rock was face but you did imply it. And Truth be told the Rock still wasn't face like you said and your latest post. He didn't share anything with Austin.

I didn't say I swayed anybody with my argument. NOWHERE DID I SAY I SWAYED ANYBODY. I was talking about the argument between you and I. But Technically John Cena didn't win by a whole lot. 17 to 33. 9 to Batista and 8 to other.

I RESPECT your opinion. I say we end our argument and move on. I think we need to agree to disagree.

If you want to continue then maybe in a few weeks we can have another poll and see how it goes and then we can continue.
@ Holy One you sit here and say I didn't read your post after I replied. How about you read mine. I never said Cena didn't get over. I said Cena struggled at first but he obviously got over with the fans. I even said In the opening thread the FIRST POST ONE HERE that Cena is the face of the company. And if you continued to read my post after and during the first thread you would realize that this is about the fact that Batista was a possibility as face and I personally feel he was the face. I never said WWE did go Batista's route in becoming Face.

Now, you said that the commercials were in 2003 but they were in 2004, the year where Cena became WWE's breakout star and even in 2003 as I've already proven, Cena was already over on Smackdown. Now, I assumed that you was only arguing that Batista was more over than Cena before WM 21 not in 2002 where they both were rookies and even then it took Triple H to actually help Batista get over while Cena made a name for himself with the rapper gimmick. Now, I agree that he could have been the face but Cena was already past him in that category after WM 21 happened. Vince had already put his faith in Cena and brought him over to Raw which is why Triple H helped Batista get over as he did b/c that was the only way Batista had a chance at suceeding on Smackdown at that point.

Cena admitted he was about to get fired himself. Then he changed to his rapper gimmick. I said in MY THREAD Cena was over with the fans AND HE WAS THE FACE. So really you need to read my post.

I read your thread well at least the posts that had logic to them but your point is that Batista was more over than Cena in 2005 which is just wrong. If Cena was about to get fired that only proves how hard Cena worked to get the fans interest other than Batista who lurked in HHH's shadown until the opporotunity arose for him to get the rub but I'm not a Batista hater so don't get me wrong. I just feel Cena worked harder to get where he's at which is why he was always destined to be the FACE of the WWE.
@ Holy One You also implied the Rock was the Face as you said in your last post. You might have unintentionally implied that the rock was face but you did imply it. And Truth be told the Rock still wasn't face like you said and your latest post. He didn't share anything with Austin.

I don't think I ever said or implied that the Rock was the only FACE of the company at any point in my posts but please give me an example of when I did. If the Rock didn't share the top guy position with Austin, then why even to this day is there are still arguements over who is better b/w them? The Rock became the top guy in the WWE in 2000 and after Austin return, they shared the top spot.

I didn't say I swayed anybody with my argument. NOWHERE DID I SAY I SWAYED ANYBODY. I was talking about the argument between you and I. But Technically John Cena didn't win by a whole lot. 17 to 33. 9 to Batista and 8 to other.

I know you didn't. I was only using the votes as an example of how your arguements were illogical and that I didn't help you at all. Also, the arguement is b/w Cena and Batista and as far as that is concern, Cena torched him. I don't really see why there's an other choice in the first place b/c there really isn't another choice besides the two that are up in discussion.

I RESPECT your opinion. I say we end our argument and move on. I think we need to agree to disagree.

If you want to continue then maybe in a few weeks we can have another poll and see how it goes and then we can continue.

As I respects yours, I agree to disagree and this will be my last post. I look forward to arguing with you again somewhere down the road regardless of who's right and who's wrong. :)
Also the Rock didn't start going in the movie business until the END of his wrestling career.

Since you did ask where you implied that the Rock was the face here it is. Maybe it's just me but I took as you implying that the Rock was the face. I mean we are talking about Cena be the face of the company. If you weren't implying than I was wrong.

BTW, the other Royal Rumble winners were Main Eventers and Main guys. You even included Lex Luger. He might not have much of a personality but the guy is a legend. So is Yokozuna.

And also you said Rock/Austin shared the spotlight and that's why there are so many threads. I could say the same about Batista/John Cena. Maybe not to the extent of Austin/Rock but they do get their fair share of threads.

I must have swayed you a little bit. You even admitted that Batista could of been the face of the company IF he stayed on Raw.:lmao:

Lastly, all my posts must have logic. Otherwise how would you know if they didn't have any.:)

Good debating with you. Look forward to doing it in other threads. :)

This is an article I just got from I believe this will help me out tremendously. It talks about Cena/Batista as champions. Although they talk about how they were just "projects," and weren't to be looked at as top babyfaces like Austin/Hogan/Rock there is one line that sticks out to me.

"Batista on the other hand is considered much weaker on the mic, but more over at this time as a top draw for the company." Source The Torch.

So this helps my argument out just a little bit in that just maybe WWE was going in Batista's direction.

I found another article or articles they were talking about how Cena wasn't really stepping up to improve his skills. They said the guys in the back were trying to get him to improve but he wouldn't. If I find that article I will post it too.

NOTE: I am not posting this to argue with anybody. I just found this article and thought it was interesting.
Batista vs. Cena as the true face of the WWE? Well, first put all in-ring ability and mic skill to the side, because they're too debatable. Both have proven that they can talk, and neither are exceptional in the ring. Personally I think Batista is much more boring, but that's besides the point...

John Cena is the definition of a company man. John Cena can push merch. This is all that really matters in the end, because if you can't sell, you're of no use to VKM. John Cena is the guy that will do anything for the business he works for, and he's been right there kissing Vince's ass since the beginning. Batista was good, but he was the guy that kept getting in trouble, or had an injury at the wrong time. Maybe it just was a case of wrong-place, wrong-time for the Animal, but I highly doubt that he could have ever been more successful than Cena. If you remember, during the height of his popularity on Smackdown, he was getting a mixture of boos when he came down to the ring as a face, if he even got a reaction at all.
John Cena hands down, no competition here.John Cena has been the face of the WWE since 2005 or somewhere around that point.He came in and wasn't seen as much but has proven to be one hell of a performer.He can sell anything his name is on, that is how much fan appeal this guy has.John Cena has headlined more PPV than Batista won more titles than Batista and has played face way longer than Batista.Cena wins here for not only being a face for so long and thus being the face of the company but they way he appeals to the fans.
Yes, John Cena with out a doubt, he has and will be the face for a few more years. He is in plenty of adds, charity events, movies, sports events. Batista hardly ever promotes WWE, so hands down, #1 face is John Cena!

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